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Camp quotes: Day 15


New tackle Cliff Washburn is excited to be in Houston after signing with the team on Monday.

The Texans spoke to the media on Monday afternoon following their first practice after their 19-16 victory in the preseason opener on Saturday against the Denver Broncos.

Head coach Gary Kubiak
(on today's practice) "We're just coming back off the game. We have some things we still have to cover from a training camp standpoint, so we're trying to hit a few of those things, just get moving around today. We've got a very competitive environment starting Wednesday. We bounced back good. We practiced good, just got to keep pushing. Sixteen (WR Tim Carter) was not here."

(on WR Tim Carter) "He got dinged pretty good the other night. He played through it, played the whole game. Has experienced some headaches in the last two days. We're getting him checked out. We're being smart with him."

(on DE N.D. Kalu running first-string) "N.D. (Kalu) deserves some reps, you know. He went out there and played extremely well the other night, pass rushed extremely well. He's in a competitive environment with (DE Rosevelt) Colvin and other guys. He went out there and said, 'Hey, give me some more because I'm playing good.' It's not just him. (DE) Earl Cochran's been the same way. Those guys that earn the opportunities are going to get them."

(on if RB Chris Brown will start) "Yeah, if he has a good week, he'll start off this week. We plan on playing them all, but hopefully he gets a good bulk of work this week."

(on if RB Ahman Green is feeling healthy) "He's been very positive with me. He feels like he's going to be fine. I think we're very, very fortunate and we're going to actually be smart with him. I would see him kind of like I saw WR Andre (Johnson) when he came off this pull he had. We'll be smart and hopefully he's back within a week."

(on possibly adding a running back) "We continue to look at it. We continue to talk with a few people out there. We're in a situation now, really, where we are day-to-day. Today, we're down a receiver. Andre (Johnson) is down, (Tim) Carter's down, so you've got problems there. We know we'd like to have another set of legs in camp, but at the same time, we've got a very competitive environment at running back and we've got to figure out who our guys are going to be. It's day-to-day. You may see us bouncing around, making various moves from here on out."

(on if he is comfortable with the running back situation) "I felt very good with all of them upright and working, but this situation now puts us in a tougher environment. These kids are going to become players, become big-time players. They need the work, so they're about to get it."

(on WR David Anderson) "He's become a fine player. He's just smart. He understands the game and has got a lot of confidence. He's an undersized guy, so he works well in the slot. Our players just believe in him. He's tough as hell, and that helps."

(on anything new on the status of G Fred Weary) "No. I know he had the screws taken out a couple days ago. I'm not sure; I want to say it was Friday, the day before the game. We felt like for him to be able to get into a position to play this year, that was something that was going to have to take place. So they got them out. We're going to see how he responds and maybe by the end of the week he's back doing some things, but we'll see."

(on if G Fred Weary had minor surgery) "They actually did them, it's my understanding, without him having to be put to sleep or anything. They just deadened the area and took them (the screws) out. (Head athletic trainer) Kevin (Bastin) could probably talk more about that. We just felt like for him to move forward, if he's going to be able to go this year, that was something he had to do."

(on the importance of getting G Fred Weary healthy) "It's very important, because we know what (G) Fred (Weary) is. We know what type of player he is, we know what type of person he is on this team. We've got to know that he's going to be available to us as a player. We're not going to push him back too soon, but it is important that we do push or that he pushes himself so we can see how far we can come in the next few weeks."

(on practicing with the Saints this week and how other teams have gotten into fights) "It's naturally a competitive environment. I've been around there a few times. I think it will be good for our team. They're an excellent football team. A lot of people are picking them to do some great, great things this year, so it's good work for us. (Saints head coach) Sean (Payton) and I talked last night. We'll work in our pads a couple of times and in shorts one day. It's up to us to keep that under control and both teams to get better by the end of the week."

(on the team event tonight) "We have a little bowling derby. We do it every year. Having to do it a few days early because we're going to New Orleans, but we'll go over there and compete a little bit and have some fun."

(on the reason for bowling) "It's just something we do. We do it in the offseason and we come back, we crown a champion. So we'll find out who the best bowlers are tonight. They have a good time. We're going to do it early today because I've got to get them home early to pack."

RB Chris Brown
(on how he's feeling) "I feel good. I did good last week, so hopefully just keep going on that and take that into Saturday."

(on not playing in the previous game) "That's coach's decision. He did what he thought was best. Hopefully, we can get going this week and hopefully have no setbacks and keep going."

(on if it was difficult watching the previous game from the sidelines) "It's always difficult sitting and watching. You want to be out there. You want to be out there getting back into the feel of things."

(on if not playing in the game was good in a certain way) "I have been in this league for a while now. I've seen it all. I really wanted to go out there and play, but that's coach's decision."

(on the competitive nature of his position) "That gets any position group better. We always know we need to push each other to be the best we can, work hard, and if someone needs to step in they've got to go step in and not miss a beat."

(on what he has to show the coaching staff this Saturday versus the Saints) "Just be a vet, know what I'm supposed to do and go out there and execute. That's all it takes."

(on having any apprehension of being injured again) "No, no. You go out there and play hard and give it everything you got."

DE N.D. Kalu
(on the fountain of youth that has helped his knee) "You know what I'm saying, Barry Bonds gave me some cream to rub on. I don't know what it was, but ever since then it's been feeling really good (laughs). What? He said it was Ben Gay or something."

(on if the cream worked) "Yeah.You tell me."

(on working with the first team after a nice night vs. Denver) "I don't read too much into it. I think they just want to work different people in different packages because it's a long season, so I'm just trying to stick around and hopefully have a job after that last preseason game."

(on head coach Gary Kubiak pointing him out after the game) "Oh, I didn't know that (laughs). That's the first time I'm hearing about it. But mainly, I was happy. My knee felt good, and that was my main concern. Now, I can just worry about the details, my technique, and try to work on my pass rush because I feel like I'm healthy now."

(on how he thought he played Saturday vs. Denver) "I felt good. A couple of times, I feel I could've had a sack if I would've kept my feet, so that was a little disappointing, but I've got three more games to prove myself, so I'm excited about that."

(on competition being tough at his position) "It is. When you look around, you've got (DE) Mario (Williams) and (DE Anthony) Weaver as the starters, but then you've got a guy like (DE Rosevelt Colvin) Rose, (DT Tim) Bulman, (DE) Earl Cochran, so it's going to be tough to make this team, and preseason you just want to make any team. So, I want to put something good on tape, and if things don't work out here, hopefully somebody will notice."

(on if he feels better in this camp than he has in previous camps) "I feel a lot better. I don't know what (Texans team physician) Dr. Lowe did to my knee, but it feels like I'm 25 again, so my hat's off to him and (Texans head athletic trainer) Kevin (Bastin) and (Texans assistant athletic trainer) Jon Ishop because they worked with me the whole offseason. My knee feels great."

(on if players like the bowl-a-thon) "Love it. It just breaks up the day. Every day is football, meetings, football, meetings, and for us to actually go and do something away from football, get to know one another off the field… Last year, had a great time doing it, made some friends of some guys who were on other teams just from that bowl-a-thon because you don't get a chance to talk to everybody during this camp. So, I think it's a good thing."

(on if the bowling is a good bonding experience for players) "Yes, it is because out here, especially d-line vs. o-line, we're always fighting each other. We're always accusing one another of holding or hitting the facemask, but when you get to do something outside of football, you really get to know the person and get a chance to know what type of person they are."

(on who is the best bowler) "From what I've heard, (G Mike) Brisiel is really good. I don't bowl, so I don't know. I just eat the food and sit in the back and watch, but I know (DT) Tim Bulman (is good), and Brisiel is the name that we keep hearing about when it comes to bowling."

RB Chris Taylor
(on how he feels now after playing his first preseason game coming off his injury) "It felt good. My knee held up fine, so I know I can take a hit on it. I just want to get better each and every day and hopefully Saturday try to better my performance."

(on his thoughts about his performance) "I felt like I did alright. Just being out there for the first time in a year, it felt a little different at first, but hopefully I got the rust off and, like I said, I'll try to better my performance."

(on if he has something to build off of in his performance) "I'm definitely ready. I'm going to try to prepare this week. This practice with New Orleans this week is going to be physical. We're going to try to go up there and do our thing, hopefully come out with a win on Saturday."

(on if he and RB Chris Brown will share the carries against New Orleans) "I don't know. I don't know what the rotation will be, but when they call my number I'll be ready."

(on being comfortable being in the first running back unit) "I try to feel comfortable. I was very comfortable. After the first couple of plays, I was fine."

(on if the pass blocking scheme is his biggest issue) "I would have been fine except for that one play. I apologize to Sage (Rosenfels) on that. I couldn't even sleep at night thinking about it, but hopefully it won't happen again."

(on his bursts of speed and if he saves it for the games) "Yeah, I try to save it for the games. During practice, I try to limp around, but for the game I'm 100 percent trying to run."

T Cliff Washburn
(on joining the Texans) "Well, I just got here; I'm just happy to be here, go out and work as hard as I can to make the team. That's the reason I'm here."

(on his conversations with the coaches on the role they expect him to play) "Just to go out and work hard, just give it all I've got. Of course, I'm here to make the team, here to play. I'm not here to be practice squad or anything else, so that's my focus, and I think that's the team's focus."

(on the guys he is going to be competing against) "Well, this is a good team, a lot of good ball players. I'm just going to have to go out and compete, go out and work hard."

(on if he was surprised when he got the call from the Texans) "Yeah, I was a little surprised. I've just been at home working for a little while, and you know, it was a pleasant surprise to get that call."

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