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Texans Quotes: October 19



What do you think about what the Broncos players have been saying about QB Brock Osweiler?
"I don't think anything about that. I'm concerned about implementing our game plan. I don't know anything about that. I just know that we had a good practice today and we're focused on our game plan."

What can you do as a head coach to keep QB Brock Osweiler from getting too emotional before such a momentous moment for him?
"He's a very focused guy. He's very focused on the game plan. We have a process to how we implement things during the week and I think that takes all of your attention as a coach and a player. I don't think there's much time for anything else. It's about studying the game plan, meeting with your teammates, with your coaches. I think that's what he does. He keeps himself very focused."

What jumps out about Broncos CB Aqib Talib and CB Chris Harris Jr.?
"Excellent players. Good man-to-man. Good zone. Lot of experience. Good ball skills. Good tacklers. They're one of the best tandems in the league."

Can you talk about the running game with RB Lamar Miller, especially on the left side?
"Some of those broke out that way. He does a good job understanding the blocking scheme and with a zone vision. He starts one way and he has the ability to stick his foot in the ground and get to the right crease. He's a really good player. Really glad that we have him on our team. Fun guy to coach. Like I said, he's out there every day, works very hard and he's been a really productive player for us."

Do you think that new Texans S Don Jones has the ability to help out special teams?
"Yeah. I think all of those things will be released here. I don't have time to go through all of those things with you. Just like the injury report, it'll come out at some pint. But Don Jones, yes he's going to be on the active roster and he's a guy that's going to come in here and work hard and try to help us."

Can you talk the performance your offensive line had against the Colts?
"I thought these guys played hard against Indy. Anytime you rush for 160 yards or whatever it was, that's good. That's good offensive line play. I think there's some things that we can obviously do better. We've spent a lot of time this morning on putting our game plan in, correcting some things. I think everybody is working hard to get better. I really like our line. They're tough guys. They play hard. Very coachable. I like coachable guys."

Can you talk about the Broncos front seven?
"Their front seven is excellent. Start with Von Miller. I know DeMarcus (Ware) has been out with the arm injury, but he could be back in there. Obviously, he's a great player. You better know where Von Miller is on every play. He's a disruptive force in the league. Their linebackers are very athletic, tough against the run, decent in coverage. Good football players. They've got Jared Crick there now. We all know about Jared. Very tough guy. (Derek) Wolfe. Sylvester Williams. I mean, where do you want me to go up and down the roster for you? They've got a good defense. Good defensive personnel. Shane Ray. Good player."

You've had a few weeks now with DE Antonio Smith. Do you have any fresh opinions on what he brings to the table?
"Well first of all, he brings a great attitude in here every day. He's got a great work ethic. He's done extra conditioning to help himself get into shape quickly. It's hard. It's hard to come off what he was doing. He was working out on his own and things like that but not playing football. It's not easy to just jump right in. You're not in football shape. You have to work yourself back into that and he's done that. He's a pro. You guys know that. You've been around him a long time. Then he's gone in there and been productive in games. He's been a guy that has given us a little bit of juice on the inside on third down. I think it's been a good edition to our team."

How much of a boost can TE C.J. Fiedorowicz give the team with his size and athleticism over the middle?
"Good size. He's gotten much better as a route runner. He's got really good hands, got big hands. Obviously Brock (Osweiler) has a lot of faith in him. That touchdown throw that he made to him was a great throw but a very tight window. That takes a lot of trust that the guy is going to be there and make that catch. C.J. has done a really good job. Very proud of that guy. He works hard. We've coached him hard over the years. I think he's doing a good job."

How helpful is it that QB Brock Osweiler just came from the Broncos?
"Having just been there with their schemes on defense, he probably saw it a lot in training camp and in practice. But again, it's a different year. Maybe he understands the foundation of things. It's different. There's some things that they're doing differently this year, but there's a certain level of understanding there."

You told Sirius XM radio that you don't expect CB Kevin Johnson to be back. Is that an official word?
"Yeah, I think that'll come out at some point."

How difficult will it be not having CB Kevin Johnson considering all of the progress he has made?
"He played well. He got a game ball against Indianapolis. I thought he played real well. He tackled well. He covered well. Like I always say, injuries happen. It's unfortunate when they happen to your best players, but they do and the next guys have to step up. We've done that in many regards. The guys who have been back up players have stepped up and made plays. Robert Nelson is a great example of that. Obviously up front, losing J.J. (Watt) and the way those guys are playing overall. There's some things they can do better, but those guys are stepping up and I think that's the key to this league."

Do you expect T Derek Newton and G Jeff Allen back this week and how did G Oday Aboushi and T Chris Clark play against the Colts?
"I do expect Newton and Allen back and I thought that Aboushi and Clark played well. They played tough. They fought. They protected pretty well. Are there things that we can all improve on? Yes. No doubt about it. I thought that those guys had solid games."


Could you talk about the performance of your offensive line against Indianapolis and how important it is to play even better against Denver?
"Well, I mean, we talked to them all week about the challenge and performing and protecting the quarterback and then creating holes for Lamar (Miller), getting to the line of scrimmage, and they did that. They played an excellent game and played, really, to the end, they helped us with the running game. There's some good play actions that we had off of it. That's kind of what we're starting. That's really what we build the offense off of. That's a big challenge this week. Very good defensive players. They put a lot of pressure on the quarterback to get rid of the football, so any extra time we can have making those decisions are going to help us this week."

What makes Broncos CB Chris Harris Jr. and CB Aqib Talib stand out?
"Well, they're very good players. They're very good, it seems like, students of the game. They've played a lot of football, have seen a lot of different routes, seen a lot of different patterns and know the skillset of the receiver that they're going against. Two very good corners back there along with the rest of their defensive backfield."

When you watch Broncos OLB Von Miller, what jumps out at you?
"A lot of stuff. Very disruptive. He's always been disruptive. Run game, pass game, run away, run to. Guy's an excellent football player. We definitely have to know where he's at every play."

What was different about RB Lamar Miller this week that allowed him to have such a good game?
"We had eight plays over 10 yards – a couple of them that got called back, too. When you're in space and you get past that first level, making that next defender miss. He did that quite a few times. Some of those big plays over 15 yards were not only just the receivers downfield but also him creating some extra lanes there to get a few more extra yards."

He ran to the left side most of the time. Was that by design or did he bounce it out there?
"A little bit of both. Sometimes a play call is strictly left and then other times it cuts back there. You can really – Duane (Brown), the tight ends, Xavier (Su'a-Filo) on the left side did a decent job, we had Oday Aboushi filling in on the right side, Chris Clark playing over there. There's a lot of moving parts there with the offensive line but they responded. That's part of the game and certainly all five of those guys, including Greg (Mancz) getting the whole party started, getting the calls correct, really was a big part of the game."

What have you seen from TE C.J. Fiedorowicz and how he has developed?
"Yeah, it seems like week to week he's doing one more thing than he did the previous week. As far as the running game is concerned, he's a big factor controlling the edge. We put that on his plate. That's one of his main jobs here. He's starting to contribute in the passing game, coming up big multiple weeks in a row now with some multi-catch games, big catches, and certainly that last one at the end of the game was a big one."

What can you do, generally, to combat defenses that play two-deep coverage quite a bit?
"Well, the running game that we had this past week, hopefully that discourages a lot of that. If it doesn't, those guys have to continue to get a hat on a hat. But then receivers, their jobs are to get open and catch the ball. So, two-high, one-high, double coverage, single coverage, they know that's their job. Then it's on us, accurate throws versus tight coverage, which that will be the case pretty much every snap this week."

Is it too simplistic to say TE C.J. Fiedorowicz's production has picked up because you're just throwing him the ball more?
"Well, if there's two guys defending one receiver and two guys defending another receiver, that singles up the other three eligibles. If one of the players is singled on the inside, they have a better opportunity to get the ball, and he's creating space in his routes. We have different ways to classify tight ends. At his size, he's a blocking tight end but as far as him expanding his role – we always talk to the players about expanding and creating their role and defining it. He's defining his role a little bit more in the passing game, which that helps the quarterback. He's a little bit closer to the formation, little bit easier throw for us. So, it's a little bit of both."

After watching the film, what was different about QB Brock Osweiler's play on the last two drives of regulation and then overtime?
"Yeah, I mean, just when we had to make a play, really, right there toward that whole fourth quarter, he made every one of them. There were throws, there were tight windows, scrambling to make a play. The throw to C.J., he couldn't have thrown it any better. It was a good route and it was a good catch. There were some tight windows there. Hit (DeAndre) Hopkins on the stop route, scrambled and hit him again. So, for us, when the situation was at its bleakest, or when we needed him to step up, he stepped up and certainly came through for us."

Could that have a carryover effect for QB Brock Osweiler?
"Any time that you can build on production, I think it carries over. It's a momentum game. It's certainly a different opponent, so our game plan is going to have to be detailed and he's going to have to understand, which he does, the personnel, but also what we need to be efficient on offense. The success he had in the hardest situation should carry over to the next game."


What have the last 12 months been like for you?
"It's been a grind. I'm a professional, so it's our job to get back out there, get back to being able to play and that's what I did. Now I'm here just trying to help the team any way I can."

What did practice feel like today?
"It felt good. I felt great. Got to get out there moving around, running around with my teammates after a full year, so I was excited. It's been a minute, so just out there having fun."

What did your teammates say to you today?
"We are just all excited. They have seen how hard I worked to get back, so they are just happy to see me out there with a smile, back out there ready to make plays, running around."

What does it mean to you that the team stuck with you?
"It means a lot. I just really appreciate everyone upstairs for believing in me, giving me a chance, keeping me around the team, believing in me and believing that I can come back."

This is not your first injury. Take us through what you've been through?
"I just had minor quad and hamstrings and got that out of the way and came back last year and kind of blew my knee out and now we have that out of the way. Now we are healthy and just ready to go."

Now that you are back, how much time do you think you need to get your feet under you?
"That I don't know. I can't speak on that. That's the coach's decision. I just know that whenever they need me to go, I'll be ready to go."

How would you describe what it's been like to not get out there because of injuries and do what you do as a football player?
"If you asked me, it's part of football. Injuries happen. Like I told you, I just have to get back and now I'm back, so now I just feel like the player I was before I left."

You said sometimes guys get hurt and come back better players. Do you think you can come back and be a better player?

Have you maintained your speed?

Do you feel like you'll be able to play this year?
"Yes, I will."

What will it mean to you to wear the uniform again?
"The feeling will probably be surreal. May shed some tears, who knows. It's going to feel good. It's been awhile. It's been a year since I've been hurt and not being able to run around, play the game I love and playing all my life. When I get back out there on the field and around the game and the atmosphere, who knows what the emotions will be."

May shed some tears?
"We may."


How do you carry over the momentum from the overtime finish that you had against the Colts last week?
"We just got to start off like we finished. Coach (Bill O'Brien) always talks about starting fast, so that's what we're going to do. Just do our job, play with good technique and just play to our help and just trust our scheme and just do what we need to do."

When you look at a player like Broncos QB Trevor Siemian on tape who is just starting to get his feet wet in the NFL, what kind of things are you looking for and what types of things do you see from him?
"He's a good quarterback. We look at who he targets the most. Everybody in the NFL, if you're a quarterback and you're starting, you know that you're a good quarterback. We just got to come in and play with good technique and just keep competing."

There have been some changes due to injuries in the defensive backfield. How do you approach that and what mentality do you take?
"I texted Kevin (Johnson) after the game. It kind of hurt me just because me and him on the field, he brings a lot of energy. Week in, week out stuff happens and all you can do is just focus on you, focus on your technique, focus on your job and how you can help the team win. That's what I'm trying to do. Just take care of my body and just stay in the game plan because whatever Coach (Bill O'Brien) needs me at, I just got to be ready for it."

Denver has had slow starts offensively. How important is that?
"It's very important. Coach (Bill O'Brien) is always talking about just playing complimentary football. We have to go out there and do our job as a defense first and then when we're out there on special teams we got to make plays on that and put the offense in better field position."

Is it amazing for you to think that you came here as an undrafted free agent and now play such a huge role in the secondary?
"Sometimes you think about it. I'm very grateful for it, but I learned from my past, from some of the negative things that happened and I took it in a positive way and just focused on that in the offseason. Now I'm just approaching it week in, week out just from a technique standpoint and what I can do to help the team."

Can you appreciate what CB Robert Nelson has done in regards to making a big play against the Colts?
"It's crazy because after the game, I went to go see my daughter and my dad and my dad was more excited that Rob got the pick than actually seeing me. So I'm like alright forget you, I'll just go to my daughter. I told Rob a lot of people didn't expect us to be here. We played together since middle school. I know some people that don't want to see us here, but I talk to him every week. Just stay positive. Just keep working because everything is going to work out for the best and that's exactly what happened. I believe he's still going to do that. Come in week in, week out and do what the team needs him to."

Did you feel the same happiness when CB Robert Nelson got the pick that you would have felt if you got it?
"Yeah, I was excited. I was waiting for the ref to give the signal that he caught it and then when he did I was so excited because I know how hard he works. I know what he's been through on and off the field. So just to see him catch a break, that really made me happy."

Were you ecstatic when CB Robert Nelson was placed on the active roster?
"Definitely. I just told him just stay focused, just keep working. Don't worry about what other people are thinking outside of here. Just focus on you, focus on your technique and be a great team player and that's what he's been doing."

There are a lot of storylines going into this game with Head Coach Gary Kubiak being the former head coach of the Houston Texans and also with QB Brock Osweiler going back for the first time. Is it hard to ignore all of that?
"I try not to really pay attention to it. I just usually stay in the film. Just focus on technique. I try to stay away from social media and stuff. I know people talk about it. Maybe people in here think about it sometimes but at the end of the day, it's the next game. It's the most important game and we're going against a really good team and we just got to be at our best."

What are some of the challenges that Broncos WR Demaryius Thomas and WR Emmanuel Sanders pose?
"Quick guys. Good with the ball in their hands. They run great routes. Like I said, we got to play with really great technique. We got to be disciplined and that's what we already started doing today."

It looks like CB Kevin Johnson is going to be out for the year. Can you talk about what he has meant to this team?
"He means a lot. Brings a lot of energy to the field. Like I said, when I found out I was kind of down about it. I was checking on him. We always talk on and off the field. When you have some guy missing out there - I told him I was going to play hard the rest of the season for him. I know he'll be watching us. He'll be supporting all of us. We just got to keep playing hard. We're going to miss him, but we know he's going to come back stronger because that's what he does."


Does it help the Broncos that they are familiar with Texans QB Brock Osweiler and does it help the Texans offense that you are familiar with Broncos Defensive Coordinator Wade Phillips?
"I think so. It's a different system but they kind of know him as a person and maybe he's tendencies. Some of us practiced against Wade for a while here and kind of know his tendencies as well. It's not going to help us too much. We still have to go out there and get the job done. Both sides will have adjustments and things like that, so we just have to keep going."

When you saw Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak get rushed to the hospital a couple weeks ago, what were you thinking?
"I hate to see that, man. I got all the love in the world for Coach Kubiak. His health is something that is important to me. I hope he's doing well. I'm praying for him and his family."

Were you happy to see Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak and all the other former Texans coaches win a ring with Denver last season?
"Yeah I was happy for them. I know how much goes into that. I spent a lot of time with him and a lot of time with those guys. I was definitely happy to see them get one."

Did you have a flashback to what happened with Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak when he was here with the Texans and got rushed to the hospital?
"Yeah I thought about it. When I heard he had to go to the hospital, I definitely thought about it. That night against Indy when he went down on the sideline. Just a scary feeling and not quite knowing all the particulars of what was going on. Just hoping and praying that he was okay."

How happy and proud were you for Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak when he won a Super Bowl ring?
"I was happy for them. I got all the love in the world for those guys. I know how much they put into getting there. Happy for them. Happy for the players that I got to play with that were a part of that team. Got to see OD (Owen Daniels) ring not too long ago. It definitely gives you even more incentive to get one of your own. He brings it out pretty often. It was impressive. "

Texans WR DeAndre Hopkins said QB Brock Osweiler showed his a winner and a fighter vs. the Colts. Is that something you already knew or did you need to see that?
"I knew that. I think from his personality and just things that he exhibits to us, we all know he's a leader and he's resilient. He's even-keeled, always optimistic, always upbeat. Never gets down on himself or on us as his teammates. We always knew that. But I think us as a group coming out there, being able to make the plays that we made. It said a lot about our team as a whole."

Does it help to know you can come back in a game if you're losing?
"It's good. We've had a couple games that got out of our hands. This game, we were down a couple touchdowns with not much time left. Could have easily went that way, but guys dug deep, believed in each other, went out there and all it took was a couple guys to make some plays here and there. We were right back in it. Went into overtime and I think the consensus amongst the team was, once we went into overtime, we knew we were going to win it."

Were you impressed with what Texans RB Lamar Miller was able to do vs. the Colts?
"We always know the kind of potential he has to break a big one. He runs hard. He's fast, very elusive. That touchdown pass he caught was amazing, nothing short of amazing. I'm just glad he's on our side."

What can you do to help Texans QB Brock Osweiler, knowing how hostile the environment will be in Denver for him?
"I think he knows what it's going to be like. He played there for a long time. He knows what to expect from those fans. For us, we just have to protect him. We have to do our job up front to keep him calm and poised and able to operate back there standing up right. That's all we can do. We can run the ball well, so it's not a one-dimensional game. That's about it."

Can you imagine what it's going to be like for Texans QB Brock Osweiler going back to Denver?
"I'm sure there will be a lot of emotion involved. He spent a lot of time there and won a ring there. I'm sure there will be a lot of emotion involved for him, but I know how committed he is to this team and to winning this game for reasons outside of just beating his former team. Just to go out and win another game for us. That's all were really concerned with."

What are the challenges of facing the Broncos defense?
"A lot of talented players. Obviously, they have a very, very great player in Von Miller that we have to account for, but he's not the only one. They have a number of Pro Bowl players on that defense. We know it's a big challenge for us, a big test. We're ready for it."

What do you think about all the comments the Broncos players have made about Texans QB Brock Osweiler?
"Well, my job, as well as others, is to keep that from happening. I got a job to do and I plan on doing it well. That's about it."


What are the challenges of facing the Broncos offense?
"We have to stop the run this week. They're a running team. We need to stop the run and get them in long situations, third and long situations. We have to win first down, first and second down."

Do you feel like you are starting to get more comfortable rushing the passer?
"It's coming along. I'm just playing. Just going out there and doing it like I do. Just trying to make plays and help the team."

How much fun are you having?
"I'm having a lot of fun, man. That was a good win last week, probably the best win I've ever been a part of. It was a good comeback and helped our team move on and be in first place in the division."

What do you see from Broncos QB Trevor Siemian?
"We're going to try to keep him in the pocket. We don't want him to get out and make plays with his legs. Try to keep him there and make him throw the ball."

Do you think last week's win could give the team some momentum?
"Yeah, I think so. It was a big win, big comeback for the guys. Just have to keep push forward and keep getting better and better each week."


What have you seen from Broncos CB Chris Harris Jr. and CB Aqib Talib?
"Two Pro Bowl corners. Two of the best at their position."

Are you excited about the matchup with the Broncos on Monday Night Football?
"Always excited to go up against upper echelon corners."

How much does it help when Texans TE C.J. Fiedorowicz is playing well and stretching the field?
"That's going to help out the whole team, other guys making plays."

How much have you guys missed Texans WR Will Fuller V with the way his able to stretch the defense?
"We won last week. We came together as a team, next man up."

How much can the win vs. Indianapolis have a carryover effect moving forward?
"It's big. A division win against a great team. It's about momentum."

What did you see from Texans QB Brock Osweiler on the final couple drives vs. Indianapolis?
"The desire to win."

Was there anything different with Texans QB Brock Osweiler from the first couple drives?
"Same guy. Composed throughout the whole game."

Was it good to see Texans QB Brock Osweiler step up like that? Did you need to see it?
"I see it every day at practice. If he goes out and messes up a play, he comes back and he forgets about it."

Texans QB Brock Osweiler is headed into a tough situation this week in Denver. How do you expect him to respond?
"He's a great quarterback. I don't think he's going to worry about what goes on outside of the football field."

Have you seen the comments that the Broncos defensive players have made about Texans QB Brock Osweiler?
"No, I don't pay attention to the media."

What are your thoughts on Broncos CB Aqib Talib?
"Aqib Talib, he's a great cornerback. Very physical cornerback. My height. He likes to battle."

Are you excited about matching up with someone like Broncos CB Aqib Talib?
"I like going up against guys who want to battle me just as much as I want to battle against them."

What's it like facing Broncos S T.J. Ward?
"Great defense. T.J. is a good safety. We wouldn't be talking about him if he wasn't."

What do you think will be the key to getting off to a good start on Monday night?
"Just sticking to our gameplan and doing what we do best."

What are your thoughts on going up against Broncos Defensive Coordinator Wade Phillips?
"I don't think about going up against Wade Phillips."

Does it help the Texans offense when RB Lamar Miller is running the ball well?
"Yeah, always. When you get the run game going, that opens up a lot of other options in the offense."

What are the difficulties facing a physical cornerback?
"We play football. It's a long game. He's going to win some, I'm going to win some."


As a veteran, how can you help the transition for some of the younger cornerbacks?
"Just talk to guys constantly about whatever role they are going to be playing or just try to help them out, get them up to speed with the playbook or just a game plan?"

How do you think the defense overall has responded since DE J.J. Watt's been out?
"I think we have responded well. Obviously, losing a guy like him is a big blow. I think guys have done a great job of stepping up in other areas and helping out. It's going to be all hands on deck type of mentality."

How are you feeling?
"I'm fine. I'm good to go."

A couple weeks on the road getting banged. Just bad luck?
"Football, nothing other than that, just comes with the game."

What do you think of the loss of CB Kevin Johnson for you guys?
"That was a big blow. It kind of sucks for him going through something like that. I talked to him about it. Wanted to lift him up. I experienced it years ago. Same thing. Broke it in the offseason, re-broke it during the season. So I pretty much just told him he's going to be OK. I actually broke mine three times, so he'll be fine."

What are the challenges the Denver offense presents?
"They got weapons on the outside, at the tight end position. Obviously, a well-coached team. They have a great running game, also. I think it's going to keep us honest in all areas."

How much did CB Kevin Johnson improve from Year 1 to Year 2?
"Tremendously. He was hitting his stride, so it was really bad to see him go down. He was playing the best ball I've seen from a young guy in a long time. I think to see a guy go down at that moment. He put in a tremendous effort this past weekend in a big game. It just sucks, but I think overall he has the right mentality where he will bounce back from it."

How big is CB A.J. Bouye's development and maturity helping the secondary?
"It's big, because he's a guy that can multiple positions. He's been here for a while. Even though he's young, he's been long enough to kind of go in and step in and fill where needed and be one of the leaders back there also."


What have you seen from Denver's defense in terms of speed and pursuit?
"They have a good front seven. Their whole defense is pretty much good so we just have to come out, play our style of play and we should be good."

Is this past game a confidence boost the way things all came together?
"I mean, I always have confidence in myself. I go in each game with the same mindset, and that's to make plays."

When you watched yourself on tape, was there anything about you that was different than previous games?
"No, I just think the offensive line did a great job of just giving me the opportunity. I was just going off those guys and trying to make a play."

So it was really about the offensive line?
"Yes. They just made my job easier."

What did you see from T Duane Brown?
"He's a Pro Bowl player. He's been doing a great job for years now. Just having him back, a veteran guy like him, it's always good to have somebody like him."

You had several good runs to that left side.
"Yes. I give a lot of credit to them."

What was that moment like for you to be able to finally get back in the end zone?
"It felt good. I hadn't been in the end zone since last year so for me it was a blessing. I was happy just to get my feet wet, to get in the end zone."

Did it make you hungry to get back in there?
"Yeah, of course."

Is there anything more special about playing on Monday night for you?
"Yeah, that's what everyone dreams of growing up. Playing Monday Night Football, you're the only game on TV and the whole world is watching. I'm pretty excited."

What was it like to have some of your patience pay off?
"Like I said before, each week I've been getting comfortable with the offensive line. My patience and just being decisive and just going off those guys, I think it's been helping me out so far."

How badly do you want to help QB Brock Osweiler go to Denver and do well against his former team?
"Every week I want to help Brock be successful. But, you know, he's playing against his former team so you know of course he's going to want to put up a big game. We just have to do a good job protecting him and letting him do his job."

How about blocking Broncos OLB Von Miller? Is that kind of everybody's job?
"I'm not really sure. That's the offensive line. I don't block D-linemen. I think those guys will do a great job of protecting Brock (Osweiler)."

What makes Broncos OLB Von Miller a special player in your view?
"He's athletic, fast, he knows how to get to the quarterback. He's just a playmaker, so you have to be aware wherever he's at on the field."

Is he a talker on the field?
"I'm not sure. I don't know."

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