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Practice quotes: Wednesday


Andre Johnson had 10 catches for 98 yards and a touchdown the last time he faced the Jets in 2006.

The Texans spoke to the media Wednesday following their second day of practice in preparation for the New York Jets.

Head coach Gary Kubiak DE Connor Barwin LB Brian Cushing S Nick Ferguson G Chester Pitts CB Dunta Robinson QB Matt Schaub

Head coach Gary Kubiak(on how QB Matt Schaub did today) "He did good. He was a lot better today than he was yesterday. We got a chance to still be outside so to me that helps. We didn't want to work on the turf in there. So all indications are he's heading towards being fine."

(on if he worries about WR Kevin Walter's injury ) "Am I worried about it? Yeah. Obviously, because he hasn't practiced yet. He and (FS) Eugene (Wilson) have worked with (head athletic trainer) Geoff (Kaplan) on the side. They did some running yesterday. They both came out of that okay. They did a little bit more today. We'll go back and look. Obviously, for them not to be on the field today, on Wednesday, it's a day-to-day situation, but they're not here today. So, yeah there's some concern."

(on his thought on how CB Dunta Robinson played) "He's looked good. He made a couple of nice plays today. He picked off one or two passes."

(on the status of CB Jacques Reeves) "He's made a lot of progress. He actually practiced some today. So that's a big step in the right direction for him so we'll see but I think all indications were all along, we were looking at week two. So hopefully that will still be the case."

(on how LB Brian Cushing is doing) "He's doing fine. He made a nice play today. Had a turnover today, had a nice pick—was moving around good, adapting to what we're doing gameplan wise so he needs all the reps he can get and he'll get some more tomorrow and Friday and he'll be ready to go."

(on if there is a decision to be made on whether or not he will start) "Oh no, he's going out there. The decision strictly with him right now is the amount of reps we want him to come out of the game with so we'll put a play count on him and make sure that we don't overplay him."

(on if the same applies to CB Dunta Robinson) "Yeah, if Dunta makes it through Friday clean and looks like he looked today then we've got to make a decision there as a team, but we'll put a play count on him too.

(on if he starts, would CB Glover Quinn be the nickel and CB Brice McCain be the dime) "Well they can both do it, but Glover has been doing it most of the time, so it'll probably start with him."

(on going with S Nick Ferguson if S Eugene Wilson can't go) "Yeah, and our safeties are interchangeable. So we're going to play the best two we feel. All our guys either come down and go to the middle of the field the way we teach our defense, so Nick's got experience and so he would be the guy."

(on if they are in pretty good shape in terms of having all their players) "Yeah, I think we have been pretty lucky. But like I said earlier, we lost some players but the good news is we are getting them back as we open the season now. It scares you now from a continuity standpoint but everybody in this league is trying to get to opening day with their guys so we've been very fortunate from that standpoint."

(on what he thinks of Jets QB Mark Sanchez) "I've been very impressed. I think he has really taken to what they do. I know the terminology, a lot of it was the same, so I think it made his transition easier. The thing that really scares you is he is able to make a lot of plays off schedule, moving around and that type of thing. So anytime a guy does that, you know he makes you play the defense longer."

(on if he thinks Jets head coach Rex Ryan will continually run the ball) "Well Rex builds his team around great defense and he's committed to running the ball. You know they've got the special teams guy to go with it so he's inherited one heck of a football team. We know their style of football and we'll have to match them physically to have an opportunity to win the football game so we have to be ready for that."

(on if WR Andre Johnson talks more these days) "He talks a little more than you would think. He's like the E.F. Hutton guy. You know, when all of a sudden he starts to say something and everybody gets up there real close. He's been known to talk after games. He's been known to talk in a team meeting. When he's got something to say, it means something. Is he talking more? No, he's the same guy."

(on what makes WR Andre Johnson so good) "Work habits. You watch him today. He's out here just full speed. He gets himself ready to play through his work. That's where he gains his confidence and most great ones, that's the way they are."

(on what he's looking for out of DT Amobi Okoye that he didn't see last year) "I just think we need to continue to see him be active. Obviously we would like to get more pass rush out of him than we got last year. I think he's much healthier than he was last year and he's got more help across the front than he's had. I just want to see him step up and make some plays. That's his game: quickness and coming off the ball."

(on if the key to the offense is running the ball better) "I think our football team, when we run the ball well and not turn the ball over, our team has had some success. There won't be any bigger challenge than we've got this week. I think this team was seventh last year and gave up 92 yards a game or something like that. Then you add (Jets head coach) Rex (Ryan) to what they do now. So it'll be a big, big challenge for our team but it will probably be a difference maker in the game."

(on if having RB Chris Brown to compliment RB Steve Slaton will help) "We sure hope so. That's why he stayed with him. That's why we took the process we did. Throughout the preseason he's looked good. He looks good at practice. This team is counting on him."

(on preparing for a team that is probably going to run the ball a lot) "Well they've got a challenge. When you come out of the preseason and struggle like we did against the run, then you're going to get tested. So there is no running away from that. We're going to have to do a better job but we're going to rotate guys. We're going to play eight and keep them fresh and they've got a big job to do for this football team."

(on what he thinks of defensive coordinator Frank Bush thus far) "I think he's done a great job. He's a very good teacher. He relates to these guys. They're playing very hard. I think he's in a tough spot from the standpoint of having a couple players that he has not had the luxury of working with the past month and having them on the field. We've been preparing through this situation the whole time, and expecting him and the group of defensive coaches to do one hell of a job. I think he's doing a wonderful job."

*DE Connor Barwin *(on trying to get to Jets QB Mark Sanchez) "As far as Sanchez goes, we don't really worry about him too much as far as trying to get to him. You kind of look at the tackles more than the quarterback and they have two very good tackles obviously, especially the left tackle D'Brickashaw (Ferguson). It'll be hard to get out to him. We'll have to be sound in everything we do."

(on what he is looking forward to the most) "Just the game really. Just seeing everything picked up a little bit. It's all going to be a little bit faster, a little bit more exciting. So really, just the game."

*LB Brian Cushing *(on if it will help him since he knows Mark Sanchez so well) "I don't see why not. It's a familiar face but he's in a different system, he's going to be running a different scheme. I know his tendencies but I'm not going to say that I know him in and out. He's in a different system with different weapons."

(on it being his first opportunity to hit Sanchez) "Yeah, that's a first. I'll be excited."

(on if he can imagine what he might be thinking in that situation) "I'm just hoping that I get it. I'm just hoping that I can get it. That's all I'm concentrating on."

(on if there is anything left from the injury) "I feel great. Besides just wearing a knee brace. Of course, I would love not to wear it, but just for safety reasons, I'm going to wear it for a couple more games but I feel good out there. Real good."

*S Nick Ferguson *(on the Jets' offense, particularly in regards to the run game and their rookie quarterback) "Well first of all, they have two good running backs. To me, if you're playing in this league, I don't consider anyone to be a rookie. He was (Mark) Sanchez, the 1st round draft choice; and he was a 1st round draft choice for a reason. Being that I've played in New York, I know how much pressure is associated with that position. So he's going to come into here prepared. They're going to be coming in prepared in all key phases, so we have to match their intensity when they come in here."

(on how much of their defense was not shown during the preseason) "I would say a good bulk of it of course. In the preseason, you want to improve some things, work on some things. But you definitely don't want to go out there and show, you know, all the tricks you have up your sleeve. As the cliché says, 'A magician shall not reveal all his secrets.' So that's how we're going to look at this."

(on if we will see more of an aggressive Frank Bush defense) "I would definitely say that we started building towards that over the last couple preseason games. Now that D-Rob (Dunta Robinson) and is back, (LB Brian) Cushing is back, you're going to see a more intense style of defense. If you talk to Frank Bush, he wants one of those types of defenses that like Buddy Ryan had back in the day in Chicago Bears. Just fly around and hit people. Maybe get some flags or whatever, but you want to let people know that you came to play and its going to be a real physical game."

*G Chester Pitts *(on getting off to a good start) "We've proved that for seven seasons that starting slow doesn't work. So that's apparent that we need to go out and fix that, fix it in a hurry. Later on in the season, it just makes it that much easier when you start to get run down toward the end of the year. It's hard to get up for games. You're tired. You're worn down. Having 3 or 4 wins early in the season is always a help and we know what we have to do. We know what's ahead of us. It's time to go out and get the job done."

(on what he sees in the Jets on paper) "Well you have to start off with big boy (Kris Jenkins) in the middle. He is a man. I mean, there's nothing you can really take away from his game. He's big, strong, stout, explosive, and he makes plays down the field. He's not just at typical big slug that you see in the middle. If you don't have two guys on him every time, he will disrupt and make your game long—long and in a hurry. So it starts with him. I know that it's going to be a big challenge."

*CB Dunta Robinson *(on where he is at right now) "I feel pretty good. I'm at about 85-90% mentally. We'll see how these next two days of practice go and how my legs feel going into the weekend. That will let me know if I'm going to be ready to start or not. I'll definitely play some. Depending on how much, I'm not sure yet. I'm going to keep going, practice, to see how I feel come game time. But I feel pretty good right now. Hopefully my legs hold up."

(on the team wanting to get off to a good start) "Getting off to a good start is our main focus. For the past couple of seasons, we haven't started well. We've finished well, but we haven't started well. So it's important for us to come out and play well early and I think that will give us momentum going into the rest of the season. The biggest thing for us is getting off to a good start."

(on how optimistic he is about the team for this season) "I'm very optimistic. One thing we have now, as I look around, is a lot of depth. We have players that can play on both sides of the ball so this is new territory for me because I've been here, this is going on my sixth year, and I haven't seen depth like this ever at every position so that's the good thing and that's the best thing.

(on the difference that defensive coordinator Frank Bush will make) "He's a fun coach. For the first time, he's a coordinator that guys really want to go out and play for on Sunday. I think guys are going to try their best to makes sure he looks good. So I will say that will be the biggest different he'll make. We've got a lot of aggressive players on this defense. We like to and want to fly around and hit people. Like I said, we look good on paper, but we've got to make sure we can translate that over to the field."

*QB Matt Schaub *(on how his ankle feels) "It's feeling good. It's getting better, just progressing. We're getting excited to go out there and start our season off."

(on if he is confident that he will be out there to start things off) "Yeah. I'm very confident that I will be."

(on if he is 100 percent) "We're getting there. In this business, I don't know if you really ever are 100 percent. It's getting there and getting better."

(on if he feels running the ball is the biggest key to the offense being successful) "Yeah, I do. I feel like if we can establish ourselves in the running game that it will force the defense to commit to stop our run and then it opens things up down the field for us and it takes a lot of pressure off the receivers on double-coverages, so I think it just makes us a better football team."

(on if it will be helpful having both RBs Chris Brown and Steve Slaton to hand off to) "Oh, without a doubt. Having Steve and his elusiveness and quickness and then putting Chris in there and he gets downhill and likes to run it and run over people and his physical nature. So I think they complement each other real well."

(on the importance of getting off to a good start) "Without a doubt. After last year, where we started slow, were playing catch up the rest of the year. It's vital to our season and to us to start the game well in the first quarter but also start our season off on the right note."

(on the Jets' athletic defense) "They're very athletic. They're very fast. They're very physical. That's their head coach's nature and that's what he brings with a defensive mindset. That's what their defense , their leaders on that side of the ball, they bring to the table and so we have to be set to go out there and match that and play our style of game."

(on what the challenge is with that kind of defense) "You've just got to understand what they're trying to do and what they're doing on the backend and when you're picked up and when you're not. You know getting rid of the ball and to the guy that can make a play with it."

(on what makes Andre Johnson so good) "His work ethic. He brings his hard hat to work every day and whatever he has to do to get better and keep improving his game, he's willing to do. He's just a team first guy and you couldn't ask more of him."

(on what Andre Johnson's demeanor is during a game) "His demeanor is very calm. He's relaxed and he just goes about his business. He's not very vocal, hooting and hollering. He's not going to create a lot of attention from that aspect. He's going to create a lot of attention from defenses but not from those other things. He's just going to go out there and play his game."

(on how Andre Johnson is different from other receivers who demand the ball) "He knows he's going to get the ball. He knows we're trying to get him the ball so he doesn't have to come back and lobby for it. He knows that he's an All-Pro receiver and we're trying to get him the ball but the thing about it is we've got other guys who can make plays. He's not our only threat. We've got Steve (Slaton). We've got André Davis. We've got Kevin Walter. We've got Owen Daniels. David Anderson. We've got players that can make plays. Vonta Leach. So we've got other places we can get plays from."

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