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Texans post-game quotes



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Capers post-game

Head coach Dom Capers

(Opening statement) "We knew that coming in today that we would get the Jags best effort. They are coming in to clinch a playoff spot and let me begin by giving them credit. Down the stretch in the second half, they made the plays. We had our opportunities and were close on a few, but we didn't make the plays it takes to beat a good football team. There is a reason that they have won eleven games. You have to out-execute them in order to beat them and we weren't able to do that today. We gave them too many second chances; the first touchdown. We held them down there and then got a holding penalty in the end zone which gave them a chance to line up and get the first down. Then we were off the field and had a roughing the punter penalty. We had a roughing the quarterback penalty and you saw late in the game we hit the quarterback. The ball hung up there forever and we ended up having an illegal contact call on that. All those things add up when you are playing a good football team. You have to make those plays and that's what most of these games come down to. I thought our guys fought hard. They got the best of us at the end of the game. We had our chances we didn't make them, and they had their chances and made theirs."

(On missed field goals changing momentum) "Well, we had field goal attempts and we missed two. I think that factors in with the things that I just discussed. To beat a good football team like Jacksonville, you've got to convert all of you opportunities. We had an interception right down on the goal line, it was in his hands and we dropped it and they ended up kicking a field goal. We probably had three or four interceptions that you have to make."

(On Andre Johnson playing better with a healthy Jerome Mathis) "Well, I think that all of these guys can be a lot better. Especially on defense with the number of young players we play. We've got a number of young players on defense and they'll continue to get better. I think you saw that with David (Carr), we had two receivers to get over 100 yards today and we were able to throw the ball up the field. It's something we plan on doing more in the game."

(On defensive breakdown) "We had some missed tackles and some penalties. They beat us in man coverage. There was a third and one play when we came with the blitz to keep them from making the first down and they ran a play action pass and threw it up and beat us in man coverage. At that point and time we were right there, it was a one score game and that made it a two score game."

QB David Carr

(On intentions of having an open pass game) "Little bit of both, last time we played Jacksonville we threw some underneath routes. We threw some quick stuff to get it out of my hands. Joe and I talked this week. I said I could get it out of my hands just as fast if we take a quick five step draw and put it down the field. They were sitting on some routes early. So early in the game, we were able to take some shots down the field and it kind of continued until it got out of hand. It was something for us to take advantage of with our match-ups. Since we threw so many balls underneath against Jacksonville last time we played them, we felt that we could come in and maybe jump those routes because we really didn't get much down the field last time. So we figured if we could get a couple of big plays, it might swing a little momentum and maybe give us a little verse."

(On Carr calling his on plays again today) "When we were changing formations and changing personnel groups Joe (Pendry) had giving me a suggestion of what to call if it matched the defense they're running. I played against them so many times you can almost tell what they are going to do every time. Just like they can probably tell what we're going to do every time. It's good we got into some good plays. Some of them Joe sent to me, some of them were just seeing something different on the field. I think we work well together."

(On Dom Capers staying the same guy every game) "That's been the coolest thing about him. I think that's what kept guys going, actually what's allowed us today to go out and play hard the last couple of weeks regardless of the situation. Even right there at the end guys were talking about just run out the clock. Dom was like, no, do what we do. I have a lot of respect for him, how he's carried himself throughout the season. He's a guy you look up to in that situation."

(On throwing the ball to Corey Bradford) "I was trying to do something to get him out of his funk against Jacksonville. We hear so much about that play and Kenny Wright had been playing for us for so long. Yeah, there is a lot of trash talking going on anytime we play Jacksonville especially today. We wanted to get him back and we felt like Corey could eventually run by him if we had enough time. We hit one, we actually hit a couple and that was good."

DE Robaire Smith

(On Head Coach Dom Capers' professional approach to team's situation) "He could have been the opposite of what he is now. He could have been the guy who came out punishing us during the week and throwing all kinds of stuff. Being a professional about it, he still had us get prepared week in and week out to play hard, no matter what our record was or what people said about us."

DE Alfred Malone

(On being comfortable on defense) "It felt good. I was comfortable the whole time. I thought I was going to have to go on kick off first, but I ended up going in on defense. Gary Walker went down, so I ended up going in and it felt good. It was actually good going in and playing in a game time situation. Before I started, Gary told me it would be a little different because people are going out trying to win, and so that's the same mentality I put in my head to go out and try to get the victory. Everybody is playing hard, and I felt like I played good today. I had some mistakes, but I'll take the good with the bad."

WR Andre Johnson

(On throwing the ball down field) "That was the plan today going into the game. We just went out their and went after them. "

(On he and Corey's 100 yard performance) "When you get to spread the ball around it keeps the defense off balance. You don't have to worry about one receiver. Cory Bradford went out their early and got everything started. In the second half, I was able to go out their and make some big plays. So we were able to keep them off balance, but they made more plays and took advantage of the opportunities that we gave them."

(On big plays against CB Kenny Wright) "I don't think coming into this game he felt like we were going to attack him like that, but our game plan put us in good positions to make plays."

(On wanting to see the offense perform at this level consistently) "I would love to see the offense to perform like this, especially since I'm a wide receiver. You always want to see the ball in the air, but we just have to keep working. I think this year was a learning experience for everyone on this team. I look at in a sense of things can't get any worse, they can only get better.

(On the progression of the season) "Things have gotten better. We've been playing some pretty good football for the last four or five weeks. We just have to keep working and keep learning and I believe things will get better."

(On next week's game against the 49ers) "We're not going to quit. We're going to go out and prepare just like we would for any game."

(On if the losses hurt less than they used to) "Every loss hurts. For any competitor, losing hurts, unless you just don't care. So every loss hurts."

(On how he was used in the first half) "In the first half they had me lined up in the slot. I really wasn't running any routes that got me downfield. I like to run deeper routes, but every week the game plan is different. So I was just doing something different this week. It's something I'm not really used to, but in the second half I was able to come out and make some plays."

(On if the Texans should open up the offense) "It depends on what the defense is giving us. Today we felt like we could throw the ball downfield, so that's what we did. Who knows what the game plan will be next week. You just have to take what the defense gives you."

(On how close the game was) "Every time we play Jacksonville, it's going to go down to the wire. They made the best of their opportunities and we didn't, so they came out on top."

(On the talk of upcoming personnel changes) "That's out of our control. We don't worry about that. Those are just the type of things that happen when you're in this situation. When you're in this business, you have to be ready for anything."

(On the team's awareness of the Reggie Bush talk in Houston) "How can you not know? You hear the fans chanting, and they've got Reggie Bush signs. But just because the fans want it doesn't mean we're going to draft him. That's out of my control, so I really can't comment on it."

(On if he resents the Reggie Bush hype) "It would be the same anywhere. If another team was in the same situation we're in, their fans would be doing the same thing. The fans come out and support us every week, but when you're down you have to do something to cheer yourself up. I guess that's what cheers them up."

(On the team's motivation) "We're a team that doesn't quit. We have a bunch of guys that, no matter what our record is, go out and play and just try to win. Anytime you're on the field you want to win, no matter what your record is."

(On his frustration with this season) "Losing is something I'm not used to. This year is something I have to deal with, and I just take it as a learning experience."

(On the four receiver formation the Texans used this week) "When you have four receivers out on the field like we had today, you're able to stretch the field. It helps out the running back, and gives you the ability to throw or run the ball. I like the game plan we came up with today when we had four receivers on the field."

(On what the Texans have to prove next week in San Francisco) "A lot of people say there's nothing to play for, that our season's over. I think that going out with a win in that last game would give us something positive to build on for next season."

(On the unmet expectations this season) "Everybody had high expectations, not just me. We were 4-12 in our first year, then came back and went 7-9, so it seemed to be getting better. No one thought we would be in this situation right now."

DT Seth Payne

(On the changes that will be made next year) "We talked about it before the game, recognizing that it's not going to be the same team next year. Something that really got to me personally was the injury to Gary Walker. It's going to hurt us not having him next week, because he's been playing at a really high level."

(On not making the big plays) "If it happens one game you can blame it on luck, but sometimes you just have to admit that they were the better team. We just have to figure out what we need to do in order to be better than the next team."

(On the first round pick of next year's draft) "I really don't worry about it, but I do recognize the fans' perspective in regards to this issue. When you're out there on the field, you don't have time to think about those kinds of things."

(On the remainder of the season) "I really just want to cherish these last couple of weeks. Some of these guys that I have been playing with for a long time might not be here next year. It's a matter of going out a making this season a positive memory."

CB Dunta Robinson

(On what they need to do to improve for next season) "We've had plenty of teams down going into half time. The entire team, including myself, needs to work on finishing football games this off season. We have to concentrate more and understand that a game isn't over until it's over. Sometimes we get relaxed with a three or four point lead, and these seem to get out of hand. We are a young team that will continue to grow together, and continue to fight."

(On the first round pick of next year's draft) "To be honest with you that's really not a concern of mine right now. After we play the 49ers, then you can come and talk to me about that. It would be great to have a player like that on this team, but we have to take care of San Francisco first."

(On the inability to finish out today's game) "Well, I take responsibility for today's game. I gave up that big touchdown at the end of the game, and I told my teammates that I put that on myself. I'm a play maker and I'm supposed to make plays. So, if you have any questions about the break – down of the defense, you can direct those towards me, because I was the one who broke down."

(On the touchdown given up at the end of the game) "We had a man coverage call, and the receiver looked back and I went for the look back. The quarterback threw it off his back foot and the receiver faded and caught the ball. It's just one of those things where I didn't make the play in that situation, but it's not going to break me it's only going to motivate me."

(On allowing Jacksonville to clinch a playoff spot) "The way our season has been going, it would have been great for us to spoil it for someone else. With that being said, the only thing we can do is go out and get ready for San Francisco.

(On their intentions to attack him more than other teams) "They came at me a couple of times. I want to make plays, and that's something I've been dong all season long. There were a couple of situations where I had an opportunity to make big plays and I didn't. That's just the way football goes. I'm just going to continue to work hard, so I can make those plays in the future."

(On continuing on after this season) "Life goes on. If you look at the situation regarding Tony Dungy, you really just have to be thankful about all the things you have. I played hard today, but it wasn't good enough. Luckily we have a game next week that gives me the opportunity to make up for my play today."

RB Jonathan Wells

(On the constant questions concerning Reggie Bush) "It just comes along with the territory. Like I said, I don't know Reggie Bush. He's a great football player in college. He'll have his opportunity, wherever it may be. I'm doing what I can do to help the Texans win right now, and that's all I'm worried about."

(On the crowd chanting "Reggie, Reggie") "The crowd is the crowd. If that's what they want, maybe they'll get him."

(On his play with Domanick Davis out) "That's what I'm here to do. I'm a number two running back right now, and when I get the call, I'm obligated to go out there and make plays. That's what I'm paid to do. Domanick is a great back, and when I get a chance to get out there, I want to show that I can be a great back, too."

(On the upcoming game in San Francisco) "I'm preparing this week like it's the first game of the season. We'll give 110% when we go to San Francisco and try to get a win."

C Steve McKinney

(On the loss) "It is a tough loss. They are a good team and they outplayed us in the fourth quarter and deserved to win. We came out with the right frame of mind and really kind of gave it to them early, played hard, got some breaks, took advantage of some situations. In the end we didn't execute well enough in the 4 th quarter to win the game."

(On Texans Owner Bob McNair) "Mr. McNair is a very patient and smart person. You don't get to where he is by throwing in the towel too quick. He knows that you stick with your original game-plan and eventually it will come around. Who knows what is going to take place in the off-season. Everybody in this organization is under tight evaluation, but all that will clear up for us in January or February."

(On the possibility of being the last game in Reliant for some teammates) "As a professional, you understand the business and you understand that is always the case, every season regardless of if you are winning or losing. There is always going to be changes, it is just a part of the game. We are all independent contractors. We are all signed to a contract and we are out here working for ourselves first and then we work with the team. At the end of the day, you are going to be judged on your performance. They are not going to give you a contract extension if your quarterback is doing a good job, it is just not how it works. We are all doing our own jobs, trying to do what we are supposed to do."

(On people being Monday morning GMs) "That's not something that we worry about, even think about. We don't waste our time, our energy, worrying about things that we cannot control. If you do, you are wasting your time."

CB Demarcus Faggins

(On generating more turnovers) "Make plays, that is all you can do. Continue to work hard and continue to do what your told to do. We have to come back next game and play San Francisco and continue to work for turnovers."

(On playing better lately) "With C.C. Brown and Glenn Earl and Dunta (Robinson), we have some new guys out there playing. If they are out there, they have to play. I take my hat off to all the guys the last couple weeks. We have been really trying to win, working hard everyday; meetings, practice, no matter what we have to come out and play."

(On the fourth quarter) "They made some plays and we didn't. That is all that it boils down to. We learn from out mistakes, and next fourth quarter we have to make the plays."

T Zach Wiegert

(On not making plays) "It was everybody. We had two or three blitzes on offence I know that we didn't pick up, that we should have picked up. David (Carr) made the right check and we didn't pick up. We had a roughing the punter, a couple missed field goals, some dropped balls on defense, a holding call in the end zone that gave them a touchdown, everybody added to it. They were not more physical or anything like that, it was just that you can't make those kinds of mistakes in this league."

(On some of the negative fans affecting) "I can't think about that. It is my job to go out there and play no matter what the fans think. I play as hard as I can for the fans. You should try being the guy out there trying and losing, it is much more frustrating that watching it."

(On what the future might hold) "It is my 11th season and you are judged on how you play every week. What ever happens here, they are going to watch the film and they are going to keep guys and the guys that they don't want are going to be gone. It is a performance business. You don't perform, you don't have a job. Hopefully, guys realize that and play up to there potential. The more money you have or the bigger contract you have the more you have to produce."

(On getting the number one pick) "It is completely out of my control. My job is to block the guy that I have to block. The way they draft will not effect the way I play at all."

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