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Practice quotes: Wednesday


Quarterback Sage Rosenfels said he will prepare this week as he does for every game.

Uncertainty about the location of Sunday's game against the Chargers dominated Wednesday's locker room discussion as the players and head coach spoke to the media.

Head coach Gary Kubiak

(on the quarterback situation) "Actually, Matt (Schaub) did a lot more today than I thought he would, to be honest with you. So I would say a big step in the right direction. Sage (Rosenfels) still took a majority of the reps, but Matt (Schaub) definitely looked better today."

(on making a decision at quarterback) "You just keep going. You get a feel for it, watching guys make plays they normally make - plays in practice - and move around the way they normally move around to have to play in this league. Sage (Rosenfels) needs the work anyway, so we'll just operate that way, and if Matt (Schaub) continues to make progress, then that's a bonus. But, like I said, today was better than I thought it would be."

(on QB Matt Schaub being day-to-day) "I'd say he's still day-to-day. It would have been hard to throw him on the football field today before a Wednesday practice in the NFL when everybody is beat up and barely moving around anyway. He was right in there amongst us, so like I said, I thought it was positive."

(on bringing in QB Shane Boyd instead of QB Jared Zabransky) "It had a lot to do with Jared, to be honest with you. We talked to him about what he wanted and we wanted him back and how he saw coming back and his future in the NFL, and it just didn't work out. We liked this kid. We played against him in the preseason when we played Arizona. We liked what he did - very positive about coming in here and wanting to compete and get better, so we brought him in."

(on the progress of WR Jacoby Jones and WR Andre Johnson) "Andre (Johnson) did practice football today. He took individuals with the team in the first 20 minutes of practice, so that's a move forward. He will continue to do more through the week. As far as, Jacoby (Jones), he did everything. He practiced just like he did last week. That's the first time Andre (Johnson) had really come out and practiced with us. He's doing some football stuff on his own, aside from the team."

(on if he considers WR Andre Johnson a possibility for Sunday) "I would say that's a reach still for Andre (Johnson) until he gets out here in the competitive environment. He was doing individual drills and stuff like that, so that was a big step forward. We'll see how he responds tomorrow."

(on not knowing where Sunday's game will be) "There's nothing you can do about that. We're going to play the game somewhere. We'll get that, I was told, decided tonight, hopefully. But like I said, that will work itself out, you're just concerned for all the people down there. That's a horrible thing. You just pray for them and hope it works out for all those families."

(on waiving RB Samkon Gado) "It was really difficult because I really liked the kid. He's what you're looking for. He's a great kid, works extremely hard. We're trying to take a look at some of these young backs to make a move somewhere. It was a difficult decision as to which direction we were going to go, but I even heard today that Samkon's (Gado) going to get picked up today. I wish him all the best. He's a good kid."

(on the group of receivers after WR Andre Johnson) "They've been a huge bright spot of out football team. You take Kevin (Walter), David (Anderson) and André (Davis) and what they've done in the past month, making plays for our football team and giving us opportunities to win. So it's like I told ya'll before, you really don't know if guys are taking care of their business in this league or really getting ready to be a starter or a player in this league until they get pushed into a situation. All of these guys have gotten pushed into it a more extensive role and every guy has responded to that role. So that tells you what they're all about."

(on if the receiving group has gotten better over the last few weeks) "Well, what I said earlier in the year was that everybody asked who our number two receiver was, and I said that I wasn't concerned with that. I was concerned with us having a good group of receivers. And it's pretty obvious that we have a pretty good group."

(on going against LB Shaun Phillips and LB Shawne Merriman) "Well, they're two edge players that present big-time problems for your offense. They can find ways to get on your backs, so that's a tough thing you've got to do. You've got to try every possible avenue you can to protect; everybody's had that problem against them. We're no different. We're working and trying to find the best way for us to get back there and throw the ball."

(on where RB LaDainian Tomlinson ranks) "He's as good as I've ever seen. He's a game breaker. Every time he touches the ball you hold your breath. The thing about him, he not only hurts you running the ball, he's going to catch the ball anywhere from seven to 10 times a game on screens and things, so it's our biggest challenge for our defense this year."

(on how he corrects turnovers) "You can practice it. You're always putting an emphasis on it. To be honest with you, right now sometimes you may beat something up so dang much that it's just driving players crazy and it's on their minds. We'll take the other approach right now; the players have got to go fix it. We haven't been turning the ball over in practice; it's not like we do it during practice. So it's just something that they're going to take upon themselves and do a better job of protecting the ball, and it begins and ends with the quarterbacks. They're the number one key."

WR David Anderson

(on not knowing where the game is going to be) "We know we are going to be playing the Chargers, so we're going to prepare the same way. As of where and when it's going to be, I don't think that matter too much to us as of right now. We're not too worried about it. It's going to be the San Diego Chargers and they're going to bring their 'A' game just like us, no matter where it is."

(on if he's been able to talk to his family and friends out there) "A couple friends had to evacuate San Diego and my mom's alright. She's right by the Malibu Canyon fires. Right now, my family's alright but it's still a concern. You never know with fire, winds pick up and stuff like that can be very dangerous."

(on the way the receivers have been able to pick up the slack with WR Andre Johnson out) "I think collectively as a group we've prepared well every week. The coaches prepare us well, let us know what we need to do and how we're going to execute the game plan to the best of our abilities. I think the coaches are all putting us in a position to succeed. We're running the best routes we run. I think guys are getting put in good positions to be successful and I think that's ultimately why we're doing so well."

(on what has been the key for him personally) "I got to play a lot in the slot and stuff like that and run around. Playing inside two great receivers like (WR) Kevin (Walter) and (WR) André (Davis) helps out and maybe creates some mismatches on some people. I think all-in-all, we've been working as a group collectively pretty well."

CB Fred Bennett

(on what he's seen from San Diego's receivers) "They're big, physical. We have to bring our 'A' game. They're going to come to compete so we have to come to compete."

(on now much more comfortable he is in the defense) "I'm real comfortable. My confidence level has risen tremendously with the help of my coaches and my teammates. I'm just in my comfort zone right now and I'm out there making plays, and that's why I'm here."

(on if anything has caught him by surprise) "It was caught me by surprise. I think my coaches, they believed in me. I believe in myself. By them believing in me and just putting me out there and me going out there and performing the way I'm performing, I'm just trying to keep this thing going."

(on how much CB Dunta Robinson has helped him) "He's been a tremendous help. He's helped me on and off the field as well. He's constantly in my ear, teaching me little things, what to look for in receivers. He's been a tremendous help."

QB Shane Boyd(on if he had tryouts with other teams) "Not as of right now. There were some other things brewing up, but they snagged me up before I could do anything else."

(on when he arrived in Houston) "I just got here last night, late last night. They called me like yesterday afternoon and asked me when's the quickest time I can get to the airport. I said 'My bags are already packed' and flew down here, so I got here about nine, 10 o'clock last night."

(on how he's looking to contribute to the team) "I'm bringing athleticism, a great locker room guy, just a guy who enjoys playing football and wants to help this team."

(on how excited he is to be on a team again) "It's living out your dream. It's always exciting. I was doing that last year and I've been doing it up until this point sitting at home for a couple of weeks, then getting this call. So it's always great to get back in it and like I said just continue to live out your dream. I mean, you can't ask for more."

(on if he knew any Texans players before joining the team) "Yes, I know a couple of guys, especially (Amobi) Okoye. We have the same agent, so we've had a relationship, and Chris Taylor, we worked out together when we were back in Kentucky. So we kind of played against each other in college; he played for Indiana. A couple other guys I've talked to and got a couple contacts, kind of mutual friends type thing, so not too much of a stranger on the team, but you've got to get to know everybody once again."

(on how that will help him adjust) "It's always good to have a contact there, some people you know to kind of ease the process to where you can ask questions – 'where do I do this, where do I go for that,' that type thing. It's always good to have some guys that you know or other guys that you've played with that'll put you in contact with people that are here, so it's always good to have that."

(on his current living arrangement) "Temporarily in a hotel, then after that just work it out. I'm sure I'll be able to get on with somebody or find a place or something, so I won't have too much to worry about that. Just worried about getting this playbook right now."

TE Owen Daniels

(on if he's ready to line up under center) "(TE) Mark Bruener said something, he's like 'Do you have your arm warmed up?", during the game this past Sunday and I was like, that's right, it's me, I'm the next guy. Hopefully we won't have to ever get to that situation because I don't think you guys want to see that."

(on if it would be fun if he got to play quarterback) "Yes, I would have to make the most of that. Yes, I would have to make it fun."

(on LB Shawne Merriman and the Chargers defense) "They're good, both those guys, (LB Shaun) Phillips and (LB Shawne) Merriman are two Pro Bowlers. I think they're just a really solid all-around defense and their offense is really good, too. It seems like everyone has a good defense week to week, so we just have to put our stuff together and get ready to play."

(on playing them right as they are putting everything together) "They've been warming up. They've been playing well the last few weeks, but that's what we want. We know they're a good team. From the beginning of the year, they were predicted to be a good team and like I said, I think it's good that we get a shot at them when they're playing good ball right now."

(on how difficult it is to bounce back from the game last week) "It'll be huge. Each week is important to go out there and play well. If you win, you could still come on fire and if you lose, to bounce back from that. Just the crazy game we had, it'll be important for us to get off to a fast start."

(on if he thinks people around the league are surprised by the play of the receivers without WR Andre Johnson) "I'm sure there's a lot of people that are surprised. I'm sure some of you guys are surprised. But we've got so many guys, that just shows it's not a one guy doesn't make a team. I'm sure Andre (Johnson) would echo that. He's obviously a great player and we'd love to have him healthy all year 'round, but if something happens to him or another great player that we have, someone's going to step up and do what they can to fill in his shoes."

(on what the key has been in WR Andre Johnson's absence) "Just the way we've worked from OTA's and the offseason, training camp. Everyone's worked really, really hard, first of all to make the team because I think we weren't really sure who our receivers were going to be, so everyone was really busting their butt in that respect. Since then, just trying to step up and make plays."

WR André Davis

(on if it would affect him playing a home game at the opponents home field) "Probably. This happened with the Giants and Saints and they made a big uproar about it saying that it did affect them. Once again, all we can do is just prepare and what ever happens happens."

(on if they get an extra day because the game is switched to Monday) "It's just an extra day. It's an extra day to study more film, an extra day to get more practice in, to execute more. We just have to be prepared for whatever they decide, we have we have to get ready to just be able to move on and keep going."

(on if there is any difference on how you prepare depending who the quarterback is) "You can probably talk to the coaches about that. As far as I know, we have a game plan, we have a practice schedule. For me as a receiver, I'm just going to go out there and just know my role and whoever the quarterback is, I'm hoping they can get it to the receivers and to the backs."

S Will Demps

(on if the fires in San Diego have affected his family and friends) "It's getting close. The winds, you never know when it can change day to day, hour to hour, so you've got to keep on track with that."

(on if his family and friends are concerned) "They're very concerned. It's getting close, but it's not as close as the ones that people like my friends already lost their homes or their parents lost their homes. You see it every day and it's just getting worse because it's just building up steam, and you've got to pray and hope things turn out the way they do and die down."

(on if he has a home in that area) "Yes, I've got a home in San Diego. I have one in mid-San Diego and another one downtown. I don't know if it's going to hit downtown, but that other one it might."

(on what he's heard about his homes) "Right now, one of them's OK. The other one, my brother's watching it, my family's watching it. And my parents' home is north of that, north of San Diego, so you never know with the winds. And there's arson too in some other parts of Southern California, I don't know if you heard about that, and so that's actually affecting LA too now, so it's just one of those things that just keeps going and going."

(on how hard it is for him to say focused this week) "I can stay focused because I don't see the smoke and I know when you kind of verify the air quality and all that stuff that's going on. When the fires go up the freeways, you really can't describe it. From my end, my prayers and everything goes out to the families and my friends. This is one of the trying times where you just have to pray and hope things turn out the way they do."

(on if he's been watching CNN in all his free time) "I try to just to kind of see what areas have been hit. It's one of those things where right now it is football right now, but when you get home, it's more just getting in contact with the people out there."

(on if he was looking forward to this trip) "Definitely, it is what it is. It is San Diego, but right now, it's more about the health and the families and just getting through this situation."

(on not knowing where the game is going to be played) "I think for us, there's no change. For us, we know there is going to be game. We don't know where, when, but right now for us, the focus is on getting the game plan in today and then whatever happens after practice, that's what we focus on, where we're playing. I don't know how many guys on this team, I know (G) Chester (Pitts) has some family down in that area. Right now, it's a focus on football for us. For them, I don't know. It's trying times, whether they have a home or what not. I know we're going to have a game some time this week."

CB DeMarcus Faggins

(on San Diego playing good football the last couple of weeks) "They started off pretty slow at the beginning of the season, but right now, they've kind of found their way and they're winning games right now."

(on where the team is confidence wise right now) "Sometimes, you have to look at it, we started off on fire. We were winning games at first and the last couple of games we've had some bad breaks. We haven't won games that we should have won. As far as looking at this week, we have to continue to find our swagger, continue to build our confidence during practice trying to prepare well."

(on over-thinking when too many mistakes are made) "You think about that going in. The week before, you might have lost the game and you say, 'Ok, I have to get better this week. I have to get better this week.' Then you go out there and you think about every possible thing that could happen. Sometimes, you make mistakes doing that. I just say we have to go out there and play the way we are coached."

(on what's key to stopping their run game) "Just hit our gaps and make tackles. Don't miss any tackles."

(on if that's been the biggest thing the past couple of weeks) "We have missed a couple of tackles that we should have made and they gained a couple yards extra after that."

CB Jamar Fletcher

(on what's the key to putting last Sunday behind them) "You just have to understand that this is the NFL and things are going to happen and you have to be able to keep fighting and pushing. We have a lot of games left. If we handle our business, we'll be fine."

(on what he remembers from the 2003 game that was moved to a neutral site) "We were flying in, it was the same kind of situation, a lot of smoke in the air coming over the mountains. You could see it. You could smell it. They just ended up having to move the game to Arizona and that was that."

(on what the crowd was like at the game in Arizona) "Actually, it was crazy. We got a lot more college fans. We played in Sun Devil Stadium where Arizona State plays. It was just a lot of enthusiasm, still a lot of fans out there, so it was a good thing."

(on it being unbelievable that four years later, he is in the same situation) "Yes, it's kind of crazy when I sat back and thought about it. Like I said, things happen, and we just have to move on and play the game."

WR Andre Johnson
(on having his first real workout with the team since his injury) "It feels good just to feel like a normal person now, just getting out there with my teammates and stuff again. A lot of the guys were excited to see me out there in uniform with my helmet on. I went out and ran a couple of routes and things like that, but I really didn't participate in the full team activity. So other than that, it's just taking it day by day and just seeing how things go day by day and how my knee feels."

(on an ESPN "Bottom Line" report that he's targeted to play for Oakland) "I heard that, too, but I don't know where they get it from. Like I said, my knee's feeling better. It's just taking it day by day. I talked to the doctor, I think that was Sunday after the game, he said we could just push it harder and harder and just see how the knee reacts to it since I haven't been out on the field in a while. So (I) went out and pushed it pretty hard today, and I'm pretty sure we'll do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the next day, and we'll see how it goes."

(on watching how well the other receivers have played) "It's been fun. I said a long time ago we had a lot of guys that can make plays, and when I said that some people looked at it kind of crazy. But now that some injuries happened and they had a chance to get out on the field, they showed people what they can do. And I think it just makes it a lot better for when I come back and I'm healthy and we just have a bunch of guys and we can spread the ball around."

(on that being unique to this team versus in years past) "That's why changes are made, to bring in other guys that can make plays. Coach Kubiak and (general manager) Rick (Smith) and everyone upstairs has done a great job with that, so I think things are just going to get better for us."

(on if people around the league have been surprised the Texans' passing game didn't struggle without him) "Yes, I think so. I don't think people really thought that the other guys would go out and do well. But they have to get ready for them. They showed that they can go out and do the same thing that I do."

(on if he's circled a game for his return yet) "No, I haven't. Like I said, I'll just take it day by day. Whenever it feels good, I'll be back on the field playing."
WR Jacoby Jones

(on how his shoulder is doing) "I have to let nature take its course. I just fell on it wrong, that's what it was early in the game."

(on if he re-injured his shoulder) "No."

(on if he thinks he'll be apprehensive at all) "I don't think so. I try not to. I'm going to work hard not to be apprehensive."

(on if he'll know more as the week goes on) "Yes, when we put the pads on Thursday, probably, we'll see what it feels like. I'll get somebody to bang and it and see what it feels like."

(on if that's been a distraction to the team) "No, not at all. It doesn't matter. Football is football. You can play it anywhere, as long as the grass is green and the ball is brown."

(on putting the emotions from last week behind them) "Usually like they say in the league, whenever there's a loss or something, you have to put it behind you and moving on to the next week. You have to keep moving."

G Chester Pitts

(on how far away his parents live from the fires) "Probably 75 or 80 miles, so they're good, but you never know. With the way the Santa Anas are blowing, 60-75 miles an hour gusts of wind, that makes it hard to put out a fire because it's moving so fast."

(on if he's been in contact with people from the San Diego area) "Absolutely, I've talked with them and everybody is ok, everybody is fine."

(on imaging what the Chargers are going through) "I prefer to be a Texan right now. Obviously, that sucks. To have to get up and go, in the middle of the week when you're supposed to have a home game, supposed to be comfortable. You're supposed to relax for home games and they're all the way in Arizona. They had to bust out and get out to Arizona early. It's just the way it goes sometimes. When there are big tragedies or whatever, you just have to kind of role with the punches. At the end of day, they still have to get to play a game. The game, it's scheduled. It will go on. Trust me, we're going to play. We don't know where, but we are going to play."

(on if he thinks there is any way San Diego could host the game this weekend) "Really, with the air being as bad as it is right now, the fires would probably have to be out today for it to clear up enough to where it would be healthy to go out and play a football game. I really doubt it. I was hoping that they would play the game up in L.A. instead of playing out in Arizona, but we'll see."

(on putting the emotion of last week's game behind him) "It's a new week, a new game. There's nothing you can do about it today to change it. Obviously, it would have been really nice to be a part of history and come back like that, but it is what it is at this point and we have to go on and try to get a win against the Chargers."

QB Sage Rosenfels

(on how hard is it to go from playing to being the backup again) "I think it's knowing your seat on the bus. Coach Kubiak is the driver of the bus and I have my seat on the bus. Sometimes it's in the front when the team needs me and sometimes it's in the back trying to help the guys in the front. I think that's the whole thing. That's why together, everyone accomplishes more. It's the team aspect of the game."

(on if he'll remember what he did in the fourth quarter for years to come) "I'll probably remember two things about the game; the crazy ending but probably more I'll remember the bad turnovers I had, the four turnovers. That had just as much impact of us being down by that many points as I think we all did to come back. We talked about if we would have won the game, we probably would have remember it for years to come. But, we lost the game and we'll probably forget about it within a week because we have more important things going on."

(on running the offense the way he did in the fourth quarter throughout the game) "I think we're going to do whatever it takes to win a football game. It's going to be a lot of great plays this week to win a football team because this team is loaded defensively. They're loaded offensively. With Coach Kubiak's offense, it's really everything is interchangeable. You can go two-minute any time. You can pound it out at any time. It depends on what he feels is the best way to win a football game."

(on what it meant to him to be able to go out there and lead the comeback) "To me it was a little bit of redemption of what I did in the first, second, and third quarter when I was in there. At the end of the day, it was a loss. We really needed a win badly and there's nothing we can do about it now but try to get a win this week."

(on if he prepares differently because he might start) "No, this is my seventh year in the league. I've been through this situation probably a dozen or 15 times where the starter is beat up or questionable for the game. I prepared the same those games as if (QB) Matt (Schaub) was 100 percent. I'm going to prepare just like I'm going to play or not play. It's all the same."

(on if he's comfortable in the shotgun) "It doesn't really matter for me. There are reasons for the gun depending on the team for blitzes and things like that. No, for me, it doesn't really matter."

(on if it's nice to have a coach that allows you to chose which you are more comfortable in) "There are certain plays. There are certain plays where I think the shot gun is better and there a certain plays where it's not as good. Obviously, you are a little bit less likely to run the ball in the shot gun and we want to run the ball around here. Obviously being under center is a strength for that, too."

(on if being in shotgun makes it harder on the offensive line) "No, actually the strength of being in shotgun is that on certain blitzes, like when the Mike linebacker goes right over (C) Mike Flanagan or one of the guards, they don't have to make a call that would leave a defensive end free or a tackle free and the running back would have to block them. It gives you an advantage as far as protection more then anything."

(on if he spent more time in shotgun than he did last week) "In college, we were a lot in shotgun. I did spend about six months with Steve Spurrier with the Redskins and that was a lot of shotgun, obviously. So, it's something I've done a lot in the past."

QB Matt Schaub

(on his injury at this point and if it looks like he can play) "It's gotten better each day here. I wake up in the morning and test it out and get it loose, so I feel pretty good. It's still a day to day thing. We'll go out and I tried to throw a little bit yesterday and see, move around a little bit, and I'll do the same today, try and do as much as I can without having negative consequences. So we'll see how it feels today."

(on his biggest concern) "I think just being able to move around, make some plays, because in this game you have to be able to move around and make some plays outside the pocket, within the pocket and to avoid pass rushers and blitzers. So I just want to make sure I feel comfortable that I can do that."

(on which injury is bothering him more) "The hip thing is something that I just need to keep loose and keep working on to let it heal because it kind of connects your upper and lower body, so you need to have them working in unity. So just having that get better."

(on how frustrating the injury is for him with the team struggling to get back on track) "That's how the season goes. You'll very rarely finish the season 100 percent health-wise. You're going to get banged up, bruised up and it's just a matter of fighting through and being able to get yourself ready to go on Sunday."

(on his lower back) "That's part of the hip thing. That's all connected as one, so it feels better today than it did yesterday and as it did Monday, so it's just a day to day thing and just keep it rested and ready to go each day."

(on his ankle) "It's just something that'll heal in time. it's just a bruise; everything was negative with that, so just a deep bruise."

(on what he sees in the San Diego defense) "They have a lot of talent, and they're aggressive and they're very stout. They're not giving up many points, and they might not be making the spectacular plays that they did last year, but they're still a great defensive football team, so you really have to be on your p's and q's about what they're doing and what looks you're getting because it's out of a 3-4 front which is an unorthodox look, not many teams do it, so we really have to buckle down and be aware of our assignments."

(on what he has to do each day to be ready by Sunday) "Yes. With the trainers and everything, they've seen enough, so I just kind of follow what they tell you to on your own and at home, in the evening, you've got to make sure you're icing or moving around doing what they ask you to do on your own time so you can be fresh for the next day."

(on if he feels he has to be able to do certain things in practice by a certain day) "I feel that with the coaches' help and what they're saying and with the trainers, we can do it collectively. I feel I know what it takes for me to get ready to play and it's just a matter of working with them physically to get my body ready."

(on if he's expecting to play) "Mentally, for myself, I've got to expect myself to play so I can get myself ready mentally and physically. And then it's up to the coaches to make a decision."

(on if he's seen many pass-rushing tandems like San Diego) "We've seen some pretty good pass rushes the past few weeks. The teams that we face in our division, the guys last week, the guys up in Indianapolis, we face some pretty good rushers, so we know what's ahead for us."

(on how the group of receivers has done so well without WR Andre Johnson) "It's just how they are. We knew that they could produce like they are. They're just making plays, and they're very consistent and levelheaded in their approach to the game. They just go out and if you give them a chance, they're going to make the plays, and we have all the confidence in the world in them."

(on what watching last week's comeback from the sideline was like) "It was great. We're a team and the fact that I was down and couldn't go, that just let Sage (Rosenfels) get in there and he played very well in there and made a lot of plays and brought the team back. So we knew that that was something that we were going to need. It was just great to see that comeback; unfortunately, we fell short."

(on if he feels better to know what QB Sage Rosenfels can do) "I've known that he could do that. He's a veteran; he's played in a lot of games in this league, so he can definitely step in there and make a lot of plays. We have confidence in him."

(on how comfortable he is in the shotgun formation) "I'm very comfortable in the shotgun. I'm comfortable both ways. In my past, I used a lot of shotgun in college and in Atlanta so I'm very comfortable in it."

(on when they would use the shotgun formation) "There's certain spots and there's certain plays that you like from the shotgun, and there's certain plays that you'd rather be under center for depending on the timing or where the throw's going or the potential for blitzers. You pick and choose the plays and the spots where you want to do it."

(on if he would use the shotgun more if he's not 100 percent) "We'll see. We'll see how the week plays out. It's early to tell. It's only Wednesday and we haven't even gone out on the practice field. So we'll see."

(on if he's comfortable in shotgun and under center) "Like I said, it depends on the play. I'm comfortable either way. It depends on the route and the defensive look and the down and distance as well."

(on if it affects the offensive linemen) "It affects some of the blocking schemes, but that's something between the linemen and the backs to know their calls whether we're in shotgun or not."

(on if his injuries will eliminate him moving around and rolling out of the pocket) "We'll see. We'll see as the week goes on how that plays out. We'll see how I feel and the game plan, because they are in a 3-4 defense, they present some different looks than we've seen in the past few weeks, so we'll see how that plays out as the game plan gets installed and the week progresses."

(on if San Diego is totally different than any defense they've seen this year) "The fact that they run a 3-4, it's a different look to the line playing with three down linemen and four linebackers. So it's similar to what we saw against Dallas in the preseason, so we just have to study what they're doing and know where guys are coming from."

G Fred Weary

(on this week's game) "Week in and week out, our biggest thing, we have to be better coming out offensively than where we were last week.

(on if he has seen much of the San Diego defense) "Yes, we've been watching them and everything this morning. They're a great defense. They've got a lot of good players over there. It's a lot different than they were last year, but they've still got the same type of mentality over there on that side of the football."

(on how different their 3-4 is from the Dolphins') "I think they've got two good pass rushers on the end that they like to get involved in the pass rush and all in (Shaun) Phillips and (Shawne) Merriman. And their inside guy, Jamal Williams, I don't know if he's going to be playing or not, but he creates some problems right there for you in the middle because he's a Pro Bowl player."

(on what they can do differently to get the running game on track) "The biggest in the preparation, we need to prepare to go out and run the football for the most part. I know Ahman (Green)'s been doing some good things. I mean, we've been doing some good things in the run, it just hasn't been showing up on paper at all. Are we satisfied? No. We know we have to still work and continue to get better."

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