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Texans Quotes: October 28


Head Coach Bill O'Brien**
(opening statement) "Alright so yesterday, we made some roster moves. We signed T.J. Yates. He'll back up Brian Hoyer. He's got some familiarity with our offense and he can step in and do the job for us. Had a good practice today, had a lot of recall. We placed Arian Foster on injured reserve. We promoted Kurtis Drummond. He was a safety on the practice squad and had practiced really well and earned the opportunity to be on the 53, so we moved him up and we brought Daryl Richardson back, running back, to the practice squad. I'm sure you guys were out there, you noticed that J.J. (Watt) was not out there. He's dealing with a minor injury and I believe he'll be able to play. Jadeveon Clowney was sick today. He was suffering from kind of a 24-hour bug. He wasn't out there at practice today. I guess I've been told that a lot of things have been said over the last couple of days in the media about how the organization works and things like that. Let me just say this, first of all, (Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager) Rick Smith and I both have respect for each other. We work together every day. We communicate every day. It's a partnership. Decisions are made by two of us and obviously they require the concurrence of the owner, Bob McNair. When it comes to personnel and coaching and playing and all those things, it's a partnership. That's how it works around here. As far as anything else, I'll open it up to questions."

(on the reports in the media saying that he and Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith can't get along and are competing for power) "Well I would just tell you what I just said. It's a partnership, and I don't know anything about reports. I just know how it works on a day-to-day basis. We communicate every day. We have good, good communication, and we try to make decisions that are in the best interest of the football team."

(on what DE J.J. Watt's injury is) "He's dealing with a minor back issue."

(on if he and Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith had a confrontation on Saturday about cutting QB Ryan Mallett) "No."

(on how it works when he and Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith disagree on personnel issues) "I would say that the majority of the time, we agree. If there's a disagreement, we work it out and we study it and we think about it and we try to make, again, we come together and try to make the best decision for the team."

(on players being on time and what he expects from his players) "When we come together as a team early on, whether it's in the beginning of OTAs even, because every year your team is different and you go over the rules and regulations, we don't have a lot of rules, but one rule that we do have is we want guys to be on time. Now we're not talking about starting a meeting 15 minutes early and all those things. If the meeting is supposed to start at 8 o'clock, then be there at 8 o'clock, be there at 7:59 ready to go. The way that we deal with those issues when they're not here on time, it's dealt with internally. If it's something that happens time and time again, then the message isn't getting through, then we have to make decisions in that regard too."

(on if he thought he had gotten through to QB Ryan Mallett about the expectations) "Look, I think I try to reach every player. I really do, I communicate with the players. I think that we do have expectations for the players. I believe that we're clear about it. I believe that I'm clear about it. Look, it just didn't work out. We wish him the best of luck but it didn't work out here."

(on getting QB T.J. Yates back after trading him two years ago) "Every year is different, you're right. We released him last year, but that was last year. First thing about T.J. is he's a very bright guy. He's a good teammate. He's good in the locker room. He had very good recall last night when he came in here of our offense. He was able to go out there today and when he was in there, he was able to operate the offense. He actually made some really nice throws today, so he'd obviously been working out and throwing while he wasn't on the team. We have respect for T.J. and we're glad that he's here."

(on if he has a veterans committee and if he met with them after this last game) "Yes sir, I meet with them every week, once a week, sometimes twice a week. The game wasn't a good game but we meet every week. Regardless of what is going on, I meet with the veteran committee, leadership council every week."

(on what day-to-day changes he makes to improve going forward) "We've talked a lot about that. One thing that we have a very, very strong belief in is practice. We're going to practice hard, especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays. That's what we believe in. We're allowed to be in pads once a week, so we'll be in pads usually on Thursdays, but we're not changing the structure of how we practice. We may change some of the things we do in practice, but not the philosophy of practice. When you look at the meeting schedules and things like that, we tweak those quite a bit during the year based on who we're playing, how the year is going, maybe based on injuries to a certain degree. Does a guy need more treatment? Do a group of guys need more treatment? Maybe it's more important for them to be in the training room getting treatment than it is to be watching an hour-and-a-half worth of film. We count on our players to do things on their own, take care of their bodies on their own. We count on our players to watch tape on their own. We count on our players to watch tape as a unit, as a position group. We think about things all the time. We're not static when it comes to those things."

(on who has the final say when there is a disagreement between Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith and him) "(Founder, Chairman and CEO) Bob (McNair) has the final say on everything in this organization. That's why they call him the owner."

(on between he and Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith, who has more control in the final say) "I don't think it's about control. It's a partnership, like I said. That's what it is. It's a partnership and we come to a decision on every single thing that we do."

(on if he and Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith agree on every decision they make) "Well I would say this, there's always going to be disagreements here and there throughout the year, but again, it works as a partnership. Any decision that's made is a collective group decision."

(on if it's in Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager Rick Smith's contract that he has final say over all personnel) "You'd have to ask Rick about his contract. I know what my contract says."

(on what his contract says) "Mine says that basically it's a partnership and that any decisions that are made are with the concurrence of the general manager, and that's the way it works. That's the way it works. I don't know about anybody else's contract."

(on if he gets to control who plays) "Oh yeah, of course. On game day, I'm in charge of the team you see on the field. No doubt about that. I don't call up to the box and say, 'Hey, is it okay if I put this guy in at left guard?' No, I'm in charge of who plays on game day."

(on how G Xavier Su'a-Filo is developing) "I think he's getting better. I thought that he had some decent plays on Sunday. I thought that he practiced well last week. In the end, that's what it's about. It's about how you practice and you earn your playing time on the practice field. I'd say that with just about anybody. That's how it works, and I thought he practiced well last week and he went into the game and he did some decent things and now he's got to practice well again this week."

(on the team's running back situation) "(Alfred) Blue's going to obviously play in the game. I thought he had a good week in practice last week. I thought when he got into the game on Sunday, he played pretty well for his role in the game, it was small, but I thought he played pretty well and then he had a good practice today. Obviously, Chris Polk, he'll be in there and Jonathan Grimes, then (Jay) Prosch at fullback. That will kind of be the rotation. I am not going to get into the details of how we are going to use them."

(on the injury status of TE Ryan Griffin) "Ryan Griffin was on the designated to return list so he can start practicing at some point, I believe this week, and then after the bye week, I believe, he will be eligible to play."

(on if RB Alfred Blue healthy) "Yes. I just said he practiced well today. You were probably tweeting something else, probably something about my contract. Really on the questions about my contract, you should ask my wife. She's a lawyer, so maybe I'll bring her into the next press conference and we can direct all contractual questions towards Colleen (O'Brien)."

(on how you compensate for a lack of speed on defense) "I think it's more about making sure that coaching-wise we're all doing what it takes to put our players in positions to make the plays, and then I believe it's about the players being able to go out there and make those plays. I think it's a collective effort. I'm not going to get into an analysis of our speed, our size, our height, whatever it is you guys analyze. I'm just telling you that we all have to do a better job."

(on if one practice a week in pads is enough to get his players ready for the game on Sunday) "It doesn't matter what I think about that. Really, all that matters is that's the rule and that's how we follow the rule. Basically, you're allowed 15 total padded practices. Once during the year you're allowed to have two in one week. We did that a couple weeks ago and then over the last six weeks of the season, you're allowed to have four, so you have to kind of space it out. Basically we're in a mode right now where we're allowed one padded practice a week. That's the rule and that's what we follow. My opinion on those rules really has no bearing on anything."

(on what he saw from OLB Jadeveon Clowney last week) "I think he's getting better. I really do. I think that this guy is a disruptive player. I think that the more he plays, the better he'll get. I think he's basically a rookie because he didn't play a whole lot last year due to injury. I think he's a guy that will get better and better the more he plays. I think you saw that at times, especially in the second half of the game last week."

Offensive Coordinator George Godsey
(on the offensive struggles in the first half against Miami) "That's not our goal. I think we talked about it. It's a whole unit issue. I think for myself down, it's got to get better. For us to start the game that way, it's unacceptable. I think that's what today was about. We addressed it. We're moving forward. That's definitely not the way we want to start the first 20 plays."

(on bringing in QB T.J. Yates) "We're on to T.J. here, and it's about catching him up. He's got a ways to go since he's been here last. It's good because he does have some familiarity. He's put in some hours already, and it's going to take a lot more hours. We're on day one, obviously, with T.J. there, we'd have to condense it a little bit. We've been a part of this routine before so I think we have a plan for that."

(on if they've moved on from QB Ryan Mallett) "Yeah, we've moved on from that with Ryan. I think as quickly as we can get with T.J. (Yates) and get him moving, I think that's the direction we need to go."

(on how ready QB T.J. Yates can be for Sunday) "It's a package deal with T.J. and myself, not necessarily spending every minute, but giving him a break, getting back together. It's an important position. We need to have the guy ready. He's willing. It started yesterday and continue through the week one day at a time."

(on why they've been struggling with the run game) "I think it's a combination. I think up front, we've had some multiplicity as far as moving parts. It's seven games, seven new moving parts. It's definitely no excuse, but the continuity will help along with everybody, whether it's a tight end, whether it's a quarterback getting us to the right play, it's not just the offensive line, it's not just the running back, it's a combination of everything. Making sure that the play action pass goes with the run. When those can complement each other like it has throughout the year at times, it's become a little bit better as far as the whole package."

(on what WR Jaelen Strong needs to do to keep improving) "At that position, he's got some good guys to look up to and some guys that have produced. A couple games ago Cecil (Shorts) had a good game. DeAndre (Hopkins) has always been there. Nate (Washington) had a good game and we're going to try to ride the hot hand, so to say, and guys that are getting open. Had a ball thrown to him earlier in the game, got deflected, but he's learning from that. He's definitely, each practice is getting better with him. I expect it to keep improving."

(on how the tight ends being out affects FB Jay Prosch) "With Jay I think the biggest thing is really just when the game starts that way, his role a little bit diminishes because of the pass element. We've had quite a few instances with that. Up until this past game, it was up over 80 plays at two-minute. Jay's not involved in the two-minute situations. He's there for emergency purposes for that, but when we can run the ball and utilize Jay as a fullback, I think that's the direction we want to have with Jay."

QB Brian Hoyer
(on if he has any thoughts on the team releasing QB Ryan Mallett) "I'm not going to comment on guys that aren't here."

(on if he had any relationship with QB T.J. Yates prior to him joining the team) "Actually, we were roommates at the Manning Passing Academy when we were both in college, so I've known him since then and have played against him several times so we say the usual hello, before and after the game. Yeah, I am familiar with him and he's a good guy."

(on what year they were roommates at the Manning Passing Academy) "It was 2007. We were roommates at Thibodaux, Louisiana in the dorm room. We were counselors at the Manning Passing Academy."  

(on if it's important for quarterbacks to have a good relationship and friendship with others in the league) "I think there is just a mutual respect. There is only so many of us. There are 32 teams, so there are 32 starters and usually only one or two guys behind them so it's kind of a small group of us and I think you just have a mutual respect."

(on juggling what he has on his plate while also trying to help new QB T.J. Yates get up to speed) "Well, he is going to ask a lot of questions and I got to just be there to help give him the answers. I know, especially with this system, he has a little familiarity from when he was here before he was traded, so I can tell he is already recalling a little bit, but it's important for the team for me to have him ready to do as best as I can so if, God forbid, something does happen, he is ready to go in."

(on the slow starts the team has had and how can it be corrected) "It's just a lack of execution. We have to go out and execute the plays that are being called, that's really what it comes down to and especially when you get in that situation, you just have to find a way to get the ball moving, to get a first down, get a completion, whatever it is. Hopefully, we will avoid those types of things and I think we came out today with great enthusiasm. It was good to get back to work after a day like that and look forward."

(on what the approach is despite the record and only being a game back in the division) "I think for us the approach is really, a divisional game at home and I think we are not looking at anything past that. For us, like I said, to come out and have a good day of work today, build on that tomorrow, Friday and then feel good coming into Sunday and know that we are playing a divisional opponent at home."

(on the running game now that RB Arian Foster is out) "I feel like I had to answer this question during training camp. Obviously Arian is a huge part of our offense, but in the same sense, I look at those guys over there, (Alfred) Blue, (Chris) Polk and JL (Jonathan Grimes), they all know the offense really well and they are all more than capable. I have a lot of trust and faith in those guys that they are going to step up and do their part. Like I said last time, we all as an offense have to step up in his absence."

(on the key to attacking Tennessee's defense) "They are good up front. They have a good scheme with (Defensive Coordinator) coach (Ray) Horton. I know him a little bit from my time in Cleveland and obviously (Assistant Head Coach / Defense) coach (Dick) LeBeau. They're coached up well, they have a good scheme and those guys up front, (Brian) Orakpo, Jurrell Casey, I played against him last year, he's a force to be reckoned with. We'll see with their injuries in the secondary, but you look at a guy like (Jason) McCourty, (Michael) Griffin, (Da'Norris) Searcy, all experienced guys. We'll see where they are come game time, who's playing, but I think it's a very veteran group, they know how to play and they're coached well."

(on if he prepares different for a defense that likes to blitz a lot) "I think you just have to be prepared and know the looks that are coming. For me, I am always trying to get rid of the ball quick. I think that's kind of the nature of the game, you don't want to take sacks. More so than anything, it's doing the film study, it's knowing the things that they are capable of bringing and then being able to respond when they do bring it."

WR Nate Washington
(on anything special about playing this game this week) "Just another game day for us to go make plays. That's all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less."

(on knowing the Tennessee personnel very well) "I do have a little bit of wisdom to that team, of course, obviously being there the amount of years that I was there. A lot of the guys that I played with are still around that organization so I do have a little insight, but one thing I will say about the NFL is guys will play different every week so it will be important that I do give the information that I give, but that we are fundamentally sound on what we are asked to do from our coaching staff and what they see as well."

(on what you have to do to start differently) "Just come out with a little better energy and enthusiasm. It's important for us to start fast and I think we kind of recognize that at this point, obviously at seven weeks in, that it's been quite a big problem for us, but there's no huge adjustments to it. We just have to come out and be better prepared to play from snap one. A full 60-minute game will be very important for us moving forward throughout these games."

(on playing against a team that he has played for previously) "It's obvious excitement, especially when you spend some time with the locker room for more than one year. It's obvious excitement there. Obviously, I have still been talking to a lot of those guys. I still consider a lot of those guys younger brothers of mine, so it's some obvious excitement there. The more focus for me, being an older guy, is making sure that I am doing what I must do in order to give us a win, put us in a position in order to create the plays and do my assignment. I think it's a great opportunity to see a lot of the guys that I have played football with, but at this point with our season, how things have been going, my focus is making sure that the group of guys that I have in the locker room with me, we are doing our assignments and making sure that we are doing everything that we can to win us a ball game."

(on if he was able to enjoy the game on Sunday after having one of his best games ever) "Yeah, I get the mixed emotions part of it, but it was definitely disheartening to know that we were definitely out of that game Sunday and to just put a good film out there and continue to play as hard as we possibly can was the focus for me. Unfortunately, the win didn't go in our favor. I was able to make some plays, definitely, especially at my age, it was gratifying to know that those things can still happen to me and I can play at this level, but at the same time, we are taught here that this is a team sport and I definitely wasn't happy about how we played collectively on Sunday and the assignments that we missed out on. I wouldn't take it as a good or a bad thing that happened Sunday, just more so some things that we need to clean up and just make sure that when those opportunities do come our way again that they go our way."

DE J.J. Watt
(on Head Coach Bill O'Brien saying he is dealing with a minor back issue but he expects to play on Sunday) "I agree with what he said. Everything's accurate. I'm dealing with a minor back issue and I expect to play on Sunday."

(on if he is in a lot of pain) "I'm dealing with a minor back issue and I expect to play on Sunday."

(on the first half against Miami) "We're moving on. We're on Tennessee, looking forward to a good week, and going out there against a divisional opponent in our home stadium."

(on the state of the Texans) "I feel like we have an opportunity against a divisional opponent on Sunday. I feel like we can go out there and have a great week of practice and put together a good game plan and go out there on Sunday and get a win."

(on the difference between playing a mobile quarterback and a pocket passer) "If you got a guy that can move, you have to make sure you keep him in the pocket. If you have got a guy that stands back there, you want to get into his passing lanes and force him to get out of the pocket. Whoever they put back there, quite frankly it doesn't really matter a whole lot. I just go out there and play whoever they put out there."

(on OLB Jadeveon Clowney's progress) "Yeah, he finally got his first sack so he's happy about that. Just got to continue to make strides. You have to continue to get better and continue to improve. Whatever he can do to continue to excel as a player and go out there and do the things that he's expected to do, that's what we expect."

(on OLB Jadeveon Clowney getting his first sack) "You're expected to get sacks when you play in this defense. That's your job."

QB T.J. Yates
(on what it was like to be out at practice today) "It was cool. I've been here so long and to come back now and kind of just go back into the same routine that I always was, walk back out the same way, it was really cool."

(on how much having been in this system briefly helped him at practice today) "Yeah, it was good. Being here last offseason, I was here during the offseason and OTAs and minicamp, just getting back into it, it's a lot of stuff, very fast, but pretty good recall. I've just got to grind away at it. I'm going to be in this building nonstop until I get it down. The time being if you want to find me, I'll be down the hall."

(on if this business is kind of crazy) "Yeah, it's wild how everything kind of comes back and I end up back here. It's crazy, but I'm thankful for it."

(on when the conversations started and how the process went) "My agent and (Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager) Rick (Smith) had some conversations on Monday, decided what they were going to do and Tuesday morning I was sitting on my couch having a cup of coffee and Rick called me. I got on a plane right away."

(on where home was for him previously) "In Atlanta."

(on what he's been doing to stay in shape) "Just working out, staying in shape, throwing as much as I can. It's difficult to find receivers and find fields, and when it's raining, find indoor facilities and stuff like that, but I did everything I could to stay in shape and stay ready for this opportunity."

(on QB Brian Hoyer saying they at a Manning Passing Academy) "I think that was like 2008, sophomore year in college. The Manning Passing Academy had a lot of college quarterbacks go up there and be counselors for the camp. Me and Brian, I think we ended up on the same delayed flight, sat in the airport together for a couple hours, ended up being roommates at the camp and we kept in touch over the years, played against him a couple times throughout the years in the NFL so we kept in touch."

(on what his emotions were like when he got the call from the Texans) "I was extremely excited, just to get another opportunity to come back to a city like Houston and come back to this team where I have so many friends and know so many people in the organization, it couldn't have been a better situation for me. Having a limited experience in this offense was also a good thing. It's coming back quick, but I've got to get to work."

(on if it feels like he never left or if it feels like he's been gone a while) "Couple things have changed, a lot of different faces, but a lot of the same faces around here, a lot of my good buddies that I came in with and played with. Once I get back into the routine and going and everything, it'll be like I never left."

(on how his familiarity with QB Brian Hoyer and Head Coach Bill O'Brien's system helps him) "It's going to help, and having a previous relationship with (Offensive Coordinator) George (Godsey) when I was here before, not just coming into a brand new coach that I don't know. Knowing Brian, I was here with Tom (Savage) so he's helping me out as much as he can. Just everything is starting to gel and we'll build on it and hopefully I can get up to speed as quick as possible."

Titans Head Coach Ken Whisenhunt Conference Call
(on if it was an easy to decision to go back to QB Marcus Mariota once he was healthy) "Absolutely."

(on if he's happy with QB Marcus Mariota's progression so far) "I think with a young player, he's done a nice job. It's a tough position to play. There's obviously things you'd like to have back or you'd like to do better, but really excited about his growth at that position and what kind of player he's going to be."

(on not wanting to risk QB Marcus Mariota furthering his injury if he plays) "Well I think it's a delicate balance, but that's what we've got our doctors and our trainers for. I think if you allow them to make the decision, where if they're the ones making the decision because they're going to do what's in the best interest for the player. It certainly helps make sure you're doing it the right way. We've got a good group here. It's an important piece of it."

(on WR Kendall Wright) "Kendall is an explosive player that does a lot of things for us. I think he's our most targeted receiver this year. Certainly we've missed him a couple of times on some big plays, most notably against Buffalo where we had him for a touchdown. He's one of those guys that you can put in different spots that you feel like he has a chance to win and make some plays for you."

(on how the defense is adapting to Assistant Head Coach/Defense Dick LeBeau) "Well the 48 to Atlanta that they gave up, a lot of it was just freak plays, but anyway, our guys have done a good job of getting better in the second year of their defense. We got some additions to our defense that certainly help, some veteran players like (Brian) Orakpo and (Da'Norris) Searcy in the secondary and Perrish Cox. We're a more veteran team on that side of the ball and they responded well. They've gotten better at what we were doing last year. We think obviously that Coach LeBeau has helped out with that but we by no means have arrived, but we still have a lot we've got to continue to do better at defensively."

(on the importance of developing the run game to take the pressure off of QB Marcus Mariota) "You always want to have that, and he's a part of that, being involved with the run game. We're a little better at running the football this year but we've still got to get better at that. That's an important part of it because it opens up a lot of different things when you can do that."

(on the Texans being down 41-0 at halftime against Miami last Sunday) "Well, we played that team the week before, and they hit some of those plays against us. I certainly understand that they have some players on there that can do that. A few big plays that really kind of got it rolling and sometimes that happens. They still continued to play hard and fought. That was impressive to see."

(on something he would like to see his team do better) "I don't know if there's one thing I could say. I'd certainly say offensively we've got to be better on third downs. That was something that we were better at early in the season and we haven't been as good. I know that the Texans are a good third down defense team. It's really a challenge. That certainly is one of the things that we'd like to be better. I think the number two thing, and this is more of a general thing, is missed opportunities. We've had probably in the last three games or in some of our close games, we've had probably a total of six or seven plays, one of which was like I said, the double move that we missed to Kendall (Wright) that would have been a touchdown against Buffalo that essentially I think would have won the game for us. We had a play last week against Atlanta where we were right before the half, down there near the goal line and they get an interception when they grabbed our quarterback's helmet and we don't get that call. That hurts. Those are the things probably, a couple of opportunities we'd like to have back that I think could have made a big difference for us."

(on how much better they are now than at the end of last season) "It's hard to say that we're better when you talk about the wins. If you look at our games this year and I think it's hard, it's a hard pill to swallow, but we've lost three games by maybe three points in each game. We've been in every game and probably we feel like there's three of them out there that we should have won, so from that perspective, we feel like we're a better football team because our guys have fought. They've been competitive in games and we just haven't made plays. We've lost games at the end of games, which in this league, you've got to find a way to do that. It's hard for me to say we're that much better when that's the case, but the way our guys play, the things that we're doing this year are much different than what we were last year from that standpoint."

(on what he tells QB Marcus Mariota about going up against the Texans defensive line) "That you better get the ball out quick. That's what I say to him. They are both (DE J.J. Watt and OLB Jadeveon Clowney) very good pass rushers. We're certainly well aware of that. They present challenges for you as an offensive team from that standpoint because of matchups. This is a game of matchups and they certainly are matchup problems. They're good football players."

Titans QB Marcus Mariota Conference Call
(on his health) "I'm feeling good, I appreciate you asking. I had the opportunity to go out there and do some things at practice. It felt good to be out there again. The knee felt good for the most part."

(on not running as much with the Titans as he did in college and if that affects his injury status) "I don't know. That's hard to tell. Again, I just try and do my best whatever the coaches ask of me. Yeah, I try my best to play whenever I can. I wanted to be out there this past week. But again, it's just got to come down to everyone making a decision of whether or not I can play."

(on WR Kendall Wright) "Kendall is an awesome player for us. Very versatile, dynamic player that can kind of play outside and come inside and do some slot receiver type of routes. He's the type of player that catches the ball, does a lot of good things with it, and gets a lot of yards after catch. He's done a lot of good things for us."

(on if he's talked to QB Zach Mettenberger about facing the Texans) "For the most part, it's just taking what they give us. They got a very talented group up front that can really disrupt the game and really change the outcome of it. For the most part, it's just getting the ball out of your hand, going through your progressions, like you always do, but be very keen on getting the ball out quick."

(on why the Titans have started games slow) "I'm not sure. It just comes down to the fact that, when we start going in the right direction, when we start playing faster, we do a lot of good things. Like you said, we just got to start doing those things a little earlier, which might help us out."

(on if QB Zach Mettenberger has talked to him about facing DE J.J. Watt) "No, not at all."

(on what he thinks about facing DE J.J. Watt and OLB Jadeveon Clowney) "I can't really focus on what's going on up front. I got to do my job and go through my progressions. The best thing we can do is try and get the ball out quick. But again, you can't really focus on what's going on in front of you. You have to see what's on the back end and what the coverage is."

(on if his injury in Cleveland affected his current injury) "I'm not sure. What happened in Cleveland happened. For me, I'm just trying to do my best to get healthy and get back on the field."

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