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Practice quotes: Wednesday


Running back Ahman Green said his knee feels good enough to play this week.

The Texans returned to the practice field on Wednesday with injured playmakers Ahman Green and Jacoby Jones looking much healthier than in past weeks.

Head coach Gary Kubiak

(on RB Ahman Green practicing) "Yeah, he looked good. He took his normal reps and that was a positive for him, so I feel real good about him. Jacoby (Jones), I think is a day-to-day deal. He practiced and did more than he's done in the past three weeks, but I think we'll still wait and see. We'll put the pads on him tomorrow. A couple of other things – Steve McKinney had his surgery today and everything went good. (Head athletic trainer) Kevin (Bastin) could tell you more about that if you want to know about it, but everything went good. And let's see who else - we held out DeMeco (Ryans) today. He's got a sore ankle, but he could have went if we needed to go. But we held him out and let him just get mental work."

(on the status of WR Andre Johnson) "You know, Andre (Johnson) ran today. He was out here right before practice and did a bunch of running. He's made a lot of progress. I think we're very, very encouraged in what we are seeing. I think as far as this week goes, he would still be very, very doubtful, but I think we were right on schedule with what we were thinking. Hopefully, next week we're looking at getting him back."

(on how important TE Owen Daniels has been with all the injuries) "He's been very, very important. He struggled on the line of scrimmage in the first few games. He's played better on the line of scrimmage and he has a lot of confidence right now. In the game the other day, he told me, 'Give me the ball.' He's never said that to me. He's only been here two years, but he makes two big plays in the last drive and has a lot of confidence. He was our offensive player of the game, which I'm sure y'all know. He's becoming a pretty darn good player."

(on calling timeouts to ice the kicker) "It's part of the game. I thought they may do that the other day, but they didn't. It's a nice tool to pull the official aside and say, 'Look at me right after this play because I may want to call a timeout.' It's very unusual, but it is part of the game now, so it's part of strategy week in and week out."

(on how he feels about the rule that allows coaches to call a timeout before a kick) "Yeah, I think I'm OK with it. I think one of the reasons the rule came into effect was because you have captains and you have guys making decisions on the field – sometimes guys get hurt and they come out of the game, so who does the official go to? Who's making the call? So they kind of take it out of their hands and basically say, 'We'll let the coaches do it. We're right here; holler at us. Let us know what you want.' I think it's a good thing."

(on if the team is reprimanding DT Travis Johnson) "We've moved on. We're getting ready to go play."

(on what he has gotten out of WR André Davis) "We knew we were getting speed. Of course, when we watched him we saw the good things he did early in his career and then he struggled for a couple of years and bounced around. So we knew we were getting a guy who had done it before; a guy that had a lot of speed, and we were really just taking a shot and seeing where he was going to be. He was really impressive throughout OTA's. He kind of battled Kevin (Walter) for the number two spot and he was doing that on a daily basis and then he missed two weeks. We kind of didn't know what we had, and he comes back from it. You don't know if a player's taking care of his business when he's not playing until all of a sudden he plays. And what this tells you is that this guy has been keeping up, taking care of his business and he's ready for his chance to play."

(on has been most surprising out of WR André Davis' play) "I like his toughness. I think that the tough catches he's made – he's going to make the catches that all the guys are supposed to make, but some of the balls he's went up and got – made a big catch over the middle the other day. People are scared of his speed; we tried to get him on a double move the other day and he drew a big penalty on the corner. I think just his toughness and the way he's playing the game has been an added bonus."

(on the toughness of the AFC South) "First off, it has the World Champs, so that's one big thing right there. But then after that, to think that you've got three teams that are very young teams that are kind of growing up together and getting better. You know, Jacksonville has been steady and Tennessee, of course, coming on with Vince (Young) playing the way he's been playing and a lot of good, young players in that organization and a lot of good, young players in this organization coming on, I think it's just turned into a real strong division. And that's a good thing because it makes you better. It gets so competitive week in and week out."

(on if he's been able to think about the historical significance of what K Kris Brown did) "I've had a hard time even trying to understand it. We had a pretty good kicker in Denver, and (Broncos K Jason) Elam's kicked a lot of long field goals, but to think of what the kid did and to make a 43-yarder – I don't know how close y'all watched the short one that he made and the hold that Matt (Turk) made, it was a bad snap – I'd be surprised if we ever see that again, much less when we see it again. It's just kind of a privilege to watch something like that and what the kid accomplished, and everybody's really happy for him. He's a good kid, very humble. All he's worried about since he did it is the guys who were blocking for him; that tells you what kind of kid he is."

(on what the key was against Jacksonville last year) "We got turnovers against them last year. You look at both games and I think we won the turnover battle in both games, but when you play them, you know what you're up against. It's going to be a very physical football game. They play in a lot of low-scoring football games. They haven't been turning the ball over this year. We know that's the type of game it's going to be - a very, very physical contest."

(on if he knew this was a rivalry game) "No, I had people ask me that the last couple of days. I'm learning the division and the rivalries that we have because it's obvious. In Denver, we played Jacksonville a few times and I think just by playing them a few times it becomes a rivalry because they are such a physical football team. If you aren't ready to play and match them toe-to-toe physical wise, it's going to be a long day for your football teams. I think our players just know they better have that mindset."

CB Fred Bennett

(on how he thinks he did last week) "I thought I did pretty good. I just went out and did what my coaches asked. I thought it was a very pleasing outcome. I'm looking forward to next week and doing the same thing."

(on if the guys have talked to him about the Jacksonville rivalry) "We got into it a little bit today. I was asking Dunta (Robinson) why they hate each other so much and he said he had no clue. I'll be ready. I don't know anything about this rivalry, but I'll be ready."

(on if anything stands out about their receivers) "They are big, tall wide receivers. They can get physical with you, so you have to bring that toughness this week."

(on if he can expect the same playing situation this week as he had last week) "I'm not sure. As of this moment, I'm not sure. They haven't told me anything. I guess I'll just go with the flow and whatever they want me to do, I'll do."

(on if last week's win gave the team a boost of confidence) "It was a good win for our ball club, one that we needed. One that we knew we needed. We went out there and we fought hard. Sometimes things didn't go our way, but we just fought and we stood together and we came out with a victory."

K Kris Brown

(on what's going on inside of you after you have a game like you did on Sunday) "I don't want to come across as not being excited. I was very happy after the game. I think the one thing is I expect myself to go out and play like that. For me to jump around and go crazy, that's just not my personality. I went home and enjoyed my two kids and ordered a pizza and just hung out. The good thing is after the game on Sunday, that's what's beautiful about this game and this league, Sunday's over with now. It's time to go back to work. It's time to get refocused and figure out what we have to do to go to Jacksonville and get a win."

(on if there is any carryover effect to next week) "No, you just go out there and you want to continue, certainly, to go out there and have the same feelings and go out there with a lot of confidence and step out on the field and do what you have to do. It's time to go back to work. What happened Sunday, it was a big win for this football team and we just need to take that feeling and do what we have to do to find another win."

(on if he can see the game against Jacksonville coming down to a field goal) "I'm prepared for it coming down to a field every single week. Really, anytime I step out on the field, we have to get points on the board. Jacksonville's a good football team. They're playing good football right now, so we have our work cut out for us. We're going to have to do a really good job this week of preparing and going out on the practice field with a sense of purpose. If we can do that this week, it will really help our chances on Sunday."

(on if he heard what DE N.D. Kalu said after the game) "I did hear it. For me, that's what I want. I want guys to look at me not as a place kicker. That's the biggest compliment that I think I can get from my teammates is for them not to look at me as a place kicker, but look at me as a football player who kicks. When somebody says that, that brings a big smile to my face."

LB Danny Clark

(on what he thinks about the Jaguars) "Man, they seem aggressive. This team seems like they're playing physical football. They're running the ball effectively, and it's something that we have to deal with here in practice this week."

(on if he's aware of the Jacksonville-Houston rivalry) "Yeah, I was only drafted to Jacksonville and played there my first four years, so, yeah, I understand the rivalry. And the year the Texans came in the league, they beat us in Jacksonville. So I understand the rivalry, and it's a huge deal and I think we're going to prepare well for it."

(on how this became a rivalry with the Texans being a new team) "The funny thing is, I saw it from the other side. So it was surprising that they came out and beat us their very first time out, that being Houston at the time. And now I'm glad to be on this side to get an opportunity to beat up on my old team, the Jaguars."

(on if last week's win is a big confidence booster going forward) "It's definitely. We didn't play our best football last week, and that's the sign of a championship team is you win the ones you're not supposed to. I don't think it was the fact that we weren't supposed to, it's just that we played good enough to win, and that's important in this league."

(on QB David Garrard) "Man, he's one of the strongest quarterbacks I've seen. I played with him, like I said, a few years and he's a smart guy, he makes the right decisions, he has no interceptions in the first four games. He's a guy that we have to keep an eye on because it's tough to cover a receiver and then the quarterback's running right behind you. So that's a tough deal."

(on what Jaguars coach Jack del Rio is telling them about the Texans this week) "Well, I'm sure he's got them fired up. And they're playing good football. They're on a three-game winning streak and I know there's some ego going on that they want to dominate this division. And it's something that we have to go and just do what we do; we need to concentrate on the Texans and not moreso the Jaguars."

(on if he has knowledge than can help the Texans) "Definitely. I've got some insight on some of the personnel, the way the coach thinks and the attitude that they're going to bring. So I think it's good to have somebody from the other side now in a Texans uniform."

(on if he thinks there's going to be much trash-talking with he and his old teammates) "Yep. I think there is. But I'll try to keep it to a minimum. I won't do anything to hurt my teammates, which is more important, and I can't get caught up into any emotional deal; I've just got to go out there and play good football."

(on who's the biggest talker on the other side) "It's hard to say. I've got a lot of good friends on that team, but at the same time just between those 60 minutes, they're my enemies."

TE Owen Daniels

(on explaining the success the Texans have had against Jacksonville) "I'm not sure. We were fortunate last year. We had some good luck against them. We got a victory in a close game at their place and I guess we handled them pretty good when they came here. They're tough. They're a big defense, a big, strong defense and they have some playmakers on offense, so we definitely have our work cut out for us."

(on the poise the offense has shown) "I think everyone is just stepping up. Everyone knows we have to step up week-to-week with all the guys that we have down. We have to step in and make plays. Even without that, we know that if we want to be a good team, we're going to be in close games. Most of the games we have are close and we all need to step up in those situations."

(on what it will mean to have RB Ahman Green back this week) "Just his experience and his know-how and his knack for running the ball well. It's going to be great to have a leader like him back in there. Hopefully, we can get that run game kick started. I think everyone needs to pick up their game blocking and reading the runs the right way."

(on QB Matt Schaub being able to lead a game-winning drive after struggling early) "It just goes to show the kind of leader he is. As a quarterback, you need to have that short term memory. If you make a mistake, you need to come back the next play and just make the next play. If you make a great play, you can't hang on that because you have another play to make out there. He does a great job of doing that."

RB Ron Dayne

(on if he's seeing any light at the end of the tunnel for the run game) "Yes, definitely. We started out slow last year, so we know we've got room to improve and get better."

(on what he'd like to see change) "Get some yards. Run the ball a little more. But as long as we win, I'm happy with that; I can't complain."

(on what it means to possibly have RB Ahman Green back this week) "Well, it's good. Any time we can get somebody back to help us, that's a good situation."

(on the tandem of he and RB Ahman Green being an asset) "Yes, definitely. You come in and kind of wear them down with him and the speed and he's physical, too, and then I come in with more of just being physical. It kind of wears on the defense."

(on how they can prevent Jacksonville from shutting them down) "We've kind of just got to keep doing our thing - prepare throughout the week and just get ready to go play and still try to run the ball."

(on if he's tired of hearing questions about the run game not getting the job done) "Well, you can't really get upset with it, with the questions, especially when we're not really running the ball that well. We've just got to keep working on it and getting better."

(on how he handles those questions) "Just go out and do my job. When it's my time to run the ball, I run the ball, just like the other backs. When we get the opportunity to run and do well, then hopefully we can pick it back up."

(on if there's been a recurring problem with timing or any other area) "Well, it's just everybody. We've just got to just get better. Some backs, some line, some play call. It's a little bit of everything, so we've just got to get it all clicking and get better together."

RB Samkon Gado

(on if there is some bad blood there between the two clubs) "Oh, most definitely. We got them twice last year and they were a strong team, and I don't think they expected us to. And I think they're an in-conference rival and we play them more than we do play anybody else. So I mean there is a sense of bad blood between us, but I wouldn't say it's the rivalry of the NFL. But it is to us."

(on if for there is emotion in this game that doesn't exist in some others) "No, I can't say that. Yes, there is emotion, but you're trying to get me to say something I don't want to say. They're good, and we have fought them hard and they have fought us very hard. So it's going to be a battle. It's going to be a mud-fest."

(on if he's going to ask for their autographs after the game) "No, that's OK. No, that's alright. I guess their brand of football is just very tough and aggressive, and I think they'll do anything to get the 'W.' I don't know. That goes well with some people. It doesn't go well with others."

(on the Jaguars' strong run defense and the Texans' problems running the ball) "You're right; it doesn't sound like a good mix. And we're not going to get away with it this week, not running the ball and coming away with a 'W,' but this is a good opportunity for us to change it, turn it around, excellent challenge for our team to step up and to run the ball against a very good run defense. If we can do that, then our chances of playing throughout the season look very, very good."

(on Jacksonville DTs John Henderson and Marcus Stroud) "Those guys are stout. But we played Henderson last year; we know how to play them. I think in a sense we do match up well against them. They're an excellent team, but they do play high and I think that plays to our advantage. But those guys are 315, 330, I mean, that's a load."

RB Ahman Green

(on if he's ready to go) "I feel pretty good. Every day is a test day for me and I just can't wait to get back out there. That's about it."

(on if the knee is 100 percent) "I'll say well enough to play. That's how I'm going to put it. It feels good, and pretty much, I'm just going to take it one day at a time like I did last week."

(on if he would play tentatively because of the knee) "No, that's what practice is for. I'm going to get ready in practice. That's always been my approach to every practice through my career, especially if I had an injury or I've sat a couple of games. When I come back, that week of practice is my preparation for the game."

(on how tough it's been sitting and watching his teammates) "Torture. I've been the same since I was little. If I wasn't playing when I knew I should be out there helping my team out, it's hard to watch."

(on how he views his situation this weekend) "It's day-to-day. It feels good and from the way I feel right now, I think I'll be ready. Still, I have to do my tests, during practice I need to run hard and get in situations I know that I'm going to face, pick up the blitz, make hard cuts, stuff like that."

(on what it will mean for him to get back out there) "It's going to mean a lot because I'll be able to go out there and help my team out. Whatever I'm doing, running the ball, catching the ball, picking up the blitz, just being out there on the field because it will give our offense a little bit more respect and keep that defense very honest. I've played against them before and they know what type of runner I am and I know what type of defense they are. They are hard hitting."

(on if he'll be rusty or if it's like riding a bike) "It's like riding a bike. I'll knock off the rust in practice because if I don't, Jacksonville will. Like I said earlier, I won't say that I'm 100 percent. In terms of playing in games, I'll be ready to play."

WR Jacoby Jones

(on wanting to play this week) "Oh, yeah. I'm going to go all out out there. I can't sit out any more, man. I'm going crazy. So I'm back getting on this field, trying to help this team out. We're already winning."

(on how his shoulder feels) "It's alright. It's a little sore. It's football; you've got to play through soreness."

(on if the doctor said he could damage it any more by playing) "No. He's pretty much saying I'm alright, I'm really kind of good to go. So we're just going to see how it feels - put a little pad on it, put a little dirt on it and just roll."

(on how frustrating it's been not to play) "Frustration ain't the word, man. It's driving me crazy. I want to have fun, too; those guys look like they're having fun, Kevin Walter, André (Davis). So I'm trying to get out there with them, kind of do my thing, too."

(on if he'll lobby hard to get on the field or see what the coaches say) "I'm going to kind of lay back, see what they tell me, try to be a role player. Whenever they sneak me in, I'm going to try to sneak in and make something happen."

(on if there are certain things he can't do right now) "No, not that I know of. I've got all the range of motion, just like I said. There's a little soreness, so I've just got to see how it feels going live with it."

(on if the close win last week made him want to play more) "Oh, yeah. That's exciting. I think I was one of the first ones to run on the field when he hit the kick. I wasn't even thinking about my shoulder no more."

(on if there's no doubt he'll be out there) "Oh, yeah. I'm playing. Unless the coaches or doctors say otherwise, if it's up to me, I'm playing."

(on if he'll worry about being rusty) "That's not an issue for me. I think I can get back in and probably stay on beat. I ain't really worried about that."

(on what he has to work on to get full speed) "Getting back to used to breathing in that shield. I wear a shield in my helmet and that'll kill me, man, breathing through that shield. (There's) no oxygen, so I've got to get used to that again."

(on if it's hard to breathe with the shield) "Yes, it's like suffocating yourself, putting a plastic bag over your face. So I've got to get used to that."

(on if he has to wear it) "No, it's just something I wear because I don't want anybody to grab my facemask. So I wear that."

(on if he wore it in college) "Yes, I did."

(on if he's not used to it by now) "Nope. Can't get used to that. You've just got to suck it up, breathe. Any timeout they call, I take the helmet off as quick as possible."

(on if he's worried about being tentative at all) "I've got to put that out of my mind and go with it. I think once I take a little hit or fall on it, I'll definitely be alright then."

(on how frustrating it's been not to play) "Driving me crazy. I think I go through like three bags of sunflower seeds on the sidelines, just spitting them out, chewing them and going crazy. But I want to get back out there and have fun with those guys. They look like they're having tons of fun."

(on if coming back means he'll also do returns) "Punts, kicks, whatever. Whatever; I just want to have some fun."

LS Bryan Pittman

(on how disruptive it is when a coach calls a timeout at the last second on field goals) "It can, but they're trying to get in the guy's head and take him out of his focus. And I think it's a rule that needs to be changed. Once the center puts his hands on the ball, I think the play should go on; there shouldn't be a timeout allowed."

(on if it affects everyone involved) "Yeah, it could be everyone. It could be the left guard that's thinking, 'This is the one,' and then all of a sudden, hey, there's a timeout."

CB Dunta Robinson

(on if there is bad blood between the Texans and the Jaguars) "There is always a lot of extra pushing and shoving whenever we play against each other. I wouldn't say bad blood, just say competitive juices coming out of both sides. Both sides want to win really bad. When you have two teams that want to win, there aren't any friends on the field."

(on the extra-curricular activity that goes on between the teams) "That's the way they play. They play physical and we play physical. When you have two physical teams, there's going to be a little bit of pushing and shoving."

(on if there is more emotion in this game compared to others) "Any team in your division, when you play against those guys, there's always a little extra because everyone wants to be on top of the division. There is that extra sense of urgency to go out there and play your best. I think there's a little extra when you play a team like Jacksonville."

(on if he thinks they'll remember what the Texans did to them last year) "I'm pretty sure it's on their mind. We beat them twice last year. The year before that, they beat us twice. Any time we play, every year it's competitive. I'm pretty sure they want to come out here with a victory. They don't want to go down again with a loss. We know that we have a challenge ahead of ourselves. We know that Jacksonville's a tough team, they have a great defense, the two running backs running the ball, so it's going to be a physical football game. They fly around on defense and they pound you on offense. We're not trying to be the nail, we're trying to be the hammer."

(on what concerns him most about their offense) "Just their ability to run the football and their quarterback can hurt you with his legs. That worries you a little bit. You have to play physical with these guys. You have to him them in the mouth because if you don't, then you know they'll take advantage of you. They pride themselves on being the most physical football team on the football field and we have to make sure that doesn't happen."

QB Matt Schaub

(on what it would mean to have RB Ahman Green back this week) "He's a veteran guy and you saw the first couple of weeks that he was in there how we established ourselves in the run game, as well as he gets involved in the passing game as well in picking up blitzes. So he just brings a lot of confidence to our huddle in what we can do offensively."

(on if he's aware that he is the biggest difference in the offense) "Well, I think it's all of us. I don't think it's just one person, I think it's everybody collectively in the huddle. We're confident in what we're doing and guys are executing and those guys that are up front, they're battling day in and day out. They know their role and they are performing wonderfully for us and giving me time to look downfield and hit the open receiver."

(on if he now has confidence in the backup receivers) "I had confidence with them all through training camp because you can't just focus on one guy in the passing game. And we've been running three, four wide receiver sets ever since OTAs, so I've been working with those guys and I'm very comfortable with what they can do. It's just very re-enforcing to see them demonstrate that on Sundays when the live bullets are going and see them respond in the way they have. It's just a great testament to their work ethic."

(on the team being clutch in the fourth quarter) "It is. And the fourth quarter's the most important quarter in this league. If you can be a good fourth quarter team and score points, control the tempo of the game and know that you can handle those situations, the two minute drill, third downs, you'll be in a lot of good positions at the end of the game."

(on why it's so critical to establish some sort of running game and why they can't throw the ball every time) "Well, you don't want to render yourselves one-dimensional. You want to keep the running game going and show teams, 'Look, we're going to run the ball; we're going to establish that as well, so we can work in our play-action pass game and the passing game in general. So you don't want to just say we're not going to run the ball and just make yourself one-dimensional because then teams will just play for that."

(on what concerns him the most about Jacksonville's defense) "They're big. Their front seven is physical, their big guy is hard to move and they're very athletic to boot. So it's a tough group. They're very physical and they can run sideline to sideline."

(on if he's aware of the Houston-Jacksonville rivalry) "I'm just being introduced to that, I guess. Any time you're inside your own division, they're going to be brutal games and they're going to be rivalries, so we just have to approach it as that and that it's another game on our schedule and another divisional opponent. It's a big game for us but we just have to prepare this week to go out and play a tough, hard-nosed game."

(on how much forming a bond with his offensive line in the offseason has paid off) "It's paying off huge with all the guys, not just them. But especially with those guys, being the quarterback, you have to have a special relationship with those guys so you have each other's back. That helped coming in here in the offseason and getting to know them and what they're all about."

(on how they've been able to give up less sacks) "Those guys are working hard up front. They're doing their responsibilities to the best of their ability and running backs are helping out, tight ends and a lot of other times when we're play faking, the running backs are giving us a good fake and allowing the receivers to get downfield and make a play."

(on how much of it is him knowing when to throw the ball away) "Well, that's a big part because you don't want to have negative plays. We'll take a second-and-10 rather than a first-and-17 or second-and-17, so any time you can throw the ball away and avoid a negative play, you're keeping your team on schedule rather than putting yourselves behind the eight ball."

(on if he was good at it at Virginia or learned it over the years) "You learn it over time. I started developing it at Virginia. The coaches there harped on it because it's (an) important part and sometimes that's lost in college football; you don't see many guys throw the ball (away), they try and force it, where you can just throw it away and play smart that way. So I developed that over time."

(on how much the game-winning drive helps for the next time they get in that situation) "It's tremendous. It gives us a lot of confidence knowing that we've been in that situation, we can do this again. It was much like the Carolina game where we got down 14-0 on the road and any time we get down again, we know, 'Hey, we've been here before, let's just keep chipping away at it.' The same goes with that two-minute drive. We've been pretty successful with our two-minute situations and we just need to continue to put an emphasis on that and be good in that situation."

(on his good relationship with TE Owen Daniels) "Like you said, we have a good relationship and he has a good feel for route-running and zone coverages so he can get open, and he finishes plays. He catches the football and he makes something happen with it afterwards, so he's a very athletic guy. He presents a big target for us and he opens up a lot of things and we can get him the ball down the middle of the field, working on linebackers and safeties. So he presents a lot of mismatches for us, too."

(on if they've adjusted their offense to feature TE Owen Daniels more) "He plays a big part in anything we do, regardless of who's in the game or who's injured or whatnot. So if we can get him the football and get those wide receivers involved, they had another great game, something like 10 catches for almost 200 yards, so I mean those guys are playing lights-out also. So we're just spreading the field, and the more we do that and get different guys the football, the more it'll help our offense."

(on how tough this division has turned out to be) "Well, it is. You look at our division, every team has a winning record and they're tough places to play. But if you can hold serve at home in this league and then go and win some of the games on the road, if you can win in those tough environments, you'll put yourself in a good position then later on in the season. So we just need to go and play good road football much like we did when we went to Carolina. If we can go and play a game like that and not make mistakes to hurt ourselves and take advantage of opportunities when they're there, we'll like what we see."

(on what the big rivalry was at Virginia) "Virginia-Virginia Tech."

(on the fact that he doesn't understand how big this rivalry is) "Every game's a big game. I know when I was in college, Virginia-Virginia Tech was our rivalry. That was a brutal in-state rivalry. So I understand rivalries, don't get me wrong. I've been playing football long enough, I know what rivalries are all about."

G Fred Weary

(on if DT John Henderson was the same player in college as he is now) "Yes, he was that same type of player. He's always been since day one when he stepped on the University of Tennessee's campus; he was that way. I think he's taken it to another level now."

(on what DT John Henderson is like on the field) "He goes up and down on everything. He's an emotional type of player. He plays with a lot of emotion, a lot of passion and all. You'll get a few words out of him during the course of the game."

(on if the Jaguars have a nasty edge) "Yes, they play with a lot of passion. They play with a mean streak out there. They have a swagger about them when they step on the field because each year, that's all you hear about is their defensive front and how well they play."

(on if he thinks the Jaguars will remember what the Texans did to them last year) "I think it's going to be on their mind. I think that's probably something they've carried through the offseason and they are prepared to come back and try to do to us what we did to them last year."

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