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Texans-Colts postgame quotes


The Texans fell to the Indianapolis Colts 38-15 in RCA Dome. After the game, members from both teams spoke to the media.

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak
(on how he feels about the way the Texans played) "We were dominated. We were playing some pretty good football. We came in here expecting to continue to play well. We knew we were playing a great football team. We came out and looked like we wanted to do things right. The first chance, we missed a turn there. The second possession they got, they went from there. We were just totally dominated. We were dominated by them in all three phases. We got outplayed, we got outcoached and we got our butt kicked big time."

(on how hard it is to be dominated by a team) "It's tough, it's very tough, because we had been doing some good things and I didn't have any doubt in my mind that we'd do some good things today. This is one of those football teams that, if you miss a turn or two and you're not stopping them, all of a sudden you're in deep trouble. When we had great field position, and we had a great first drive, we missed two turns and all of a sudden you're down. And then when you add a few turnovers to it, you can forget it against this group. They can make you look real silly real quick. But, the credit goes to them. They were incredible. I look at the stats, and you've got 33 first downs and have the ball for 36 minutes in this league you're going to kick the crap out of somebody, and today it was us."

(on QB Sage Rosenfels' performance) "I'll have to go back and look at it. I know one decision on his part was a very, very poor decision. One of the interceptions was a busted route, and another was a dropped ball, so it's not all him. There are other people involved. But to sit here and say all of a sudden he played very, very poorly isn't fair to say."

(on the Texans' defensive performance) "They got picked apart. That guy's (Peyton Manning) is amazing. He gets you into the right play. We knew we would struggle against them man-to-man wise, and we did. When he's got you in zone coverage, he's going to cut you up pretty good. That's just the way the guy plays the game. They did that to us today and they are very difficult to stop."

(on playing RB Darius Walker the entire game) "To be honest with you, it wasn't planned. I was hoping that Ronnie (Dayne) would play in the second half. Once we got through the first series of the second half, I didn't think it made a lot of sense. I think that, hopefully, Ronnie can finish up the rest of the season. If we saw him out on the turf 10 or 15 plays, I know he wouldn't play next week with his ankle. I'm just hoping that by letting Darius finish that Ronnie will have something to give next week."

(on the opening touchdown drive) "I think our focus has been very good going into the ballgames. I think that we've been ready to go. I didn't feel any different today. I thought we were ready to go. The think we talked about with this team is that you've got to take advantage of your opportunities and hopefully hold them to three or four field goals. On the first series, we did hold them to three. We got a nice kick return and got nice field position and, like I said, we started to get a little sloppy on offense. We're offsides, we drop ball and before you know it they're up seven. That's the way it works against this team. You have to play close to perfect."

(on if the team took a step backward) "It's definitely our worst performance of the year. We got our tails kicked. Anytime you get your tails kicked, you're taking a step forwards or backwards – whether it's Week 2 or Week 15 – it doesn't matter. We had been playing very good football, so it was very disappointing. We have to go back in there and go to work. We have another heck of a football to play before we finish up this year. We'll see if we can find that football that was playing very well."

(on if he scripts the first few drives) "Oh yeah, I script anywhere from our first 15 to 20 plays."

(on if the team followed his script) "The first drive went just as planned. We were still in our first 15 in the second drive. We moved the ball in our second drive; we dropped the ball on third down and two. Maybe on our second drive we had a penalty and we were third-and-13. On our third drive, we dropped the ball on a big third down. Like I said, you miss two turns right there."

(on why Walker had less carries in the second half) "I think he got a little sideways on a couple of things. You can't run sideways on this team, they are too fast. You have to make sure you're working up the field the entire time. It was a good chance for the kid to come inside here and see what it's like to play here. I thought he did do some good things. He played the whole football game, running the paths and he had a few catches. He's getting better, but he still has a long ways to go."

(on what happened to T Eric Winston) "I think he just got kicked in the back."

(on injuries to CB Fred Bennett or C.C. Brown) "C.C. Brown got dinged. Fred Bennett, I don't know."

(on why DT Tim Bulman got a lot of playing time) "I think the kid earned the right to go out there. He has been tremendous for us on our scout squad. I think it was a reward for him to go out there, and I like his fight."

(on a standout performance other than P Matt Turk) "It's hard to find a positive. Our return game was very good Andre (Davis) has become a heck of a returner, a kick returner. It was as slow process. I thought our return game was excellent. Matt pinned them two or three times, but that just made them go further today."

(on how the team will bounce back) "If you can't bounce back from this, then you don't belong in this league. You've got to find a way to play even harder."

Texans QB Sage Rosenfels
(on the team's performance) "This isn't a team that surprises you with anything that they do. They have great execution. We did that in the first drive. We did not do that during the rest of the game."

(on how frustrating the game was for him) "It was just frustrating. It's a game that's very frustrating because they don't do anything that's unusual or you're not accustomed to or prepared for. You have to execute every play. You can't drop passes. You can't throw interceptions. You can't have penalties because as soon as you get in a second-and-15 or even a second-and-12, that's exactly where they want you. They're so good with their zone defense that they make you check the ball down and you have to punt."

(on the interceptions) "The first one, we ran a play that everyone knows that we hit Andre (Johnson) over the middle and sometimes he has the option to take the post. I thought he was going to hook it up and he took the post. I tried to anticipate the throw and obviously we were on different a different page. On the other one, I think it went through the receiver's hands. I'm not really sure. On the third one, I was trying to make a play and I should have been smart, but at that point in the game it really didn't matter."

(on how the team played the Colts the second time this season) "It was frustrating because we thought we played these guys pretty well the first time we played them this year. They beat us on all sides of the game. Peyton Manning was Peyton Manning, as he is. He was great. Our defense struggles stopping him and we struggled to stay on the field. It was really a combination and a bad loss for us. They are 13-2 for a reason. They're a great football team, even without some of their premier players they are a great football team."

(on the Colts' defense) "Well, they're a really good tackling team. They just don't allow big plays. This team is really similar to the Tampa Bay game as far as the way their team is built. Obviously, the offense is better than Tampa Bay's offense. If you look at the Tampa Bay game, we did a great job executing and never hurting ourselves and making plays after the catch. In this game, we just didn't do that. It's not like we don't have the ability to do it. We just didn't execute this game."

(on the myriad of little mistakes the Texans committed) "Against this team, one drop here, one tackle for a loss and a three-yard loss on a first down – you just can't have negative plays. You just have to execute to perfection, especially going against that offense."

Texans RB Darius Walker
(on first drive success) "That was our goal, to come out and hit them hard and start fast. We achieved that goal. We were very excited about it. But, I guess, you know, as we all saw and as everybody saw, we couldn't keep it up during the game and couldn't match the intensity during the rest of the game. We knew we could move the ball. Coming into the game, that was our plan. We kind of knew that we could move the ball and that there would be some opportunities in the run game and the pass game for us. The first drive was just like we had planned, but the rest of the game was a little different from our assumptions anyway."

(on why team couldn't match intensity the entire game) "I think that it was all facets of the game. They just beat us. They were the better team. They beat us on defense, on offense and on special teams. I mean, they got us in every facet of the game."

(on mistakes) "We were playing a great team. The Colts are a great team and you can't make mistakes against a team like that at all. You have to try to stay on the field and keep the defense off the field. We made too many mistakes, and when you play someone like the Colts, they're going to beat you."

Texans DE Mario Williams
(on his disappointment after the game) "It's just something that we're all going to have to learn from. We didn't play together as a team."

(on first Colts drive holding them to three points) "Like I said, we didn't play together. I mean, that was the biggest thing, is that the offense, defense, and special teams, you know, we didn't come together. Everything was just not going the right way. We didn't tackle. We didn't hit Peyton enough. We have to get to the quarterback and we have to tackle."

(on lack of pressure on Peyton) "Peyton – he's a very crafty guy and he gets rid of the ball. He knows coverages like the back of his hand. It's just a whole bunch of things."

Colts head coach Tony Dungy
(general comments) "We are very proud of our team. We talked a lot this week about what we wanted to accomplish. Winning the game was number one. We also wanted to do some things a little bit better and I thought we did. It didn't have a lot riding on it standing wise but the way we practiced and how we came and played, and with a lot of our young guys coming up and performing. It was really a good win for us. It feels good to get to 13. e want to defend our home turf. That is always important for you. There were just a lot of positives today. But more than anything, I was just really impressed by the way our team came out and played and the level of precision we had."

(on the Colts' red zone performance) "We moved the ball on the first drive, got in the red zone, didn't convert on the third down, had to kick a field goal. Our defense getting the ball right back for us really helped. But we knew it was going to be the type of game where we were going to have to just take what was there. We had put a lot more emphasis on the red zone and executing and we got some of those balls in, a couple of catches, Dallas (Clark) and Reggie (Wayne) getting the ball in, Joseph (Addai) had a touchdown run from in close. That was a point of emphasis. It was good to see us get some things done in the red zone."

(on his team's performance) "We thought we would get some chances to run the ball this week because of the way they played defense, and we did. When we got those opportunities, we ran it well. We thought it would be a major test pass protecting. They had put a lot of pressure on the quarterback the last couple of weeks. I thought we did a good job on Mario Williams (DE), who had been outstanding on the tape we had seen. So we protected better, ran the ball better. Defensively we wanted to play with energy, and the first drive, we really didn't have that. We had some mistakes, but after that we did a good job. We got the take-a-ways. All in all, all the way around I thought we played pretty well."

(on holding out players next week) "We will take a look at it. We still have some things that we want to do better. This was really the important game for us. We wanted to get that taste of not really playing our best game against Oakland out. And we will look at it. There will be some guys that we might hold out next week. Especially once we get the medical report. Anthony Gonzalez could have gone back in the game. We kind of kept him alive but wanted to keep him out. Joseph Addai could have gone back in the game and those guys are not nicked up too bad. We will have to see on (Ben) Utecht and Tim Jennings."

Colts TE Dallas Clark
(on former Colts TE John Mackey) "Yes, I was fortunate enough to meet him. I won the Mackey Award my last year at Iowa and at the presentation of the award got to meet him - a very great man, just hearing from Coach Dungy telling me how he played. The great thing about meeting him was seeing his passion, even at his age he truly loves the game of football. To be in the same sentence as to what he did to this position, I think really kind of revolutionized the tight end position, and to be in that category with him is a true honor."

(on the game not having major significance) "You never know how a team is going to respond when you pretty much, technically have nothing to play for and I think the coaches did a great job this week of really not reminding us of that. It was business as usual all week and it was never, 'Hey, we are going to pull guys out.' Let's go out and play Colts football, and that is what Coach Dungy stressed all week. It was great to see and shows you the mindset of this team and the maturity of it to respond with that. Guys could easily have just kind of gone through the motions, but we went out and had a lot to prove to ourselves and just wanting to get better and I think that is a credit to the coaches down to the players."

(on how the Colts will approach the Titans game compared to the Texans game) "I don't know. I didn't really know how this game was going to play out with whether we got a lead or if we didn't get the lead. This week obviously it's a little different as it is one week closer to the playoffs. I am sure Coach Dungy and the staff will sit down and talk about that and come up with a great solution and great plan and we will be happy. If it's four quarters great, four plays, whatever. We just go out there and do the job until they pull the plug."

Colts QB Peyton Manning
(on Dallas Clark) "Dallas gets it done. He does a good job. He has been a good guy running after the catch since he has been here."

(on Dallas Clark breaking Mackey's record) "It is real special. That is a great record for Dallas. We are happy about that. I knew he was kind of approaching that. Great to see him get two touchdowns today, came at a critical time for us. That was a big lift for us. We got stopped on the first series down there and settled for a field goal. To get a couple touchdowns to him and like you said, John Mackey, arguably the greatest tight end of all time. Anytime you are mentioned in the same category as him is special and I am real happy for Dallas."

(on what the Colts accomplished) "The main thing this week was we wanted to win. Certainly our execution was solid offensively, much improved from last week. We had a good mix of the run game, we had good protection in the drop back pass and the play action pass. We wanted to be productive there in the red zone especially. We got down there inside the 2 (yard line) with our goal-line offense, we slammed it in there. We got stopped a couple times last week. The main thing was the win which we accomplished, but also there were some things offensively we wanted to correct from last week and I thought we did that today."

(on the two 92 yard touchdown drives and getting many guys involved) "We did. We had a couple of long drives there. We really didn't have good field position; their punter did a good job backing us up. When you are backed up, your first thing is to protect the ball, try to get past the twenty to change field position. Anytime you can go the whole distance there it can be pretty deflating for a defense. Like you said, we spread the ball around; we had some good runs, and didn't really have hardly any third-and-longs. The main third downs were short-yardage situations, and anytime you can stay in that kind of mode it means you are doing some good things on first and second down, kind of keeping the defense on its heels."

Colts WR Reggie Wayne
(on his one-handed touchdown catch) "However the ball comes it's just a natural reaction. It's my job to just make it happen, make the catch and that's what I try to do."

(on the team's performance) "There's no letup. We have the second seed secure, but there's no letup. We're trying to go out there, win games and play good football. We wanted to get some stuff established today with some new guys and we were able to do that."


The Texans fell to the Indianapolis Colts 38-15 in RCA Dome. After the game, members from both teams spoke to the media.

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak
(on how he feels about the way the Texans played) "We were dominated. We were playing some pretty good football. We came in here expecting to continue to play well. We knew we were playing a great football team. We came out and looked like we wanted to do things right. The first chance, we missed a turn there. The second possession they got, they went from there. We were just totally dominated. We were dominated by them in all three phases. We got outplayed, we got outcoached and we got our butt kicked big time."

(on how hard it is to be dominated by a team) "It's tough, it's very tough, because we had been doing some good things and I didn't have any doubt in my mind that we'd do some good things today. This is one of those football teams that, if you miss a turn or two and you're not stopping them, all of a sudden you're in deep trouble. When we had great field position, and we had a great first drive, we missed two turns and all of a sudden you're down. And then when you add a few turnovers to it, you can forget it against this group. They can make you look real silly real quick. But, the credit goes to them. They were incredible. I look at the stats, and you've got 33 first downs and have the ball for 36 minutes in this league you're going to kick the crap out of somebody, and today it was us."

(on QB Sage Rosenfels' performance) "I'll have to go back and look at it. I know one decision on his part was a very, very poor decision. One of the interceptions was a busted route, and another was a dropped ball, so it's not all him. There are other people involved. But to sit here and say all of a sudden he played very, very poorly isn't fair to say."

(on the Texans' defensive performance) "They got picked apart. That guy's (Peyton Manning) is amazing. He gets you into the right play. We knew we would struggle against them man-to-man wise, and we did. When he's got you in zone coverage, he's going to cut you up pretty good. That's just the way the guy plays the game. They did that to us today and they are very difficult to stop."

(on playing RB Darius Walker the entire game) "To be honest with you, it wasn't planned. I was hoping that Ronnie (Dayne) would play in the second half. Once we got through the first series of the second half, I didn't think it made a lot of sense. I think that, hopefully, Ronnie can finish up the rest of the season. If we saw him out on the turf 10 or 15 plays, I know he wouldn't play next week with his ankle. I'm just hoping that by letting Darius finish that Ronnie will have something to give next week."

(on the opening touchdown drive) "I think our focus has been very good going into the ballgames. I think that we've been ready to go. I didn't feel any different today. I thought we were ready to go. The think we talked about with this team is that you've got to take advantage of your opportunities and hopefully hold them to three or four field goals. On the first series, we did hold them to three. We got a nice kick return and got nice field position and, like I said, we started to get a little sloppy on offense. We're offsides, we drop ball and before you know it they're up seven. That's the way it works against this team. You have to play close to perfect."

(on if the team took a step backward) "It's definitely our worst performance of the year. We got our tails kicked. Anytime you get your tails kicked, you're taking a step forwards or backwards – whether it's Week 2 or Week 15 – it doesn't matter. We had been playing very good football, so it was very disappointing. We have to go back in there and go to work. We have another heck of a football to play before we finish up this year. We'll see if we can find that football that was playing very well."

(on if he scripts the first few drives) "Oh yeah, I script anywhere from our first 15 to 20 plays."

(on if the team followed his script) "The first drive went just as planned. We were still in our first 15 in the second drive. We moved the ball in our second drive; we dropped the ball on third down and two. Maybe on our second drive we had a penalty and we were third-and-13. On our third drive, we dropped the ball on a big third down. Like I said, you miss two turns right there."

(on why Walker had less carries in the second half) "I think he got a little sideways on a couple of things. You can't run sideways on this team, they are too fast. You have to make sure you're working up the field the entire time. It was a good chance for the kid to come inside here and see what it's like to play here. I thought he did do some good things. He played the whole football game, running the paths and he had a few catches. He's getting better, but he still has a long ways to go."

(on what happened to T Eric Winston) "I think he just got kicked in the back."

(on injuries to CB Fred Bennett or C.C. Brown) "C.C. Brown got dinged. Fred Bennett, I don't know."

(on why DT Tim Bulman got a lot of playing time) "I think the kid earned the right to go out there. He has been tremendous for us on our scout squad. I think it was a reward for him to go out there, and I like his fight."

(on a standout performance other than P Matt Turk) "It's hard to find a positive. Our return game was very good Andre (Davis) has become a heck of a returner, a kick returner. It was as slow process. I thought our return game was excellent. Matt pinned them two or three times, but that just made them go further today."

(on how the team will bounce back) "If you can't bounce back from this, then you don't belong in this league. You've got to find a way to play even harder."

Texans QB Sage Rosenfels
(on the team's performance) "This isn't a team that surprises you with anything that they do. They have great execution. We did that in the first drive. We did not do that during the rest of the game."

(on how frustrating the game was for him) "It was just frustrating. It's a game that's very frustrating because they don't do anything that's unusual or you're not accustomed to or prepared for. You have to execute every play. You can't drop passes. You can't throw interceptions. You can't have penalties because as soon as you get in a second-and-15 or even a second-and-12, that's exactly where they want you. They're so good with their zone defense that they make you check the ball down and you have to punt."

(on the interceptions) "The first one, we ran a play that everyone knows that we hit Andre (Johnson) over the middle and sometimes he has the option to take the post. I thought he was going to hook it up and he took the post. I tried to anticipate the throw and obviously we were on different a different page. On the other one, I think it went through the receiver's hands. I'm not really sure. On the third one, I was trying to make a play and I should have been smart, but at that point in the game it really didn't matter."

(on how the team played the Colts the second time this season) "It was frustrating because we thought we played these guys pretty well the first time we played them this year. They beat us on all sides of the game. Peyton Manning was Peyton Manning, as he is. He was great. Our defense struggles stopping him and we struggled to stay on the field. It was really a combination and a bad loss for us. They are 13-2 for a reason. They're a great football team, even without some of their premier players they are a great football team."

(on the Colts' defense) "Well, they're a really good tackling team. They just don't allow big plays. This team is really similar to the Tampa Bay game as far as the way their team is built. Obviously, the offense is better than Tampa Bay's offense. If you look at the Tampa Bay game, we did a great job executing and never hurting ourselves and making plays after the catch. In this game, we just didn't do that. It's not like we don't have the ability to do it. We just didn't execute this game."

(on the myriad of little mistakes the Texans committed) "Against this team, one drop here, one tackle for a loss and a three-yard loss on a first down – you just can't have negative plays. You just have to execute to perfection, especially going against that offense."

Texans RB Darius Walker
(on first drive success) "That was our goal, to come out and hit them hard and start fast. We achieved that goal. We were very excited about it. But, I guess, you know, as we all saw and as everybody saw, we couldn't keep it up during the game and couldn't match the intensity during the rest of the game. We knew we could move the ball. Coming into the game, that was our plan. We kind of knew that we could move the ball and that there would be some opportunities in the run game and the pass game for us. The first drive was just like we had planned, but the rest of the game was a little different from our assumptions anyway."

(on why team couldn't match intensity the entire game) "I think that it was all facets of the game. They just beat us. They were the better team. They beat us on defense, on offense and on special teams. I mean, they got us in every facet of the game."

(on mistakes) "We were playing a great team. The Colts are a great team and you can't make mistakes against a team like that at all. You have to try to stay on the field and keep the defense off the field. We made too many mistakes, and when you play someone like the Colts, they're going to beat you."

Texans DE Mario Williams
(on his disappointment after the game) "It's just something that we're all going to have to learn from. We didn't play together as a team."

(on first Colts drive holding them to three points) "Like I said, we didn't play together. I mean, that was the biggest thing, is that the offense, defense, and special teams, you know, we didn't come together. Everything was just not going the right way. We didn't tackle. We didn't hit Peyton enough. We have to get to the quarterback and we have to tackle."

(on lack of pressure on Peyton) "Peyton – he's a very crafty guy and he gets rid of the ball. He knows coverages like the back of his hand. It's just a whole bunch of things."

Colts head coach Tony Dungy
(general comments) "We are very proud of our team. We talked a lot this week about what we wanted to accomplish. Winning the game was number one. We also wanted to do some things a little bit better and I thought we did. It didn't have a lot riding on it standing wise but the way we practiced and how we came and played, and with a lot of our young guys coming up and performing. It was really a good win for us. It feels good to get to 13. e want to defend our home turf. That is always important for you. There were just a lot of positives today. But more than anything, I was just really impressed by the way our team came out and played and the level of precision we had."

(on the Colts' red zone performance) "We moved the ball on the first drive, got in the red zone, didn't convert on the third down, had to kick a field goal. Our defense getting the ball right back for us really helped. But we knew it was going to be the type of game where we were going to have to just take what was there. We had put a lot more emphasis on the red zone and executing and we got some of those balls in, a couple of catches, Dallas (Clark) and Reggie (Wayne) getting the ball in, Joseph (Addai) had a touchdown run from in close. That was a point of emphasis. It was good to see us get some things done in the red zone."

(on his team's performance) "We thought we would get some chances to run the ball this week because of the way they played defense, and we did. When we got those opportunities, we ran it well. We thought it would be a major test pass protecting. They had put a lot of pressure on the quarterback the last couple of weeks. I thought we did a good job on Mario Williams (DE), who had been outstanding on the tape we had seen. So we protected better, ran the ball better. Defensively we wanted to play with energy, and the first drive, we really didn't have that. We had some mistakes, but after that we did a good job. We got the take-a-ways. All in all, all the way around I thought we played pretty well."

(on holding out players next week) "We will take a look at it. We still have some things that we want to do better. This was really the important game for us. We wanted to get that taste of not really playing our best game against Oakland out. And we will look at it. There will be some guys that we might hold out next week. Especially once we get the medical report. Anthony Gonzalez could have gone back in the game. We kind of kept him alive but wanted to keep him out. Joseph Addai could have gone back in the game and those guys are not nicked up too bad. We will have to see on (Ben) Utecht and Tim Jennings."

Colts TE Dallas Clark
(on former Colts TE John Mackey) "Yes, I was fortunate enough to meet him. I won the Mackey Award my last year at Iowa and at the presentation of the award got to meet him - a very great man, just hearing from Coach Dungy telling me how he played. The great thing about meeting him was seeing his passion, even at his age he truly loves the game of football. To be in the same sentence as to what he did to this position, I think really kind of revolutionized the tight end position, and to be in that category with him is a true honor."

(on the game not having major significance) "You never know how a team is going to respond when you pretty much, technically have nothing to play for and I think the coaches did a great job this week of really not reminding us of that. It was business as usual all week and it was never, 'Hey, we are going to pull guys out.' Let's go out and play Colts football, and that is what Coach Dungy stressed all week. It was great to see and shows you the mindset of this team and the maturity of it to respond with that. Guys could easily have just kind of gone through the motions, but we went out and had a lot to prove to ourselves and just wanting to get better and I think that is a credit to the coaches down to the players."

(on how the Colts will approach the Titans game compared to the Texans game) "I don't know. I didn't really know how this game was going to play out with whether we got a lead or if we didn't get the lead. This week obviously it's a little different as it is one week closer to the playoffs. I am sure Coach Dungy and the staff will sit down and talk about that and come up with a great solution and great plan and we will be happy. If it's four quarters great, four plays, whatever. We just go out there and do the job until they pull the plug."

Colts QB Peyton Manning
(on Dallas Clark) "Dallas gets it done. He does a good job. He has been a good guy running after the catch since he has been here."

(on Dallas Clark breaking Mackey's record) "It is real special. That is a great record for Dallas. We are happy about that. I knew he was kind of approaching that. Great to see him get two touchdowns today, came at a critical time for us. That was a big lift for us. We got stopped on the first series down there and settled for a field goal. To get a couple touchdowns to him and like you said, John Mackey, arguably the greatest tight end of all time. Anytime you are mentioned in the same category as him is special and I am real happy for Dallas."

(on what the Colts accomplished) "The main thing this week was we wanted to win. Certainly our execution was solid offensively, much improved from last week. We had a good mix of the run game, we had good protection in the drop back pass and the play action pass. We wanted to be productive there in the red zone especially. We got down there inside the 2 (yard line) with our goal-line offense, we slammed it in there. We got stopped a couple times last week. The main thing was the win which we accomplished, but also there were some things offensively we wanted to correct from last week and I thought we did that today."

(on the two 92 yard touchdown drives and getting many guys involved) "We did. We had a couple of long drives there. We really didn't have good field position; their punter did a good job backing us up. When you are backed up, your first thing is to protect the ball, try to get past the twenty to change field position. Anytime you can go the whole distance there it can be pretty deflating for a defense. Like you said, we spread the ball around; we had some good runs, and didn't really have hardly any third-and-longs. The main third downs were short-yardage situations, and anytime you can stay in that kind of mode it means you are doing some good things on first and second down, kind of keeping the defense on its heels."

Colts WR Reggie Wayne
(on his one-handed touchdown catch) "However the ball comes it's just a natural reaction. It's my job to just make it happen, make the catch and that's what I try to do."

(on the team's performance) "There's no letup. We have the second seed secure, but there's no letup. We're trying to go out there, win games and play good football. We wanted to get some stuff established today with some new guys and we were able to do that."

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