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Postgame quotes: Texans at Bills


Houston Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak Defensive Coordinator Frank Bush PK Kris Brown LB Brian Cushing TE Owen Daniels WR Andre Johnson FB Vonta Leach RB Ryan Moats SS Bernard Pollard CB Dunta Robinson LB DeMeco Ryans QB Matt Schaub RB Steve Slaton

Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak(On Owen Daniels)"It doesn't look good. We're going to get him looked at as soon as we get home, but obviously they feel like he may have done some damage. I better be careful, but it does not look good. We'll let you know tomorrow."

(On Offense without Daniels and Slaton) "If you're going to grow up in this league and you want to be a good football team and play with those top teams in the league, you have to understand you're going to go through adversity. Through adversity, teams get stronger or they can go the other way. And today you saw a team lose a top soldier [Daniels] and that was tough. And then Steve [Slaton] obviously putting the ball on the ground and we went with Ryan [Moats], and Ryan took advantage of it. It tells you about the character of the group. They didn't make any excuses. We played very poorly on offense and special teams in the first half, but the game is about winning. We regrouped and played a tremendous second half."

(On what turned things around in the second half) "At half time, our defense had us in the game. That stop before the half was huge, and our defense had us in a position to win the football game. Offensively and special teams, I told them I was so disappointed. I told them to go out there and play like they're capable of playing and I'll burn the first half of film."

(On 5-3 Record) Obviously we've been digging. We started off slow – we've been digging our way out of this thing. We've had some issues as a team. We've lost two starting guards, we lost a tight end today, but the team is getting strong. We've got some confidence and we've got a long, long way to go. At the halfway mark, we've worked real hard and have ourselves in the best position this franchise has been in. But it's about long haul, so we've got to keep going and keep it in perspective."

(On Defense) "They were exceptional. They're gaining confidence in what they're doing. Frank's gaining confidence as a coordinator in calling the game week in and week out. You're watching them grow up together – you can just see them coming together as a group in how they prepare. That second half was tremendous. I don't know what we held them to, but there was not much there."

(On Matt Schaub) "I told him after the two picks, 'When your team starts a day like this, there's only one player that bails them out, and that's the quarterback. So you've got to let it go, play lights out from here on out and push this team to win, after a very bad start.' And he's got that poise about him, to let mistakes go, and I'm very proud of how he handled the team."

(On Steve Slaton) "I told Steve in the locker room to get his chin up. This team needs him playing well and making plays and I'm expecting him to come right back next week and help us."

Defensive coordinator Frank Bush
(On his defense progressing throughout the season) "I guess so, I see the defense maturing. We don't panic in situations, even with myself. I don't try to create things that are not there, you know I just kind of let the game happen, call it that way. The kids are doing an excellent job of responding to what we're asking them to do."

(On his young cornerbacks) "Those guys, again there's some continuity back there. Even though the kids are young, they're all doing it together. They all came in about the same time, they came in together. So, the continuity's starting to happen, again they're maturing. We feel more and more comfortable every week with what we're calling with those kids."

(On being 5-3 for the first time ever) "Wow, it feels really good. You know, it's a credit to the kids. They did a tremendous job for us, they've been doing so for the past couple of weeks and we're really excited about the win."

Kicker Kris Brown
(On his contributions to the team's win) "I think that that's the great thing about this league is you just never know when you're going to have to get it done. So anytime we step out on the field to get points we've got to do that, and we knew that coming into this game. They had played in a lot of close games so points were going to be a premium. So anytime we stepped on the field we had to put points on the board."

(On being able to keep getting the job done) "That's been the exciting part about this team is that, not to talk about the past, but in the past we might not have come out and played as well. You turn the ball over three times in the first quarter and you have a guy like "O.D." go down and we just hung in there and fought for the rest of the game. Hats off to the defense, I mean they really kept us in the game because they didn't really let them do anything."

(On how it feels being an original Texan and being 5-3 for the first time ever) "I don't know, I think you guys blow that whole original Texan thing, blow it up a little bit. I'm just excited just to be where we're at right now and just excited about the kind of football we're playing right now and I think that we're proving that we can do some things. Offensively we're capable of scoring all the points and certainly defensively the last couple of weeks, we've played really well. I think special teams, we've done some good things special teams-wise."

Linebacker Brian Cushing
(On the key to having the first defensive game from start to finish) "I think just concentrating, really focusing for four quarters. We knew what kind of game we were in and we knew we were in a dog fight that first half. I think it was a 10-6 game we just had to come out and play through that adversity and play solid for four quarters, all game."

(On the key to beating the Bills running game) "Just being smart, being disciplined and not giving up big plays. They are very capable with the two running backs and have a pretty good O line. We knew we had to limit them, we were able to do that and we didn't shut down but contained their running game as best as possible"

(On his interception) "I was actually supposed to be rushing and I lucked out a little bit. I got a hand on it, the ball popped up and I was able to catch it and was able to seal the game."

(On starting poorly on offense and still being able to win the game) "I think that the perseverance today coming through. We were in a tough game today, a real gritty kind of game where we knew at halftime that in order to win this game we were going to have to prove a lot of things and go out there and just play tough. We were able to do that in the second half, especially on the road which was special to be able to come do that today and come away with a huge win."

(On the game plan against Bills QB Ryan Fitzpatrick and WRs Terrell Owens, and Lee Evans) "Just to get after them. I knew he (Fitzpatrick) was a capable quarterback. I knew he could get out there and run so that was another concern and to get the pressure on him, contain him as best as we can, throwing and running."

Tight end Owen Daniels
(On what needs to be done to address the injury) "I've got to go see doctors, get an MRI and all that good stuff tomorrow morning. We'll know for sure then what the problem is."
(On how his knee is feeling) "It doesn't feel good. I would have been out there if I could have been today."

(On how the injury occurred) "I was just running a route, planted and my foot got caught. Maybe a guy grabbed it at the same time I was making my cut."

(On the team playing well) "First, I'm happy that we're 5-3. It was good to see Ryan (Moats) do his thing and our defense play so well. That was awesome. But it hurts right now to not be a part of it for this game. Hopefully I can be a part of it at some point this year. It has been a good year so far, and I want to continue it."

(On if he is worried about his season being over) "I'm concerned. I've hurt my knee before but we'll wait to see what the doctors have to say tomorrow."

Wide receiver Andre Johnson
(On being 5-3 for the first time in team history) "It is a great feeling. I was telling some of the guys on the sideline I have never been 5-3 at this point throughout my career. I even told Matt (Schaub) in the huddle at the end of the game so it is a great feeling. Every game is going to get bigger and bigger every week. We have the Colts next week on the road and that is going to be the biggest game of our lives."

(On overcoming adversity and getting it done in today's game) "I think this team has grown up a lot. I have seen everything since day one since I have been here. When we came in at halftime there no one was panicking. You would have never thought we played the type of first half that we played. We took their best shot and guys knew that. We were determined we were going to go out and win the game. We knew what we had to do and we went out and did it in the second half."

(On this team turning the corner) "I think we are just growing up and learning how to win football games in tough situations. Every week the game is going to get bigger and bigger and we will learn more about our team as we go along."

(On needing the win heading into next week's game) "We know we needed this win. It was on everyone's mind. We knew the situation coming into the game. Like I said before, the more you win, every game is going to get bigger and we are trying to do everything we can to accomplish our goals."

Fullback Vonta Leach(On Ryan Moats' play) "That's something we work on all week, as far as running the ball. His name got called today and he steppd up to the plate."

(On Ryan Moats making the best of his opportunity) "That's what this league is all about. When guys go down, or others guys aren't doing something right, another guy comes in and gets his opportunity. That's how stars are made."

(On opening up holes for Ryan Moats) "Yeah, actually it didn't matter who was in the game, I think we wanted to establish a run game today and I think that is something we did and something we can work on for next week."

(On what he told Steve Slaton after he was benched) "Well, I just told him to pick his head up; you know, still stay in the game. Steve is a guy we are going to need to be successful. He just has to hold on to the ball while trying to get extra yards and stuff. He's just got to be smarter in those situations and just go down. It's not something where he is just dropping the ball, he is just fighting for extra yardage and it's a fluke, the ball just comes out, it seems like every time."

(On finding new ways to win each week) "That's what the league is about. Sometimes it's going to be our offense winning the game for us; sometimes it's going to be our defense. We struggled on offense and special teams in the first half, we came back in the second half and our defense did a great job holding them to only 10 points, I think we had two turnovers and we had a big return right before the half, and then our defense held them to three points so that's what this league is all about."

(On losing Owen Daniels) "It's unfortunate that guys go down, but in this league guys are going to go down and new guys are going to have to step up. I think we are going to have to run the ball and that's going to force us to run the ball better, and James Casey and Dreessen are going to have to step up and make plays for us, and I've got confidence in those guys."

Running back Ryan Moats
(On Steve Slaton struggling as a running back) "I just try to encourage him and tell him to believe in his talent and that he is a great back. He is going to be a great back. This is a time when your heart shows. This is a time when you give it all you have and do some great things."

(On stepping in Slaton's shoes and finishing out the game) "I just tried to step in and do the best I could and try to help our team win the game. I told him don't get down, just keep fighting. You cannot deny him because he is a talented back. I told him just to remember that."

(On scoring three touchdowns in one game) "It has been a long road. Every time I play on the field I try to give my heart and give everything I have. That is what I am all about. Whenever I touch the field, I run as hard as I can every time."

(On having an opportunity in today's game) "I have been waiting to be called on and I knew the time would come. I just prepare myself every week running as hard as I can in practice to prepare for any situation that may come about."

(On being out of football in '07 after Philadelphia) "Well I had an ankle thing and it was hard. Those hardships make you who you are and without those things I would not be who I am today. I would not change anything. I think that happened the way it was supposed to."

(On being back in the league) "I work my butt off all week and all summer long to try to get back from the broken ankle. I had, and I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to come here."

(On watching games on television when he was injured) "I just got back in the grind and started working in my talent as a runner and my mental part as a football player. At the time I was a young player. I was learning when I was in Philly. I was learning behind some good backs and I wouldn't change it for the world. I was able to prepare really well."

(On his emotions during the game) "You just take it one step at a time, one situation at a time. If it is three yards, if it is third down and three you think about getting three yards. If it is a touchdown you think about that. I play the game to keep the offense on the field as a runner. That was my goal today."

(On wearing down the Bills defense) "Any time the offense comes out and runs the ball and keeps running, any defense is going to wear out. That is our goal, to be consistent. As far as me, Slaton and Chris our job is to keep the offense on the field."

Strong safety Bernard Pollard(On the defensive performance after struggling in the first half) "That's something that things are fixable with the offense and we don't mind to feel like we're being challenged. If we can come up and answer whatever they're doing, I think that's a big thing for our defense. This team is explosive and to be down and fight back and to win this game in this place, that's big for this team."

(On only being down 10-6 at the half after all the offensive mistakes in the first half) "You never can call it quits. I think that's something that the coaches are doing, kicked in with us and it's always been the last couple of weeks. It's been our offense working, our defense working, the special teams, and we've just got to fight no matter what because at the end of the day, this is one team. We're all teammates, we love each other and we've got to come out here and we've got to continue to fight because if we want to get where we want to go, you know we've got to do it. We've got to do it day in and day out."

(On the personality of the defense) "We're mean and we have to be mean. Us being nice is giving them yards. They're going to continue, they're going to step on us any way they can. I think if we come out and hit them and continue to hit them, continue to take the ball away from them you're going to see big things happening with this defense and with this team."

(On if he brought meanness to the team) "I'm just a football player. Me coming in, I thank God every day and I continue to say that for giving me a shot here and Mr. McNair and Mr. Smith opening up their door for me. I just bring what I have and what I have is I love to go out and play the game of football, I love to go out with my teammates. We pull off wins. This team is 5-3 right now and we're going to hostile place next week and we're excited about it. We're not going to shy away from anything. I think we continue to get better day in and day out."

(On if he hit someone hard in today's game) "I had fun doing it, I really did. This team, this whole defense did. We walked in and we saw them trying to do things in there, the big thing. I have to tip my hat off to the coaches because everything that they did we practiced in practice. We've seen it. We let one get away from us, but it's football. Nothing's perfect, that's why it's a game and like I said, we've got to continue to get better."

Cornerback Dunta Robinson(On the game being a total team effort) "That's the way it's supposed to work, it's supposed to be a total team effort. The offense struggled a little bit in the first half, but we bailed them out. There have been times were we've struggled and they've bailed us out. We knew that it was only a matter of time before they got it together, and they got it together in the second half."

(On the play of the defense) "This is the type of defense that we can be, this is the type of defense that early in the season when things weren't going right we knew that we were if we just calmed down, settled down, and played football."

(On being 5-3 for the first time in franchise history) "It's big, especially to me. I've been here through some of the worst times that you could possibly have as a professional football player. For us to be 5-3 after eight games it's huge. There's still a lot of football left to play, and we've got to make sure we do even better."

(On shutting down Evans and Owens) "Just playing smart, playing physical, and just putting your hands on them. Make them work every single play and that's what we did. We know we had to make those guys work. Great receivers don't like to work every single play, and that's what we tried to do to them."

Linebacker DeMeco Ryans
(General thoughts on the game) "That was one of our best games. We finally played a complete game today. That's what I like about our defense. We stepped up when our offense was struggling with the turnovers. As a defense we just kept battling and we knew that we had to win this game for our offense. We held out long enough for them to get going."

(On the attitude of the team) "I know we have the right guys in place, it's just a matter of going out each weekend, being consistent and playing mistake free, especially on the road. It shows how our team has come a long way. We go to bat for each other; we fight for each other for four quarters. That's the difference now; we don't have guys out there laying down. Guys are fighting and scratching for wins."

(On Brian Cushing) "He's doing good; I make sure he's in the right place. When he's lined up and ready to go he finds a way to make big plays for us and he made another one today to win the game. He's always in the right place making big plays."

(On being 5-3) "It's a good feeling, it's good to be 5-3 and we have a big one next week where were looking to get number six."

Quarterback Matt Schaub(On his emotions in the first quarter) "It was very frustrating. First drive we moved the ball and we had a tough play with the first interception, and that put us in a bad situation there because we were at least ready to kick a field goal at that point. As the first quarter progressed we were just frustrated. We needed to stay on the field and stop hurting ourselves. We were able to move the ball and we had some good things going, but that is just something we need to avoid."

(On head Coach Gary Kubiak telling him that he needed him to do to win the game) "He was just telling me stuff I already knew. Myself, personally when I go out there, and I wasn't playing well in the first half the only way we are going to get back in the game is if we keep making plays and not turn the football over."

(On Ryan Moats performance today) "Ryan went out and did stuff we are used to seeing in practice. He is a hard worker, he understands what we are trying to get done in the running game. Whenever he gets his opportunities in practice he does the right thing. He is an intelligent guy and he went out there today and the offensive line, tight ends, Vonta (Leach) leading through, wide receivers blocking, doing a great job giving him holes that he was able to make the right read be patient with the run game and he was just always falling forward, breaking tackles, and getting extra yards."

(On not having Owen Daniels in the offense) "We have guys who we have confidence in, Joel (Dreessen) steps in, James Casey stepped in and they played very well. Obviously Owen (Daniels) brings a great skill set to our offense and opens things up for us with miss matches on linebackers and safeties. He will definitely be missed. I don't know if you can necessarily replace a guy like Owen Daniels but we have guys that we have confidence in that will step in and play well for us. We are just going to put our head down, move forward and things like this happen you just have to keep going."

Running back Steve Slaton
(On being benched in favor of Ryan Moats) "It's hard. You always want to go out there and be a part of the team game, but we rode the hot hand and Moats had a great game and got it done for us."

(On fumbling the ball again) "I mean it was just, a guy missed me, I was trying to cut across the field and he got a hand on the ball and it came out."

(On being on the sidelines rather than playing) "It's definitely frustrating. You always want to be out there and help your team win, but I mean my team needed me to support, so I gave 100% supporting."

(On watching Ryan Moats get it done against the Bills) "It was great. Ryan has been doing it all year, even last year, you know, coming in and doing his thing and he definitely did it today."

(On possibly losing his starting position) "Right now I'm just focused on the win, and we'll work on that next week."

Buffalo Bills Head coach Dick Jauron WR Lee Evans QB Ryan Fitzpatrick WR Terrell Owens

Head coach Dick Jauron
(Opening Statement) "Injury wise Jairus (Byrd) was a groin, he left the game late with a groin. It's been nagging him some and he'll get it looked at in the next couple of days. Aaron Schobel had a groin also and didn't return. Jamon (Meredith) that was a knee and that's an MCL sprain, and then Keith Ellison was a quad. So those guys were the injured guys that didn't return to the game. The guys played their hearts out. We just couldn't get it done. The fake punt was huge, obviously, that left our defense with a short field to defend and they were tired out. They just got tired out because we struggled offensively. Just looking for some kind of spark and it didn't work. Then it went from 17 to 24 and it snowballed from there. Thought our guys really fought hard but obviously not good enough."

(On the offense) "It's been discouraging obviously and was the reason why clearly we tried to fake it just because we weren't getting anything done. Then when we threatened to get it down we ended up turning it over. Disappointing. Just got to keep working at it."

(On the biggest reasons why the offense is struggling) "It's not consistently one thing. Clearly if you're going to be successful you have to play at a high level at the quarterback position and to do that you've got to protect him consistently. We struggle. We struggle up front obviously. They play hard and they play well in spurts and we're just not getting it done on a consistent basis, but it's never one thing, it doesn't appear to be."

(On why he threw motion in on some plays) "Just talking regular motion or fake? We faked a lot of reverse trying to affect their defense and to force on the backside and then that comes off of that. The movement off the fake reverse and the reverse and then in and out and also just to get a feel on man or zone along with the first two things really.

(On if that was something they should've been doing all along) "No, not necessarily."

(On how much of the offense's struggles falls on him) "Oh I think the whole thing falls on me. I don't think there's any doubt. I take full responsibility for it."

Wide receiver Lee Evans
(On how to explain the poor offensive performance) "It was tough, we weren't able to generate any big plays, really. The big play we had in the first half with the touchdown kind of gave us a spark, but we weren't able to really get anything after that. You have to take your hat off to the Texans, they played well. Our defense gave us a chance and we just didn't execute very well."

(On playing poorly at home) "It has been frustrating. Like I said before, the most frustrating part about it is that we haven't quite reached our potential yet. We haven't reached it to this point in the season. We're halfway through, and with the bye week coming up we'll take it. We'll get healthy and rested up."

(On dealing with change all season) "It's definitely been tough. It's been a season that has had its twists and turns. Every season has twists and turns in some way shape or form. Something always happens, so you have to be able to deal with it and move forward. Some injuries and things like that haven't helped us, but we've got to keep playing, keep fighting and hope that good things might happen. There's still a lot more football left to be played, and our margin for error is getting smaller and smaller."

(On what's wrong with the offense) "It's hard for me to sit up here and say what went right and what went wrong without actually looking at the tape. For whatever reason we weren't able to generate any big plays. We changed formations a little bit, changed looks and had some success moving the ball between the red zones for a little bit, but we weren't able to get in a good rhythm offensively to generate big plays, and that's what you need."

(On the mindset of the team going into the bye week) "We fell a little short of where we wanted to be, but now we will get rested and get as healthy as we can over the bye week, attack in the second half of the season. That's the mindset. We will come back ready to work the following week. We know pretty much this is it. Every game counts."

(On the attitude of the team in general) "The last two weeks have been good, just finding ways to win football games and you can build off that. This obviously wasn't what we had in mind, but everybody in this locker room is committed to trying to win and push. We know we've got to get a lot better to do it, and mindset is a big part of that."

Quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick(On lack of protection) "Well obviously that is one of our many problems. But there is just no spark out there. It's hard to get momentum when you can't stay on the field. We're not converting on third downs and luckily we have this bye week coming up to figure it out. We're going to try and get some answers, try to get the ball to our play makers and hopefully get some more answers."

(On offensive futility) "The biggest thing is staying on the field and putting long drives together. The defense just wore down. We weren't running the ball and converting third downs to allow them to catch their breath. When you leave your defense on the field for that long it's bound to happen. We have to get better on offense and we're going to look for ways to do it."

(On miscue with T.O.) "That was completely on me. Terrell was in the right with what he did and it was my fault."

(On trying to "find a spark") "Whatever it is we have to start with better execution. We had plays that worked for us against New England that aren't getting the yards anymore. We're not getting the protection and whatever it is we have to use the bye week to figure it out."

(On the role of Fred Jackson) "Well as you saw today on special teams he's a special player when he gets the ball in his hands. We have a lot of guys like that. The biggest thing with our offense is to stay on the field so we can get into some exotic stuff or spread the ball out more. It's hard to do when you're having trouble getting first downs."

(On the feeling of a missed opportunity) "Yes, you could feel that in the locker room. There were a lot of disappointed faces in there. Just because we have fought so hard and come all the way back to have the opportunity to get to 4-4 going into the bye. That's what we wanted to do but unfortunately we came up short."

(On whether he will remain starter) "Looking at today's performance we didn't move the ball. The last several weeks whether it is me or Trent we haven't moved the ball. That's a question for the coaching staff. I'm sure we'll figure it out during the bye."

Wide receiver Terrell Owens(On having a chance to get to 4-4) "Everyone is not pleased with the way we played but looking at it from our team's perspective offensively we're not getting it done. The defense is doing a great job. They're keeping the opponent out of the end zone. Obviously when you give a team a short field our chances are limited especially when we keep putting our defense in a short field type situation. Honestly the defense has been playing their butts off the last four or five weeks and offensively we haven't been doing anything to help them out."

(On what the problem is on offense) "Well you touched on it, three and outs. In order for us to move the ball we need to get first downs and we're not converting on any of those. When you're going three and out every time and you need the defense to make a play it's tough because they're spent. Offensively we need to take it personally to the point of taking pride in everything we do. That's receivers catching and blocking, the o-line blocking and allow the quarterback to drop back and get into his reads. We're not getting it done offensively and that's the key thing. The defense has shut down a lot of offenses that can put big numbers on the board. You look at the scores can be misleading we've put the defenses back against the wall."

(On the interception) "He called a play and I read the coverage according to what the play was called and it was one of those plays where both of us weren't on the same page."

(On his dropped touchdown) "It was knocked out. I had the guy beat but when I looked up it kind of went into the sun a little bit. I couldn't see it so I put my hand up and that keyed the defender to shoot his hands through there. I felt like it should have been a touchdown and I allowed him to break it up."

(On his touchdown) "I saw the safety and the corner pursued so I dipped in to kind of get outside. It was a situation where I kind of wanted to make a play. I wanted to allow myself some leverage to get outside when I make the move inside."

(On trying to figure out the offense) "I think if you look at some of the things that have happened since day one, the number of injuries we've had, we're playing with a lot of new guys on the offensive line. It's hard to get into a rhythm or develop any kind of chemistry when those guys aren't the guys that started through training camp. Every week we've played with an injury or two on both sides of the ball. You saw today when Jamon Meredith went down. He was doing a good job up to this point so we're playing musical chairs with a lot of guys in the line. I can honestly say we work hard in practice but what we show out on the field is not indicative of what we're doing in practice. As an offense we're not doing what we're supposed to do especially with the weapons we have in the backfield with Lynch and Jackson and me, Evans and Reed. We're just not getting it done on the offensive side of the ball, period."

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