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12Q w/LB Kamu Grugier-Hill | Drew's Dozen

The Texans are wrapping up their second week of Organized Team Activities (OTAs), and linebacker Kamu Grugier-Hill is in his first season with Houston. After spending the first four years of his career in Philadelphia, and 2020 in Miami, Grugier-Hill is enjoying his time with the Texans. He and Drew Dougherty of Texans TV went 1-on-1, and a condensed version of their conversation is below. You can listen to all of it HERE.

1) DD: Who's the best cook so far that you've encountered on the Texans?
KGH: You know who's actually a sleeper? Jordan Jenkins. This guy throws some stuff on a grill that's pretty impressive.

2) DD: Like what?
KGH: Oh, he's heavy into steaks. But his preparation is the sleeper. He really does it up.

3) DD: What was your favorite TV show growing up?
KGH: It's hard to beat SpongeBob SquarePants.

4) DD: Which SpongeBob character did you identify with the most?
KGH: I can't really relate with any of them.

5) DD: You said Houston reminds you a bit of your home in Honolulu. How so?
KGH: I love it here in Houston. The hospitality and the warmth of everyone, just the love I feel. Everyone is so nice. It has a little feel from home.

6) DD: What is spam musubi, and how often would you eat it growing up?
KGH: Spam musubi sounds bad, but it's really good. It's a slice of spam on rice and it's wrapped in what we call it nori, which is just seaweed or seaweed wrap. It sounds crazy, but it's good. It is literally amazing. I've had it since I was little. It's one of those things, you're playing youth soccer or youth sports, and at halftime or after the game, you have like a bag of chips and a Spam musubi. So, whenever my family comes out to visit, they always bring a bunch for some of the teammates and I always convert them to to loving it. So it's definitely a good treat.

7) DD: You just brought up soccer. That was your sport and you didn't play American football until your junior year of high school. What position did you play in soccer?
KGH: I was a forward. I liked to score. Which is different because now I play defense in football, and I've never scored.

8) DD: Did you have a favorite soccer player growing up or do you have one now?
KGH: Yeah, growing up it was Ronaldinho. I loved him. Soccer is really my first love.

9) DD: So when the World Cup is going on, is Brazil the team you're cheering for in addition to the United States?
KGH: Oh yeah.

10) DD: Ok, so you played soccer growing up. You're from Hawaii. You also played football. You have to know Ka'imi Fairbairn from back then, right?
KGH: We went to rival high schools, so I saw this guy four times a year. It's funny because I was actually just at his house last weekend and I was telling him 'Bro, we knew you were going to the League like your junior year of high school.' He was unbelievable in high school.

11) DD: You had to fill in as a kicker when you were with the Eagles, and Cris Collinsworth was amazed when you did it on Sunday Night Football. But you played soccer, and it was no problem, right?
KGH: It's one of those things that I knew. I was like, 'No, I got this.' Then I woke up the next morning and was like, 'Wow, I haven't done this in so many years.' My whole leg was black and blue.

12) DD: Who has the best hair on the Houston Texans right now?
KGH: Our guys need to step up their hair game here for sure, but I would have to go with Kahale Warring. He just has that surfer boy hair. Right now, a lot of people tease him that he dyed it, and he's denying it, but I think he did.

BAKER'S DOZEN) DD: Is Kamu your full first name or is that a shorter version of something else?
KGH: It's short for Kamuela.

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