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Camp quotes: Day 14


The Texans spoke to the media after practice on Monday afternoon. Here is a transcript of their interviews.

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak Texans RB Chris Brown Texans FB James Casey Texans CB Antwaun Molden Texans DT Frank Okam Texans DE Mario Williams

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak
(on the status of the roster today) "Nothing's really changed from yesterday. The injuries are what they are. We signed a linebacker today. We're in a situation where we're looking at a few different spots, looking at fullback, talking about our quarterback issue, but as of right now, we're going into tomorrow the same."

(on the name of the new linebacker signee) "Khary Campbell. Played with the Redskins last, an excellent special teams player. We've worked him out before and brought him in yesterday, worked him out, he looked good. Obviously, with (LB) Brian (Cushing) being out, we need another linebacker, and I'm still trying to keep (LB) Zac (Diles) off the turf."

(on how TE James Casey looked at FB) "He was kind of an emergency deal, but he went in and did some good stuff. His value to the team right now is his flexibility, all the things he can do. So he's going to get some more work with us having one fullback. The only thing that worries me now is that (TE) Joel (Dreessen) is missing a couple of days and I don't want to set James back at tight end, so we'll just have to be smart. Obviously, the kid can handle quite a bit."

(on CB Antwaun Molden's return to practice) "Yeah, we pulled him off PUP. He worked with the team today. We're being smart with how we're working him. Not doing a lot of team situations, more individual stuff. He probably will not work against New Orleans, he'll just work the individual periods, but we'll see how far we can go this week."

(on the plan for the starters' reps for the coming week) "We'll up the reps. We came out of the game with our first-team offense playing 18 snaps. Our first-team defense only played 10, so they got a little bit out of whack. But we'll definitely pick it up, probably start with the idea of a quarter-and-a-half for the first group and go from there."

(on playing C Chris White, G Kasey Studdard and C Antoine Caldwell) "We'll go the same way. Caldwell's got a lot on his plate right now. He played center and guard in the game. We may settle him down a little this week where he just plays guard, let (C Brett) Helms go in and play, but he's got to be able to do those things if he's going to be one of our suiters on game day. Kasey and Chris played very well in the game. They're starting to play like they're starters in this league, and that's good for us."

(on QB Alex Brink coming in as a free agent) "There's no doubt. I mean, he could walk in here and go practice for us tomorrow. It's a touchy deal. You try and take a day or two to really sort out the injuries, see how long are they going to take. I don't think you really know right afterwards, so we're still trying to maybe figure that out with (QB) Rex (Grossman). Could it be quicker than four weeks, I don't know. Maybe we'll know more tomorrow or the next day, but obviously, I'm not going to go into this game with two quarterbacks. I'm not going to do that, not at this stage in the preseason. May do something tonight, may not."

(on reports that QB Alex Brink is already en route to Houston) "OK, then he's on his way here, he'll be here tomorrow."

(on his ability to step right into the offense) "He's fine. He can step in and do what we're doing. It'll be interesting. I told (general manager) Rick (Smith) that I've seen this happen before where you made a decision and went in another direction with a player, something happens and you bring him back and all of a sudden he's a better player just from appreciation of playing and working at his trade while he's gone. So let's see where he is at. He understands it's another opportunity for him. He'll get on the field. That will happen, so let's just see what happens."

(on DT Frank Okam's recent performance) "Frank was impressive in the game. Played a lot of plays. I told the team this morning, you're starting to see young veteran backup players starting to play like they belong on the field a lot. We're talking about a (G Kasey) Studdard or a (C) Chris (White) or a Frank or a (DT) DelJuan (Robinson), and that's important for our team. So it's a big step forward for Frank."

(on having three quarterbacks on the roster during the season) "Well, it's like I told ya'll, from what I've been through the last two years, I would like to, but I'm not going to keep three guys just to have three bodies. Whoever that guy is, I'm going to have to feel good about (him) playing. We have a long way to go. We'll see how that pans out here in the next few weeks, but I'm not just going to keep three guys to keep bodies around."

(on how the new kickoff wedge rules impacted the return game on Saturday) "It was interesting to see what people do. We still stayed with the two-man wedge and moved on, Kansas City used two double wedges, two two-man wedges, so it'll be interesting to see throughout the preseason what teams are choosing to do, but I think it's going to cut down on some of the violent collisions in the league, which is what they want to do. It's going to change return schemes."

(on how the old wedges cost the career of DT Cedric Killings and other players) "Well, you go back and look at it, and Cedric, Harry (Williams) in a lot of ways at Dallas, breaking up a wedge. The young man from Tennessee. (Kevin) Everett at Buffalo, he was coming into a wedge. But they're trying to eliminate some of that. When you get four big bodies hitting one and they're both running from 50 yards, that can't be good for anybody."

(on how it will change returns) "I think it's going to create different run lanes is what it's going to do. It is different. The returner is used to having all that wall in front of him, and now that wall just got smaller. There are more one-on-ones created, so it will be different."

(on who will compose the wedge) "It all depends on how your 53-man roster pans out. That's usually a defensive lineman and an offensive lineman, maybe a tight end."

(on if it will be the big guys) "Probably, if they can do the job. (DT) Frank (Okam) did it the other night, (DT) Jeff Zgonina did some of it. So it just all depends with how we end up on our 53."

(on whether he's in favor of the rule change) "Oh, yeah, I'm in favor of it. There's been just too many nasty collisions. I think it's all for the best."

(on RB Chris Brown's performance against Kansas City) "Very exciting. It was good for everybody, because Chris has been our hardest worker in the offseason. To get out there, that's the guy we went and got last year. So he had a good first week, we'll keep our fingers crossed that he keeps going, but it's very positive for our team."

(on getting K Kris Brown and RB Chris Brown's names mixed up) "Between he and Kris? Oh, it's very difficult. Many times, someone says 'Chris Brown came up to your office' and I'll get the wrong Chris Brown. So just tell me kicker or back and you can usually find them."

(on DT Frank Okam's approval that his comment came from an Aggie to a Longhorn) "That's what I told him. I don't give out those attaboys very often, especially to a Longhorn, but he and (G) Kasey (Studdard) earned a couple of them. I told him that those last about as long as a butt chewing, not long, so get back out there and keep doing it."

(on the status of DT Travis Johnson) "He's upping his work this week. He's working with (defensive line coach) Bill (Kollar) after practice, doing more, so that'll be our schedule with him this week, and we'll see."

Texans RB Chris Brown
(on if he was satisfied with his performance against Kansas City) "It was very satisfying for me, being able to go out and play well and help the team. It was just a step in the process to getting back to where I was before I got hurt."

(on if it was surreal since it had been so long) "It's definitely been a while since I've been in a game, but it felt good. It came back to me relatively quick, so hopefully I can just keep building on that."

(on his rehab process) "That was a long road. One thing I knew, whenever I got the opportunity to get back, if I ever got the opportunity, I was going to make the best of it. I knew I had to do everything I possibly could to get back on the field and get a chance to play."

(on if it was hard being on the team but unable to contribute) "It was difficult the first half of last season when I knew I couldn't go out there and play, but I kind of got used to it. I just started working, doing my own thing to get back to playing the next year."

(on if he proved anything to himself on his ability to still play) "It just gives me a lot more confidence going out there and playing well. With a little confidence, you can go out there and do it again, hopefully."

(on how he feels physically) "I feel fine, feel great; still holding up just fine."

(on being the perfect complement to RB Steve Slaton) "I feel I can do that. I can go out there and get the job done, especially in the red zone. We've got two totally different styles. I think we complement each other very well."

(on if he heard head coach Gary Kubiak's comments saying he lifted the entire team) "Until you told me just now, I hadn't heard about it. I just have to go out there and play the best I can and do whatever I have to do to help the team move the chains. Everyone has a part in it."

(on how it feels to do something positive after the past year) "It's definitely a confidence boost for myself to know that I can go out there and play well, and hopefully I can build on that and keep it going for the whole season."

(on the Chris/Kris Browns scoring all the points) "I didn't really think about that, actually. (K) Kris (Brown) is a great kicker. He's a couple lockers down from me. We give him a rough time about it."

(on if it gets confusing having multiple Chris/Kris Browns) "Usually when they're yelling, it's for a kickoff or something, and I know I don't go out there for that."

Texans TE James Casey
(on moving to fullback) "It's great. I can't complain. Any time I get out here and get an opportunity to play anything, I'm excited about it. Unfortunately, (FB) Boomer (Grigsby) had to go down for a couple weeks with his ankle, so it's an opportunity for me. I just have to go in and give everything I've got and show the team I can help them at the fullback area."

(on his performance in the preseason opener) "In my first game, I thought I did really well. After the game, you don't really know; it's never as good as you think, it's never as bad as you think, so you have to wait until after you watch film and see how it went. I watched film today and I think I did some really good things on special teams and, offensively, I thought I did a good job blocking at tight end and I made the one catch that was thrown to me. So I thought overall, it was a great first game, but I've still got to just keep getting better every day. We've got three preseason games, I've just got to keep coming out every day and try to prove myself and in these last three preseason games, I've just really got to go out there and give it everything I've got and show them I can help the team win."

(on head coach Gary Kubiak saying they don't want to overwhelm him at fullback) "I like to think I'm coachable and, obviously, this is the NFL, so I'm more than willing to do whatever they ask me to do. I understand the more I can do, the better it's going to help the team and the better shot I've got at making the team, so whether it's fullback, tight end, special teams, whatever it is, I'm of course just thrilled to do it. Hopefully, one of those things works out where they give me a chance to make the team."

(on how hard it is not to get overwhelmed) "I'd be lying if I didn't say it makes it harder just kind of knowing these different things, but it's something I'm excited about and thrilled to have to opportunity to do. For me, I just keep it in perspective and realize how many people would love to be doing this, so whatever they ask me to do, I'm happy to do it, whether it's fullback or tight end. I'm in the NFL; what am I going to say, 'No, I don't want to play a certain position'? Absolutely not. If they wanted me to play anything, I'd be, 'Oh, yeah. Throw me in there, let's go, let's see what I can do.'"

(on long snapping) "I think it's going really well. I'm getting better and better every day out here. I feel like I'm getting comfortable with it. I don't know if they're going to give me a shot in the game or not, but I'm just going to keep working at that, too, and if I get my opportunity, just hopefully be ready to take advantage of it."

(on if he has asked the coaches to let him play quarterback) "I have not. I'm not going to ask to do anything. They're coaches, they make the decisions, so whatever they ask me to do, I'll do."

(on if he has the chance to carry or hand off the ball) "No, they haven't said anything about it as far as actually running with the football from the backfield. Again, that's something that's completely out of my control. The offensive coordinator and the coaching staff, they're going to make the decisions of whatever's best for the team, so I'm definitely going to go with that. I got one play in at fullback the first game, so I've got one play in so far, one play experience. So I'm just trying to build on that, just trying to get better at it."

Texans CB Antwaun Molden
(on getting back in the groove) "I tell you what, I know I have a good coach in (defensive backs coach) David Gibbs. He gave us a lot and he gave it to us in a timely fashion. It's a simple game plan, and if you follow his game plan, it will be easy. It was good for me taking everything he taught me and transferring it over. I'm excited to transfer to it over. It just feels good."

(on his emotions having to sit out and watch his teammates) "I mean, it's frustrating and competitive. You definitely want to be out there helping your teammates and contributing, because we have a good group of guys."

(oh his foot) "It feels good. I just have to take it slow, and it's going to be a slow process. Again, I've been out for nine months, and I want to gradually take it one day at a time."

(on wanting to get out on the field considering what's going on with the cornerbacks) "Oh, yeah. We have a nice young group with these guys. I see them competing every day and making plays. I was eager to get back and contribute."

(on how much longer he will be out) "I have no idea. I think they're going to wean me in camp here, five to 10 plays, maybe 20 plays and so on."

(on how much his role has changed with the cornerback situation) "I've been here for a year. I think my margin in mistakes is slim to none. I can't make any mistakes, you know, because I've been through that phase, that rookie phase. I think it's very important for me to start where I left off."

(on his percentage of being healthy) "I think I'm good. To give it a percentage, I would be cheating myself, because I worked hard and I feel good right now."

(on his confidence level) "Playing corner, you have to have confidence. Your confidence level has to be higher than any other position out here."

(on what he will have to prove) "Again, I won't have to prove anything. I just have to come in and fit in the system David Gibbs has, work my tail off and show that I can work the system right."

Texans DT Frank Okam
(on his weight compared to last year) "It's close to the same. It's about 335 pounds, just put in better places. I'm a little quicker and a little more solid. I'm stronger and I'm faster, so I think that'll pay dividends this year."

(on if he's more comfortable or just in better shape) "I think it's a little bit of both. I'm definitely in better shape coming in from the (strength and conditioning coach) Ray Wright program over the summer, but it is a little more confidence. The second year, you figure out what's going on. That first year, your head is all over the place and you just want to be out there because that's all you really know is playing the game. With a year in, you get to actually know what's going on with defense, recognize offensive schemes and be a player."

(on his good game against Kansas City making him eager to perform) "Definitely, you want to make sure it was not a fluke. You want to get out there, try to repeat the success and build upon it in order to help out the team in any way. If all the players take that next step, then our team can take that next step."

(on DE Connor Barwin) "He's fast. He made a fake spin move, which is probably one of the worst fake spins I have ever seen, but he beat the guy so bad. He's just an athlete. He's going to make a lot of plays for the team this year."

(on the Chiefs game) "I was glad that I got the opportunity and glad that I had a lot of plays when I went out there, and I just want to make the most with the opportunity I had. Goals that I set coming into my second year were to become more dominant and consistent. To take those steps, I have a long way to go, but I'm proud that I started out like I did in the first game."

(on head coach Gary Kubiak calling him impressive) "That means a lot. It's hard for an Aggie to compliment a Longhorn, but it means a lot from him. I know the head guy is watching every single rep we do. For him to say that, it means a lot, and I'm going to try to build on that and continue to improve."

Texans DE Mario Williams
(on the defense) "Yes, as a defense, we came out there and made some plays. We still have a long way to go, but things are definitely progressing."

(on the team in general) "I feel good, but like I said, once we get into real gunfire, we'll see what happens."

(on practicing with the Saints) "I think it's just like anything as far as changing the scenery. It gives you a different look and turn on things. That's pretty much how I take it."

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