Hello, everyone. My name is Lindsay, and I'm really excited to be blogging on the Texans Insider Club.

It's my first year as a cheerleader for the Texans, so all these preparations for the first preseason home game are new to me. Last year, it was simple: A quick run to the grocery store to stock up on hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and the necessary side items.
This year couldn't be more different! The cheerleaders have been preparing for this weekend for months. Nerve-wracking tryouts, painful muscle pulls, and hours and hours of practice--and that was all just the first weekend of April! Almost nightly practices since then have brought us to where we are now—primed, pumped, and ready to go!
Most of the girls say there is always an element of nervousness right before going out on the field. But as a rookie, my nervousness is almost overwhelming! The other night, we lined up to practice the "tunnel"—the beginning of the game when the players come running out through two lines of cheerleaders. Standing there at practice, imagining 70,000 screaming fans, smoke and lights, the voice of the announcer, and the fans screaming for every player, my nerves started to take over.
How is it possible that I'm going to be down on that field surrounded by the best women in professional cheerleading? Am I actually going to be entertaining the most amazing fans in NFL football? Even after months of practice and preparation, it still doesn't seem real. On Saturday night, when we step out onto that field in our three-inch boots and perfectly teased hair, it still may not completely sink in. But I couldn't be more ready for it all to begin.
Here's to a great season!!