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Quotes: Chiefs at Texans

The players and coaches from the Texans and Chiefs spoke with the media after the game at Reliant Stadium. The following is a transcript of their respective interviews.

Head Coach Gary KubiakLB Xavier AdibiT Rashad ButlerG Antoine CaldwellLB Brian CushingTE Owen Daniels LB Zac DilesRB Arian FosterCB Brice McCainC Chris MyersLB David NixonDT Amobi OkoyeS Bernard PollardCB Glover QuinLB DeMeco RyansQB Matt SchaubG Wade SmithDE Mario WilliamsT Eric Winston

Kansas City QuotesHead Coach Todd HaleyT Branden AlbertQB Matt CasselDB Brandon FlowersS Jon McGrawLB Derrick JohnsonRB Thomas Jones

Houston Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak(on being nervous with the secondary in the last 30 seconds) "Yeah, I was nervous all day long. We had some issues. We had four linebackers suit up for the game and we lost one so we had issues across the board. We also lost a DB during the game, but from a backup standpoint, he did come back and play but we struggled. We struggled on defense to stop them and I don't think anything was safe until the final play."

(on LB DeMeco Ryans' situation) "DeMeco is done for the year. He tore his achilles and will have surgery in the next couple of days."

(on today's win "saving the season") "I don't like to think that way. I just think we showed tremendous heart and it was all lead by our quarterback who is absolutely spectacular. You can't win games in this league unless your quarterback is special and ours was special today. We struggled on defense all day long. We played pretty damn good on offense, expect for a couple of different series in the first half, and we found a way to get it done. It sure didn't look like it was going to happen but we just kept going and going. We found some way to make some plays and get out of there with a win."

( on home wins vs. away wins) " We got beat by Dallas and we had a three nothing lead in that game, then we got beat by the Giants pretty good  and we didn't have the lead again until the end today.  We're 2-2 at home and we're 4-2. We could have won all four home games and lost two on the road, then we'd be a poor road team. I don't care how we win we just need to find ways to win. We struggled at home, but we found a way to get it done today."

(on the team making a comeback) "We got great caracter. We got guys playing hard. Its not very good if we're struggling on the other side on the ball and I just told them to keep their head up. We've got to work through it and not we got another problem to work through. The best thing we can do right now is play great offense and great special teams as they keep coming back in and now some injury issues. We just got to lean on other parts of the team and we'll do that, but I was proud of the way we kept battling. "

(on run defense) "We did not tackle well today. In the second half, I didn't know there was some ugly stuff going on. I'd have to stand here all day to explain to you what its like to suit four linebackers and end up with three for a whole half. Then, try and play nickel and they went to a big package to run the ball on us knowing we were out of people, which is smart on their behalf. We were all out of whack and just trying to hang on and get the ball back."

(on being surprised on the third down play) "Yeah,  I was a little surprised that they would do that. It saved me a time out and got us the ball back."

( on feelings about Texans defense) " It's one of the things we've been through. I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't want to win them all. We had our chance against Dallas, but with some of the things we've been through and where we're at physically with the football team, I think we are somewhat fortunate to see what we can do to get as healthy we can over the course of the next two weeks.  We've got to decide who's going to lead our defense in the middle. We had plenty of issues that we have to figure out. At least we have some time to try and do that."

( on options for linebacker) "I'm fixing to work on that as soon as I leave. Obviously, (LB) Zac (Diles) can move, but (LB Darryl) Sharpton is beat up and has two issues. I don't know right now. Rick (Smtih GM) and I have to sit down and work it out.

( on the team's defense) " We're not playing well on defense. We're struggling. They present some problems formation wise and those players with the way that they run that college type stuff. We've got to tackle better, cover better, and we got to do everything better. We're really struggling and I can't hide it from myself or anybody. We'll try to pick up some other part of the team and keep their head up and keep them working."

( on  WRs Jacoby Jones and Andre Johnson as an offense example for the Texans) " We balanced the field when we got that going.  He looks like himself now with his legs being out of braces. Jacoby always gives us a big play threat. Like I said, the key right now is to play big offensively as a team. We have to take on more responsibility with our team now and do an even better job. Today was pretty damn good and we're going to have to continue to play extremely well."

(on first half) "If I think I'm right, we only ran 20 plays. It's a little like last week. Unless you're getting 10 yards a pop, it's hard to be effective. We couldn't get them off the field. We couldn't get the ball. We missed two third downs and I think we only had four plays in the first quarter. We played a three quarter football game on offense so it makes it extremely difficult."

( on third down decision for touchdown instead of field goal) "My thought was that I rant the ball on second down.  The one thing I was worried about was how much time I was going to leave for them. I felt like we had the game tied and I wanted to make sure I didn't leave it, especially with the return game. I was trying to get the game down to the very end. (QB) Matt (Schaub) and (WR) Andre (Johnson) make a great play so we just got ready for it at that point."

(on not being overly happy with the win)  "I'm happy. You're talking to your team and you're looking at (LB) Demeco (Ryans) on crutches and it just hits you between the eyes. They know I'm happy. They know I'm proud. We got some huge challenges ahead of us and we found a way to beat them in the past. We've got to find a way to beat them again."

* *

Houston Texans LB Xavier Adibi(on LB DeMeco Ryan's injury) "I talked to him (LB DeMeco Ryans). I told him that there won't be a day that goes by that I don't pray for him. I hate it for him, especially for such a good guy like DeMeco. He's somebody that the whole team looks up to, somebody who I look up to personally. I really do hate it for him."

(on his own health) "I'm just about there. Still a little stiff right now, but I'll be ready."

(on the effect that LB DeMeco Ryans' absence will have) "I don't know what is going to happen right now. We'll just have to wait and see. If my number is called then I will be ready."

(on how the void created by DeMeco Ryans' injury will be filled) "In our room, all the players can play different positions. It's that the transition could be easier because everybody is smart and could pick up the different positions easily."

Houston Texans T Rashad Butler(on his feelings on today's game) "I feel good. It was a good situation for me. I was defninitely saddened by about how I got it. I think I definitely took advantage of the opportunity. This gave me a lot of experience for the rest of my career."

(on how the team came back and won) "We have a bunch of guys that are going to fight. That's what it's all about. We needed to prove that. We've been in some games where one play or two plays kind of decided the outcome. Today, we didn't let that happen. We had some bad plays here and there, but guys kept on fighting and believing."

(on the team's thoughts on the final drive) "Score. We need seven. We definitely weren't thinking field goal. We were thinking touchdown. That team's offense was driving the ball the whole game. We didn't want to give them a chance to tie the game."

* *

Houston Texans G Antoine Caldwell(on how the offense played throughout the game) "It's just us talking about sticking together. We knew something had to give on offense. We were moving the ball. We were doing some good things, but we would come to some crucial third downs and we  would have incompletions. We were doing things where we couldn't sustain any momentum. We knew once we got out there in the third quarter we had some momentum building up and we would be making some big plays. That's what we ended up doing."

(on what the offense was thinking in the huddle on the game winning drive) "Winning the game. Winning the football game.  We fought so hard to get back in it. It would be ridiculous to come that close to winning the ball game and have the offensive line not protect or do what we needed to do to win the ball game. We knew everything was going to be on the line. Attention to detail was of utmost importance. Focusing on the little things. We battled. First quarter and second quarter, we battled throughout the whole game and it ended up working out. "

(on how big the win is going into the bye week) "It's huge for us. Every game I feel like we battle. At times we catch some breaks, at times we don't. Going into this bye week we're going to focus on doing the things we need to do to improve our football game. Whether it's protection, running the ball, coverage, whatever it may be we're going to do the things that are going to make us better."

* *

Houston Texans LB Brian Cushing(on LB DeMeco Ryans injury) "We lost our captain today. We lost him for the season and anytime something like that happens, it's a blow to the team. It's a blow to morale but we have to play for him now. We have to step it up in a lot of ways on defense and we know that."

(on the mistackles in the game) "We really didn't tackle well today at all. Just technically overall, we just have to play more sound on defense. We have to just keep chipping away at it. We have to just figure out our problem and we will."

(on how he felt during the game winning touchdown play) "Relief because I felt defensively, we were responsible for this game. Offense played amazing. They really did. They came through. It was one of those days where we weren't hitting it. We weren't playing our game but they picked us up."

Houston Texans TE Owen Daniels(on preparation to pick up for struggling defense) " It's a team game. The defense didn't play well this time, but offense definitely did some good things. It was good for our special teams to step up and have a lot of field position. We've had guys go down all year and we've been missing guys here and there, so it's no different. Some of the next guys will step in and continue to work."

(on today being his "coming out party")  "I felt better. Last week I felt pretty good in terms of my legs underneath me. Today was the same thing. This next week of rest is definitely going to be a benefit to all of us."

(on being 100%) "That's an interesting question. My knee is 100%. I think the whole thing is being able to trust and be violent in my cuts, but I've been more confident in that every week. I think I have a little wiggle back. I'm not quite the same as I was before I got hurt, but we're going in the right direction."

(on finding the right balance in the  running game) "That's what we always want to do. We want to be able to run the ball and throw the ball. This year we got a trio of running backs and the guys in front of me working hard to make the running game work. Some games we'll have to run more and some we'll have to throw. We don't care. Whatever it takes to get that W."

(on QB Matt Schaub in the huddle) "He's so calm. You know that's now how he is. He never gets too excited and he never gets too upset. He keeps everyone calm and focused. It was no different today. We all knew the situation at the end. We only had to get three at the end, but we all wanted six."

(on thinking about his knee when cutting) "Less and less. In my situation, I got past the ACL thing and I was fine. I got a stress fracture. In my knee, I had a little bit of pain and it turned into a stress fracture. Any time there is a little soreness in there, it would freak me out. I've gotten past that point. I think it's healed and I just need to get past it. Each week it has been better."

(on today being a big win) "It's huge. We didn't really know where we were at and we played really well at times. Obviously, we got out butts kicked last week, but it was one game. We got our butt's kicked one time and everyone wants to say how great we are when we win a game and then you're not worth anything. We knew that one game would be worth months and months of work we put in with each other. It's a huge confidence builder and momentum going into this bye week."

(on WR Andre Johnson's contribution) " Dre is one of the most consistnat guys that I've ever been around. He's going to make plays all the time and today is no different. He's been struggling with that ankle, but receivers are like thoroughbreds. You need them to be pretty much 100% healthy to be doing what they are doing, but he's been fighting hard for us. He showed up today."

(on backfields and routing) "I was just ad libbing. A man had broken the pocket and we just rolled to where he's going. and that put us in a great spot. Dre was able to get some separation and have some awareness to where he was in the end zone and not step out of bounds and get his feet in. It's  a lot harder than it looks, especially at a crucial time like that."

Houston Texans LB Zac Diles(on how he played today) "I have to play better. I don't like how I played today. We still got the win, but I don't think I played at the level for us to win. I definitely have to step the game up. If they do move me over, I have some big shoes to fill. (MLB) DeMeco (Ryans) is a Pro Bowl player and I have the utmost respect for him and what he does. We're going to keep pushing, playing, and getting better."

(on the way LB David Nixon played today) "Nixon did good. He's playing a different positon he's never played before. He hasn't had reps in practice at that position and he definitely stepped in and did well. I commend him for that. He was thrown in there and still doing all his roles on special teams. He definitely stepped up today."

(on losing MLB DeMeco Ryans) "It's a tough loss. He's the captain of our defense. He's a leader. We still have plenty of games to go play and we're still going to have to go and play them. We have to step our game up to another level and go out and get the job done."

(on what the defense needs to improve on) "It's tackling. We missed a lot of tackles. At the end of the day when you miss tackles and they're getting yards after contact, ten to fifteen yards after contact, it's something we have to get better at. We have to get them on the ground."

* *

Houston Texans RB Arian Foster(on how important the game was to him) "It was more important for the offense than individually. We had to show that we could come back through adversity and get the job done."

(on how calm the team was in the huddle on the game winning drive) "We don't ride any highs or any lows. We ride them all the same. Whatever happens, happens. The next snap is the most important snap, so that's how we play ball."

(on losing MLB DeMeco Ryans) "It's like I said earlier, he's a leader on our team, not just on the field. He's just one of those guys that everyone looks up to. He's kind of an iconic figure in this locker room and this city. It's tragic that he went down because he works so hard and does all the right things. It's part of the game. That's how it goes. He'll be rooting for us."

(on getting the win going into the bye week) "It feels good getting a win going into the bye week so we can sit and enjoy it a little bit. We have to get some guys healthy. It's a long season. We're going to have a ten week stretch. We have a lot of work to do."

* *

Houston Texans WR Andre Johnson(on how his game-winning touchdown reception was developed) "I was running just an in route and the safety was sitting there at the inside of me before we even snapped the ball. I was just saying to myself that I had to find a way to get inside of him. (QB) Matt (Schaub) took off scrambling towards me, so that helped me out a whole lot and the back of the end zone was wide open because (TE) Owen (Daniels) had broken out and the corner took him, so it all worked out for us." 

(on if he had any doubt that the Texans offense would score with two minutes left in the game for the win) "No, there was no doubt. At a situation like that in a game, you want to have the ball in your hands. Our defense didn't play their best football today, but at the right time they got a stop for us. When they stopped them, we knew we had to go down and score. Somebody would have to make the play and I was able to make two plays for us."

(on his 40 yard reception) "During a lot of our routes today, they were bumping us while we were down the field. In that play, I did a go route and I knew (QB) Matt (Schaub) told me if I had a single safety that he was going to give me a chance. He told me that earlier in the game. I was just determined that they were not going to bump me around. He tried to run into me and bump me and I hit him with a little elbow to create some separation and was able to make a play."

(on the difference between 4-2 and 3-3) "It's a big difference. The biggest thing is that we are going into the bye week with momentum. I don't think we've ever had a winning record going into the bye (week). It's our first time doing that. Like I said, right now it's about us getting fresh as a team. We have a lot of guys banged up with me; we lose (LB) DeMeco (Ryans) for a year. That's a big blow for us and the biggest thing now is getting our bodies fresh and being consistent as a football team. That's what we have to find over the bye week."

(on LB DeMeco Ryans' injury and what does he mean for the team) "Words really can't describe it. His nickname is 'Captain.' Everybody looks to DeMeco. To see that happen and to me watching the play, you could just tell it was something bad. You hate to see something like that happen to your teammate. He was the backbone of our defense, but you know things like that happen. We just have to have some other guys step up and take his place."

(on what went through his mind after the touchdown catch) "When our defense got the stop, I knew someone was going to have to make a play to win the game. As it turned out, that was me."

(on offense having to carry the team) "That's a part of football. When the offense hasn't been playing good, the defense has to help out. When they're not playing good, we have to score points. Once we get in a rhythm as an offense, we can score points. At the end of the day we were able to put points on the board."

(on winning play) "It was the play that they had called; they had put me on the corner route. The safety was sitting inside, and I took off scrambling to my side. That helped me a lot. The back of the end zone was wide open and I just broke out. The corner back coming out left the back of the end zone wide open."

(on if this is the biggest win the team has had) "I would say yes. We haven't been playing our best football as a team. We beat a good football team today. We didn't want to go into the bye week 3-3. Guys were determined to go out and get this victory. I thought that if we got the stop we were going to win this game."

(on if this is the best team the Texans have had) "I feel like this is the best team we've had since I've been here. We're just trying to do everything we can to be where we want to be. We know it's not going to be easy, but I think we've grown up as a team. We went out and got the big drive when it was needed at the end"

(on his ankle) "Today I was able to go out and play and not worry about it. I'm not 100% yet, but hopefully, this bye week, with a little rest, will help me out a whole lot. The ankle is getting better, day-by-day. Even though I'm out there playing, I haven't had any hits or anything on it, so it's been able to stay healthy."

(on how the team responds to losing LB DeMeco Ryans) "Well, looking at the play, I could tell that it was something bad. I didn't know that it would be something that would end his season. Hands down, you really can't replace DeMeco. His nickname is Captain. Everyone call his Captain. That goes to show you what he means to this football team and for us to lose him, it makes you feel like we can't catch a break because we keep having so many guys get injured. We just have to have some guys step up. I talked to (DeMeco) in the training room a few minutes ago. He's in good spirits. We're going to help him through his recovery and keep him upbeat and get him back out on that field."

(on if this team can put up 30 points a game if it has to) "If we have to, we have no choice but to go out and do it. We're just going to go out and keep working and do what we do best and hopefully we can keep doing that."  * *

Houston Texans CB Brice McCain
(on winning today's game) "It was big for us going into the bye week. You don't want to go into the bye-week with a loss. It would have been too long to think about what we did and everything. We were very blessed with a win in this situation."

(on defenses ability to come up with stops) "We got a lot of stops. Sometimes when we needed it most, we didn't get it. Other times when we needed it, we got it. It was up and down, but it felt great to get the win."

(on the Kansas City Chiefs offensive gameplan) "It was the gameplan (we expected). They've got two explosive running backs. They did good today."

(on momentum generated by key stops) "Any stop in the game is a momentum builder for our defense. Coming in the next drive, getting a stop—and the next drive another stop. The drive to end the game left us with the feeling that the defense is coming along. We can get stops when we need them. We just have to get better."

Houston Texans C Chris Myers(on how will the season-ending injury to LB DeMeco Ryans will affect the team) "Huge loss.  He's the leader of our team, let alone our defense. For him to be gone for the season, our thoughts and prayers are with him. That's when young guys step up and somebody got to fill that role and play that spot for him, but our thoughts and prayers are with him."

(on what was his emotions when WR Andre Johnson caught the game-winning touchdown  reception) "It's huge. It seems like we keep putting ourselves in spots where we got to hit game-winners like that. We'd rather have it not be like that, but those were awesome and big accomplishments for us in the first six games of the season. I think that was the second one that he had like that. The other one was Washington. Those plays are huge for us and our fans and our organization. So we enjoy them."

* *

Houston Texans LB David Nixon(on how his reaction to losing LB DeMeco Ryans) "It was obviously a terrible thing to lose (LB) DeMeco (Ryans), but I knew I needed to step up and help contribute."

(on how the defense performed today) "This defense has a bend but don't break type of philosophy. We just tried to stick in there and we made stops when we had to. Just the typical get out there and fight and we trusted that our offense would put up the points. We just needed to make stops when we could and we did that."

(on how he felt about his performance) "It was a new position for me, but in this league you have to be ready to step in and contribute at any time. That is exactly what I tried to do today. Just step in and help the guys any way I could."

(on his defensive plays) "I think I did alright. I had some missed assignments and thing like that. With (LB Brian) Cushing and (LB Zac) Diles helping me out, I think we were able to play good as a unit and make some plays."

Houston Texans DT Amobi Okoye(on how can the defense step up ) "When we go into the season, that one thing we had to learn is learn how to win. Winning is not necessarily about statistics or numbers. Coaches tell us several times that there are going to be days that you're going to need offense. There are going to be days that you're going to need defense more. And there are going to be days that you'll need special teams more. There's going to be days where everybody will need to put in one-third. It happens to be one of those wins where our (defense) one-third didn't step up throughout the game. We did it at the end when it counted. That's one thing that I have to say about this team, it's kind of like growing to learn how to win. The Giants and the Cowboys games, we kind of lost it there. I would have to say with Oakland and Washington, this past game and the Colts, we've kind of found out a way to win."

(on losing LB DeMeco Ryans for the season) "I don't know what kind of description that you could use to describe it. It's like your wife leaving you. It's very serious. He's a tremendous deal to this defense, not just play-wise, but from a emotional and leadership standpoint. It was so much stuff  he said to me today that helped out. After that (Ryans' injury) happened, I just started to pray for him. I pray my heart every game for my teammates."          

Houston Texans CB Glover Quin(on a being victorious) "That's a big time win. It was a hard fought game. We came out with a 'W'. It showed a lot of heart from a team standpoint."

(on whether the offense picked up the defensive slack) "Oh yeah, we talked about it earlier in the season. There are going to be some games where the offense has to pick up for the defense. There are going to be games where the defense has to pick up for the offense. Going into this second half of the season, we have some tough tests so we have to fix our problems on defense. We can do whatever we have to do for a win."

(on being shorthanded at the linebacker position) "Everybody has to step up to another level and make more plays. We lost a big part of our defense, but everybody else has to come in, step up, and make plays. Everybody has to pick it up a notch."

Houston Texans S Bernard Pollard(on the team's response when LB DeMeco Ryans went out) "I think that we as players need to understand that this happens in this game. DeMeco (Ryans LB) is a fine player. He's a great linebacker. We will miss him but we have to move on, and we will do that."

(on if this win feels better than the win against the Colts?) "You know what, every win is great for us.  It doesn't matter how we get it. It was an ugly win, but nevertheless, we got the win. We have to fix so many things. When you looked at the way we played, we missed so many tackles and we have to fix that. Good thing were going to a bye week, were able to get our bodies back, sit back, work out, look at the film and go over everything that we've done over the last five or six weeks and we're gonna do that and we're gonna come back looking to get ready for the Colts."

(on if he had any extra incentive to play against your old team?) "You know what, it's not about me. At some point, everybody is playing against an old team, an old teammate, an old coach, so that's what it was. I'm excited to see my old teammates, I was very exited to see them, but when that clock started it was down to the grind. We did that, and like I said it was ugly, but the good thing about it is we always can come back the next weekend. The good thing about this one is we can kinda rest this next weekend."

(on the level of intensity in huddle, what it took to rise to the challenge, stopping the final drive) "That was big coming up with that third down stop. That was big for us. We have to produce more third down stops and we have to be better. Obviously, we were put in a poisiton to where we lost (LB) DeMeco (Ryans), so things were scattered around for a bit, but I think we came together and we understood who was where and how we need to get it done. We have to do our job and I think we did that. We came up with the stop. Our offense was powerful today. We tip our hats to them. They won that game for us. We cannot put this team in the situation that we did today."

(on how concerned he is looking at the defense) "The missed tackles, that just cant happen. You've got the guy wrapped up and we're not bringing him down to the ground. We have four or five guys on him and we're not bringing him down to the ground. So we have to fix that. We have to fix it. It's a must. The M.A.'s, you know what? This is football. We cannot win football the way we want to win and we can't play football the way we wanna play by missing assignments. Like I said, this is some much needed time off. This hit us right at the right time. But we have to get better. We're going to come in, we're going to watch this film as a team tomorrow and Coach Kubiak is going to take care of us. To pay him back, we have to get on the grind. We have to understand the position we're in right now, going into the bye week with the best record we've had. But coming out, we have to turn that around. I think were up for the task, we really are, we've had to go over every obstacle today. You know, with (LB) DeMeco (Ryans) going down. So we just have to get better."

Houston Texans LB DeMeco Ryans(on his injury) "It's a torn achilles."

(on how he was injured) "I was planting to go make a play on the ball. I was trying to jump up and I couldn't push off of my foot."

(on missing the rest of the season)  "It sucks. It's the first time I've had to deal with something like this- a real serious injury. My first time ever in football having to deal with this, but it's part of the game. It's something different but I'm focused and ready to do my best what I have to do to rehab and get back next year with the team."

(on whether he will be around for moral support) "Of course. I was in here cheering already. I was proud of my guys the way they fought and the way they pulled that game off. It really meant a lot."

(on his emotions when he heard of the extent of his injury) "It was tough. It was heartbreaking to hear the news that you're done for the season. Some things you just can't control. You just have to roll with the surgery and the rehab process and make the best of it."

Houston Texans QB Matt Schaub(on the game-winning touchdown pass to WR Andre Johnson) "My guys up front gave me time to step up and scramble out of the pocket and find (Texans WR) Andre (Johnson). I was working the right side of the field but they had that taken away. I just worked some time to let my guys work and Andre was uncovered in the back of the end zone. I just tried to give him the chance and he made the play. Andre's running across the middle and (TE) Owen (Daniels) is just sitting down and having a defender on him. As soon as I scrambled out I saw Andre break open in the back of the end zone and I just tried to give him a chance to make the play."

(on what goes through his mind when he sees WR Andre Johnson running in the end zone) "Just give him a chance. That's just one of throws you don't want to hang up there or throw too far. You just want to give him a chance to make a play before the defense can recover."

(on the offense having to carry the team while the defense is struggling) "Whatever it takes. That's what our team is built around. We're going to do whatever it takes to win. Whether its running the ball, throw the ball, play defense or win a kicking battle, we're going to do whatever it takes. Their offense is very good. They run the football well and are sound in their passing game. We're in this together and we're going to do it together. There's going to be a game where our defense holds them to 3 points and we get 6 and we're going to win. We're going to have to win that way. We're going to fight and battle and whether its offense, defense or special teams, we'll find a way."

(on the emergence of RB Derrick Ward) "He's a veteran in this league who knows how to run in our scheme. He's very patient as a runner. Every time he gets his chance, he makes a play for us. He's a very smart running back too. He's good in his protections. He makes plays when we give him a chance in the passing game. He's definitely playing very well for us when he gets his opportunity."

(on having his full compliment of weapons today) "Yeah, it was huge to have all of our guys back. (TE) Owen (Daniels) keeps feeling better. He's feeling really good with his knee. He had a few huge plays for us today. We had (WR) Jacoby (Jones) back and he's huge for us. (WR) Andre (Johnson) is getting better. (WR) Kevin (Walter) has been healthy for us all year. So it's good to have all of our guys out there playing and playing well. Our running backs, when we check down to them, they make huge plays for us in the passing game. Our guys up front played outstanding against a good group."

(on if it is tough to evaluate the offense's play at halftime when they have had so few snaps in the first half) "We kind of knew what they were doing. They kind of keep it simple defensively. They don't do too many things. We just tried to attack some of the things that they were doing to our formations and guys made plays. We just had to stick to our plan and keep playing hard."

(on what is different from last year that has gotten the team wins in these close games) "We just keep battling, keep fighting. Guys go down and we have other guys step up. We have guys making plays that we expected to all the way. We anticipate to have to fight and scratch and claw our way back and we did that. We just had guys making plays. Our defense stepped up and stopped them and gave us a chance to go down at the end and score. We all just look at each other and we've got each others' back."

(on losing LB DeMeco Ryans to injury) "Its devastating. DeMeco is such a great player and a great guy. He's a leader on this team. He's the leader of the defense and gets everyone in the right position. He's such a great player in this league and its unfortunate for him to go down. He was in there smiling and happy to get the win. He's got a road to come back, but we're going to be there for him and we'll take care of our business for him and he'll be back."

* *

Houston Texans G Wade Smith(on getting a win going into the bye week) "It feels good. You could just imagine how it would have been if you would have gone into the bye 3-3. Being 4-2, we're still tops in the division and that's where you want to be."

(on whether the offense is capable of carrying the team) "Honestly, if you look at the games we won and lost when the offense plays well, we win. As an offensive player, you want to have the onus on yourself. We have like we and the players and the scheme to get things done. If that's how it is so be it."

(on whether he felt the offense still had a chance down ten points) "Definitely, anytime we have an opportunity to have the ball we feel like we can score. We got our score. Defense gave us the ball back and we went down and scored again."   

Houston Texans DE Mario Williams(on what the victory means to the team) "It was a hard fought game but we found a way to win. When the plays really mattered, we came through and we made them. It was a great victory."

(on his emotions during the game winning touchdown play) "It's just (WR) Andre (Johnson) making a great play as normal. It definitely lifted up the team. The whole stadium was rocking. It was amazing."

(on whether the season was saved with the victory) "It was the sixth game. There are a lot of games left. Either way you look at it, you can't say that."

Houston Texans T Eric Winston(on the importance of the win today) "Every win is important. You can't quantify it, I think, until you look back at the end of the season and say 'we really needed that one or that one didn't turn out as big as we thought it was going to be.' It's a race to get up as high as you can. You have to stack up the wins as fast as you can  and hope no one catches you."

(on RB Derrick Ward's touchdown run) "He's a guy that you really see him doing some stuff when he gets the ball. What impressed me on that run was his explosion around the end. He got outside, he looked like he was about to head up the route  seven yards, and he really hit the corner. When guys have an angle on another guy and they can't catch him, that's real speed. I think he showed that."

Kansas City Chiefs Head Coach Todd Haley(opening statement) "Tough one.  What a game.  Come on the road against a team we knew was very explosive and they proved to be explosive.  It really was some game.  I know our team gained some valuable experience from this.  I've been talking a lot about our team and what's critical to understand is that we are not there yet.  We are in the process and we are still actually in the foundation stage.  A lot of people may think that's just coaching rhetoric or that type of angle, but it's not.  I've been telling you pretty much the way it is.  We're a team in transition.  We're going to come on the road and we're going to win these big games and I think it's going to be sooner rather than later.  We're obviously just not there yet.  This was a step in the positive direction, today.  That doesn't make this result feel any nicer or better.  We have a lot of guys in deep, deep pain and that's why I'm encouraged.  This team fought together.  There are a lot of reasons we didn't come out on top.  One of those is that the Houston Texans have a lot of heart and they played their hearts out and ended up making more plays than we did.  We did enough things in that game that kept us from winning, but we did a lot of good things and that's what we're looking for and trying to do every single day and every single week in this process of trying to become a good team or becoming a good team.   Tough one, but what a game for everyone involved.  I'll say it again, we've got a lot of guys that are really hurting right now, which they sould be; but that's a good sign." 

(on his position as Head Coach) "I'm a person that really, really enjoys coaching.  Much more fun than last year.  Just from the standpoint that I've moved further along so that makes the landscape a little different.  We've got a lot of guys that like to practice, like to work, like to do all the things that good teams do.  I'm passionate about these guys, I really am.  I push and I prod, and I push and I prod, and I push some more and that's the hard thing to do.  It's hard to keep it up.  The easy thing is to just back down but that's not what I believe in.  (WR) Dwayne (Bowe) has done nothing but make progress.  I told him that during the game and I told him in the locker room.  This  isn't about some plays he made out there today.  This is about what he's been doing and because he's doing the things he's supposed to do as a football player/wide receiver, I think we'll see some results.  The kid continues to work and wants to be good."

(on the Chiefs offense) "We're a team where offense is an eleven man operation.  The offense was able to be pretty productive at times today.  One of those way was running the football, which has and will continue to be a focus for us.  To be successful, you've got to be able to run the football.  We continue to show signs that we want to be a good running team and today was an example; but it was everybody, receivers.  I saw a lot of blocks.  Guys were working hard to make those runs go and the backs are a part of that.  The bottom line is we needed to make another play and we didn't.   That's why we feel the way we feel."

(on how they played)  "We were playing to win across the board.  We had some pressures in there.  We played the way we played the whole game and they just were able to make plays and we weren't.  We had some chances.  They were down a couple scores a couple times.  They are like us.  They are trying to become a good team, I think they are further along than us.  I don't think the record has reflected it, but I think there are some similarities." 

(on the final play of the game) "I mean you had to get the ball to the end zone or somewhere close.  We just gave up too quick under pressure.  I don't know if it was (DE) Antonio (Smith) or who had the pressure over there but we didn't have a chance.  We fought and tried to get out of the guys arms but we had really no chance.  We did a heck of a job trying to keep it alive as long as we did."

* *

Kansas City Chiefs T Branden Albert(on having a successful day from both running backs) "Execution and everyone working together. Tight ends, offensive line, quarterback, running backs and receivers—everybody blocking."

(on the loss) "It hurts because both sides of the ball fought as hard as possible but it's little things in the end that cause the outcome."

(on heading towards next week, returning home) "We just have to execute better and hopefully good things happen."

* *

Kansas City Chiefs QB Matt Cassel(on his thoughts for the game)  "Well obviously it's disappointing to come out of here with a loss.  I thought we competed hard all day.  I thought we came out  for a battle and it really was a battle, it went down to the end.  Unfortunately, we didn't score enough points at the end of the day to win the game.  It's just one of those things where you play good opponents and you have to capitalize on opportunities.  We weren't able to finish the game today."

(on if he felt that they had control of the game when they were 14 points up)  "At a number of different points in the game we felt we were in control.  Anytime you're up 14 points or 10 points, you feel in control.  I think we were confident about where we were in the game.  We were playing a great opponent and their offense just continued to come back and come back.  They also have shown time and time again to be a second half team and that obviously showed today."

(on a game plan about putting points on the board) "There was a big emphasis on the offense this week about having to put points on the board.  We knew we couldn't score three points, we'd have to score touchdowns because this is an explosive offense.  They've got a lot of weapons so we knew we'd have to do our part, and that was the game plan going in." 

(on his confidence in WR Dwayne Bowe)  "I've  got a tremendous amount of confidence in (WR) Dwayne (Bowe).  Week in and week out, he's shown me that.  Obviously last week he had a few mishaps and that's just one of those rarities that happen in football.  He came back this week and I was really happy for him.  He showed up like I thought he would and he made great plays."

(on the type of play drawn up for the last play of the game and what happened)  "We were on the 40 yard line so we wanted to take a shot towards the end zone.  It really becomes a hail mary at that point and you have to give those receivers time to get down to the end zone.  We had a little pressure on the right side so I tried to flush to the right to try and buy those guys the opportunity to get in the end zone.  There's no point in not trying to get the ball in the end zone at that point."

(on the mood in the locker room)  "I think anytime you lose a game, it's hard.  We're all competitors.  We all want to win.  Unfortunately, we didn't do that today.  This one hurt a little bit, but at the same time we know we've got a lot of football left and we're excited to get back out there next week at home and get going again."

Kansas City DB Brandon Flowers(on the big catch by WR Andre Johnson) "Everybody thought it was pass interference.  The ref made the call though.  We can't take it back now.  The ref already made the call, so that is what we have to go with."

(on the defense playing lights out so far this season and how the team felt with a ten point lead and six minutes left in the game) "You have to close the game out.  The defense was playing lights out, up to this game today.  We have to go to the film and correct the mistakes we made and see the mistakes we made, so we won't make them again."

(on why the defense has played so well up until today ) "We have to go to the film and see what happened. When you are on the field, you can't see what's going on.  I just worry about what I am doing on the field at that time.  We just need to go to the film and make those corrections."

Kansas City Chiefs S Jon McGraw(on the team's mentality moving forward after what happened in the 4th quarter) "I think its too early to say. Everyone's trying to take a minute to regroup and process what just happened. Obviously everyone's extremely disappointed. We're going to go back and look at the film and see how we can get better, but this is a tough one to stomach."

(on how he has to lead his team into the next game as a veteran player after the most heartbreaking loss of the season) "It's one of those things you have to develop as an athlete, to have a short-term memory. You have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and see what you can do to get better. But at the end of the day you can't let it affect you going forward. We'll look at the film and we'll be done and we'll be on to the next game."

(on the game-winning touchdown catch by Texans WR Andre Johnson) "At the end of the day, they scored a touchdown and we couldn't stop them. The hardest part about it was that we just needed one stop there at the end and we couldn't get it done."

(on the reason for Texans TE Owen Daniels' effectiveness late in the game) "I don't think there is one thing that you can put your finger on. It's too hard to say right now. I haven't had a chance to watch the film. But obviously, he kind of exploded on us and hurt us at that point."

* *

Kansas City Chiefs LB Derrick Johnson(on allowing Houston Texans to come back to win in the 4th quarter) "This is the NFL, so every game isn't going to be like we want it.  Sometimes the other team gets the best of you.  They capitalized off of our mistakes.  My hat's off to them.  They did a good job on offense.  We have to play better on defense and execute the plays.  It's a hard loss for us."

(on breaking the season in to four quarters and losing the first one of the second quarter) "The best part is we get to go home for two games and hopefully get on a winning streak again.  They say in the NFL you have to be ready to play every week and have a short term memory.  So we have to put this game behind us tomorrow and start getting ready for Jacksonville."

(on losing back to back games) "I don't think it's a concern.  It's still early.  We're 3-2 right now.  We're still in the thick of it.  We need to get winning again quickly."

(on what caused the breakdown in the 4th quarter) "You really can't pinpoint it.  We have breakdowns on the defense and it's a collective loss for us.  I can't really tell you specifically what happened but all around on defense, we need to play better, including myself.  We would have won this game if (the defense) played better.  We put a lot of pressure on ourselves so we just have to keep working."

* *

Kansas City RB Thomas Jones(on how the offense performed today) "We made some plays on offense today, but when you lose the game it doesn't matter.  We still lost.  That's the point of making those plays; to help your team win.  It was a tough loss.  It hurts to play well and lose but that's part of the game.  We have to bounce back quickly.  We finally get to go back home and play a couple games at home in front of our home fans.  We will bounce back and I will be ready to go next week."

(on if  he thought the running game would be this successful week in and week out coming into the season)  "Honestly, I really didn't have a vision for anything.  I look at it like when I have an opportunity, I take advantage of it.  I think (RB) Jamaal Charles is the same way.  We are friends, almost like brothers. We hope to see each other do well."

(on if the running game is productive, the team does well)  "We had a great week of practice.  We felt good about the game plan and I think we executed better this week than we we did last week."

(on if he thinks the team takes this loss as a positive even know that are still developing) "You have to look at the good thigs we did and feel good about those things, but you also have to take the negatives and work on those things and correct them quick.  Anytime you lose a game, it hurts, regardless of the situation.  Anytime you lose, it's a tough things.  You put in so much work during the week and you play down to the wire like that, it hurts. You have to have a short memory in this league and bounce back and get ready for next week."

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