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Leaving for Las Vegas | On Location

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around an NFL team being in Las Vegas.

I've semi-joked that the Raiders are doing a long-term residency there – like Elton John, Usher or Celine Dion.

The beauty is they'll likely never have a problem filling the building because so many opposing fans will want to see their team play on the strip.

A lot of Traveling Texans are making the trip.

It's funny that this is the one city that has the word 'baby' as a suffix to its name. "Vegas, Baby!" everyone says. They don't say "Houston, Baby!" Maybe we need to get that going.

You know I can't write about Vegas without making movie references. My fave is Casino, with Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. It was shot at the Riviera, which is long gone.

Because I was such a fan, when Central Michigan earned a spot in the Las Vegas Bowl in 19… (a long time ago). I booked a fan and broadcast crew trip at the Riviera. Those were the days in the radio when you could do advertising trade for just about anything and red tape and documentation were, shall we say, not exactly as stringent as today.

I booked enough rooms and flights for the crew and some contest winners and got a couple of vehicles by making a deal on the phone and we were on our way, no cash out of pocket. Of course once you're there, you spend plenty.

It was a fun trip but it was cold there at night in late December. In fact, if you're going, bring a jacket for the evening. The temp will be in the 40s on Sunday night. See! I've helped after all.

I was never a high roller but I used to like to gamble at the cheaper places because I couldn't stand losing $25 per hand at Black Jack. It's fun to play but I'd rather see the shows, and there are a ton.

Yes, you should check out a Cirque De Solei show. I haven't seen them all but the Beatles show, LOVE, is an outstanding choice and centrally located at the Mirage.

Oh, speaking of locations and getting places. You see a hotel in the distance and you think 'that's an easy walk.' Then 10 minutes into the walk it really doesn't seem that much closer. Still, walking is often preferable to driving. A 20 minute walk sometimes turns out to be a 20 minute Uber ride.

If you gamble, sometimes the worst thing that can happen is you win right away. You're up and keep playing. The house eventually wins. You might walk away at the right time but it's difficult. Play responsibly.

Let's have fun. Maybe not the 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' type of fun. But here's wishing for a Texans jackpot win this Sunday.

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