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Postgame quotes: Texans vs. Vikings


The Texans and Minnesota Vikings spoke to the media following the Texans' 17-10 loss to the Vikings on Monday Night Football. Following is a transcript of interviews from both teams.

Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak Houston Texans DE Connor Barwin Houston Texans T Duane Brown Houston Texans DT Shaun Cody Houston Texans LB Zac Diles Houston Texans QB Dan Orlovsky Houston Texans LB DeMeco Ryans Houston Texans QB Matt Schaub Houston Texans FS Eugene Wilson Houston Texans T Eric Winston

Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak(on injuries during game) "Injuries, we'll evaluate these guys in the morning, (WR) Kevin's (Walter) got a little hamstring issue, tightened up on him, kept him out of there. We'll take a look at him in the morning. (QB) Matt's (Schaub) got a sprained ankle. I think he would have played had it been a regular season game but I pulled him out. We'll check that out in the morning again, but I think he'll be fine. (FS) Eugene's (Wilson) okay, (FB) Vonta (Leach) went back in, had a lower leg bruise but he's okay, and that's the biggest one's right now. So really we'll just have to evaluate Kevin and Matt tomorrow."

(on not letting QB Matt Schaub go back in after his injury) "He told me that he rolled his ankle when that guy was chasing him on the bootleg that one time, and I asked him and he said no I'm fine, just tape it up and let's keep going. He was fine throughout that big drive we had and then he actually took us down to two minutes and did a heck of a job. At half time he wanted to go; he was in the locker room. He said I'll go and had Kap (Head Athletic Trainer Geoff Kaplan) and them look at it and he just thought that it was better that we didn't push the envelope where we're at right now with the season fixing to start, so it was just a decision we made to keep him out."

(on if he is worried more about the offense or defense) "I'm concerned about a lot of things. There was some very good things in the game tonight. The first play of the game was obviously a disaster. It's the same scheme we saw last week and we really made the same mistake which just boggles your mind a little bit, but they buckled down and they played pretty darn good defense the rest of the way. I mean we gave up the big play before the half and you've got to give them credit for that call and what they did, but I thought we buckled down and played some pretty good defense. We gave up two big plays and that's the difference in winning and losing. Offensively we knew we were playing a fine defensive football team; very physical. We got off to a very slow start, had some poor field position, couldn't get the ball out of the hole, but the defense kept us in the game and we put together a big drive and went down and got some points before the half. We're in a good football game basically what we're ending on and could we have played better? Yeah, we could have played better all the way across the board. Offensively we struggled to run the ball against this group, but we had been struggling to run the ball in the preseason. We're just going to have to get a little better."

(on poor tackling by on Minnesota RB Chester Taylor's touchdown at the end of the first half, and other bad tackling throughout the game) "I think we can be better, obviously we can be better. On the play right before half they actually ran a screen and they rubbed us off inside with the receiver on the crossing route so we got caught in probably the worst defense we could get caught in and it was great execution by them, but we should make the tackle and make them work from there. Obviously there's a lot of things we need to work on and you can add that to the list."

(on play of MLB DeMeco Ryans throughout the game) "He's a leader and he's going to do his part and he let's them (the team) know that, and he lets them know it on the field, not by talking. He's been exceptional throughout this camp. He's played exceptional football and this team knows he's ready to go and this team knows they can count on him."

(on play of QB Dan Orlovsky) "The disappointment is how many great things this young man does, but the consistency is what we're looking for. He comes out and makes a great play, takes us right down the field. The play we had called to (WR) Andre (Johnson), they took it away by a lineman, and you know we still tried to shove the ball in there. That's the difference in him becoming a good quarterback in this league. He's got all the ability but whether he becomes a big time starter and a heck of a quarterback in this league is about decision making for him. I've got to coach him hard enough and (Offensive Coordinator) Kyle's (Shanahan) got to coach him hard enough that these decisions are automatic. Obviously that one right there hurt the football team. Like I said, you look at the game and you give up two big plays and you turn the ball over inside the ten, that's the difference in winning and losing in the National Football League."

(on his thoughts about defensive tackle Shaun Cody) "Without looking at the film, I know he was very active. I know that. I hate to sit here and pass judgment either way. Let me take a look at it. But I know the kid plays hard. He's very active on the field, hustles to the ball, works very hard, so let me go back and look and I can probably give you a better opinion tomorrow."

(on quarterback Brett Favre's play) "To me he's obviously starting to get more comfortable than he was last week. He's got some really good weapons. He's got one of the best backs in the game, so as a quarterback you can't ask for anything more right there. I'm glad to see him back in the game. I think the world of him, and heck, if he wants to keep playing it's good for the national football league."

(on the running back Adrian Peterson touchdown and the same players making the same mistakes) "We could pass the buck on a lot of places. But the bottom line, we made the same mistake on the backside of the play and how we insert on the play from a defensive end and corner standpoint. It was disappointing, but they responded after that. You take away that big run and you are probably sitting here feeling a lot better about how we played the run, but bottom line they still made it."

(on defensive coordinator Frank Bush's increased aggression and overall defensive pressure) "I thought we pressured the quarterback well. I thought we made him get rid of the football. Frank's going to be aggressive; that's his nature and that's what we want to do on defense. We put some of those guys on an island, those young corners, and they ended up 17 of 23. From a percentage standpoint you don't want to see that. The percentage throwing the ball (should) be somewhere down from that standpoint, but we got them in some tough long yardage situations. We were a little better rushing the quarterback."

(on trading nose tackle Travis Johnson) "We're not going to go back. That's the bottom line. We have moved forward and we haven't had Travis throughout the off-season, throughout training—we haven't had him. We've had to move on. We had to prepare with the players that we had. We went with two young kids and we're moving on. Travis is ready to go, and he could have played tonight. But we made a decision to go in another direction—just exactly what I told him. I wish him the best. He did everything I asked him to do. I wish him the best in San Diego, but we're moving forward."

Houston Texans DE Connor Barwin(on QB Matt Schaub's leadership) "He's been vocal all week, Matt has taken his leadership to a new level this week and he's been vocal all week, and I think everybody knew that they had to step up their game this week."

(on what QB Matt Schaub said) "We need to fight back better, everyone needs to man up and show up on Monday Night Football, and show everybody on how we can play."

(on whether he felt he took a step forward tonight) "Yeah I got an idea of what my role will be with this team, it's always nice for me to figure that out. I got a couple of good rushes, I wasn't as productive as the last two games, but I know it's not going to happen every week."

Houston Texans T Duane Brown
(on Vikings DE Jarred Allen getting to QB Matt Schaub) "He's a great player. You're going to have a couple of plays here and there but nothing cheap. We just want to keep it professional."

(on the first string offense's performance) "I think we did pretty good. In the run game I think we left some yards out there. We want a few plays back. They had a great gameplan. They had their guys all over the field."

(on QB Matt Schaub's ankle sprain) "In a regular season game you definitely want to push through that but in a preseason game you want to save your players. Especially at that position. He does some great things for us."

Houston Texans DT Shaun Cody
(on how he felt Minnesota QB Brett Favre played tonight) "I was happy the way we bounced back after that first play, sometimes you can let that first play bug you and we didn't do that. We came back and put together a good defensive effort after that. We can't let that first play happen, we have to be sound, especially if it's a back (RB Adrian Peterson) like that who can take it to the house every time."

(on what happened during the first play of tonight's game) "A guy broke down, missed a gap, and that's what happens especially with a good runner like that, he finds it every time. You have to be in your gap, you have to be sound."

(on defense against Minnesota QB Brett Favre) "Guys were putting pressure on him, especially against Brett Favre and you want to get him down there and get around him, because if you give him time he is going to pick you apart. As a defensive front and blitz and backs, we did a good job."

Houston Texans LB Zac Diles(on how he felt Minnesota QB Brett Favre played tonight) "He came out there and made plays and he still has a cannon. He can still throw that ball, extremely hard."

(on whether he felt like he took a step forward) "Definitely, definitely, after that first play we buckled down, we were sight and sound, everybody was where they needed to be, and as long as we can carry it over to the season, we'll be good."

Houston Texans QB Dan Orlovsky
(on his performance) "My number one job is to score points and help this team win games. I didn't do that tonight so it's something I need to fix. We'll watch the film and see what we've done well and what we've done poorly."

(on his interception) "That was on me. Knowing the way they were playing (WR Andre Johnson), he was singled up on the back side, the corner was sitting hard inside and I just tried to force it to him down there. Just a bad play by me."

Houston Texans LB DeMeco Ryans
(on his 16 tackles) "I had a good feeling out there. I was feeling good. Seemed like I was coming up on every play. It's definitely a good feeling when you're out there making plays.

(on giving up a touchdown on the first play from scrimmage) "We're getting better. We definitely took a punch in the mouth on the first play. The guys responded well and we came back and played well. The play could have broken our back. We don't need those type of plays. We don't want those type of plays."

(on the Texans' defensive performance overall) "I feel like we did take a step forward today. At times past we would have folded after the play (Peterson touchdown). Our four front guys played well."

(on playing against Brett Favre) "He's a Hall of Fame type of quarterback. It was fun playing against him. We definitely got there and got some hits on him, which we were trying to do."

Houston Texans QB Matt Schaub
(on his ankle injury) "Well I was on the rollout, and as I went out of bounds, I don't know if I caught a little divot in the ground or if going onto that rubber—whatever it is—turf over there. I just felt a little something in my ankle and it kind of progressively got a little sore. I was able to stay in there and just came in at the half and figured it was best to just get some treatment on it and proceed that way."

(on how he feels going forward) "I feel great. Things are calming down and we're just going to move forward and be ready for Week 1."

(on how he felt he played tonight) "I did alright. I made a mistake, there when we got the ball, on the turnover. Other than that, we were able to rebound and finish up the half with two good drives and put points on the board."

(on how the offense performed) "We kind of stubbed our toe there at the beginning and had a bad play with the turnover, but we bounced back as an offense. We had a grueling drive there, tough drive, and we were able to cap it off with a touchdown. Right at the end of the half with 27 seconds left, getting a field goal there at the end that was a bonus for us heading into the locker room. Guys really executed that short two minute drill really well."

(on the running game) "I think we made some plays when they were there. It's tough to gain yards against them and any chance you get a hole there you need to capitalize and get four or five yards and get those tough yards and don't put yourself in long yardage situations like second and 12 second and 11, and we were able to kind of stay out of those situations today so it was good."

(on if he still feels good moving forward with this team) "Oh without a doubt. I feel like we've had a good preseason although we're 1-2 and we'd like to be better than that. I think guys have showed a lot and I feel like moving forward we are going to be ready week one."

(on turnovers) "Down there in the red zone those things hurt you and they cause you to lose. I was in here getting some treatment and I saw that one turnover in the red zone and that's a play (QB) Dan (Orlovsky) knows that he shouldn't be trying to make, and you just dump the ball to the tight end or something. Those things hurt you and when your down in there, points are hard to come by against that team and that defense so any time you're down there you've got to capitalize on your opportunity."

Houston Texans FS Eugene Wilson(on the block by Vikings QB Brett Favre) "I didn't see it coming. I can say that. He pretty much just hit me low and that was it for me for the night."

(on if the block upset him) "Yeah, of course it makes you mad, because just being a competitor, you want to be out there with your teammates and everything. That play just took me out of there."

(on if it surprised him that a quarterback his age was making that kind of block) "Yeah, personally it was. I mean it was a tough blow, but it happens. We've just got to move on. I'm just happy to be walking."

(on if he is okay) "Yeah. I should be alright. We'll see what happens."

(on his teammates calling the block 'bush league' and that Vikings QB Favre 'needs to grow up') "Well, it happened. It's done. I don't have too much to say about it. I didn't speak to him about it, to see if it was on purpose or not. So, I'm not sure."

(on what he would say if he could talk to Vikings QB Favre) "What was up with that? Seriously, what was up with that?"

(on if he is being nice because the cameras are around) "Yeah, you could say that. I'm being a little nicer than I probably would've been out there if I spoke to him. But like I said, it happened, and I just have got move on."

(on if he was hurt by the play) "Yeah I was hurt. I was down there on the ground holding my knee. Now, it's alright. I'm walking around, standing around. So I should be alright."

(on if he had to have any tests done) "The doctors looked at it and as of right now, I should be okay."

(on if he wanted to get back in there and get a shot on Vikings QB Favre) "No comment."

Houston Texans T Eric Winston
(on QB Matt Schaub's performance) "Matt's a tough guy, that Minnesota game last year Matt wanted to keep playing and they wouldn't let him. He wanted to play in that Colts game where it looked like he was on his deathbed; he's a tough guy. When it comes down to it, when it's ready to go and the lights are on, you're going to see him out there."

(on whether he would like to have another quarter with QB Matt Schaub) "Absolutely, Matt has such a command of this offensive now, he knows what he is doing with the ball, you always want your guy out there. But it was good experience for (QB Dan) Orlovsky too."

Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress Minnesota Vikings DE Jared Allen Minnesota Vikings QB Brett Favre Minnesota Vikings WR Percy Harvin Minnesota Vikings RB Adrian Peterson Minnesota Vikings QB Sage Rosenfels Minnesota Vikings TE Visanthe Shiancoe

Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress(on how the game went tonight) "We came out of it pretty good. It's always good to get a win. Offensively we did a nice job taking care of the football. Some take-a-ways and some give-a-ways. It's a quick turnaround for us going to Dallas on Friday night. We're working on some roster changes here tomorrow. We've got some things to work on, so when we get on a regular schedule we're going to work on them."

(on QB Brett Favre's play) "He did some good things. He would be the first to tell you he missed a couple reads."

(on QB Brett Favre's health) "He is fine by my knowledge."

(on Favre's block) "I didn't see it, and I haven't spent a lot of time on block the past 10 days. I'm sure he was just blocking for a teammate, but I'm not sure on that one."

(on the wildcat formation) "We don't call it the wildcat, it's something different."

(on RB Adrian Peterson's 75-yard run) "You can't set up much better than that when you can go that far on a first play. He's explosive, we cover people up, and that's all the way down the line; fullbacks, tight ends, backside, wide receivers. He's the kind of player that gets after it. He had a very good camp. We're going to try to carry this stamina with us."

(on why he decided to play QB Brett Favre in the third quarter) "We were playing a series in the third quarter, and the series had 12 plays. Unfortunately when we do a 12-play drive we go 50, 60, or 70 yards. We did 12 plays and got 12 yards. We're not going to take him out, but he got a little left handed there and we got QB Tavaris Jackson to finish the quarter. We put QB Sage Rosenfels in some. You know, best laid plans."

(on if he is going to rest QB Brett Favre on Friday) "We need a chance at least to look at the tape. See where we need to improve. We only have one good practice day on Wednesday of this week, since we're not getting back until about 3 in the morning so we'll talk about it tomorrow."

(on WR Bernard Berrian's health) "He's getting better, better, and better and we hope that we can start practicing him this week."

(on offensive penalties) "We have various penalties all over the field. I wouldn't say they were all generated from the same place."

(on the Vikings execution of their version of the wildcat) "There were a lot of people paying attention to WR Percy Harvin. You've got to decide whether you want throw it to RB Adrian Peterson or to Percy and potentially three other sets of hands. It's all about what you want."

Minnesota Vikings DE Jared Allen
(on where he thinks the team is right now) "We look good. We have a lot of depth on this team. That's the most important thing. Obviously, we returned a mass amount of our starters (from last year). Our young guys are coming in and playing well and finishing games. That's really important because as the season go on it's going to get longer and our young guys have to come in a play well."

(on how the Minnesota offense is coming together during the preseason) "I thought they looked well. It's nice and our team continues to grow and it is a lot of the same players we had last year and they are just making plays now. (TE Visanthe) Shiancoe is playing extremely well. Adrian (Peterson) continues to make things look easier. Other wide receivers are coming up big. Garrett (Mills) makes a big catch. I think it's just a diverse combination of guys coming out making plays."

(on the pregame news of QB Brett Farve's cracked rib) "That's the very first time I heard about it. I don't really read the papers or watch TV. I didn't even know he had a cracked rib, but he looked good out there."

Minnesota Vikings QB Brett Favre(on how he felt on the field) "Felt good, but there is still a lot to work on, but overall I thought it was good."

(on what he was most pleased about and what do they (Vikings) still have to work on) "We had a lot of penalties. Just thinking back it seemed like a procedure, I fault that to me, playing with the snap count, putting guys in motion and things like that. It was a good test for us because it was loud and I hadn't anticipated it but we got it in the end. I thought we moved the ball well but we just didn't get the points which are obviously the most important thing. We completed balls, gave our guys a chance to make plays. So I think there are some things we can look at on film and say that 'we done that well.' Two first downs that are called back, we're backed up on our own twenty so we seen productive things but we kept shooting ourselves in the foot."

(on how he felt about getting such a large amount of plays) "It was good. It was a good test. It was more plays than I thought I would get but that's a good thing. I don't know how many it was, being here 12 or 13 days and having that kind of test it's good, good for all of us. Once again overall I thought it was good. But as I said there are a lot of things we can work on. I thought we could score more points. You give Houston a lot of credit but I think a lot of the things were self inflicted which is a good and bad thing because we see how productive we can be but yet there are things we can correct."

(on the two-minute drive in the first half) "We were hoping to get some situational things and we did. The two-minute drill is always tough. I felt pretty comfortable with the plays, really overall I felt comfortable with the plays but the most important thing is feeling comfortable with the guys running the plays and that's where I have to catch up. We run plays I'm very familiar with but how our guys run them is different than what I'm used to in the past. A play that worked for me with the guys I played with in Green Bay may be totally different here. Getting on the same page with those guys is the key. It's not so much the play as it is the players, being in this preseason, but the things we need to clean up are the most important things. You can't have good plays and have a procedure penalty, false starts and things like that. Up until this game they were not having those types of things. Once again that falls back on me. So that falls back on things we have to clean up, I have to clean up. The game's hard enough as it is but if you get yourself out of a tight spot like we were backed and fall right back into it. It's just hard to overcome that. We did some good things but still a lot of work to do."

(on his block on FS Eugene Wilson) "(WR) Percy (Harvin) was running my way. Believe me, I hope he's ok. I hope it didn't look as bad on film as it may have seemed. My intentions were not to hurt anyone including myself. Percy was running my way, I was out there. There's going to be those people who are going to say you should have done nothing and get out of the way. I think had I not blocked anyone and just got out the way and Percy gets hit and gets hurt I think that looks worse. But once again I hope he is ok. Believe me my intentions were not to be cheap with anyone."

(on what the rule they called towards the block) "I think the rule is that you can't go up field and then crack back. It's ok when you're outside the box. I'm sorry if he's injured but it was not my intentions."

Minnesota Vikings WR Percy Harvin
(on the offense tonight) "We knew teams were gonna start blitzing us. We didn't pick it up very well last week and were kind of off key with (QB) Brett (Favre). But this week we picked up on it and wanted to emphasize 3rd and short, 3rd and 1.

(on the debut of the Wildcat offense) "It was fun. Actually we didn't know until it was coming into the game plan this week so like I said, it was great. We got a feel for it, saw how it works against defenses. We'll make a few adjustments and we'll see for the rest of the season."

(on the dynamic capabilities of the Vikings offense) "We can be very dynamic. And not only (RBs Adrian Peterson and Chester Taylor) but also the wide receivers we got. But like I said, you put is all on the field at the same time, we just got to keep (getting) reps and find out what plays work and what plays don't work and I think we saw that a little bit with the Wildcat today."

(on QB Brett Favre's block on Texans S Eugene Wilson) "Actually (Favre) kind of scared me because I forgot he was out there. I turned the corner and I saw him flash across my face. So like I said it was good to see him get down a little bit. I appreciate a block and I know he was grateful for it too."

(on how valuable it is to get repetitions with QB Brett Favre in a game situation) "It's great, and not only the reps but just practicing with him. He's taught me more than any coach taught me just in the short period of time that he's been here. Actually being out there and getting reps with him and talking about things at practice, but to come out here and get some of the things that we talked about, and get it down, it was good today."

Minnesota Vikings RB Adrian Peterson(on his 75-yard touchdown run) "We just wanted to come out and set the tempo. It was a 95 TO call and the offensive line did a great job. With the blocking up front, I was able to press it. The back side was wide open, I took it, and it was off to the races."

(on the team getting an edge on other teams and if he saw something from the defensive ends that made them attack the outside edge) "Not really. Actually their defensive ends are really good and they do their jobs but no matter who we are playing, whatever the game plan is, we are going to come out and try to execute."

(on how good the offense can be with so many different versatile guys that can make plays) "We are going to be very dynamic. You got a little glimpse of that. It's all about everybody being on the same page. We have a couple things we need to sharpen up. That's why we play these preseason games. I'm just looking forward to the regular season coming around so we can finally get the ball rolling."

(on the offensive line setting nice blocks for his touchdown run) "Yeah those guys did a great job up front. I give all the credit to those guys. I was untouched. I didn't get touched at all. When you go 75 yards without getting touched, you definitely got to give a lot of praise to your offensive line."

(on playing against a line that went from playing with reckless abandon to playing with a lot of desperation and their offensive line getting the job done and getting pumped up) "It gets those guys going, you know. For the guys on the sidelines, you can see that spark for the next series to come out and do it again."

(on if he feels as if his 75-yard TD run was his offensive line's TD as well as his) "It is. I make sure I tell them that."

(on how QB Brett Favre looked after a couple of weeks of practice) "He looked pretty good. When I was out there I was trying to execute my job. We will go over the film tomorrow. I am sure he looked composed under pressure. He's been doing this for eighteen years, so I'm sure he's used to it."

(on QB Brett Favre's block) "He's just playing ball you know. I'm sure he wasn't doing anything to intentionally hurt the guy. He's just out there playing ball."

Minnesota Vikings QB Sage Rosenfels(on how important it was for his return to Houston) "I always try to go out there and execute the offense. It was fun coming back out here and seeing some really good friends. I'm on a new team and excited about the team that I'm on and it was fun to get out there and play. It's a great stadium and the crowd is great."

(on playing behind QB Brett Farve) "I can't control that. That's up for (Head) Coach (Brad) Childress and our general manager to decide. I'm just down here working and trying to get better and working for this preseason game Friday and then hopefully get ready for Cleveland. That's what I'm focused on. I'm excited our team is playing well. I think that Brett has energized us a little bit and our defense is playing well."

(on the current quarterback situation) "Again, it's something I can't control. I'm still very excited I did some good things tonight. The key is for me is to go out a play well and get ready to play playoff football for this team. So when they need me I'll be ready to play."

Minnesota Vikings TE Visanthe Shiancoe
(on the 75-yard touchdown run on the first play of the game) "That was great for us. That really set the tone. It showed (QB) Brett (Farve) what type of team we are. We are a running team and hopefully we can improve our passing game as well."

(on QB Brett Favre getting more comfortable with the offense in such a short time) "I think he is getting comfortable with this offense. There is a lot of promise here. We still have a lot of work to do, but from what we have seen as an offense, Brett has done pretty well. Our two minute drill, you know, we went down and scored. It's looking good. It's looking promising."

(on QB Brett Favre's block and if it surprised him at all) "No. Not really. He's pretty spontaneous. You never know what to expect from him."

(on how calm and organized they felt in the huddle during the two minute drill with QB Brett Farve having spent such little time working on that part of the offense) "We practice a lot, so it is just another day. We do it at practice every day. We try to perfect it and it showed that we can move the ball."

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