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12 Questions with WR Danny Amendola | Drew's Dozen

1) DD: Once you found out you were going to be a Houston Texan, what was the first phone call you made?
Amendola: I called my mom. She lives in Dallas and was excited. She loves coming to the games. She's excited for the next home game, and hopefully, we get to have some family in town. Being from Houston is awesome. Got a lot of friends and family here; obviously, this definitely has been a great homecoming for me.

2) DD: Your first NFL touchdown catch came against the Texans in 2009, when you were a St. Louis Ram. Your first NFL touchdown pass came against the Texans in 2018 when you were a Miami Dolphin. Will your first NFL touchdown run happen WITH the Texans at some point?
Amendola: Good point, man. That's a good point. Hopefully, yeah, that would be awesome. As much as I can contribute to this team putting points on the board, it's fine with me in whatever capacity that may be.

3) DD: You're most overrated food in the world is what?
Amendola: Shrimp. I like it, but you have to dress it up.

4) DD: What's your favorite and least favorite exercise in the weight room?
Amendola: Favorite exercise in the weight room is squats because it helps me tremendously. My least favorite is probably the neck machine. I hate that neck machine.

5) DD: Was your first job really in a batting cage?
Amendola: It was. I was underage at the time, probably 14 years old. It was my only way to kind of get some cash under the table. I was answering phones, cleaning, fixing the machines, picking up the baseballs. The owner of the batting cage was my traveling baseball coach, so he kind of hooked it up.

6) DD: What was the best part of that job and what was the worst part?
Amendola: Best, I could hit for free. Free lessons. Free everything. Picking up the baseballs was the worst part. 24-7 picking up the baseballs. There's 500 baseballs on the ground to pick up.

7) DD: How far did you take your baseball career?
Amendola: I played in high school. I reached all-state honors and then signed a letter of intent to go to Texas Tech for football, and then my batting average plummeted. After that, I just tried to hit home runs and then just tried to have fun with it my senior year.

8) DD: Who's your favorite Astro of all time?
Amendola: Oh, I love the Astros. Craig Biggio is my favorite player. I played second base growing up. He started as a catcher, and then he moved to second base. He was my favorite player. Part of the Sunshine Kids. He did a lot for the community. He could crush a baseball.

9) DD: If you were in Major League Baseball, what would your walk-up song be?
Amendola: Probably the 'Andy Griffith Show' theme song. It just gets you in the right frame of mind, and it's just a slight little whistle.

10) DD: What's your favorite Halloween candy?
Amendola: I love Mr. Goodbar. It's just simple. The chocolate's really good, and then obviously the peanuts. It is fantastic. It's pretty flawless.

11) DD: Which Halloween candy did you NOT like seeing go in your bucket?
Amendola: The coconut one. I don't mess with the Mounds too much. It kind of tastes like suntan lotion.

12) DD: Do you eat suntan lotion?
Amendola: No.

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