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Texans-Chiefs post-game quotes


Matt Schaub and Andre Johnson were among the Texans to speak to the media after the Texans' 20-3 victory over the Chiefs.

Postgame quotes from the Texans's 20-3 season-opening victory over the Kansas City Chiefs.

Houston Texans Head coach Gary Kubiak (on the Texans' injuries)"(FS) Jason Simmons has a patella injury. He's done for the year. That's very unfortunate that we lost him. (DT) Travis Johnson has an ankle sprain, but he'll be fine. (FB) Vonta Leach has back spasms, and he'll be fine. The one that we talked about in the locker room awhile ago is (DE) N.D. Kalu cracked a couple bones in his hand, came in and casted it up and went out and played his tail off in the 4th quarter. He'll be working with the cast. Jason is the one we lost. Of course, that's an issue at the safety position, so that's going to get (SS Michael) Boulware in the mix here real quick."

(on what DE Mario Williams' touchdown and sack in the third quarter did for the team)"It did a lot for the football team. But I'll tell you something interesting. We as a coaching staff sat up here Thursday evening and we said that was the best practice we'd ever seen him have since we've been here. We talked to him about that. The great thing when you're able to tell a player 'Hey, that was progress what we saw on Thursday.' Now we can go back and say look how it equated to what you did on Sunday. He's been playing well. Just the fact that he got freed up a couple times today. This game is about confidence. When you're a player and a couple of good things go your way, you start to get a lot of confidence. I would expect him to feel really good coming out of this one moving forward."

(on the 10-minute drive in the fourth quarter)"It was extremely important. They only had one time out left because they had used a couple, so we knew that. You don't want to hurt your tempo as an offensive football team, so I told (QB) Matt (Schaub) 'Listen, you use the whole clock, but don't let the guys in the huddle know. I don't want them to think that we're slowing down.' I thought he did a good job of managing the game from that stand point. I think the biggest factor is something we've preached to our players since we've been here. You've got to be able to run the ball in this league when everybody knows you're going to run it. And they knew we were going to run the ball there late in the game, on those drives, and we were still able to effectively do that. So that was some progress right there. We had really hurt ourselves offensively throughout the game doing various things, but to come back there and have enough about you to finish on the field was very positive."

(on what he was most impressed about with this game)"I think that you always worry as a coach when you go out on opening day how you're going to play for four quarters. We preached to our players this week that whenever we got to the fourth quarter that was going to be unchartered waters for everybody in this league this week. Nobody has played that long. So we told them they were ready to do that. We've been practicing at 12:00, as you guys know. We changed our routine around here working in the heat right at noon. I think our football team showed that it's pretty well conditioned. We played for four quarters. We were aggressive. We're playing as a group. It's about a team for us, it's not one guy. I think we can sit here and talk about a lot of guys who were a big factor in the game."

(on stopping the Chiefs' running game)"It was big for us. You've got the ball there, lining up with two tights and they know you're going to come with the football and try to stay on the field, but you have to be able to do that. To finish games in this league and to win, and when you're defense is over there getting a rest, they're going to play well. That's something that we talk about and we preach it, but I wouldn't say we've ever got that done until today. I like the way we did it today."

(on stopping Chiefs RB Larry Johnson)"Well, we knew they were going to run the ball. That's the way they play. That's Herm Edwards' style of football, defense. Not give up big plays on defense and run the ball on offense. I would think they probably felt pretty good about the way the game was progressing, because that's the type of game it was. We were able to make a big play. I think none bigger than maybe (P) Matt's (Turk) punt right before the half when he hit that big ball and we give up no points and we go into halftime up 10 points. I thought that was huge."

(on the play of QB Matt Schaub)"I thought he did some real good things, and he did some things that have got to get better. But I'll tell you the thing I like about him, and I think I've kind of been getting on this for the last month. Things don't affect him. He'll make a bad play and he'll go back and play the rest of the game. It's not an all good or nothing's good type of player. He's just a player. He goes, he plays each play the best he can. He missed a couple of blitzes where he's got to get rid of the football. He knows that. When the football team needed him to make some big plays late in the game, he made a great throw to the tight end on a big third down, made a great play to (WR) Andre (Johnson) scrambling. This kid likes to play, he's going to come out there and play for four quarters. He's going to make some mistakes, but he's going to make some damn good plays, too."

(on the key to stopping the Chiefs RB Larry Johnson)"I think just effort. Game tackling and effort. We talked last night about three things. Effort and enthusiasm, that's two. We talked about effort. And then we talked about the most physical team on game day. And then we talked about effort, being physical and playing for four quarters. We thought that would be a key for our football team all year and it's something we talk about every week."

(on DT Travis Johnson's interception)"That's a heck of a substitution on (defensive line coach) Jethro's (Franklin) part. I was screaming at him. I didn't want him to sub guys in that situation. I'm over there raising hands, and Travis goes in there and gets a pick, so it was a good job by Jethro. I don't like them swapping personnel like that."

(on the play of the offensive line)"We had a 17-0 ball game right there. Our defense puts us in position to put the game away. We just got sloppy. We had a four-play situation there, we had two holding calls, one guy was down field and then we fumbled the ball. I just challenged them all. I told them we're hurting ourselves. (G) Chester (Pitts) was battling me because of something he thought he saw out there. I'll tell you like I told the team. That's going to happen. We've got to battle each other and battle as a football team. The key is how do we respond. If we sit there and make mistakes, we go into the tank for the rest of the day, then we're not a very good football team. If we make mistakes and we can get over there and get after each other's tail and talk about why we're not doing things right, and go respond, then we'll become the better football team. I liked the response."

(on the third down plays)"Well, I thought it was huge because we had to stay on the field. That's the way they play, in a lot of ways. Converting third downs. We felt like if our backfield was able to produce as much as their backfield or even more, then we were going to be in good shape. The key to doing that was (QB) Matt (Schaub) making some big third downs."

(on his personal feelings about the game)"I'm excited. I probably don't show it too much, but I'm very excited. You put in a lot of work. You talk about how you're making improvement and getting better, but you really don't know in this league until you step on the field the first week when it's good against good for four quarters. But today was a step in the right direction. Our football team was ready to play. They played hard for each other and they're going to have to do that 16 times."

DE Mario Williams

(on the fumble recovery for a touchdown)"I jumped on the ball, and the next thing I know I hear (DT) Amobi (Okoye) saying 'Get up, get up.' I said okay and got up and took off running. I was in the right place at the right time."

(on this being his break out game and what was the difference) "The difference today was the whole preparation during the week. Our mind set was there. When we came out, the whole defense came out together walking. That's how we approached the whole thing is that we're going to be together coming out here tonight, and that's what we did. Everything that happened today, good or bad, it's always me, it seems like. But when you look at it, my soldiers, the line, the linebackers, the DB's. The credit is on them. They played so well. Things just went my well. I'm just so thankful to be a part of it with them. That was the difference. The whole defense."

(on the pass rush) "Like I said, it was just get after it. The thing was, at first, we were kind of a little mellow with things, but then we started mixing things up and we started getting after it."

(on the second half) "We just went out and did what we had to do. It was like 'Let's not be mechanical.'"

(on letting loose)"There's so much more. Not just me, as a defense. There's a lot of things we did, and a lot we could do better. Today was just a start. Hopefully, we can keep going that way."

(on what he's going to do with the touchdown ball)"I'm going to keep it. Probably give it to my nephew."

(on Thursday's practice) "There were a lot of coaches over there. It just so happened that it was more of a mind set of just going out there and being physical and just trying to make things happen. It was just trying to have the mind set of where we need to be at, not just for me but for our defense."

(on the key to stopping the Chiefs RB Larry Johnson)"The number one thing was basically getting hands to him. He's a very strong guy, as we all know. You've got hail to the chief and all that stuff, but the number one thing is knowing that he's just not going to run through everybody. So the number one thing is basically to get to him and keeping hands on him."

(on the play of veteran DE N.D. Kalu)"N.D. is old, man. He's old. I'm telling you. I'm just messing with you. For somebody to have a hand injury and come back and get a sack is phenomenal. It just shows that no matter what, if you're breathing, you can go, basically. N.D. went out there, I'm sure he was hurting, but he went out there and got it done. He helped us out on a key play."

(on if it matters to him whether or not things are always about him) "It really doesn't. When I'm here, or even when I'm at my house, there's only eleven people that I bleed with every day. For our offense to be there and to do what they did, especially in the fourth quarter. They took the whole quarter. The game was over when they were on the field. That's what we need, and that's what we've got to have. No matter what is said outside these walls, the only thing that matters here is us, our team."

(on going back to Carolina to play next week)"Just going back to North Carolina is great, in general. But at the same time, I'm just not going to say that I'm going to do this, do that. We've got to do what we do. We've got to work hard and show more improvement, better ball play."

(on starting the season 1-0)"We've been through so much as a team. Last year being my first year, first year with coach Kubiak, and his first year being here, and things like that. We're just trying to go in the right direction. To start off 1-0, especially against a team like that, with Larry Johnson, he runs over everybody. 416 carries last year. To start off 1-0 against a team like that is great."

(on assessing the play of DT Amobi Okoye) "I really didn't get a chance to look at him that much. I believe he did well because he was helping to take a little pressure off me and I was helping to take pressure off him. That's the number one thing. The whole defensive line was basically helping each other out. From what I can see, I think he did good."

(on the sack with DT Anthony Maddox)"At that point it was basically let's go out there and just do it. Let's go out there and make something happen. I called it. And Maddox, he was shocked because I called it, and we did it. He just came around so free, he didn't know what to do. He was trying to cause the fumble to let me scoop it up and score. For it to happen, even when I did it with (DE) N.D. (Kalu), we had something going on and we did what we had to do, and it came out the way it did. There's just a lot of excitement. I can't explain it."

(on whether or not a game like this takes the pressure off of him) "Well, personally, I don't feel like I'm on the end of the pressure. If pressure is applied from the critics, or media, or whatever, I'm always behind anyway. I was drafted number one, but I was never really, you know, whoever else you might try to compare me to. To say the pressure takes anything off of me, I don't see why I have any pressure. There are other people ahead of me that have the pressure. I'm chasing them."

QB Matt Schaub

(on overcoming the early interception)"Well that's part of football, you are going to have good plays and bad ones. You know that was a bad decision and bad throw on my part, and it was early in the game so the major thing is you got to put it behind you, good or bad and move on to the next play and execute your responsibility on the next play."

(on the importance of the drive)"Huge, that is huge. When you're in the situation and you're up two scores and you have the ball in the fourth quarter and they know you are going to run and you know you are going to run it, you just grind it out and keep turning yards. That gives a lot of confidence and inspiration to the guys on our team and lifts them up."

(on the team's growth)"I think they grew up; we grew up and matured a lot. You know once they got that field goal and it's a two score game at that point early in the fourth quarter, to have that drive were we eat up a lot of croc and get down there, get three more points and make it a three score game; that's huge for the confidence of our football team, and to do it against a tough defense like Kansas City has gives a lot of confidence on down the road."

(on the feelings of proving himself)"I think it is important to go out and play efficient and manage the game well and to execute our game plan, and to come out with a victory is ultimately what our goal is. We succeeded today in being a good football team. You know each week we go in start over with a new game plan, fresh start, re-focus, and go after the next thing."

(on if expectations were met today)"I think so. I think our offense could have scored some more points today and we hurt ourselves with some penalties and crucial situations when we got toward the red zone, and the one interception that I threw down in the red zone. So we left some points on the football field so I think we can definitely get better."

(on making plays and what part of his game that is)"I think that is just trying to make a play. We got eleven guys in that huddle that can make plays and I think you saw today that guys stepped up, made plays, on the third down especially. When you can step up, pick up the blitzes and pick up the ball, and your guys make a play down field for you, you're going to win a lot of games."

(on RB Ahman Green)"It is huge, when you can get yourself in a second and five, six yards, then a play caller can reach in and call anything because you got a manageable situation rather than having a second and ten or second and eleven. So it is huge that you got a guy like that, that knows where the holes are going to be and how to run the football."

(on progressions and disciplining himself not to always go to WR Andre Johnson)"I think that you know the additions of guys this offseason and some guys stepping up we have guys that can make plays. I am going to concentrate and going through my reading, we are going to have Andre in there and he is going to be a big part in what we do, but there are other guys that can step up and make the plays. So, it is a matter of disciplining yourself."

(on the offensive line)"You know, their backs are against the wall, they stepped up and made some plays. That last drive there when we ran the ball was all them; that enthusiasm that they showed was just great to see and they have been doing an excellent job."

WR Andre Johnson

(on his touchdown play)"It is just something that we seen off on the sidelines looking at the pictures and play that we had been working on for awhile, and it had never opened up like it did today. We ran the play with the perfect coverage and it was wide open."

(on the huddle and the attitudes of the guys) "The guys attitudes are different, we are just like lets forget about what happened in the last play and move on to the next play, because you can't control what happens in the past you can only control what is happening in front of you. We just take it one play at a time."

(on QB Matt Schaub's attitude)"When you have a quarterback like that it helps the team out. If Matt was in the huddle panicking we would have to try to calm him down, and you don't want to be in that situation."

(on starting the season with a win)"It is great. Anytime you come out to play a game you want to win. We just went out and did enough to win; we didn't play the perfect game. Nobody is satisfied with it and we are going to keep working until we get to where we want to be. "

(on this year's season and the offense) "It is exciting. It is probably the most confident not just for me but for the guys who have been here through those time, it is probably the most confident these guys have been. The other day I was just walking through the training room and (G) Chester (Pitts) was like 'hey Dre, it is different.' So, like I said we expect a lot more from each other, when we get in tough situation we are just going to take it one play at a time."

(on the difference between 0-1 and 1-0) "Either way you look at it, it is still early. It is the first game of the season but I think that when you come out and win the first game it just gives momentum. I don't think you definitely want to start off with a loss because sometimes when you lose games it tears your team apart. Guys start arguing and doing things like that. Like I said it is different around here, even if we loss a game I don't think we would; we would be sad but at the same time we would know what we would have to do to get better."

(on the thoughts of having more options and being able to do more) "The more guys that you have making big plays the better it is for our team. You just don't go and key in on one guy. As the season goes along it won't just be me; you will see (WR) Jacoby (Jones) come out and have a good day, you'll see (WR) Kevin (Walter) come out and have a great day, you'll see (TE) Owen (Daniels) have a great day. I don't think its just going to be one guy, its going to spread around. But it's going to vary from week to week."

RB Ahman Green (on today's game) "We knew how they (were) going to play defensively. We knew there was a linebacking corp that was really young, but fast, and they attack. At one point in the game, we knew they were going to start throwing the blitz at us, because they knew they had to make a play for them to get the ball. From our standpoint, it was just trying to establish the run, and with the big pass play to (WR) Andre (Johnson) we did that, because they bit on the play-fake, play action. It was basically one-on-one and nine times out of ten, one-on-one with Andre Johnson, we're going to win that battle."

(on the resiliency of the Texans today)"It's the transition to the regular season. It was on a lot of people's minds, everybody was anxious, everybody was nervous. You could see it out there, but it's natural. Now, everything counts. So, you kind of want to think a little bit more, cover a little bit more of your plays, but sometimes you've just got to be like 'hey man, it's just football,' and go out there and have fun, and do what you do. Offensively, running the ball, or if you're on defense, playing linebacker, just go out there and make plays."

(on the continuity of the offense) "That's a big deal in this game as a whole. When you look at it from a difference, look at the teams that win games, win championships. They're efficient on third down, they're efficient in the red zone and that's what counts. The stuff in the middle of the field, the big plays, that's all great for highlights, for ESPN and late night moves. What we don't see as fans, and for players, what counts is third down efficiency and getting that ball in the end zone, or scoring some points in the red zone."

CB Dunta Robinson

(on the difference this year for the Houston Texans)"It was a big difference. When the offense was driving, and (WR) Andre (Johnson) got that fumble, as a defense we didn't go out there and complain; we didn't finger-point. We just went out there and we just played. We were having fun playing so we wanted to stay out on the football field, and it was a lot of fun for us. When they made big plays, we didn't get down. It's part of football, they get paid just like we do, so you've just got to go and make the next play, and that's what we tried to do."

(on the Texans' defensive line) "I (haven't ever) felt this way after the game. I felt like I (haven't) even played. When your defense gets pressure, that's the way you're supposed to feel."

(on whether the Texans' defense felt they had control during the game) "We felt it. We gave up a lot of yards that first drive, but there were a lot of mistakes. We went to the sideline and said, 'if we correct these things, they can't move the ball on us.' We got those things corrected, and we just dominated the rest of the game."

(on the players making plays on the Texans defense) "That's the sign of becoming a good team. You can't have one or two guys making plays, it's got to be the whole defensive unit making plays. Guys are not just counting on one person to make plays. Everybody wants to be a part of the play-making thing. It's fun when you have a lot of guys flying out and everybody wants to make a play."

SS Jason Simmons (on the play on which he got injured)"Oh, man. I just was going to avoid a lineman and put my foot in the ground and it just gave way. Nothing more to it, just a freak accident."

(on if he knew right away that it was serious)"Yeah, I did. Yeah, I did. That was where just me hitting the ground and all that, I was so upset. You finally get your chance, you wait to start my whole career, but I never could question God's timing, so I'm fine."

(on the irony of making it healthy through the preseason only to get hurt now)"Yeah. Yeah. It's one of those things where I know it and I understand it. There's a plan for your life, you know what I mean? I'll be fine, I'll be back. So, I'll be alright."

(on if he'd be back this year)"I don't think so. But you know, I'll be okay. I'll be here to help the fellas. If I have to help them now by watching film and then giving them a scouting report, I'll do that."

(on what he thinks of the defense's performance today)"It was unbelievable. I sat there, I watched the whole game in the training room. It was inspiring to see what they can do and the fans get behind us. This'll be a hard place to play if we continue to play like that."

(on how it feels to have his teammates' support)"Well you know what, we're family. It's not just a team. You grow a bond with guys. So I'll still be here. I understand that. I'll be around, so, you know, it's disappointing, yes, but it's not the end of the world."

(on the play)"I saw the screen, I read it, I went to avoid a lineman, I put my foot in the ground and it just gave way. It's one of those things where it just happens. It was meant to be. And I just can't question the Lord's timing."

K Kris Brown

(on the Houston Texans football team) "I think that when you look at some of the players that we have now, it's just a different team. We believe that we can line up with anybody and play with anybody. Maybe in years before, guys never felt that way. I just think it's about expectations, and guys demanding more of themselves and going out there and doing their own jobs."

(on whether there was a difference in the feeling on the team after QB Matt Schaub threw an interception) "I think so. I think that's one thing the coaches talked about a lot, is poise. Really in this league, you've got to have poise. There are going to be some plays made, and there comes a time in games where the other team is going to do something, and we've got to overcome it. I think that that's really something that we're focusing on: just maintaining our poise, and not getting too excited about something that happened and knowing that we've got the players in this locker room to come back from anything that happens."

(on Texans WR Jerome Mathis' special teams ability, aside from returning kicks) "I think that's the full story of Jerome. The guy's just got so much speed, that there are so many aspects of special teams that he can be a part of, not just returning kicks. He's obviously in kick off coverage, and he's a flyer on the punt coverage. That's one thing in this league, speed can do a lot for you, and certainly Jerome can go out there and do a lot for us on special teams."

DT Travis Johnson (on his interception) "DeMeco (Ryans) gave me a drop call late so I was out there late. I heard him at the last second and just dropped off. I saw (RB) Larry (Johnson) sitting there in the little middle area so I just went there and the ball came to me."

(on the team performance) "We did a lot of good things today. We still got a lot room for improvement, but at the same time it was a pretty good start."

(on DE Mario Williams' performance) "It's big for Mario because some people harp on all of us. We have a lot of first rounders on the defensive line, but we're young. We're still growing and we're getting there."

(on building confidence on every defensive stop) "That's for everything really. Everything we do we build a little bit more confidence. Hopefully we can continue to ride on this momentum and continue to be physical and play good defensive line ball."

DT Amobi Okoye
(on the team performance) "My number one thing is that I hope we come out with a win and that's what we did. We played phenomenal out there. We made a couple mistakes out there that we have to clean up, but we just kept on going. I don't want to speak from one game alone, but there is something special in this team and I think we can do a lot and go a long way. But we have to take it week by week."

(on what makes the team so special) "It's one of those things you can't explain. It's just the atmosphere of this team. We play like a family around here."

DE Anthony Weaver
(on the defensive performance against the Chiefs' running game) "It really was a team effort for us to go out there and do that to their offense. Our offense had to stay on the field and that's what happened. They didn't get to run that many plays and when they did we shut them down."

(on the rotation for the defensive line) "In the fourth quarter, we were still getting the pass rush because guys were still fresh. We were able to create some havoc out there so the rotation really helped."

DE N.D. Kalu (on the sack he recorded during the game) "I didn't think I was going to get the sack, so I just wanted to tip the ball. Fortunately, he held onto the ball, and I just got lucky and landed on him, so I'll take it."

(on whether he noticed if the resiliency of the Texans was different than last year's team)"Definitely. That's the biggest thing. We started the game off very bad on defense. We gave up a long drive, but we still had that sense that we were going to come back and dominate the game. I think that is the difference. Last year I think we would have been like, 'oh, same old Texans,' and just accepted it. This year, after that first drive, we were like 'we're not going to accept this,' and it showed."

(on the significance of the Texans' win)"It was very special. They were a playoff team a year ago. We got the win, and not only that, guys who got bad press, stepped up. (DE) Mario (Williams) had two sacks and a touchdown, (DT) Travis (Johnson) had an interception, so the guys that people have been looking to make plays, made plays. I think that's almost more important than the victory itself."

(on the Texans' defense during this game)"I think to best describe this game: 'Bend but don't break.' We wanted to dominate, but we gave up a lot of yards early in the game, but we didn't break. They missed a field goal, and I think that kind of lit a fire under us that we could shut this team down. That was our goal: to hold them to zero. They got three, so we didn't get our goal, but we're still pretty happy about it."

(on Texans DE Mario Williams) "People have been waiting for him to do something. Two sacks and a touchdown, what else can you do as a defensive end? I was happy for him and hopefully he has the monkey off of his back and he can go out there and enjoy it, because I really don't think he was enjoying the sport like he should, but hopefully now people will get off of his back and just let him have some fun."

(on the Texans' defense) "It was exciting. We held them to three points, and none of us on the defensive side of the ball feel like we played our best game, or even felt like we played what we're capable of so if we could just continue to work and continue to get better, I think we can really have a special season."

LB Danny Clark
(on DE Mario Williams) this is a confidence builder coming into to Houston a year ago trying to achieve. Mario Williams performance) "This is good for He's been working extremely hard this off season and it showed today on the field."

(on the overall defensive performance) "It's a great deal we got a bunch of young guys out there that are excited along with the veterans. I think it's a great mixture of guys that will make this team go to the next level."

(on the difference maker for the defense today) "It was an attitude that we instilled this offseason. The is the best team that I've seen that worked together during the offseason and it showed because guys care about each other and are accountable."

(on the defensive momentum picking up during the game) "We got a slow start. We were on the field way too long on that first drive. Then we made some corrections on the side lines then we began making plays. Then we picked up the momentum going into halftime. So in the second half we had something to build on."

C Steve McKinney (on the performance of the offensive line) "I thought overall it was pretty good. I mean obviously there's plenty of room for improvement, but the key thing is we got the job done. We moved the ball when we needed to there at the end, got the first downs and put enough points on the board to come away with the win."

(on the confidence the offensive line has because of QB Matt Scahub) "He did a great job. Same thing we've seen from him all preseason. He does a nice job of getting rid of the ball. He's very calm in the huddle. Never saw him panicking throughout the day. Just a very positive attitude whatever happened, good or bad, just, 'Hey, next play, let's move on, let's get this next play.'"

(on one-play drives like the 77-yard touchdown pass to WR Andre Johnson) "Yeah, those one play drives are an o-lineman's best friend right there. That's nice, man. Takes a lot of the guesswork out of it."

T Ephraim Salaam
(on Texans QB Matt Schaub's performance) "First off, I want to say not only that, but the difference everybody made. It was a completely different mentality. Last year when I got here, when we had early mistakes in the game, the roof caved in. Everybody started looking around, like 'here we go again.' I didn't see any of that today. I'm proud to be a part of a team that can change directions and turn the corner so fast. It's only been a year. It's been a year, and Matt Schaub has come in here as a leader. He controlled the huddle, better than it's been here in the past and my hat goes off to him. He stayed in there. He had some early shots; he took them, he got back up, never wavered, and that's what you look for in a leader on offense."

(on the 10 minute, 15 play drive the Texans had) "As offensive linemen, that's what we want. We want you to put the game on our shoulders when we have a lead; we're going to go out there, and we're going to work, and it's completely different than it was in years past here, because we wanted it, it was important to us, and we didn't want them to throw the ball at all. Just let us run the ball. They know we're going to run it, we know we're going to run it, so we just lined up and we played well as a unit."

(on the confidence this win will put into the Texans) "It's huge, but you never want to read too much into it. It's one down; we've got fifteen more to go. We were successful today, (but) we've got some things we need to clean up. We left some points on the field, I believe. (There are) some things I can do better, some things us as an offensive unit can do better, but it's one. We've only had one so far, and we won that one, so we're celebrating right now. Wednesday it will be a whole different world, so (we're) just try to get better, and take it one game at a time."

Kansas City Chiefs Head coach Herm Edwards

(on injuries following the game)"We had some injuries today. There was a shoulder injury and (WR Eddie) Kennison pulled his right hamstring."

(on today's performance)"We had some good drives, but you can't win a game in this league with four turnovers. In the second half when you're down ten you feel like you still have a chance. We weren't able to get the field position."

(on what was the most disappointing)"The turnovers are going to be hard to overcome and with the inability to score points, you're just not going to win. We needed to settle down and not self-destruct."

(on K Justin Medlock's missed field goal)"I think he was just trying to aim it in there and he missed. He's our kicker. He missed one, he made one, but he's our kicker."

(on whether or not missed opportunities are just growing pains)"We have veterans who didn't make plays so I don't think it's just about the young guys. Being young is not an excuse. We've got to work harder and not turn the ball over."

(on how Houston was able to take RB Larry Johnson out of the game)"He had ten or eleven carries and the long drive. I just think Houston was able to manage him early on."

(on how scoring early could have changed the momentum of the game) "You can't play the 'if' game. Of course, if we would have scored a lot of things would have changed."

RB Larry Johnson

(on today's game)"We didn't do very good. They weren't a great defense, but if you give four turnovers on offense, it's definitely hard to try to make points. We made it hard on ourselves. We had to fight ourselves to stay in the game and I don't think it should be like that. We've got to find our niche. We've really got to look at ourselves, from the top of the organization down to the equipment guys. We've got to look at ourselves, know what we're good at and keep doing what we're good and expand other ways."

(on the offense changing over from last year)"A lot of people see this as a rebuilding year for us, with a lot of young kids. But you have to find what you're good at and keep doing it."

(on starting the season)"I saw the same things I saw in the preseason, going down inside the 20-yard line and not making the right decisions. That's what was evident when we played the Texans. All through the preseason games, from the first game to this game, it's the same thing you get all the way down there and our decision-making isn't what it needs to be. We've got to look at tape and know what we have to do better on offense."

(on his game and his conditioning)"I know that when the fourth quarter came, I was ready to go. But they took such a chunk of time off the clock, it was kind of hard to get into rhythm. But I definitely won't let what happen today happen next week. I'm getting back to my old ways. To me, not having a hand as far as not putting points on the board myself, I'm definitely going to look at what I need to do better and get back to what it was like last year."

QB Damon Huard

(on if the Texans' defense surprised him) "They didn't blitz us a whole lot. They played a lot of man coverage, and they were able to stop us, which is impressive. If you can stop the run and make us a one-dimensional team, you're going to win the game."

(on what the offense can take away from today) "We were able to move the ball, but as many times as we turned the ball over, the way we moved the ball is not good enough to win the game."

(on the missed kick to end the first drive) "Of course you want to get some points out of that first drive, but we continued to pin ourselves back many times after that. It was a tough day."

(on tight end Kris Wilson's dropped pass that was ruled a fumble) "I didn't see the replay and I knew the guy was all over him, but their guy made a great play. It was a tough way to end that drive, a tough call, and we had those all day."

WR Dwayne Bowe

(on his first game as a pro)"A drop here, a drop there. But you've got to keep coming back and make a bigger play. The first game is always jittery. At the half, Coach just said, 'Just make the plays when it's coming to you."

(on playing the game as a whole) "I relaxed and had two good catches. It's going to get better and better every week."

CB Benny Sapp
(on what Kansas City expected come into this game) "It's hard because it's a regular season game, and we lost a lot in the preseason, and we were really hoping to come out here and get a win in the regular season. But we can't turn the ball over four times and win."

FB Kris Wilson

(on his fumble) "That was six points right there. That was definitely a tough call, but you've got to try to put it behind you. I thought it was an incomplete pass. They called it a fumble and it's just tough to get that kind of call overturned. Turnovers hurt you on the road. That lowers your chances significantly of winning the game."

(on cleaning up the sloppy play by the offense) "The solutions are to not turn the ball over and when we get into the red zone, to put the ball into the end zone. It's just paying attention to details a little bit more, just taking care of the little things."

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