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Quotes: Wednesday practice

The Texans practiced outside at the Methodist Training Center on Wednesday. After, head coach Gary Kubiak and some of his players answered questions. The following is a transcript of their respective interviews, along with the transcript of conference calls with Washington Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan and quarterback Donovan McNabb.

Head Coach Gary KubiakWR David AndersonRB Arian FosterWR Andre JohnsonLB DeMeco RyansQB Matt SchaubWR Kevin Walter Washington Redskins Head Coach Mike Shanahan Conference CallWashington Redskins QB Donovan McNabb Conference Call

Head Coach Gary Kubiak
(on the Redskins defense) "Well, they're very athletic. Two outside edge players. Very good players in (Redskins OLB Andre) Carter and (Redskins OLB Brian) Orakpo to put a lot of pressure from the edge standpoint. They have probably one of the top safeties in the game. (Redskins S LaRon) Landry is a hell of a player. They have two corners that are ball hawks. They just have a very good defense in a scheme that obviously is a big switch for us going into the week. It's a challenge for us."

(on what Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan meant to him as he became a head coach in the NFL) "Probably everything I know from a pro football standpoint as a football coach is from (Redskins head coach) Mike (Shanahan). I not only played for him as a player, but he gave me my chance in San Francisco to coach the quarterbacks there and he took me to Denver to be his coordinator, and I wasn't ready. But he made me ready real fast in the way he made me go about my business and helping me. I just owe a great deal to him. I have so much respect for him."

(on how does he view Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan being aware that he is familiar with Shanahan philosophy of coaching) "That's coach talk. The bottom line is we do know each other very well from that standpoint, but our players have got to play. We're similar in what we do offensively and totally different defensively in what we do. There is a lot familiarity from a coaching standpoint, but our players will be the ones that play."

(on how he define this game going against Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan) "We've both been doing this so long. It's another game. Are we going to see our friends and guys we are close to? Yeah. So that makes it a little different from that standpoint. Coaches know each other in this league all around. It's a big game for us because it's the next one and I'm sure it's the same way for (Redskins head coach) Mike (Shanahan)."

(on when he first talked to Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan about becoming a coach) "Actually, when I retired, I took a job at (Texas) A&M and worked there for two years. Mike took me from A&M to San Francisco. So that was the first time. He took me out there to have that tough job of coaching Steve Young. From there on I was with him."

(on was he surprised about the offer to coach at San Francisco) "Mike knew I wanted to coach when I retired from football. So it was something we talked about, but I knew I wanted to come back here and get started and try to work my way up in the business. I was given the chance to coach the running backs, a position I never coached before. I was just lucky that it happened fast for me to come back."

(on the signing of  DEs Ryan Denney and Adewale Ogunleye) "Wally (DE Adewale Ogunleye) has a lot of experience rushing the passer. We need some guys who played some snaps in this league. A young guy wasn't going to fulfill our situation. Basically they are the same guy. They have experience and both have been successful in this league. We've lost two players. We've lost (DE) Connor (Barwin) and we lost (DE Tim) Bulman. Watching them workout and they both being the class act that they are, we thought it would be a strength if we go out and sign them both. So we're lucky to get them."

(on how quickly can DEs Ryan Denny and Adewale Ogunleye will work themselves in the rotation) "I don't know. I have to go back and watch practice. Of all the guys we worked out we thought they were in the best condition to go out and play 20 plays."

(on how much playing time will change for TE Owen Daniels this Sunday at Washington) "How much will change? Nothing. He probably played too many plays last week, but that's the way he is. He wouldn't come out. He wanted to play and he came out clean, but think we go right back and he'll play his 40 plays again and he continues to get better. OD (TE Owen Daniels) is in his second preseason game. He hadn't played in a long time and it's a tough road back and he'll get there. He'll get there quicker than most."

(on if there is one thing that he believes he learned from Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan by osmosis) "One of the greatest things I've learned from (Redskins head coach) Mike (Shanahan) is how to enjoy and compete being a coach and being a dad too. Mike had a great balance in his life as a coach. It's hard in this business because you can catch yourself up there all night long. He taught me how to work hard and work early and still be a dad and a husband. Other than all the stuff he taught me as a coach. That always meant a lot to me."

(on Redskins QB Donovan McNabb) "First of all, he's moving around like he always does. He presents a lot of problems for us from bootlegs and those type of things. Running on third downs and making third downs with his feet. It'll be the second week in a row that we'll play a great quarterback. That's a challenge. They're very strong at the tight end position. They got some great tight ends. They got two backs that have been very successful in this league. From a talent standpoint, when you look at their roster, they're loaded. (Redskins head coach) Mike (Shanahan) is getting them going in the right direction. You knew that was going to happen when he got there."

(on how much of an advantage it is for the Texans to have both a consistent running and passing game) "I think if anything, it's important to us. I don't know what it means to other people. Our football team has confidence and it can win in a couple of ways. I think that's very important. As a team we have confidence that we can stay on the field at the end of a game and that's something we've been looking for. It's one game and it's one step. So hopefully we could keep it going, but it meant a great deal."

WR David Anderson
(on going against a weaker pass defense in Washington) "It's week 1. That was their first week. This is week 2. You never know how good defenses are and how good their team is. You just got to go out there and play your brand of football. It's early in the season and you try to scout them as much as possible. What we have is last year and preseason games to work through and they are running a completely different scheme than we do. You just kind of go out there and feel the game out and just play your brand of football and see how it goes."

(on RB Arian Foster receiving AFC Player of the Week honors) "How could you not (give him the award) ? For 33 (carries) and 200-plus yards on three touchdowns. That's a pretty impressive day of work. I think he deserves it."

WR Andre Johnson
(on the win against the Colts and going forward) "Everybody knows it was a big win for us last weekend, but that doesn't matter anymore. What we can do is focus on the game that's ahead of us and that's the Washington Redskins. Hopefully we could go out and get another win on Sunday."

(on what challenges the Redskins' secondary offers to the Texans) "They're a very talented group. Very physical. They throw a lot of different looks at you. Especially when they run the 3-4 defense. When you play against a defense like that they send a lot of different looks at you and blitzes can come from pretty much anywhere. We have to be on top of our game as far as pass protection and things like that. When things are there we just have to take advantage of it."

(on the Redskins' safeties) "(Redskins SS LaRon) Landry is very physical. That's one thing as soon as you look at them on film. That's one thing that stands out, to know he's flying down hill on plays trying to knock guys out. That's part of the game. We just have to step up our run blocking in the running game and make sure that we get a hat on him and try to take him out of the running game so we can spring our running back to some big runs."

(on if the team listens to what is said about them publicly) "When you're trying to accomplish something like we are, I think a lot of people still feel that we're not a proven team. It's a challenge for us, we know that. We know how people feel about us. That's something that we don't let bother us. We know that in order for us to get where we want to be we have to go out and win football games. Things that people say I don't think it really affects our team. I think we only worry about the guys that are in this locker room and the coaches on this staff and we are going to go out and get the job done."

RB Arian Foster
(on all of the attention he's received since his performance last weekend) "It is what it is. It's part of the business–the good part–but it can go south just as fast. You've got to keep focused."

(on if his coaches or teammates help him keep focused) "It's pretty much everybody that's been around this business. They know it can go up and down, so everybody has good advice. I know that too. I'm taking it all with a grain of salt."

(on FB Vonta Leach blocking in front of him) "I couldn't have done what I did without his help and the offensive line's help. It just so happens that I get the attention for it, but everybody deserves equal amounts."

(on what keeps him level after a performance like that) "I was raised with humility, but if you just watch the game film you'll see that I was running through a lot of big holes. It's easy to point the cameras towards me because I have the pigskin, but it's the guys up front putting in the work, and that's the work we put in before the season started that made this happen."

(on if he is enjoying the attention he's getting) "Everybody likes recognition for the work that they put in, but I try not to watch it too much. Most of the channels that I watch, I'm on there, so it's a little surreal sometimes. I try not to pay too much attention to it. This is what I've been wanting since I was a little kid—to play in the National Football League. This is what comes with it. You have to take everything with a grain of salt, just like I said."

(on what he's learned about the Redskins defense this week) "They run a 3-4, so that obviously brings trouble in the pass protection game, so we have to be on the ball with that. They're kind of similar to Indianapolis where they aren't real big at the linebacker spot but they're fast and very physical. They've got a veteran linebacker, London Fletcher. He's been doing this for years. The more I watch him, the more I'm impressed with him. He's such a good athlete and brings it every single play. I actually trained with him for the combine. He's just a great athlete and they have so much talent on defense. It's going to be a fun matchup."

(on his touchdown celebration) "It started this year. I had thought about it and I feel like every running back should have their own little stamp on the game. Mine stems from the core or what I believe. It's a Namaste. It means respect. It's a Hindu greeting. It just means, 'I see the God in you.' Basically, it's a respect thing. It's me paying my respects to the game of football."

(on if he is Hindu) "No, I'm not Hindu."

(on where he picked it up from) "I studied Buddhism for awhile. I'm really into all different types of cultures and religions. I really like their belief system and I just believe we're kind of all in this together as people, energies and life forces."

(on how he discovered his interest in different cultures) "I just sort of picked it up. I'm guessing it's just in me. It's in my innate nature to gravitate towards that. I just always have been very comfortable with their culture and their belief system. I don't know why you wouldn't want to treat anyone like you would want to be treated. It's the same way."

(on if it is hard to keep that chip on his shoulder that he came in with) "No. Not at all because I know where I came from and I know what I did to get here. In no sense of the imagination have I arrived. I had a good game and you can have a bad game and then you guys will be standing here asking, 'What happened?' It comes and goes. NFL careers are short-lived. You have a short tenure here, so I'm going to enjoy it, but I'm going to make sure I get the maximum effort out of my body."

(on how he got started with his poetry) "That's like asking, 'why did the artist pick up a paintbrush?' I don't really know when it started. I just remember I've always expressed myself through my verbiage."

LB DeMeco Ryans
(on if he had any dreams about last week's win over the Colts) "Dreams? Nope. It was a good win for us against a great opponent and division rival. After I walked off the field, my focus has been on the Redskins."

(on Redskins QB Donovan McNabb) "He's one of the great quarterbacks in this league. He's been to the big game before. He knows how to lead a team. He does a great job of moving around in the pocket. He does present problems for us."

(on what did he pick from watching Cowboys vs. Redskins Sunday night) "Just looking at different concepts from a defensive perspective watching their offense and seeing different kind of concepts they like to run on offense. That's pretty much what I was looking at."

(on what did he see from the Redskins offense) "A lot of screens pretty much. It's interesting watching them because it's the same offense we've practice against for the past couple of years. With (Redskins offensive coordinator) Kyle (Shanahan) running the offense up there he's doing a lot of similar stuff that he did here."

(on if Redskins offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan will be showing something new to the Texans defense) "Of course, I think he's going to put a wrinkle in there. You throw something new into a game plan and try to attack a defense in some particular way. It's going to be interesting to see how he'll try to attack us, but from a base standpoint a lot of things have to stay the same."

(on how did he review the Texans' defensive performance vs. the Colts) "We got a win. That was the biggest thing for us. (Colts QB) Peyton (Manning) is going to throw it around a lot and he's going to get his yardage. We weren't focus on that as much as about coming out with the win. That was the most important part."      

QB Matt Schaub
(on the Redskins defense) "They're a physical group. They fly around and  make some plays. They have a lot of playmakers on their defense and their scheme allows them to make plays. It's a team that we have to be on our game plan. It's a different type of front that we faced last week with the 3-4. They are a tough group obviously, holding Dallas to such few points. We have to be ready to execute."

(on being able to scout both of the next two opponents Sunday night) "I watched a little bit of it as far as live on TV, but you know it's hard to watch the schemes on live TV. You've got to go back and watch the film. We'll take them one at a time. We'll watch Washington this week and then we'll take care of Dallas after Washington."

(on if the Redskins defense worries him after stopping Dallas' offense) "I don't look at it that way. I look at it as how we can best prepare to go out and be successful and play well. That's what we're preparing to do."

(on what is the biggest challenge the Redskins defense bring) "They bring different pressures being a 3-4 they are able to bring pressures from different areas on the field while playing safe coverages behind. They do a lot of multiple different things, but we just have to be ready for them. Be able to see what's going on pre-snap and be able to adjust to some unscouted looks when we're on the sidelines."

(on the possibility of having a big game if the Redskins are focused on the Texans running game) "It's a good thing to know you're able to win running the ball like we did last week. In the past, we've been more into passing the ball. So to have that balance and to have that confidence will only help us as we move forward."

(on the national attention the Texans have received this week) "I haven't really paid attention to it to be honest. We're 1-0 and we're pleased to be there, but we have to go out and prove that we could go and get two in a row."

(on what is the biggest that impressed him about RB Arian Foster and his time here as a Texan) "Just how level-headed he is. He really hasn't gotten too high and he really hasn't gotten too low. Last year was a learning experience being an undrafted rookie and being on the practice squad and then being activated and having some success late in the season. He handled it the right way and approached the offseason the right way. He worked extremely hard to where he was asking me if I wanted to watch some film with him. I was all for it. That was just big for me to see that from him. Then going into this training camp knowing that he was going to take the reins of the running game and seeing him have the success in week one was huge  and I told him that the only way that we could go now is for you to go out and prove it next week that you could do it again."

(on if one thing is not working then the team can go to a different direction)  "You want to be a balanced offense in this league. If you get too one dimensional, teams can plan forward and you want to remain balanced. That's what we want to be as an offense."

(on when did RB Arian Foster win the respect of the locker room) "It's something that developed over time. It just doesn't happen overnight. It's hard to put finger on it when it happened. Obviously the way he finished the last season having some big games against the Patriots to end the year against their defense, that was a huge stepping stone. Then it was really developed in the offseason program; in here lifting and running and his work in training camp."

WR Kevin Walter
(on how it feels receiving so many accolades from the win last week) "Everyone's excited around town. We're all excited here, but we also know it's one game and we need to move on. We going into a hostile environment this weekend in Washington and we need to get the job done like we did last week."

(on believing in the "it's only just one game" theme after the win against the Colts) "That's the way you got to take it. If things didn't work out the way we wanted to last week then we would've have to move on from that. We got it done last week and we got to do the same thing and move on to the next one and continue."

(on what was it like in the huddle at the start of the third quarter during the 15-play touchdown drive) "As long as we are moving the ball and keeping it out of (Colts QB) Peyton Manning's hands and running the ball like we did, I'm all for it. We were out there blocking our tails off and trying to move the ball. We did that and did a great job of it."

Head Coach Mike Shanahan(on why he believed that Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak would be a successful head coach in the NFL) "Number one, he's very smart and a very intelligent guy. He's very competitive and I know just how he deals with players and deals with people. He's a people person and a very class individual; very smart. He's played the game for a long time and when you see people play and you watch them coach you get a gut feeling that they will be very good."

(on if Texans head coach Gary Kubiak lived up to his expectations as an NFL head coach) "Yeah, there's no question. I'm so happy for him because I think everybody can see the job he has done. It doesn't happen overnight when you build things the right way. I think that's what (Texans head coach) Gary (Kubiak) has done. He's done things the right way. It seem like this team handles itself the right way with a lot of class and it looks like they built quite a team up."

(on if he sees a difference in Texans head coach Gary Kubiak now as opposed to when he was on his staff in Denver) "I know there is nothing like experience. As a head football coach, you're constantly learning. I'm constantly learning right now, but you do learn to delegate more and you know it's a combination of knowing a lot of good people all going into the same direction because nobody can do it by themselves."

(on what he saw in Texans general manager Rick Smith that would make him a good general manager in the NFL) "First of all, he works extremely hard. The next thing is he had a lot of passion in what he was doing. He's an extremely bright guy. He's got excellent people skills. All I thought he needed was an opportunity. He came in as a coach, so he had that background and then wanted to get into personnel and really worked at it. I just thought it was a matter of time before he became a GM."

(on he thinks about the job Rick Smith has done as Texans general manager) "Great. Just take a look at their squad both offensively and defensively. They've got a lot of football players and seem like a lot of character as well."

(on what has impressed him the most about coaching with offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan) "When you're away from your kids, especially for five or six years, where you don't get a chance to be around them every day, you forget how much they grow and how quickly they grow. Then when you get a chance to spend some time you know the football knowledge they have and the experience they have. They got to run it all. When you're an offensive coordinator, you can't hide from players. They know if you know or if you don't know. It's running game, passing game and everything it takes to get player's respect. It doesn't take you long to figure out that it was pretty easy for him."

(on if the Redskins offensive coordinator stands up to him) "I've been agreeing with him more than any of these coaches. He's got a good feel of what he's talking about. He understands the game very well. I think we both got some strong personalities, but when someone really has studied and got a great knowledge of coverages and what you're trying to do, it's pretty easy to get along with them."

(on what it's like to be back in the NFL where he's at in this moment) "It's always great. Anytime you're at one organization for 21 years as a head coach and assistant and then all of a sudden you take off for a year, at least of season of playing, and then go and get another job. It is something that is new, refreshing, energizing and something I looked forward to; not only putting the staff together, but evaluating the team and hopefully heading off to the right direction after the season last year."

(on what is the message to the team about tempering expectations for this week's game) "I think (Texans head coach) Gary (Kubiak) is a lot like me. We all know this business is week by week. You enjoy the win and you get on to the next game because you know that you got to prepare everybody each week. It's a 16-round fight as we all talk about and only one round has gone. It's a long season. You got to prepare and do the little things the right way and hopefully come away with a win."

(on if this game vs. the Texans is special because he's facing people he worked with) "Number one, you always want to win. I think you'd like to win, but at the same time you know how hard they work and they know how hard you work. So there's a big respect level there. I think it never changes your will to go out there and find a way to win because you always want to do that regardless if you know somebody or don't. If you want to play you want to play extremely well. I know they feel that way as well as I do."                 

(on how OLBs Brian Orakpo and Andre Carter are defensively in space) "Well, they're pretty good in space, to be honest with you. They are two excellent outside linebackers who can play the run and play the pass. They're very physical and we're very fortunate to have them."

(on what kind of challenges they face against the Texans offense) "Well you've got to be on top of your game because they have a balanced attack. They did a great job running the football against Indy and I think everyone knows what they did last year in the passing game. So you can't really just take one thing away. You've just got to play solid football."

(on what he thinks about RB Arian Foster and what offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan has said about him) "He just had a really good feeling about him. He said, 'Hey, they've got a great running back for the future,' and he just thought he was going to have a great year. I asked him, 'Well, why didn't you tell me he was going to have 200 yards?' He said, 'Well, I didn't know he was going to have over 200 in the first game.' Backs don't have that very often, but you can see he's quite a talent."

(on how much of an advantage it is that Kyle Shanahan has worked against the Texans defense so many times) "I think it's a two-edge sword. They know Kyle. They know what he's thinking, down and distance-wise, his philosophy. Going against each other, I think it kind of negates everything because they know each other. I think everybody will have some wrinkles in there to offset their tendencies, but it comes down to just playing sound football."

(on what it's like for Peggy Shanahan, having both him and Kyle working together) "I don't know. You'd have to ask her. I'm not sure if that's good or not. We might have to wait until the end of the season to get a positive answer out of her. No, it's been great. You get the grandkids. We do have some extra time; we don't have a lot, but to have the grandkids in the area and being able to communicate with your own kids day in and day out. It's quite rewarding and it's been a lot of fun."

(on how former Texans assistant coaches Matt LaFleur and Richard Hightower have done up there) "They're doing a great job. Matt got his opportunity to coach quarterbacks here, helping (offensive coordinator) Kyle (Shanahan). Everybody starts out at the bottom of the barrel and tries to work his way up. That's what Matt did. Richard went over to Minnesota as a wide receiver coach to get back into the National Football League. He's helping (special teams coordinator) Danny Smith with special teams. Both have done a great job."

(on if DT Albert Haynesworth will play more against the Texans than the first game given his experience against the team) "I think Albert is getting used to our scheme, the 3-4 scheme, and it doesn't happen overnight. Obviously, he's a little bit behind relative to the offseason, but he's getting better every day and playing hard. I think we all know what type of athlete he is. Hopefully, he'll get more plays each game."

(on what the thinks about QB Matt Schaub) "I think he's one of the top in the league. If anybody ever studied him and took a look at how the guy can read coverages, how he can stand up in the pocket and get rid of the ball and do all the things you ask from your quarterback; for some reason, people don't really know how good he is, but he's a very special quarterback. I had the chance to spend a little time with him too, in Tahoe, and he's really a class guy as well."

(on what defensive coordinator Jim Haslett has brought to the defense) "Jim knows the 3-4 defense extremely well. I have a couple other guys that have a background in that. Jim obviously has been a great player, a great coordinator, a great head coach and to have a guy with his experience is something that you always look for as a head coach. He's done a great job."

(on how impressed he was with CBs DeAngelo Hall and Carlos Rogers in creating pressure with the corner blitz last week) "Well, it didn't really surprise me because we've seen it come and you watch it during practice. Most guys are very smart players and can make plays. When you see it consistently in practice, it really doesn't surprise you, but you're always hoping that they're going to play at that level once you get started in game situations, especially starting off the season against an excellent football team. Seeing what they do in pressure situations was really great."

(on what similarities he sees between TEs Chris Cooley and Owen Daniels) "Two great athletes. You get guys that know how to run routes to start with; they know how to set people up or to stick them—how you get open. Both are very productive too in the running game. You get guys that really know what they're doing—very heady players that you want on your football team."

(on if TE Chris Cooley has had any issues with his knee) "It's fully healed."

Donovan McNabb
(on what has Washington Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan and offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan meant to his game) "With both of their knowledge of the game and ways of improving the quarterback position; it's different things I'm working on now. They just refined a lot different things such as my strong points in my game as well as enhance the weaknesses. Their offense is really catered around my skills. We look to do some good things with it."

(on what is the working relationship between Washington Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan and offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan) "They both are two competitors. They want nothing but the best and nothing but success. That's why obviously his dad (head coach Mike Shanahan) is a stickler on perfection and (Redskins offensive coordinator) Kyle (Shanahan) is the same way. I'm sure those guys down there would probably say the same that he was pretty hard sometimes on (QB Matt) Schaub or any other quarterbacks as well as the offense because he want to be the best. That's all we've set out to do as players is to be the best at what we do and perfect our craft and try to help our team win at any cost. When you have coaches like that no matter what age they are, obviously it's contagious and everyone begins to follow."

(on what has he done to temper the expectations leading into Week 2) "To win this game, you have to have short term memory. Whatever may have happened in Week 1, you have to forget about that and use that energy going into Week 2 and try to progress in (correcting) the mistakes that you made in Week 1. I think, for both teams, I think this is an opportunity for us to kind of get better and take another step forward in both of our divisions. While we're out there, fly around and make plays. They're a team that's coming off a great win versus a team that obviously, they've had trouble with, the same as over here. We're two teams who're fired up, looking forward to this opportunity to get out on the field and play."

(on what LT Trent Williams can do to have the same success against DE Mario Williams as he did with LB DeMarcus Ware) "DeMarcus Ware is a great player. We came up with schemes to try and slow him down a little bit. Trent did an excellent job of what we asked him to do. He's going to have another challenge of playing against Mario Williams, a guy who is rangy, quick, strong and he's been a dominant force over the last couple seasons. It's going to be a challenge for him and he knows that. He's putting in that extra time to continue to get better each and every week. As an offense, we're working to try and be more consistent each week as well."

(on his impressions of the Texans defense) "I was impressed by the way they were flying around. They were able to get around the ball. Against Indianapolis, obviously, (QB) Peyton (Manning) does a great job of spreading it around and getting his guys involved. They tried to take (WR) Reggie Wayne and (TE) Dallas Clark out of the offense as much as they could and try and stop the run by going seven or eight in the box. They're a team that's trying to make an impression as well. Guys are stepping up to the challenge and making places when they're needed."

(on the similarities between the Redskins and Texans offenses) "There are a lot of similarities and there are a lot of differences. Obviously, when you look at some of the plays that we both run that are quite similar and some of the concepts are the same, but when the coordinator leaves a place, another guy steps in and he wants to add his own wrinkle and that's what you're seeing. You see them trying to establish the run game a whole lot more over there, which opens up a lot more for (QB Matt) Schaub and the rest of the guys on the outside. Last week, they were asked to run the ball. They were very effective in doing that in the second half, which took a lot of pressure off of Schaub and it kept (QB) Peyton (Manning) and his offense off the field when they were establishing that tempo."

(on how much attention he's paid to QB Matt Schaub's development) "Not that much. When he was in Atlanta, I knew a little bit about him and watched him when he had an opportunity to play his first couple of seasons in Houston. He battled through some injuries, but he still was very efficient. Last year, he had an outstanding season. He played great. He and (WR) Andre (Johnson) had a great combination where that trust value played a major part, where they were able to be in position to make plays. It wasn't even just Andre, the rest of the guys. He got everybody involved. Obviously, when (TE) Owen (Daniels) went down, (WR Kevin) Walter stepped up.  Other receivers began to, (WR) Jacoby (Jones), those guys really stepped up and made big plays when they needed them."

(on the similarities between TE Chris Cooley and TE Dallas Clark) "I don't know. Cooley does a great job of just creating separation and getting open. I would probably say the same thing for Dallas Clark. Obviously, he's a Pro Bowler and has been very effective in that offense in Indy. But the same goes for (TE) Owen Daniels. Owen has been very effective in that offense over there as well. I know he's coming off of injury, but Owen is still one of the top tight ends in the game. I know (QB Matt) Schaub is looking forward to him coming back fully healthy and playing such a major part."

(on the Texans young secondary) "Well, like I said, they were flying around pretty well and getting their hands on the ball, creating pressure, trying to create turnovers versus a team that obviously doesn't turn the ball over that much. That's attributed to those guys. When you put a team in a position where they have to throw 50 times to try and put themselves in a position to win, it says a lot about them (the secondary)."

(on how much he knows about Texans head coach Gary Kubiak) "You know what, I don't know much about him. Coming from that tree with (Redskins head coach Mike) Shanahan, effectively running the ball and getting out on the corner and spreading it around.  That's something that Kubiak brings to the table in Houston. Obviously, like I said, he adds his own style onto different things and where he wants to create a name for himself."

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