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Unplugged | Daily Brew

No this isn't a piece on the old MTV show (or was it VH1? I'm foggy.) that showcased musical artists in acoustic-only sets. It's about players and coaches attempting to temporarily disconnect from a game they're obsessed with.  

Two weeks ago I wrote about the 'calm before the storm.' The fact that players and coaches take time off to unwind before camp. This is different than in the 'old days.' In the 1970's, for instance, camp would already be open by now. Players would be getting in shape and preparing for six preseason games. Six!  

Now, even coaches feel it's important to get some downtime for their squad.  

As he was saying goodbye to his players after the off season program, we asked Coach David Culley on Texans Radio how important it was for the players to get a little distance from the game and recharging their batteries before going all-in in late July. 

"You've got to unplug." He said, adding that during the off-season program "We threw a bunch at them. We had four good weeks here. Then at that point, you want to go recharge. You want to go do your strength and conditioning, you want to do your fundamental work but you want to do that on your time, with your family." 

The whole idea is to not lose what you gained during the offseason program yet somehow get rested and be ready to be fresh for the start of camp. "When we come back, they're ready to go, knowing exactly what to expect and what's expected of them. They will be completely recharged." Culley said. 

Even on the 'business' side of the building, we all try to take a little break around the 4th of July. My family is used to me only really able to take a vacation around the last week of June and first week of July (I also try to take Spring Break off, because of the kids, but it usually coincides with the start of free agency and my eyes burrow a hole into my phone, occasionally producing eye-rolls from my family). 

We're three weeks away from training camp. I'm already seeing some of the football operations people in the building. The ground is rumbling. It's almost time.

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