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Postgame Quotes: Texans at Jaguars


The Texans beat the Jaguars, 27-7, Sunday afternoon in Jacksonville. After, coaches and players from both teams answered questions from the media. The following is a transcript of their respective interviews.


Head coach Gary Kubiak
(On the Jaguars being 0-9 on third down conversions) "We kept getting off the field and that is a direct result of being able to get pressure on the quarterback. Your pass defense is going to be effective if you can do that."

(On holding the Jaguars to -4 yards passing in the first half) "I don't really look at the numbers at halftime. I just try to focus on what we need to do to improve in the second half. I think we continue to do a good job. On the inside, the defense stuffed them on a number of occasions and put them into situations where we were able to come after them."

(On how he thought the team responded after the Jaguars cut the lead to 17-7) "I think we answered the challenge, but also answered some questions for ourselves.  We came out and jumped offside, had a busted assignment and ended up with a third and forever. We ended up going three and out and then the defense is on the field for two plays before they (Jaguars) scored, so we couldn't have played any worse as a team.  But this team is able to say, 'Let's just get back to ourselves'. That's what you've got to do in this league. You're going to be in close games."

(On moving on now to play against Denver and Peyton Manning) "We're going in to play one of the best who ever played the game—he proved that out of the box last week. I know he's not watching film on us right now because he has a game to play tomorrow night."

(on setting franchise rushing record) "It's a good accomplishment and nice individual accolade but that's not why you play the game.  It's a tribute to a lot of hard work by a lot of people, offensive line, coaches, receivers, tight ends, a cumulative effort.  It's great."

(on offensive game plan) "We wanted to come in and establish the run and control the line of scrimmage. It's always good to have a game plan and stick to it. We had a lot of guys doing a lot of good things out there."

(on rushing attack with Ben) "He's a great back and he's fun to watch him. He could start in this league in a lot of places…just to keep his head down and go to work. It's fun to be part of a back field like that."

(on offensive ball control) "Any time you could stay on the field as an offense, I think we were on the field like 40-plus minutes this game, it doesn't happen a lot in the NFL, so it was a good game for us."

(on getting hit in head with football on punt coverage) "Every time I come to Jacksonville, something crazy happens.  The only game I ever missed was my rookie year.  My second year, we had the 'Hail Mary.'  Last year, I injured my elbow and had to play with a big arm brace the rest of the year."

(on defensive effort)  It was a very good collective effort. Our defensive line made a bunch of plays and the defensive backs were covering.  Any time you put that together, when you have good coverage and the quarterback has to hold the ball, you've done a good job."

QB MATT SCHAUB(on no-huddle offense) "We tried to use it almost the whole game.  To some extent, it looked like we were huddling to a lot of people probably but we were trying to go quick.  We wanted to get the play called, get down within a certain time frame on the play clock.  Our guys were really ready for it and did a great job handling those situations. "

(on the advantage of no-huddle) "The way we practice and the way we prepare, especially in camp, from a conditioning standpoint allows us to do that.  The guys up front are really well-conditioned for it as well as our speed guys.  It's really helped us to keep attacking. We don't take many breaks in practice.  We like to have a high-tempo, high-energy practice because it really allows us to play that style and not get worn down."

(on shutting down Andre Johnson) "They're a tough group.  They're defensive front is stout.  They play a lot of safe coverages to try to prevent big plays.  We had to take what the gave us, hit some underneath routes and put drives together.  We were able to do that for the most part today."

(on combination of pass and run)  "That's the Houston Texans.  When you have two backs like we do with Arian (Foster) and Ben (Tate) and the group up front with our tight ends on the edge and the receivers blocking in the secondary, they're going to be productive.  It was fun to get back to that today."

RB BEN TATE(On long scoring drive after Jags penalty) "I think it was big because it kept the drive going. It was a big third down for us and that kind of put those guys away once we scored that touchdown. It was a pretty important play on the drive."

(On combining for 184 yards with Arian Foster):  "I see him break a run and I'm chomping at the bit and thinking I could outdo that. Then I go out there and break one and then he's out there I could outdo that. So it's a good, friendly competition out there and also helps this team go. So I think it's very important for both of us."

(on Jags' taking away Andre Johnson) "We have a lot of playmakers and the ability of guys to make plays. We played half of last year without him so I think it was big to get used to that. Things like that  happen and we just keep moving with the next guy to make the play."

(on offense playing well after last week) "Offensively we didn't play up to par and how we're used to playing. So this was a big game for us to come out and get back to what we're used to doing."

DE J.J. Watt
(on defensive performance)  "It was good.  I'm having fun playing with these guys.  It's like we're little kids out there.  We're just running around making plays. There were some things we could correct.  Obviously we don't want to give up a touchdown.  That was a rough part of the game for us.  For the most part, we were flying around and held them to very low yardage today."

(on Jaguars being 0-9 on third down) "That's pretty good.  I think we're going to have success if we can do that every game."

(on Jaguars' injuries on offensive line) "They were obviously a little banged up, but all we can do is play against who they put out there.  We can control the guys they have out there."

(on his input in multiple ways on defense) "It's good to have a diverse game.  You're not going to get a sack every play.  You want to affect the game in other ways.  Batted balls, tackles for losses! Any way you can do it."


Head coach Mike Mularkey(opening statement)"Obviously, this is not the way we wanted to start the season at home.  It was not a good showing from the very start to the very end. We really never gave ourselves a chance to be in that ballgame against a very good football team. You can't not play at the top of your game any week, and you can't do that when you're playing against a good team. We did not. We have some things to clean up. The good thing is there is a lot of football still to play. That locker room will stay together. I told them maybe we needed to take a good punch to see how we respond. I think I know how they will respond being around these of guys. They are all disappointed, but there is a lot of football still to be played. I would like to see us to play at the top of our game one time, a full game to see where we are, and they would like to see that as well."

(on how early he realized the troubles in the first half)"Offensively, when you script 15 plays and the players have those plays the night before, and with the number of mental errors we had, simple ones, that's a concern. I'll take blame for that that it's not getting across. I don't know if it was the environment or the first time, or what it was. It was absolutely unbelievable some of the things we did, especially in the top 15 plays. Anytime this has happened in my coaching career, it frustrates me. I will make sure that's cleaned up. "

(on the emphasis on the defense tackling better, it seemed like the message fell on deaf ears)"No, I don't think it did. You can't keep them out there like that. At some point, they are going to get worn out and you are going to get sloppy tackling for the amount of time they were on the field. It is going to get sloppy. It's not on deaf ears and if it is we are going to keep talking about it. Our staff has been very active about it. These guys know that. There is not anyone out there not trying to tackle, not trying to do their best. Not one guy. We know that, we know we have to do a better job in a lot of things."

(on the offsides call in the third quarter to keep Houston's drive going)"Again, I had a lot to do with that because I felt like they missed a few offsides.  I gave them an earful about watching that then (we get called for it). Typically that's who it works when you say it backfires and goes against you. Unfortunately, that was a huge momentum change because it kept the (Houston's) drive alive. "

(on Blaine Gabbert's play)"I'm not sure anyone played very good today. We all have to play well. They are all one piece that works together to make everybody work well. I can't make a judgment like some based on standing on the sidelines, but I can tell you we have a lot of work to do in a lot of areas."

(on condition of Gabbert's injury)"He was hurting a little bit prior to the half. He came in there and we checked him out and he wanted to go. I think he has a strain in the back of his leg, I don't know if it's a hamstring or what it is. It was enough to try to get him to go again, especially with the way the game was flowing, to not have him go out with a more serious injury. It just wasn't worth the risk. "

(on if he can't play next Sunday)"I don't know yet."

(on starting Herb Taylor over Mike Brewster)"Just game experience and who we were facing. For no other reason, it was experience. Felt like it was a better matchup. "

(on concern Taylor not playing four years)"No. "

(on if the condition of OL limits the offensive game plan)"You have to some things to protect edges and protect inside. I thought our guys did the best they could. You've got to be careful with some matchups because of what happens – inside, outside, protections and your ability to get some people out. You have some guys staying in trying to help but can't get back out. If you watch them, that was a big part of their run game, the dump downs. It was an extended part of the run game. We are trying to protect guys and make sure they are not going to get a mismatch and get those guys out."

(on if lack of passing game was due to opposing corners or rush)"I think it was a combination of the two. It was very good, we couldn't hold on to it obviously, and well-covered. "

(on not going down field because of the OL) "Those plays were called. I was on phones. I know it was called, the ball had to come out quicker. Those plays were called. We knew we had to take some shots down the field going into the game."

(on not improving from week one to week two)"No, it didn't. I wish I had an answer for that. It did not happen. It was a great environment. I felt very good about these guys. I thought last week could be an issue with the way we lost the game and may carry over to this one. I thought when we got done with meetings last night and when we arrived this morning, I thought we were ready to play, play better. Some of those things were us making mistakes. There is no way you can overcome them when you are playing a good football team."

(on what they have to fix)"Mental errors - blocking the wrong people, running the wrong route, wrong motion."


(on his injury) "Coach [Mike] Mularkey already talked about that and it's just something that we're going to have to deal with and move on."

(on if he knows what exactly he injured) "Yeah I don't know either. Injuries you got to talk to the head coach about it and I'll leave it at that."

(on if he will be able to play next week at Indianapolis) "I'm going to do my best to be out there. You guys know me. I'm going to be out there as much as I can."

(on how he got hurt) "I don't really remember. Things happen in a football game and you just try to play through it."

(on if his injury is a strain) "Yeah just like I said you got to talk to Coach Mularkey about the injuries and we'll go from there."

(on the offense's performance) "Yeah we killed ourselves. We were I think zero for nine on third downs. Just a lack of execution, had a bunch of mental mistakes and we shot ourselves in the foot. You can't win football games in the NFL by doing that. Everybody has talent and when one side of the ball messes up the other team executes and capitalizes on it."

(on the offensive line being shaken up by injuries) "You never want to dwell on that. Guys had to step up and they did but we just got to get back to the drawing board. People have to step up, make plays, including myself and we just got to get better."

(on failing to convert on third down) "Yeah you never want to shoot yourself in the foot. You got to have some momentum, some continuity on those drives and going zero percent on third down that's awful and that falls back on my shoulders. I got to do a better job on making plays when they need to be made."

(on picking up momentum after the touchdown in the third quarter) "Yeah we had a great punt return, had positive field position and when we get positive field position like that you want to capitalize on that opportunity. We had to go 40 yards or something. We built a little momentum there but we just couldn't keep it."

(on if this team can take a punch) "No question. There's a bunch of fighters in this locker room and that's why we made it here. We're down right now but we're going to bounce back without a doubt."

(on bouncing back after a loss) "Yeah it's the nature of the game in the NFL. You've got to bring your A-game every Sunday regardless of what happened the week before and we didn't bring our A-game today."

(on if the Jaguars are better than they played today) "No question. Like I said we shot ourselves in the foot. When you can't execute on a consistent basis you're not going to do well."

(on what happened when he missed receivers on some throws) "They're timing routes and like I said I got to do my job, the receivers have to do their job and the offensive line has to do their job and it's a group effort and like I said we got to make plays and we didn't make any today."

(on the receivers getting covered on their routes) "Their routes are going to be covered. Defenses are too good in the NFL and we got to do our job like I said to make plays. We got to find ways to get the ball into our receiver's hands and it falls on my shoulders."

* *


(What was the difference between the game this week and the game last week?) "We just didn't give ourselves a chance. We didn't use our cadence to our advantage and to the best of our abilities. We didn't execute at all and that is myself and everybody down the line. We just didn't do a good job. They didn't do anything complicated. We knew what they were going to do. We just have to execute. That first half was horrible. I felt like we came out in the second half and did a little bit better. We had that stop and they called off-sides and that hurt the momentum but we just have to start better. In this division you have to start fast especially at home and try to get the opponent out of their gameplan and then finish them off. We didn't do either one of those today."

( Did the makeshift offensive line limit what you were trying to do) "We didn't limit anything. We expected those guys to come in and play. We just didn't execute. At the end of the day each guy took a turn in doing something. We have to get back tomorrow and re-dedicate ourselves to where we want to be and what kind of identity we want to have and how we want to play. I think we did a little more of that in the second half. It is on the players. We just have to go out there and play."

( Did you feel like you could run anything behind this offensive line?)

"We ran the ball well. I think we broke a couple big runs. We did some great things in the pass protection. When we executed plays we scored. We have to do that all the time. We just can't do that on one drive. The execution was a big part today."

( Could you talk about the mental mistakes?) "Definitely. The mental mistakes, especially in this league because everybody is talented. What gives you an advantage is not beating yourself and making someone else beat you. When we jump offsides or don't block the right guy, don't run the right route and whatever it may be that gives us a disadvantage on that play. Houston is going to come out and play man-to-man and rush five and wait for you to mess up. And that is what we did on that first drive. We need to work through those things. We just have to do better."

( How did you feel Blaine Gabbert did today?) "He did well. He had a lot of pressure on him. It is not on him. The one thing I always tell you guys is that the quarterback is only as good as the players around him. We have to step up our play around him and I think we will be fine.  Blaine did a good job. He put us in some better plays. We had some big plays and then obviously a majority of the game we didn't have some big plays. We just have to continue to protect him and when he throws the ball we have to catch it."

( How was it being back in Jacksonville and taking part in the prowl?)

"It was good to be back. I thought in our running game we did a pretty decent job. When we did the long walk that was exciting because I have never done that before. That was my first time doing that. The prowl was awesome. We still lost and that is what sucks at the end of the day. You want to come home and win the game. I'm hoping we can come back when we go on the road next week. We have a tough Indianapolis team. We will see what happens."

( Could you talk about learning the playbook?)

"I learned it in two days. I have been playing football for 20 years. There is only so many ways you can tell someone to run a slant or run left and run right. I don't think it was that bad. Once you start game planning it makes it easier because you can cut a lot of that stuff you learn in that big playbook they have in that office. There are some things that you have to work on. They have plays to attack a defense and you have to have that memorized. But if I ever have trouble I just ask Blaine and he is right there to tell me what I need and what I can to do."

( Could you talk about your football shape?)

"I'm fine. I played the majority of the game.  When I was away it wasn't like sitting on the couch eating potato chips. I was working out three, four or five hours a day. It is just getting adjusted to the quick burst and getting tackled here and there. But as a professional you have to be ready. If you are a back-up you never know when that one play is going to happen when you are going to be called on to be a starter. Football shape? I don't know what that means. I am always trying to stay in the best shape as possible."

( Could you talk about starting off 0-2 this season?)

"We have to win the next one.  We have 14 more opportunities. We have one guarantee next Sunday and that is going to be a good game. It is a division game in Indy. They have a different scheme but we are going to have to go out and play and execute our game plan to the best of our abilities. We will see what happens. We are going to take it one step at a time."

* *


(on today's performance) "No execution today whatsoever, our Defense was out there the entire day almost. It was one of those days where I can't really understand what's going on why but we've got to get back to work and get this thing corrected I'm sitting here kind of baffled why we were not able to execute some of the things we did well during the week, we definitely got to refocus as an offense especially and get ready to get it together. I'm not going to say the world is falling apart but that's really not what we want I think we all know that and we're going to get back to the drawing board and start working again for next week."

(on the current issues of the offensive line) "Injuries are going to happen, guys are going to go down and it is what it is, guys have to come in and be ready to play regardless of who's out there the expectation (levels don't change and standards don't change Coach(Mike) Mularkey let that known from day one. You've got to deal with it and you have to play football and do better than we did today."

(on starting in an 0-2 hole) "We're not the first NFL to start 0-2 we got to get back to work to refocus ourselves and get back to work and put this behind us but obviously we're not happy with this but there's nothing we can do about that now we got to get ready for next week and we go to put this one behind us, that's the only way we will refocus ourselves"


(on did the Texans did anything different from film) "What we saw on film was nothing surprising out there we have to execute better and that's on our part, but we will do better next week."

(on was there enough time to given for the wide receivers to complete their routes) "I just think the offense as a whole didn't execute, on not going to sit there and blame any particular unit but as a team we didn't execute."

* *


(on his thoughts on going winless after two games) "Its 14 games left which is the good thing about it, there's a whole season and a lot of football left to play, obviously when you loose it sucks but there are some things to gain from it and we'll get in there and watch the film and get better."

(on the lack of passes down the middle of the field) "I'm not the coordinator I just run what's called but we have to execute to the best of our ability and we didn't do that today."


(on his first home game) "The crowd was good, it was good to have my wife here and the fans have accepted us but it was a bitter sweet day."

(on if it was difficult guarding Andre Johnson) "It was ok, it was a great challenge I had a chance to play him twice in my career this being the third time so in watching film we knew we had to be disciplined and prevent the things they like to capitalize on against the secondary."

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