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Texans Practice Quotes: August 19

Head Coach Gary Kubiak
WR DeVier Posey
S D.J. Swearinger
RB Ben Tate

Head Coach Gary Kubiak
(on if there are any injury updates) "No, pretty much what I told y'all yesterday, (OLB) Whitney (Mercilus) did not make it back today. (RB) Arian (Foster) did not make it back today. (T Brennan) Williams made it back and (WR DeVier) Posey made it back. DeVier looked good running around. Williams didn't do much, just some individual stuff, so we'll see."

(on if he still presumes RB Arian Foster will be back to open the season) "Yes, I am because I watch him work. I've been watching him. He's basically going through practices or has been since we've been in camp on his own with (Head Athletic Trainer) Geoff (Kaplan) and obviously there's been a little setback as we try to get the soreness out of him. From what I've seen, yes, because it's not like he's been standing around for the last three weeks, but obviously want to get him back out here as quick as we can."

(on if he has a date in mind for when RB Arian Foster will be back) "Guys, if I had a one, I would give it to you."

(on if there's not a date for when panic sets in if RB Arian Foster is not back) "Well, today was my date and that one didn't work. We just have some patience here and, everything they're telling us, I listen to and they're very positive about everything. We'll just have to see."

(on WR DeVier Posey being back at practice) "Yeah, it's just you're proud of him number one, and boy, has he worked. I think we went into this thing thinking he probably wasn't a decision about PUP earlier, but now, depending on how this week and next week goes, we've got a decision to make. So if he's ready to go earlier this season that we thought, that's going to be a big plus for our team."

(on what WR DeVier Posey has been able to accomplish) "First off, at the end of the year last year, he was playing like a starter for us. Let's remember that, he was playing a lot of football and playing well. He's a very confident kid. He was playing good for (special teams coordinator) Joe (Marciano). Boy, it would be a big bonus if he's ready to go."

(on if he sees OLB Whitney Mercilus playing in the preseason) "Well, we are concerned because we thought he would definitely be back today. We were working all along towards New Orleans. Now, that doesn't mean we're still not going to get there. It's only Monday. We start our week on Wednesday, but Whitney's a very young player. He needs to play. We've got to do what we've got to do to get him healthy. They said no, not yet. That's all I can do."

(on if there's anything new on the injuries at safety) "(FS Shiloh) Keo's doing really good. He actually took some portions of practice today. (SS) Eddie (Pleasant) did nothing, but I think I told you guys that Keo will be ahead of Eddie as far as Keo's got a good chance to play this week. Eddie, I don't know."

(on if it's going to be tough for the safety position on Sunday with all of the injuries) "(S Orhian) Johnson's back too, which we had a concern in the game. Not quite in as bad of shape as we were during the game with those guys being out. If Keo makes it back and Johnson is fine this week, I think we can hold up."

(on the young safeties) "The thing I've been impressed with, they got better on special teams because that's been most of their work and then obviously they'll play a lot this week and next week. (S Orhian) Johnson's a big body. (CB Travis) Howard's done some good stuff on special teams, the other corner. But we'll see. They're fixing to play a lot."

(on if there is anything new on FS Ed Reed) "No, we're just going through the same protocol that we did last week. We sent him back to Atlanta because it's such a positive step for him. All I Know is all indications are things are going really, really good. We're trying to listen to him and make sure we're doing the right thing."

(on if the work FS Ed Reed is doing in Atlanta is really helping him) "Yeah, it's good for his confidence. I know that because that's the guy he went through the process with before. (Head Athletic Trainer) Geoff Kaplan's worked with him and done a good job. We'll proceed with that this week and probably have the actual surgeon look at him before this week is out."

(on if there's no way WR DeAndre Hopkins can play Sunday) "Yeah, you could. There's five stages, but there's certain stages; you can pass like two stages in a day. I don't know exactly how they all come about, but I will say this, he's not feeling very good today. So he's not out here at all. We'll start over again tomorrow and see where we're at. There's always a chance you can play the following week depending on how quickly you're involved in the protocol process."

(on what he thought of ILB Brian Cushing's first game back on the field) "Well, it was good. He looked like himself moving around. Hit the dirt a few times, which he needed to do and could have ended with a big play, which I told you guys, but I thought it was a big step forward to go through what he went through and time go back, I think it was big."

(on the progression of RB Deji Karim) "Well, he knows what he's doing. He's very smart. Of all of the young guys, he's kind of the guy who knows exactly what's going on right now. That's probably the way it should be because he's played a little bit. You can trust him on special teams. He's making a big push to make this team. He's going to play a lot these next two weeks."

(on if WR DeVier Posey can play on Sunday) "It was my understanding that, if he has a great week, we might be able to get a few reps out of him, kind of like (ILB (Brian) Cushing. I think that would be a huge bonus. I think, right now, we just want to see him have a good week of practice."

(on what he envisions WR DeVier Posey's role being because of the strength at wide receiver right now) "Obviously, I think you would probably be putting him through a progression like he was playing in the preseason. If he's ready to go and he gives you 20 snaps one week and 30 the next and, by the time you get three or four deep in the season, he's full-go. We'll see. We'll see how he does this week."

(on if he would be more inclined to use more wide receiver sets as a result of the depth at the position instead of using two-tight end sets) "We'll do both. I would say I'm going to have a lot more confidence right now from a multiple receiver set maybe just because of the way we're playing with some of these young guys. We're always going to be multiple and our tight end group is exceptional. We're always going to do whatever we've got to do to win that week."

(on if he thought WR DeVier Posey truly had a shot of coming back as quickly as he did) "I watched him work out this summer when I came by during the break and he was still in his rehab and doing everything. I watched him one day and it was exceptional. I couldn't believe how far he had come and so, we knew right then, we had a chance."

(on how much credit Head Athletic Trainer Geoff Kaplan should receive for WR DeVier Posey's quick recovery) "Kap works with all of them. He does a great job with all of them, but you've got to give the kid credit. The kid's been here for above and beyond. He's lived here since his injury and what a job he's done to get back."

(on if there have been an assignment issues for the interior offensive linemen in the first two games) "Well, we're making mistakes. We're making training camp mistakes, which I would expect. Obviously, you don't want any. Our young guys the other night probably had too many, our second group. We were doing a lot of quick count and we had some trouble getting some fronts set and those type of things, but, I think for the most part, the progression has been good. It can always be better, but I think it's been good."

(on if he's looking forward to seeing QB Matt Schaub play more this week or if he already knows what he has in him) "No, he's going to play. We'll play our starters a good half of football or a number of snaps, whichever comes first. He's had an excellent camp and I think he's benefited from the other two pushing each other and the way they've played. Yeah, we need to all pick it up. We need to play our most snaps this week."

(on if P Shane Lechler's leg is an issue at all) "No, not at all. He could punt if we were playing today. Just being smart with him and, boy, the young kid's really, he's going to find himself a job. He's done a great job."

WR DeVier Posey
(on if conditioning is the toughest adjustment) "Yeah, but I mean I've been in shape before and I know how to condition. I'll do some extra stuff after practice and get it back as soon as possible."

(on if he is worried about his foot at all) "No, I'm not worried about it."

(on if he needs to get tackled) "Yeah, I need to get hit. I need to get tackled, bounce up, give the ball to the ref, run back to the huddle, and know I'm all right. That'll help."

(on if he will play vs. New Orleans) "I'm not too sure about that as far as the plan is going to go. I mean, it's day one after seven months rehab so we'll get there."

(on if he is surprised he is back already) "Yeah, it's been surprising. But I think I was most surprised on the days I didn't want to do things and I was just actually in there working and pushing. Just changing my diet, my sleeping habits, and everything around the game, everything but football I changed. I think that was a direct result of that change and getting back early."

(on when he was told he would be back) "Well my doctor, he said I would be out here a little bit prior to what I was, Dr. Anderson. Just talking to our team, team doctors, and team trainers, we wanted to make sure we allotted time just so I can get back to myself and get the springs back. Make sure we had all the explosive things in order and that's just really what we try to do. Just map out a plan."

(on if they told him yesterday he would be out here today) "I knew for a bit, so I wasn't too honest with you guys when you guys were asking with quiet information and things we're just trying to keep in-house."

(on if his leg feels 100 percent) "Yeah, yeah it actually feels a bit stronger than it was before. As far as just the dystrophy, of course it's smaller in size but as far as strength and things, I've been pushing on it and working on it for seven months so it's built strength that I haven't had before."

(on if he was emotional at his first practice today) "Yeah, I mean I wondered what this day would be like for a long time and what we would do. I'm just taking it one day at a time. This is just step one really for me and just trying to get back into it. The next time we practice I'll do 7-on-7 and more stuff to get more involved and work up the team to eventually get to the game. I feel like once I put on jersey and get out there, I'll feel like I'm back."

(on if the season opener was his motivation) "Yeah when it happened, I knew it was six to nine month window as far as when you'll be healthy. I know (Baltimore Ravens OLB Terrell) Suggs came back at six, some guys came back at seven, some guys came back at nine, and I just wanted to fall somewhere in between that window, continue to just build strength through the first half of the season and get better."

(on one thing in particular he missed) "I just kind of miss competing, just the grind with the boys every day. Just being tired like I'm one of the guys that like oddly enjoys coming out here in camp when the fans are out here and working. I was looking forward to it, you know? My second year before the injury happened knowing more. But things happen for a reason and it kind of refocused me. I thought I appreciated it back then, but I appreciate it even more now."

(on what he changed outside of football) "Just really my diet, nutrition, vitamins, and things like that. My sleeping habits and cutting some things out of my diet as far as being healthy and soft tissue. Soft tissue muscles you can really help them in the healing process by what you eat. I was just making sure I was doing cold water fish and different fruits. Things and vitamins that help build stronger tissue over time, so I just try and stay consistent with that, with those eating habits."

(on what he took out of his diet) "Sweets, bread and dairy."

(on not having to miss an extended period of time) "Oh man, I'm grateful every day for just being a Texan. Yeah of course, being able to come out and still have a chance to play in the first game is a blessing. I'm just trying to take it all in, just take it day by day, and not miss any steps."

(on if he took being healthy for granted previously) "Things happen in this game and in life. That's what I always say, just always try to be right and always try and do the right thing because enough stuff will happen to you anyway and that was something that I couldn't prevent. That was something that was in my path for a long time and it was something that I just had to get over. I had to accept it and work hard through it."

(on the tough days of rehab when you question whether he would ever make it back) "Yeah, that happened. There weren't many where I came in with that attitude. That's why we have such a good training staff here. I just put my faith in God and asked for his strength and asked him to give me strength. The trainers pushed me on the days that I didn't want to be pushed and it made for a happy marriage in helping me get back out here. They're just as happy as I am today. They're probably even more happy."

(on the muscular dystrophy he had the deal with after the injury) "Yeah, the dystrophy is a bit scary at first, but it's something you kind of have to accept and just know, 'alright, I've got to do a lot of calf raises' and get back to the days I was trying to dunk in sixth grade. I could touch the net and the backboard and I was doing calf raises on each step. I just had to go back to that time. Eighth grade plyometrics, and those things, they kind of opened up a lot of memories as far as doing those exercises, but you just had to get back to the basics."

(on if he can dunk now) "I think I should be able to."

(on the day he knew he would be able to make it back from the injury) "When I started running on the air treadmill, I was just trying to hammer in my head that muscle memory from that time, toe up and make sure I'm going heel-to-toe, heel-to-toe, heel-to toe. From 50 percent to 60 to 70 to 80 to 90, all the way back to  100 percent body weight on the ground, I was just trying to hammer home on the mechanics of running."

(on how he would describe his rookie season and if he was disappointed in it at all) "I wouldn't say disappointing. As far as the things that I was fortunate enough to learn through my rookie year and the ups and the downs I had, I think it laid the foundation for my career and the foundation for my routine that I take every week and just how I study. I think if those things didn't happen, I wouldn't be as prepared as I am now, to take the approach that I do to this game and to work every day."

(on if he would describe his injury as a blessing in disguise) "Of course it's a blessing in disguise. Anything that happens to you is meant to happen to you. It's just a matter of how you take it. I've been pretty fortunate to get seven months of rest where you don't really realize, from eighth grade going all year round, every single year. Just having that time to rest, letting my body heal, to be able to lift upper body and small muscles in my legs and be able to have those things strengthen and grow, it's been pretty good. I kind of take that as a blessing."

(on his dreams for this season ) "I want to be in New York with my boys. I want to be in New York with my boys and just celebrate that and do everything in my power to help the Texans get there."

(on if there is a 'I told you so' feeling to making it back today) "No, I'm not like that. My teammates have been nothing but encouraging. Nothing but, 'Posey, you look good. Keep grinding man. We see you working hard.' Just to have those guys around me every day, pushing me, letting me know that they see my progress kept me going. We're all family around here. I would never say, 'told you so.' We all kind of know."

(on the emotions of returning today ) "The first catch and your first touchdown, they might be a little bit more emotional, but for right now, it's just getting back to work and getting back into the groove of things and trying to get these cobwebs out."

(on if he is a better player now than he was a year ago) "We'll see. It's day one."

(on the drastic improvement of players from year one to year two) "Yeah, the learning curve has gotten significantly smaller this year when I'm sitting in meetings compared to last year. Just being there with the tape, all the meetings through the summer with the team, through training camp and learning all the positions has been a blessing. That's something that I am to do because I only knew one position last year. Now, when we say a play, I know what the running backs and tight ends are doing, so it helps me visualize the concepts so I know exactly what I need to do. I think that's the thing that receivers get their second year, the better understanding and feel for the game. Once they get back out there and get around some guys and push on some guys, I feel it will come back by midseason."

(on if he knows more about the offense now than he did before) "That was just my goal. Try to grow in the playbook and learn and blossom as far as mentally. I think that was something that I was able to do so we'll put it to the test this week."

S D.J. Swearinger
(on if the hit against Dustin Keller is affecting him) "I mean, it really didn't affect me. I'm sorry it happened like that. I was just playing football and didn't mean anything by it, but I'm hoping he has a speedy recovery and gets back."

(on if he has reached out to Dustin Keller) "No I haven't reached out. I sent out a tweet saying 'hope he gets well, speedy recovery', but I haven't gotten to text with him."

(on if he has watched the play) "I've seen the play and you know, it was just a freak accident. I was just going out and making a tackle and his leg just sort of got stuck. It's a freak accident and I'm sure he will be back."

(on how important it is for the accident to not affect the way he plays) "Oh, it definitely won't. That's football. Stuff like that happens in football every day. I don't want to fake how I play. I just do my job like I've been doing."

(on how him and the young secondary guys are developing) "I think me and the other guys are doing good. I think for me, myself, I've been taking it a day at a time and been focusing on my details in practice more and more each day, instead of worrying about the next couple of days. I've just been focusing on the next day and I think that's helping me a whole lot."

(on looking back from where he started to now, how much he has improved) "Yeah, I've improved tremendously since when I first got here until now. There are a whole lot of things. Just understanding the defense, my eyes, me being disciplined in certain coverage's and I've gotten way better."

(on his reaction to the talk about the hit on Dustin Keller) "Yeah I mean, I've tried to stay away from all of the stuff that's been talked about, but like I said, it was just football play and I'm sorry that that happened."

(on being an aggressive player) "Yeah, I mean, hitting hard has gotten me this far and that's something that I take pride. I don't take pride on hurting anybody but I take pride on hitting hard and that's what I'm just going to continue to do."

(on the time he has spent in the film room and how it has affected his playing) "Yeah, I picked it up last week in practice. I had a great practice and it just lead over to the game. I think I focused a lot more on my details in last weeks practice and I've got to continue to do that and stay on myself."

(on what he hopes to see from himself and the rest of the defense in the upcoming game) "Just improve tremendously from week two. Practice by practice, game, film by film. Just every little detail I can hit. Work on every little single thing that I can to just have a tremendous jump from game two to game three."

(on the chemistry developing well) "Yeah, most definitely. I think that our DB's have a good bond so far and it's going to continue to get stronger as the days go by."

(on how deep the defense is this season) "I think our defense is very deep all over the board. Yeah, we have some injuries. We had a couple last Saturday in the secondary, but with our training staff I believe that that'll help them to get better and get back in the rotation."

(on the comparison between the defenses from last season in college to this season in the NFL) "There's a big difference because we ran a 4-2-5 in college and here we run a 3-4 so it's a tremendous difference especially up front. In the back end we run some different calls based on a cover-3 is what I was and a cover-4 here, It's a lot of change but I've adjusted well and I'm doing good with it."

(on if he thinks the Texans are the team to beat in the division) "Most definitely. I think we are the team to beat, but there are others that think they're the team to beat too, so time will tell."

(on how he feels about his performance this past game) "I think I had a fairly well performance. I did a whole lot better than I did the first game and that was my goal. I'm looking forward to just moving on and doing way better than I did the second game, in the third game."

RB Ben Tate
(on how excited he is to get a lot of reps on Sunday) "I mean, it's good. It's going to be good. It's going to be good for this team. It's going to be good for everyone, all the guys that are going to be playing. It's time to get ready for a season and get cranked up for the season. I think it's going to be good for all of us to get our timing down and fix up some of the little errors that we have and just all get on the same page. This game is going to be pretty important to know what we do on Monday night."

(on taking advantage of his opportunities when there is an opening) "I mean, yeah this league is a league of opportunities so whenever you do get your chance you just have to try and do the best you can to take advantage of it."

(on if he feels pressure replacing RB Arian Foster) "No not at all, I've been there before. No pressure."

(on the group of running backs competing for the third spot) "They've all done pretty well for a group of rookies that come in like that. (RB) Deji (Karim) is not a rookie, but they're are all picking up the playbook pretty well. There are not a lot of mistakes that they're doing. When I was a rookie, I think I definitely, probably made way more mistakes than those guys have, but I think they're picking up the offense well. They just have to keep getting more comfortable and let their talents take over."

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