In celebration of Kids Day presented by Texas Children's on Sunday, Nov. 5, LB Henry To'oTo'o and the Texans Rookie Class visited the hospital to read spooky stories, play bingo, take photos and bring smiles to the patients and their families.
On Tuesday, I got to spend the afternoon with the kids at Texas Children's Hospital. It was Halloween so I knew the patients were going to wear costumes, but I didn't expect the whole floor we visited to be completely decked out – it was awesome!
When all of us rookies walked into the playroom, the kids couldn't wait to start playing games with us. I started playing jumbo-sized Connect 4 and the competition was stiff. Then I went down the hall to the hospital's school room where they were doing Halloween arts and crafts. That's where I met a girl named Cassandra who was dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. We talked about our favorite Halloween costumes and she introduced me to her siblings. I told her I have seven siblings and she couldn't believe it.
A little boy dressed in a ninja costume came up and said he drew a picture of me and wanted to show me his work. He brought the picture back and it was actually my guy Juice Scruggs. It was really good though. We brought his drawing back to the stadium with us so Juice could see it. I also met a girl named Hazel who loved arts and crafts. She told me she watches football on Sundays with her dad and she wears a Texans lanyard on her school ID. I told her we were going to win some games for her this season and I hope to see her at NRG Stadium soon.
After I finished in the school room, I went back into the big playroom. I painted a pumpkin with Bella and played rock, paper, scissors with Benjamin who was wearing an amazing hamburger costume. It was really fun to take some time away from football with our rookie class and spend a few hours with these kids. I have such great memories of Halloween as a kid and I loved spending it with them this year.