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Open locker room quotes


Head coach Gary Kubiak and players spoke to the media Wednesday afternoon during open locker room and following practice.

Head coach Gary Kubiak

(on today's practice) "We practiced good. But we've been practicing good, I don't see a difference in how we work or anything. Our guys are doing it and I've told you all that before, we just have to be cleaner in everything that we're doing. But we're practicing well."

(on C Mike Flanagan) "It looked like he got stepped on, but he did come back and practice some more. So I think he'll be OK. I would expect him to play. Knowing him, I would really expect him to. I could let you know more probably about Friday. But I expect him to play."

(on DE Antwan Peek) "He's not quite ready. He did some things yesterday. We tried to push him a little bit, but he couldn't do it. He did some individual work today, if it was today he wouldn't play. So we'll see."

(on Dom Capers knowing QB David Carr tendencies) "He knows these players better than anybody. On top of that he's a great football coach, he's always given us fits playing against him and he took over a defense there that's a hell of a defense. But you know the Miami Dolphins have played defense, great defense for many, many years. And add his expertise to that and that makes it even tougher. He's a fine coach."

(on WR Andre Johnson's performance this year) "He's been exceptional. He plays the way he works, he plays the way he practices, he plays the way he went to camp. Can't get him the ball enough, to be honest with you. When you've got a player like that you do everything you can to get him the ball. He's a big time player and he's getting better every day."

(on Johnson's progress helping Carr) "No doubt. There's a very much of a confidence factor between them two guys and we're trying to do a lot of things with him. I like the way he's stood up under the pressure of playing him in a lot of spots because that helps you get a guy the ball. I'm very impressed with him and I'm sure him and David feel better together every time."

(on RB Samkon Gado time behind Ron Dayne) "I want you to see him (Gado) a lot. I'd love to come out of the game with both of them carrying the ball fifteen or sixteen times. That'd be the perfect world; we haven't been in that perfect world. That has been disappointing. The plan was to play him a lot last week, but the way things got going the second half, you know we just didn't run the ball. I expect him to play."

(on DE Mario Williams stepping up to take responsibility) "That's the kind of kid he is. I've told you all that all along. He's a very responsible kid that's why he's going to be a great player in this league. He's a real deal as a person and he's got the athletic ability, too. He's a real deal as a player and it's not going to be easy. He's finding that out as we go and that's what should make him better in the long haul. Show me a great player and I'll show you a guy who is accountable for his job and what he does. That just doesn't happen, you just walk off the streets and do that or walk out of college and do that. You've got to acquire that taste, I guess I'm going to say. He's been pushed in a very quick direction to where he has to acquire that type of mentality."

QB David Carr(on what will make a difference this week) "I think if we can run the ball, just like every week, if we can run the ball a little bit. Eliminate the pre-snap penalties. We're going to be fine. It's just a matter of the old word, execution. You know, getting the snap, not jumping off sides, not having stupid holding calls. Then we can move the ball outside, and we just have to establish a little bit of a running game and we'll be alright."

(on whether the offense can be effective without much of a running game) "We're going to try. Me and (WR) Andre (Johnson) and (WR) Eric (Moulds) and all those guys, we're going to give out best effort outside. We're going to be able to make plays. It's just a matter of how many are we going to be able to make if we can't get a running game established. That's why you have to. You have to try and go in and do it."

(on what distinguishes this team from prior years) "Confidence. Just walking around here, going out to practice, I feel good every time I go out there on Sunday. I feel like we can win every game. It just so happens that we haven't. That's the biggest thing, there's really no doubt in my mind when we go out on the field that we can win the game. It just so happens that we haven't done it yet."

(on the reports that Dallas WR Terrell Owens was hospitalized overnight) "I just feel bad for him. Even before all of this, he's gone through a lot. People give him a hard time, but as a football player you see his issues and understand what he's going through. I'm just praying for him, and hope he's alright."

(on what has stalled the success the team has seen on both opening drives in Reliant) "Nothing too bad during the play, except that we haven't run the ball as much we would like to, as well as we would like to, as well as Coach Kubiak would like to. Pre-snap penalties, just dumb plays that first year teams make, that we shouldn't make."

(on why the positives of the opening drives have not carried over to other drives) "I don't know. That's something we're going to have to look at. I think, obviously, we feel pretty good coming into the game. We know what we're doing, but just for some reason, whether it be, actually I don't know, just for some reason or another, we are not doing the easy things, the things that you really don't think about, the subconscious things, the things before the play. Lining up in the right spots, jumping off sides, not getting the snaps; those things are easily correctable. We could take 1,000 snaps in a row right here and we 'd get them. Sometimes when you go out on the field you have to make sure you're focused on all those little things."

(on whether the opening sequence is scripted) "Sometimes we do, and sometimes we don't. I think, Coach Kubiak, whether we do or not, has a pretty good idea of he's going to run, and he'll talk to me about it. Yeah, we do move the ball pretty good at the beginning. We just have to find a way to keep it going."

(on whether he feels like the team in not making good adjustments) "I think we adjust pretty good. I think through the entire forst three games Coach Kubiak has done a good job as far as getting (WRs) Andre (Johnson) and Eric (Moulds) the ball when they need it, and mixing it up with the run. We just haven't done it effectively enough.We haven't had two or three series in a row where we go down and score, which we're capable of doing."

(on Dolphins LB Zach Thomas) "(LB) Zach (Thomas), I think, plays better than anyone I have ever been around. I played in games where he called out the play we were running at the line of scrimmage before we even run it. Zach will be looking for you when you come out here. He's always fun to play against. They have good team. They have a very effective defense.The last ten years, they have been in the top five every year. We have our work cut out for us."

(on the importance of getting a first win) "There are not too many teams that are 0-3 right, and they probably don't feel too about themselves. Nor do we. The nice thing about that is we have a chance to fix that on Sunday. Really if you try to dwell on the past three games, you're probably going to do the same thing. If you focus on just getting this 'W', going into a bye-week we have time off after this, so even more than any other time we should everyone's best effort."

DE Mario Williams(on Coach Kubiak's comments on his play) "I feel like it was well deserved. Obviously the production has not been where everybody anticipated, not just you guys, but myself. Out of everybody that has been saying things, I am the number one guy that his himself the hardest coming out and having not got a sack and everything like that, but at the same time the unit, us having only three sacks in three games. I have to step up to the plate and be the leader on the field. I realize that, and I just have to go out and get better everyday and help the team out."

(on what communication has been lacking on defense) "Well, basically for this past week with them flip-flopping and everything like that, we had a lot of different checks and communication was a big key. And some things were said that were misinterpreted, and I just have to better off with that."

(on what makes him just come out and admit he has struggled) "I know I deserve it. I deserve to be called out. Like I said, the production on the whole unit hasn't been where it needs to be. For me to be the number one pick and have the role and responsibility put on me like it is, I feel like I have to set the standards and be the leader on the field and keep everybody going and pumped up."

(on whether he thinks too much is asked of him) "No. Obviously it is one thing to be the number one pick, and everybody makes it seem like it is easy to get a sack these days, but at the same time for our unit's production I have to be held accountable for it, because I have to go out there and be the general for our unit."

(on how he feels his pro play differs from his college play) "Well, something similar I would say. I basically realized that, obviously, one person can't carry a team on his back, especially a defensive lineman, but you have to make strides to so that. You have to really put out the effort to make a difference on the field and help your team out and put them in a place to win the game."

(on whether he plays as straight ahead as he did in college) "No, I even was talking to my teammates and the coaches, and I don't know what it was, but I was very hesitant. What you have seen hasn't been me. Like I said, it has been my fault and I have to take responsibility for that. And I plan on turning it loose and letting it go now."

(on whether he is thinking too much) "That was what it was, but they simplified the scheme, but its still like I'm coming off and I'm reading too much. I think it's harder than what it really is. I need to just realize to go and just cut it loose and everything will be simple."

(on whether it the game has humbled him) "Oh yeah, most definitely, especially being in my position. Yeah, I have been humbled since the beginning, but I have really realized what's going on now and I have to turn it loose and stop thinking that it is harder than it really is."

(on how it seems like he is doing more hand fighting than someone his size needs) "I feel like I'm 295 lbs so I have to be more violent. That is the number one thing my coaches tell me about is I have to be more violent and not really patty-cake with anybody. Just go hit them in the mouth and make a move after that."

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