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Drew's Dirty Dozen: 12Q with RB Lamar Miller

1) DD: You cut some weight before last season. When you dieted, what was your cheat food?

Miller: Burgers and fries. I love 'Five Guys'. I like 'Shake Shack' as well. That's my cheat meal. I'd normally go there and get a cheeseburger and some fries.

2) DD:  What are the toppings on the cheeseburger?

Miller: I'm a simple guy, so I just get ketchup, mayo, mustard and lettuce.

3) DD: Who's your all-time favorite running back?

Miller: Barry Sanders. He made guys miss. Once he got the ball, he was a very exciting player to watch. Growing up I used to always watch him.   

4) DD: What's your favorite part of camp?

Miller: Building the chemistry with your teammates. The bond. You're here all day for the most part, so you might as well just try to get to know your teammates, see where they're from, find out how they were raised, things like that.

5) DD: How do you cool off after a hot camp practice?

Miller: Aw man, just getting in the AC. I don't know if you've seen me, but I'm over there behind that fan when I'm not on the field, just to cool down a little bit.

6) DD: But you're a Miami guy, so you're used to this, right?

Miller: Yes, I'm used to it. I train in the offseason in the sun, so it's not too bad. But it's nothing like once you put the pads and stuff on. Then I think it's hotter.

7) DD: Miami heat and humidity versus Houston heat and humidity. What's the difference?

Miller: To be honest, sometimes in Miami you get like a cool breeze. So every now and then it gets hot in Miami, but I feel like here, you really don't get that breeze. So I'll say the Houston heat is worse.

8) DD: Who's the best dresser on the Texans?

Miller: Myself. I have a little soft swag coming to the game. I try to keep it simple every now and then. But I'm not too much of a flashy guy. I feel like I'm simple and clean.

9) DD: Who's got the best hair on the team?

Miller: I like (WR) Will (Fuller, V), how he's got the little tips blonde. I like the combination. I'm glad he's keeping his hair up.

10) DD: Who's the messiest Texan?

Miller: B-Mac (LB Benardrick McKinney) is one of them. I'm trying to think of somebody else but he's one of the top ones for sure.

11) DD: What songs get you ready for a game or practice?

Miller: I normally listen to 'Freestyle' by Lil Baby. I also listen to this Miami song 'Closer to my dreams' by Ice Berg. Growing up I used to always listen to that song, so it gets me going and it brings back memories of where I came from.

12) DD: Which Texans player is the toughest to block?

Miller: (DE) J.J. Watt. Him. And (DE/OLB Jadeveon) Clowney. Sometimes when I try to chip them, they've got long arms. They put their arms on me, and I can't really get that close to them, and they're strong. (OLB) Whitney (Mercilus) as well. He uses his hands pretty well. They're tough to block.

Check out the best shots from Day 7 of training camp in Houston.

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