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Quotes: Friday practice


Head Coach Gary Kubiak
ILB Brian Cushing
CB Brandon Harris
CB Kareem Jackson
CB Brice McCain
FS Glover Quin
DE J.J. Watt

Head Coach Gary Kubiak
(on the team's  health today) "(G Antoine) Caldwell, (ILB Bradie) James, (CB) Johnathan Joseph, (T Derek) Newton and (OLB Brooks) Reed obviously did not practice today and they also will be listed as out for this game. So those five guys will be missing. The other one today that did not practice that will be a game-time decision is (CB) Alan Ball. We rested him with a sore foot today, so that's where we're out coming out of Friday's practice."

(on if CB Johnathan Joseph is out for Sunday's game) "Yes, he's out. Those five guys will not participate."

(on with CB Alan Ball out how that affects the secondary ) "Well first off, our two young guys are going to have to play a bunch. You've got (CB) Brandon (Harris) and you've got (CB) Roc (Carmichael), who are going to be a big part of what's going on. (CB) Brice (McCain) will step in and resume a starter role. Brandon plays in the nickel position if (CB) Alan (Ball) is out. We're very challenged right now. I've got to go up there and make sure we've got 46. Got a smile on our face, go to Tennessee, had a good week of practice, had a real good day today and got to have some young guys step up."

(on CBs Brandon Harris and Roc Carmichael) "Well they've done really good. They're very young players, second-year players. That's what they were brought here for. It's funny how you go from full at a spot to very thin at a spot real quick in this business. Then when you get thin it's time for guys like that to act like they are second-year pros. They both suited up last week and contributed in the win in Detroit. They will have a chance to do even more this week. We're excited for their opportunity and it's important that they step up."

(on the offensive line this Sunday) "(T Ryan) Harris will start and obviously (G Ben) Jones has been our starter now for over a month. That's where we're at right there. (T Andrew) Gardner will be our swing guy going into the game and could possibly even suit (G) Cody White depending on where we're at, come Sunday morning."

(on what LT Duane Brown does that makes him so good) "Just consistency. He's an elite athlete and he's just become a great pro. He studies the guys he plays against. He's a very studious player. He's seen a lot of players over and over again now so that's how you become one of the best, but his consistency on the field. He's always there every week, plays through a lot of nicks, just a true pro and has always had the ability but has become a really, I would say, student of the game, has really helped him become a great player."

(on LT Duane Brown) "He's great on the back side cutting people off when we run our crack tosses and those types of things. He can really get on the edge and run. When you've got a right-handed quarterback in this league, you better have a great left tackle and we're fortunate enough to have one year and should have for a long time."

(on being hit by injuries) "Yeah, it's come on pretty hard here over the course of the last two weeks and the amount of ball we've played in such a short period of time didn't help the cause, but that's part of the deal and we got to work through it. We'll get an extra day of rest next week. That's part of this league. Each Sunday, how do you find a way to win? What do we have to go do this weekend to win? We've got a lot of young guys being put in a tough spot, but hey, that's what it's all about. Like I said, we've had a good week, a good week of preparation. We've got to go down there and play well."

(on CB Brice McCain's development) "(CB) Brice (McCain) has become a much better player over the course of the last two years. First off, I bring up the word confidence. I think (Defensive Coordinator) Wade (Phillips) and (Defensive Backs Coach Vance Joseph) V.J. have instilled a confidence in him that maybe he didn't have early in his career. He's playing a lot of plays, plays inside, plays outside, plays special teams. He's developed. What is Brice now? Four or five years, something like that, so it's time for him to start to have these opportunities like he's fixing to have this Sunday and he has responded to that for us."

(on CB Brandon Harris ) "First off, (CB) Brandon's (Harris) practiced very well. He's kind of been the guy every week when you get to the 46 guys, Brandon up, is he down? I can remember a couple weeks ago I sat him down on Sunday morning and he was so dang mad. I loved it because I know he's arriving because it's that important to him. He's really practiced well and we're counting on him, but we like what we see on the practice field. We like what we see in special teams so here's a great opportunity for him to prove he can do it consistently."

(on the secondary) "(FS Glover Quin) GQ and (SS Danieal Manning) D-Man are both having great years and even if people go three-wides on us we're comfortable staying in our base because we think our safeties can cover. The fact that they're there right now brings a lot of leadership to the group, also without (CB Johnathan Joseph) J-Joe being there."

(on if any of these injuries are long term) "No, I don't think so. I think it's a day-to-day process. These guys will be much better served right now in the training room than trying to get a few reps of practice here or there. We've got a long way to go and these guys are extremely important to this football team. We're just trying to do what's best for all of them. There is probably a pecking order of who is one, two, as far as who you think will come back first, but the key is they're all making progress. At this point on Friday this week, for us to set any of them back doesn't make any sense. We got to get them back on this team."

ILB Brian Cushing
(on how he feels) "I'm doing great. I'd probably say I'm ahead of schedule, but at the same time I don't want to push anything right now because there really is no rush. The most important thing is to be 100 percent healthy for when I do come back."

(on not having to use crutches or a boot) "No, no I'm here every day working and really happy with the progress I've made so far and everything is just right on schedule."

(on how long he's been off crutches) "About three weeks now, maybe even four. I really wasn't on them long, about a week and a half after surgery, just feel great and every single day it feels better."

(on being around the team everyday) "It helps mentally more than anything, just to still be in the environment and bond with the guys and just see what's going on here still and obviously still want to feel like you're a part of it."

(on giving advice and help the guys stepping in) "Yeah, but at the same time it means a lot more to me right now. Obviously, discussing a lot of things that I haven't really been in on game plan-wise, I'm a little inept from it right now. As far as football, anything I can talk about or help with, I do."

(on the injuries at linebacker) "It's a rough game and a tough position to play. I think we're really understanding that this year with that many guys dinged up and myself going down for the year. I think it's a position you cannot really have enough depth at. It's a tough one and I think the guys have stepped up. Guys like (ILB) Darryl (Sharpton) coming back has been a huge plus for us."

(on how impressed he is in ILB Darryl Sharpton's return) "It's very impressive. Anytime you take a significant amount of time off like he has, you're obviously a little bit rusty. I think he's done it because he's played hard. He's played emotionally. He's done a great job."

(on how tough it is for him to see the team have a great season but not being on the field) "It's tough. After every win you obviously are happy, but part of you feels like you weren't part of it. It's obvious. It's evident, but at the same time I'm happy for the guys. They're playing their hearts out. 10-1 at this point is just extremely impressive, but definitely tough watching every game and knowing I can't contribute."

(on what he does to take care of his competitive fire) "Put it towards my rehab and just remember how sweet it's going to be to come back and play again and the first time I'm running out of the tunnel and all that stuff. Just got to keep that in the back of my mind and keep pushing, every day I'm closer to coming back."

(on what he can do physically) "I'd say I'm pretty closer to jogging. I feel really good. I've been doing step ups. I've doing a lot of weighted exercises. I really don't think I'm too far away from jogging, which is a big step towards recovery."

(on if he has a better timetable) "No, going to be open with that and just take one day at a time because it's a significant injury where everything matters in the rehab. I'm just going to try to get better every single day."

(on the league considering eliminating all below the waist blocks) "I don't know. I'm obviously going to have no say in whether that happens or not. It's been a huge part of the game for the last couple years, especially with our offensive scheme. I'm not sure. I'm not sure on what to feel about that or not. Obviously, it feels a little strongly about it since something did happen to me and I'm sure players that it's never happened to before can care less. I don't know. Obviously like I said I'll have no impact on whether or not it is getting rid of or not."

(on if he'd like to see those blocks gone) "I'm not sure. I think if it's head on and it's within the rule book and you see the guy I think so. But my situation, I don't want that to happen to any other players out there.

CB Brandon Harris
(on his talk with Head Coach Gary Kubiak a week ago) "Yeah about last week, me and Coach (Gary Kubiak) we sat down and had a long talk that day just stressing how much I wanted to help this team contribute. I've been working hard preparing myself for an opportunity. He understood that. We sat down. We talked about it. I'm getting more chances."

(on the opportunity to play more due to injuries in the secondary) "I view it as a great opportunity, a chance to step up on a great defense surrounded by some great players and coaches. They give me an opportunity. Obviously they believe in me and I have a tremendous amount of confidence in myself. It'll be a great opportunity, a great challenge for me."

(on how long he's waited for an opportunity like this) "I've been waiting for this opportunity for a while. I'm kind of excited it's finally here."

CB Kareem Jackson
(on his confidence in his teammates) "We all work the same here. We all get the same game plan. We all watch the same film. We all got the same goals in mind. Regardless, we go over with (CB) Brice (McCain), (CB) Brandon Harris, (CB Roc) Carmichael, anybody. I have the same confidence in those guys that I have in (CB) Johnathan Joseph. We expect to go out there and get the job done. Every guy holds his own head in the DB room with us. Like I said, when we go out there it's going to be go time."

(on how proud he is of his development) "I don't think nobody is going that they're not proud of their self, but at the same time I've come a long way and I've still got a ways to go. I've still got things that I need to do better. I'm still improving in every aspect of my game. For me, that's what I want to do every day. I come here and work. Until it's all said and done for me, I'm never going to be satisfied."

(on how much his growth has helped the team's current secondary situation with young players) "(CB) Brice (McCain) is not a young guy. His fourth year, this is my third. I try to help them as much as I can, help him the same way (CB) Johnathan (Joseph) helped me, (SS) Danieal (Manning) helped me, just tell them about little things that I see. Just try to give him little tips here and there, when we're watching film just try to point the little things out to him, jus the small details, stuff that's not so obvious. At the same time like I said, I got all the confidence in those guys. They're going to step in and play big for us."

CB Brice McCain
(on getting a shot at starting on Sunday) "No change for me, just go out there and make plays, that's all."

(on the confidence his coaches have in him) "I feel good. I'm very confident. I'm glad the coaches are confident in me. Just go out there and work and help the team win."

(on what has prepared him for possibly starting) "Everything I do, we do everything together as a team, the secondary, has prepared me for the moment to go out there and play. I just got to cover my guy."

FS Glover Quin
(on how much he can help the secondary with his leadership) "We just have to step up our game. The guys that have been playing, the guys that have been starting we just have to step up and do more. We're going to be fine. We were all in the same room. We're all in the same meetings. We call can play and we have confidence in whoever they put out there. We just got to go play. Everybody has to make plays. Things that my happen during the game, keep each other calm, and just keep playing."

(on what he's seen in CB Brice McCain) "(CB) Brice (McCain) has always been a guy that can cover and play ball. We've known that for four years now. Maybe he gets a chance to go out there and play and make some plays and show everybody what he's capable of doing, which we've seen what he can do over the last two seasons. I've played the nickel a lot more. It's a good opportunity if he gets a chance to play. We'll just see we what happens."

(on if the team can't look past the yards and points surrendered the last two games) "That's true. Obviously we won the game and found out that we can win different ways, but as a defense you never want to give up that many points. You never want to give up that many yards when you know you can do better. You know you can play better. We have to come back and refocus. We've had a good week of practice and so we're ready to go out on Sunday and try to play a lot better."

DE J.J. Watt
(on how he feels) "I feel good. I'll be ready to go on Sunday."

(on Tennessee Head Coach Mike Munchak comparing him to Randy White) "It's humbling. Anytime you get compared to some of the greats that played the game, it's very humbling especially my second year. It means a lot to me. Like I said, you always want to have the respect of your peers and the coaches and the players. That's most important, so it's great to hear those types of things, but I also know that I need to work extremely hard to maintain that level of play and keep people thinking of me in that light."

(on Tennessee Head Coach Mike Munchak saying he's a pleasure to watch all but two weeks a season) "That's nice. It's good to hear that, but hopefully I can make it a little difficult on him this weekend."

(on the Titans offense) "I think obviously the big difference they have (QB) Jake Locker out there this game. He's a very good quarterback. He can scramble. He can throw. He's a great young player. Obviously (RB) Chris Johnson's gotten it going as of late so we got to worry about him as well. It's going to be a good challenge for us."

(on possibly clinching a playoff spot with a win on Sunday) "We're really excited about that opportunity. It's one of those things you can check off your goal list and move on to the next one. 11 wins has never been done here before. We're really excited about that opportunity, clinching the playoff berth. It's a big weekend for us so there is a lot of things that can happen and we're really excited about that so there is definitely no overlooking this one."

(on not wanting be miss practice when he was sick this week) "Yeah, trust me, that's one of the worst feelings ever is not being with your teammates, not being out at practice. I hate it. I hated being at home, but I also know that the team needed me more on Sunday than they did on Wednesday. I'm really excited the training staff took great care of me and I'm going to be back out there ready to roll on Sunday so that's huge."

(on the importance of the pass rush) "I think it's very important. We're going to do our part. They have a young quarterback obviously in there. We want to fluster him, hopefully force him to make some mistakes. But just like every game we need to stop the run and then we need to get after the passer. We need to be relentless in our pass rush."

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