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Drew's Dougherty Dozen: 12 Q with WR Sammie Coates

Here are a few football questions, a few camp questions, and a few life questions for wide receiver Sammie Coates. You can listen to the full interview**HERE**.

DD: What's your one, "must-pack" item for training camp?

Coates:You gotta have your own snacks. You gotta have some snacks. It's hard to get good snacks when they're going with the health thing, but I gotta have my candy. My Skittles. Reese's Pieces. You gotta have those.

DD: What's your best football trait?

Coates: I'm fast. Big and fast.

DD: What's your most-improved football trait this offseason?

Coates: Getting out of breaks. I'm running better routes.

DD: Which teammate gets you most pumped up?

Coates: Gotta be 'Hop. DeAndre Hopkins. He's a character on the field. Always got the motivation. He's always making big plays, and if you make a big play he's going to be the first one to congratulate you. He gets everybody going.

DD: Which teammate calms you down the most?

Coates: Probably Jay Prosch. Jay Prosch is one of the mellowest guys I've ever met. He's not too hype. He's not too crazy. He's one of the guys that'll make you laugh here and there. And we played together in college.

DD: What do you eat for breakfast at camp?

Coates: Some good eggs, some good cheese on them. A little spinach. It's a good breakfast.

DD: What's the best part of camp?

Coates: The ending.

DD: Who has the best hair on the team?

Coates: Me, of course. The dreads. You gotta have the dreads. You got dreads, you got the best hair.

DD: Who's the best dresser on the team?

Coates: One of the defensive players. The db's always have their little dress game. Hop dresses pretty cool. I'm a basic guy. I'll throw on a black t-shirt and some jeans.

DD: Who's your favorite retired NFL player?

Coates: Oh man, Randy Moss. I love Randy Moss. He's one of my favorite deep threat guys. He'd throw that hand up, and you'd know he was getting the ball.

DD: What's the toughest part of training camp?

Coates: Just staying motivated, because you get tired. Your body gets tired. Keeping your energy, because that's always big for guys, I think.

DD: Do you send postcards from camp, and if you do, who gets them?

Coates: I don't send postcards, but I send a lot of texts to my wife. I make little funny jokes with her. I'm probably going to send her some flowers today.

Take a look at the best photos of Day 1 at #TexansCamp.

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