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Nick Scurfield Question & Answer

Nick Scurfield (2:13:36PM): Thanks for joining me for today's live chat. I'll be here for about an hour, maybe a bit longer. Before I begin, let me mention the Taste of the NFL event at Reliant Stadium on Oct. 26. Texans players, Texans Ambassadors and Texans Cheerleaders all will be there along with a sampling of some of the best food in Houston. You can learn more about it here: /community/TasteoftheNFL.asp

Jason - Beaumont, TX, US: Nick, How did Coach Kubiak assess Jacques Reeves' performance on Sunday in his first game back off the broken leg?

Nick Scurfield (2:14:11PM):

Kubiak said that he was impressed with how Reeves played and that he looked better than expected in his first game of the season. Reeves' healthy return is another boost to a Texans secondary that already had been improving in recent weeks.

Sarah - Houston, TX, US: Nick - Why didn't Ryan Moats get more action at running back against the Cardinals. He looked great in stretched against Oakland, but didnt get a carry last sunday, even though Steve Slaton wasn't terribly productive against ARI. Will Moats get more touches against Cincy?

Nick Scurfield (2:14:31PM): I'm not sure. Moats suffered a turf toe injury in the Raiders game, but he played on special teams vs. the Cardinals. The Texans only ran the ball 21 times in the game, so that probably had something to do with it.

Jon - Katy, TX, US: As a big fan of the HBO "Hard Knocks" show on the Bengals training camp, have the Texans players said anything about going up against the team featured in the show?

Nick Scurfield (1:08:28PM): No, not yet, but I'll be sure to ask some players about that tomorrow after their first practice of the week. Great show, by the way.

Austin - Galveston, TX, US: S Bernard Pollard looked really strong in run support on Sunday, making a lot of sure tackles out there. Has he solidified his grip on a starting role in the defensive backfield? Thanks, Austin

Nick Scurfield (1:09:31PM):

I haven't heard anything to the contrary. Since Pollard entered the starting lineup, the Texans haven't given up any of the huge running plays that killed them early on.

Sam - Houston, TX, US: Nick, if Mike Brisel is out for an extended period of time, what can the Texans do to add depth to the offensive line? If the trading deadline is one week from today on Oct 20, could the Texans make a trade for an offensive lineman?

Nick Scurfield (1:11:12PM): It's hard to swing a trade for somebody at this point in the season and expect that player to do well. Deadline deals are more common in the NBA and MLB. Antoine Caldwell and Chris White are next in line after Brisiel... Kubiak said to expect a rotation of the two for now

Paul - Spring Branch, TX, US: Has there been any talk of giving Vonta Leach some carries in goalline running situations? With his bulk and power, I'd think he wouldnt have too much trouble in fighting ahead for a yard or two in short situations?

Nick Scurfield (1:12:43PM): "The Hammer" is one of the Texans' most physical players, but off the top of my head, I think he only has 3 career carries. The Texans have valued him more as a punishing lead blocker and deceptive receiver option out of the backfield

Brad - Houston, TX, US: Hey Nick. We always seem to be one play away from a win. In your opinion what are the main things keeping us from creating a winning streak?

Nick Scurfield (1:14:33PM):

The Texans have come up a yard short in two losses. Andre Johnson said yesterday that four or five more plays might be the difference in them being 4-1 instead of 2-3. But that's the way it is in the NFL - the Texans are going to have to find a way to make those plays in crunch time. The Bengals are a great example - seems like all of their games have gone down to the wire, and they're 4-1 because they've made the plays when it counts

Steve - Dallas, TX, US: Is there some sort of Houston Texans Yearbook cover curse that is affecting Steve Slaton?

Nick Scurfield (1:16:00PM):

As one of the editors of the Yearbook, I sure hope not. We put Mario on there in 2008 and he had a 12-sack season, so I'm going to go with no. Slaton has made some big plays in the last couple of games, too

Steve - Dallas, TX, US: USC-ND this weekend. Who you got?

Nick Scurfield (1:17:15PM): USC by a big margin... and I'm not just saying that because I'm a USC grad (OK, it probably has something to do with it, but I stand by my prediction)

Rett Wiginton - Clute, TX, US: Chris Brown doesn't seem to have the power we need in short yardage situations. Is anything being done to remedy this?

Nick Scurfield (2:16:22PM): Kubiak said yesterday that he believes in Chris Brown as a short-yardage back. That's what Kubiak sees as Brown's role on the team. Duane Brown said yesterday that Chris Brown not getting into the end zone is on the o-line not getting enough push

paul - laporte, TX, US: hey you think not signing benson rb and not name him the starter was huge for the texans running game.also if one more stating line ol gets hurt it could lead to a worse record .antoine caldwell is are future stating ol hope he can hanle the pressure if not going be a long season

Nick Scurfield (1:22:23PM): Benson sure looks good for Cincy this year, leading the league in rushing. The Texans had their chance at him in free agency but passed, which Kubiak addressed a few weeks ago during a press conference. Don't give up on Slaton - he had more yards from scrimmage than any player in the AFC last season. As for Caldwell, he's a smart young player who was a two-time captain at Alabama. He's still got some learning to do, but he should be fine.

Joe - Austin, TX, US: Nick, how soon should we expecting to see Chris Henry in the backfield as another short yardage back? God knows we need the help. Thanks

Nick Scurfield (1:24:41PM): Talented player who looked pretty good in practice early on last week, but unless he gets promoted from the practice squad, he can't play in the games. Kubiak is sticking with Chris Brown as the short-yardage back for now.

Jerry Arredondo - Pharr, TX, US: Hey Nick , I really had a good feeling the Texans were going to win the game on sunday , but came up short again why don't they give the ball too Vonte Leach on goal line situation. Second the offense line played good pass protection , why can't they do the same on running plays.

Nick Scurfield (1:26:29PM): Pass pro and run blocking are entirely different animals, but yes - very impressive that the Texans passed 50 times and weren't sacked once. Vonta only has a few carries in his entire career; the Texans prefer to use him as a path-clearing lead blocker

Jorge - Houston, TX, US: With U2 playing in Reliant Stadium tonight, have you had a Bono sighting yet?

Nick Scurfield (1:27:48PM):

Nope, not yet. I saw somebody riding around on a golf cart I didn't recognize and thought for a second it might be him, but I don't think I'll get that lucky. Concert is tomorrow night, BTW- congratulations if you've got a ticket

Nick Scurfield (1:29:01PM): One more thing on U2- I'd never listened to them much until the last year or so, and I wouldn't call myself a huge fan, but I can't wait for that concert. Supposed to be incredible live

Rett Wiginton - Clute, TX, US: Our center also seems to be getting manhandled on the line. Has the coach considered trying someone else?

Nick Scurfield (1:30:38PM): Myers is the guy. It'd be an awful lot to ask of a rookie like Caldwell to take over that position, where he has to make all the calls, after being inactive all season. With Brisiel injured, right guard becomes the biggest concern on the line

paul - laporte, TX, US: you think are defence going to give up 28 point again .if so put pressure on the offence to score every time.

Nick Scurfield (1:31:34PM): I think if the defense plays like they did in the second half against the Cardinals, every team in the league is going to have a tough time scoring on the Texans

Lance - Abilene, TX, US: Any chance we'll see Casey run the wildcat to get our running game going!?

Nick Scurfield (1:32:58PM): We'll have to ask Coach Kubiak that this week. Casey got more reps on offense against AZ - almost came down with a circus sideline catch on the first pass ever thrown his way and was in there blocking down near the goal line at the end

Lazaro Cruz - BayCity, TX, US: When is Chris Henry Goin to join The roster and will he be the 2nd string RB

Nick Scurfield (1:33:54PM): He'd have to jump Moats, who looked good against Oakland, and Brown, whom Kubiak said yesterday that he believes in, and Arian Foster, who was signed as a rookie free agent after the draft and has been with the team for much longer than Henry

Joe - Austin, TX, US: How did Kubiak feel about the way the secondary played in the second half, or are we looking at a 6th straight secondary rotation against the Bengals?

Nick Scurfield (1:38:25PM):

Reeves played so well that he could have a chance to start this week. If he does, it would be the 6th consecutive starting rotation, but that wouldn't be a bad thing. He was their most consistent CB last year. The rotation has changed to this point because of ineffectiveness and injuries, but rookie Glover Quin has been playing well, so that wouldn't be the case this time if Reeves takes GQ's place in the starting lineup

Jerry Arredondo - Pharr, TX, US: Hey Nick is it safe to say now that Andre Johnson is the best receiver in the NFL. I like the secondary with Bernard Pollard and Reeves back and Quinn , Dunta.

Nick Scurfield (1:40:36PM): I'm biased, but yes, I think it is safe to say. He outdueled Fitzgerald on Sunday, and his second TD was unbelievable. Hard to think of another receiver with a better combination of size, speed, smarts and sheer determination

Joey - Sugarland, TX, US: Is it just me or did it seem like they made a big effort to get Vonta Leach the ball more last week? Let's see some more of that!

Nick Scurfield (1:43:48PM): Leach was wide open a few times, and Schaub got the ball to him. 3 catches for 31 yards - solid day for a blocking-first fullback. Leach said on Monday that he's given himself the nickname "The Playmaker" for when he catches the ball in the flat

nakiabrowning - calera, AL, US: Justwhat is the problem texans have not got de earl cochran back HEIS well and working out like a champ The man was good and stillis sharp

Nick Scurfield (1:45:05PM):

Cochran was a good player and good teammate when he was here. The Texans are pretty deep at DE after calling up Tim Jamison from the practice squad last week.

Slaton Fan 2020 - TX, HOUSTON:

I thought Steve Slaton was our #1 running back. Why dont we give him the ball at the goal line instead of Chris Brown?

Nick Scurfield (1:48:15PM): Slaton is the #1 RB, and the Texans did give him the ball in third-and-short on Sunday. Happened twice, and the Cards managed to stuff him for no gain both times. Chris Brown had scored on a 1-yd TD on third down earlier in the game, and the Texans appear to be committed to him as their short-yardage specialist at this point

Courtney - Bellaire:

We haven't heard much about Duane Brown the first round pick last year - is he a bust or was he worth it?

Nick Scurfield (1:52:08PM):

It's hard to pass judgement on something like that after just one season, but I think they're pretty happy with Duane right now. Not getting a lot of pub is usually a good sign for a left tackle. From what I hear, Brown has been playing as well as any Texans o-lineman this season

James - Spring, TX, US: Nick, why do you think it is that the team consistenly comes out sluggish and not prepare in the first half of almost all the games this year? Can it be a lack of leadership from players? Is this something that Coach Kubiak is addressing?

Nick Scurfield (1:55:46PM): It's been frustrating, but it's strange.. they were lights-out in the first half and struggled in the second half against the Raiders, and it was the exact opposite against Arizona. The third-down struggles really buried them in the first half of the Cards game. Coaches and players talk all the time about needing to play for 60 minutes, so it's something they're very conscious of

David - Bay Area, CA, US: Chris Brown has lost two games for the Texans this year. He does not attack the hole, but instead lays on the pile and hopes to fall forward. Now that the rest of the league knows Kubiak is frustratingly committed to CB around the goal line, do you think he could give Slaton a shot so the rest of the league is not anticipating our calls. At the very least Slaton can dive a pile!

Nick Scurfield (1:57:57PM): I understand your frustrations, but it's hard to pin a loss on one player. It's on everybody when they can't get a yard - RBs, o-line, receivers, tight ends. Slaton got some carries in short-yardage situations on Sunday and the Texans got stopped. Kubiak said that either Slaton and Brown are options down there

James - Spring, TX, US: Why was Dejuan Robinson deactivated last week? Because he seems to be very active up front.

Nick Scurfield (2:00:13PM): Kubiak addressed this on his radio show yesterday (5-6 p.m. every Monday on SR610). Part of it had to do with the fact that the Texans wanted more edge rushers to go after Kurt Warner because they knew they were going to get spread out by the Cardinals. They only activated one backup DT for the game - Jeff Zgonina

Robert L - Houston, TX, US: Hello. Nick.. Thanks for the time .. Can u tell me why Gary Kubiac do not rotate our interior offensive linemen...Until we find a combination who can play at an NFL level.We obviously arent the only ones that see our Center , and Guard combinations are the reason for our running game woes.. And how about a counter , everynow and then.. A draw on first or second down..??

Nick Scurfield (2:03:37PM): My pleasure. Thanks for sending in the question. Kubiak did rotate Studdard and Chris White at left guard on Sunday. RG Mike Brisiel is hurt now, but in my opinion was an underrated player. Texans were very successful running to the right side behind Brisiel and Winston last season. Studdard is making good progress at LG, and White and Antoine Caldwell now will get a chance to play at RG in place of Brisiel

Nick Scurfield (2:04:42PM): I started a few minutes late, so I'm stick around for a few minutes past two. Probably be here 'til about 10 after, so please keep sending in questions.

Jordan - Houston, TX, US: Why wouldnt they hand the ball off to Vonta Leach in a goal line situation?

Nick Scurfield (2:06:15PM): Like I said earlier, he only has three career carries. His specialty is blocking and catching an occasional pass out of the backfield.

Rod - US: Nick, Do you think the Texans can rebound after such a bad start? They finished strong last year, I think they that should give them confidence they can do it again

Nick Scurfield (2:26:19PM): Like you said, they showed that they can go on a hot streak last season, and there's more talent in place this year. Nobody's happy with 2-3, but it's better than the Texans' record at this point last year. The players know what they're capable of, and they're focused on one game at a time and looking to get back to .500 this week

Nick Scurfield (2:12:48PM): That's all the time I've got today. Thanks to everybody who stopped by and joined in. I'll be here next Tuesday, same time, same place. Have a good week.

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