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Transcripts: 9-13-2022 Press Conferences


Can you talk about playing against Broncos QB Russell Wilson?

"I got to experience that last year when he was still with Seattle. It's always fun to be able to see different talent in the league and on the field. I'm excited to see our defense go out there and continue to do what they're doing. It will be a great opportunity for us to go out and compete in an away game."

Can you talk about your relationship with Broncos QB Russell Wilson and what has that meant to you over the years?

"Russ (Wilson) is one of my closest friends in Seattle. His impact on me, kind of professionally and how I go about it, I've been able to carry it on to this point. What you see is what you get. He's a really good person, better teammate, great father and role model. When Sunday comes around, we are Texans, we have our job, and that's to go out there and win the game."

Will it be weird playing against Broncos QB Russell Wilson?

"It would be weirder if I played defense. At this point, not really. This isn't my first year being removed from being his teammate. I'm excited to see Davis Mills go out there against the Denver defense and get to work. I'm excited for another opportunity for us to play football."

After the first game, what are some things you evaluated and what are some things that need to be fixed?

"I feel like for me personally I made a couple critical errors at some times. I'm going to put more weight on my shoulders, and maybe there needs to be. I hold myself to a standard. I like Pep's (Hamilton) offense, I like our approach and I like the way the game was called. We, us, me can execute more and definitely put more points on the board. Week 1 we didn't lose. There's more games we get to go out there. The story doesn't change. Go out there have a good week of preparation, tune into the play book and the gameplan and trust if we can go out there and execute."

What's the biggest thing you guys need to improve upon from Week 1 to Week 2?

"I think it just comes down to details, fundamentals, technique. My first live reps of the season, looking at myself, I was a little out of control. Whether that was excitement or gameday jitters, that's something I need to improve on. I can't speak for everyone. I'm ready to get back to work and to put something better on film and make sure we add something to the win column this week."

Is there a common thread you noticed that needs to be fixed for next week?

"Every opponent is different. Most times from whatever we had in the gameplan last week, there will be some carry over but it's a completely different defensive scheme. We're going from a four down (four down defensive linemen) to a three-four bare front so that invites new plays, different schemes and different thoughts. We'll watch the film today and break it down. Hopefully critique it pretty roughly and takeaway what we need to takeaway, and tomorrow morning come to work."

OL Tytus Howard and OL Laremy Tunsil mentioned miscommunication from the offensive line. What needs to be fixed?

"If there is a communication error, it starts with me being the voice of the o-line. The guy who sets it all. I false started for something that shouldn't have happened. I was late on a snap and Tytus (Howard) false started, and again, that shouldn't have happened. Just things like that. Just do better next time."

Can you talk about the importance of continuity on the offensive line?

"I think continuity is super important on the o-line. I don't know if having to play preseason games altogether for 10-20 plays a game will make it magically appear. I think that's something you just kind of get throughout camp. It's not like we don't have it. It's Week 1, we didn't lose. There's definitely things we can improve on but I'm sure there's a lot of things we can grow from, take and grow from the positives. Onward and upward. Our goal is to go 1-0 versus the next opponent."

Playing with Broncos QB Russell Wilson the last few years, what are some tendencies about him you can tell your defense?

"I can't tell you here. I can tell you what I know. He's not in Seattle anymore more. I watched the game last night like I'm sure our defensive players did. There are things I might know and be able to give tips on. Someone like Russ (Wilson) is a really good player, if you've got tips on him, he's got tips on you. You're just going to have to go out there and play the game."

In your packages with a fullback and tight ends, how much do you want to run that ball against people?

"We feel like we can run in any scenario. At the end of the day whatever play call is called, we try to execute it. However we get to the win, we get there. We have goals of hitting a certain amount of rushing yards or yards per rush. That matters to us. So whenever we don't hit those, we'll evaluate and see what we need to do better."

Is there anything to build off of?

"That we tied and we didn't lose. Especially in the first half, we were moving the ball down the field. I thought until late in the game our protection was doing pretty well. We'll pick at it and see. But I think for me personally and maybe as the group it's just consistency and continuing it for the whole 60 minutes."

Is there a moment or two about Russell Wilson that you'll carry with you after you're done playing?

"I think with Russ (Wilson) it's what we did off the field, the relationship we had and how close our families were and how we would share birthdays together. What we did on the field, that's documented. The things that I would carry with me throughout our lifetime is just the memories, friendship and the times we spent together outside the building."


How often have you played Broncos QB Russell Wilson in your career?

"Quite a bit. I've played him a few times."

What are your memories going against Broncos QB Russell Wilson and the challenges that brings?

"Dual-threat. He can create a lot of time. It means from the back end, we have to cover a little longer. Definitely adds a different element."

What are some of the biggest differences between the Colts offense and the Broncos offense?

"I think the quarterback being two different guys, makes it a different competition. Matt Ryan is more of a pocket passer. Russell Wilson can move around and do things on the ground and make things happen that way."

Can you talk about how DB Jalen Pitre and DB Derek Stingley Jr. performed in their first NFL game?

"I think they play really well, first game in the NFL football game. I think they flew around made some plays. Really exciting to see."

Most of the defense played long stretches of the game. Do you think that's what led to the breakdown?

"I guess you could say that guys get tired, naturally. Just a lot of plays for anybody. I guess you could say that."

After playing over 90 plays, do you think that allowed the defense to build more chemistry throughout the game?

"Most definitely. Guys just hone in on the keys, what we've been doing all throughout training camp, all offseason. We kind of have to rely on that technique more when you're tired. Guys have been around each other for quite some time now so it just kind of works out."

What do you think of Broncos QB Russell Wilson as a quarterback from a distance?

"I think he's had a great career so far, arguably one of the top 10 in the last decade. A lot of achievements."

How do you prepare for Broncos WR Courtland Sutton and WR Jerry Jeudy?

"Those two guys, two young guys, get after it. I'd say they both are two different types of receivers. It makes our jobs more interesting. We've got to study two different playing styles."

Since you've played in Denver a number of times, did you find that the altitude affects you?

"That's funny because I've played there when it's colder. It's never really affected me. I don't think it has. People say that when it's warmer out there, it kind of affects you a little bit. I'll be kind of interested to see how that changes."

What techniques have you heard that prepare guys to play in Denver?

"I've heard more fluids, hydrate yourselves as much as possible. I guess rest always helps, coming off the first game like the way we had. I don't know if anything pretty much prepares you more than that."

You've played against Broncos QB Courtland Sutton. Can you talk about his performance and improvement?

"His rookie year, I think the guys that were there were Demaryius Thomas, rest in peace to him, and then they had Emmanuel Sanders. He just kind of elevated himself to be that No. 1 guy. He just stepped up in a major way."

How do you prepare to face breakout wide receivers?

"You have to be kind of like competitive going into the game, from my perspective. Embracing the challenge, however that may be."

Did the Colts game give the defense any confidence or reassurance?

"I think they gives us a lot of hope and we feel really good about what at we did out there with everybody saying the odds were stacked against us. We knew we were going to go out there and just play a hard, tough game. We weren't going to give them anything. I feel like we got a lot to build on."

What was HC Lovie Smith's response to the defenses turnovers and how close you were to more interceptions?

"We haven't watched the tape yet. We'll go over the tape today. There were a few that were out there that we wish we could have had. We just have to capitalize on the ones that we can get."


How was your first NFL game?

"It was a fun game. I enjoyed it. Felt like the defense was flying around and having a lot of fun out there with those guys. There are a lot of things I want to clean up going into Week 2, specifically my tackling. Second, my patience and my reads. I think those two are the two biggest things that I'm looking to improve on come game two."

HC Lovie Smith mentioned that the defensive backs had more tackles than he would have liked. Looking back, do you feel like that's something that needs to be cleaned up?

"Definitely had a couple great run fits. I think that I showed up on time to make the play. Like I said, there were a couple that I thought it could have showed up a little bit earlier on to define things for other players around me. I look forward to improving on that."

Did you watch Broncos QB Russell Wilson growing up as a kid?

"A lot of times. I think Russell Wilson is a great quarterback, a great leader and I'm excited to play against him this week."

How special is it to go up against a guy like Broncos QB Russell Wilson that you've been watching for a very long time?

"It's a blessing. God put me here for a reason so I'm going to show up and show out come Sunday."

Can you talk about the many opportunities that the defense had for interceptions?

"I think we did a great job at getting the ball out. We got a fourth down stop as well so that counts as a turnover. In terms of my interception, I think I could have zoned in on the ball a lot more and not worried about the tight end as much as I did. I think I could have executed and made the interception on the play. That's something I want to improve on. Plays like that are going to happen, so I'm not dwelling on that too much."

What specifically do you want to improve upon with your tackles? Is it more about wrapping up tackles?

"First, starting off on my angles, understanding where I'm coming in and what type of tackle it's going to be, whether it's going to be a roll tackle or if its going to be one of those more form tackles. Just understanding where my leverage is and the angle that I have and executing that to the best of my ability."

What did you learn from the play where you were called for unnecessary roughness?

"It was a play later in the down. It was very quick, something that happened kind of on the spot of the moment. The receiver was there so I turned and I just tried to hit him as hard as possible. In the future, I want to locate the target area a lot faster and hopefully not get a penalty next time because obviously that hurt the team."

Were you surprised about the penalty?

"A little bit because I thought that I did lead with my shoulder and not my head, but obviously it was too high."

What were some of the differences you noticed between preseason the regular season?

"Obviously the talent from the Colts. Personnel was a little bit better. The speed of the game was a little bit faster. But for the most part, football was still football. It kind of felt the same for the most part."

After containing Colts RB Jonathan Taylor early in the game, what broke down towards the end?

"It was just some great plays by RB Jonathan Taylor that I think he did a good job at making people miss getting some of those broken tackles. Along with their o-line doing a great job of making a couple of good blocks. When somebody is not where they need to be, it's easy for a run like that to be made. I think that's the reason why they got a couple runs late in the game."

How does playing more than 90 snaps help you to get adjusted to the continuity and getting adjusted to the speed of the game?

"It helps a lot. As many reps I can get out there with my teammates, that helps build the bond. It helps me get more familiar with the defense. I'm happy that I played as much as I did and I look forward to continuing to getting a lot of snaps."

With playing so many snaps, did you feel fresh?

"I felt good. I felt good for the most part."

Are you 22 or 23?


What do you think about DL Jerry Hughes at age 34?

"Jerry (Hughes) is a professional. You can see the way he takes every day. The way he does it with his nutrition, his body work, the way he approaches practice. It's no surprise that he does the things that he does and makes the plays that he makes. He's still young out there. He's still fresh. I'm excited I get to play with a guy like Jerry."

Were you a fan of Russell Wilson's growing up?

"I wouldn't say I was a fan but I understood the type of game that he had and how good he was. Yeah, that's probably the most I could say. I understood that he was a great quarterback, but I wouldn't say I was a fan of his."

Does having a big workload in Week 1 help get the nerves out?

"I don't feel like I had many nerves in the first game. Our coaches do a great job of preparing us throughout the week, preparing us in practice to see the things that we need to see and help us to read our keys in the game. With the preparation, there wasn't much nerves going into the game."

What are some things you can tie on working on this game to the next one?

"Reading my keys. Just making sure I'm locked in what I need to be locked in on and executing on when it's my play to be made."

Browse no fee tickets for Texans-Chargers on October 2 @ 12:00 PM.

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