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Transcripts: 10-22-2021 Press Conferences 


How ready do you feel for Sunday?

"I feel great. Ready to go. Ready to go down to AZ, compete and try to get a win." 

Has it been tough on you not being able to play?

"Yeah definitely. I love playing football, obviously, being out there with my teammates. It sucks being out but it's part of the game. I'm back now, so I'm ready to roll."

How comfortable do you feel in the punt and kick return game?

"Ready to go. I feel great about it. I love doing it. Whatever they need me to do, I'm here for them."

Is the way you manage injuries different now at this stage of your career?

"I'll tell you what, it doesn't get any easier the older you get. But you just have to put more time into it, more emphasis in prehab. Getting things ready to go before something bad can happen. Just taking care of your body. It's an around the clock, 24/7 deal. That's it."

How do you eliminate pre-snap mistakes?

"Something we have to take care, obviously, of as a group and as a team. Eliminate penalties. To win first, you have to keep from losing. You have to eliminate presnap penalties, turnovers, stuff like that. It's football."

In Cleveland, you got injured before QB Davis Mills came into the game. In the time since what have you been able to do to develop some rapport?

"We're always talking. Whether I'm on the field or not, even helping other guys. It's a team effort in the video room, on the field, soon to be on the game field. Always try to get better at everything. Different looks propose different ideas and different strategies. It's constantly improving, constantly getting better."

In this film session and meetings, how have you seen QB Davis Mills get better since week 2?

"He's growing. A lot of experience, that's what he needs now. A young quarterback in this league, you need reps, you need experience and that's what he's getting. So, I'm happy to see that for him."

What experience do you have maybe in Detroit and other places that kind of help you in the locker room if wins aren't stacking up?

"The storm will break. You just have to keep the pedal to the metal. You just have to keep grinding. Every week is a new week. We play a new team every week. Every team in this league is good, including us. So, we just have to get out there play good football, eliminate penalties, no turnovers, stuff like that and things will start stacking up in our favor."

How is it in some ways easier said than done?

"It just comes down to doing your job really. Obviously, there's a team goal on every play. But it comes down to every guy, every man doing their job and getting their job done. If that's done, you're going to have a successful play. Whether it's six yards, 12 yards, a touchdown play. Just got to focus in on doing your job. We say it a lot and it's repetitive but at the same time, it's the only thing that really matters, doing your job."


How did you adapt to center? How do you feel about it so far?

"I've been feeling really good. I've been adapting well. Camp (James Campen) has been doing a lot of things with me in practice, after practice. I'm feeling real comfortable."

You've started at all five positions. How would you rank them favorite to least favorite?

"I can tell you for sure my least favorite for sure is left tackle. I'd probably say right guard, center, right tackle, left guard, left tackle."

What does that mean to you to be one of two active players to start in all five positions on the offensive line?

"That's pretty cool. I did not know that. Honestly, it's a credit to Camp (James Campen). I started with Camp in Green Bay. He's always trained me to be ready to play wherever. That's what I've been doing pretty much my entire career."

What does it mean to you to still play in the NFL after playing arena football and working at a hotel after practice at one point?

"It's really just a blessing. I knew when I was out of the NFL and was working at the hotels and stuff, I didn't' really ask or pray for or work for playing a certain position. I just wanted to be back in. I guess I should have been more specific."

Why did you order the positions the way you did?

"I guess familiarity. In college, I played a lot of right tackle, a lot of right guard. I didn't play the left side at all in college. Now, I play a little bit of everything. Just sort of where I feel the most comfortable."

Is there something you do during the season or off season to help with that versatility?

"I think it's more of in the off season just stay flexible. Doing a lot stretching and stuff like that. In season, just watching everything in film. Don't pinpoint myself at one position. Look at the guys who play right defensive end, left defensive end, left three technique, nose guards. Just knowing sort of who I'm going against the week before and just being able to do it like that."


What are some of the keys when you have a wide receiver matchup like Cardinals WR DeAndre Hopkins?

"Just going out there, executing your plays, executing your technique, just staying focused and finishing at the ball. He has a good catch radius, so you've got to finish at the ball."

What have you learned from your game last week and some of the mistakes back in the secondary?

"It's kind of like basketball. Games are broken up into quarters. We're in the second quarter now. We lost a couple games and things like that, but there's always a chance for coming back, so we've still got a lot of time to improve."

What was the root of some of the issues?

"Just doing our technique, playing our plays, doing our job."

How do you manage staying focused during a losing streak?

"Just trying to do our jobs better. Me personally, just trying to execute my assignment better. I could do my job better. I can help the team, and we'll all do our jobs better. We ultimately could win more games."

What factors into containing Cardinals QB Kyler Murray and his abilities as a runner?

"You've got to plaster. He could keep plays alive a little bit longer, so we've got to just stay focused and just do our assignments."

Have you noticed anything different this week in practices or meetings as Head Coach David Culley tries to get you guys more focused?

"We're just staying motivated and staying hungry. Couple losses can hurt you, but we know we're not that far off. So, we're just working hard, trying to get back on track."

A stat shows the Texans are using pre-snap disguises at the lowest rate in the league, playing the defense the same way it looks before the snap. When that's the case, what does that ask of you as a defense to be able to execute at a high level?

"We've just got to do our job at a higher level."

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