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Drew's Dirty Dozen: Q&A with RB coach Danny Barrett

1)DD: You played and coached in the Canadian Football League from 1983 to 2006. What was the biggest adjustment when you came back to America?

Barrett: 3-down football. Once I went up there, it'd be third down and I'm standing on the field and special teams is running on the field. So I had to get re-acclimated to the U.S. game. When I came back, third down was an extra down for me.

2)DD: Which of your fellow coaches makes you laugh the most?

Barrett: (QB coach) Carl Smith. He's been around the game for so long. Just some of the subtle remarks. He reminds me of old school football. We just look at each other and laugh about some of the old school stuff we remember from back in the day.

3)DD: Which of your fellow coaches is the loudest?

Barrett: Hard to say. Maybe (Offensive line) Coach (Mike) Devlin.

4)DD: You've always been clean-shaven. But you came back for training camp with a beard. What's the deal?

Barrett: I just went into the break relaxing, and when I came back from those six weeks, it felt good. I got the approval from my wife. My daughter keeps calling me Santa Claus. It's the white in the beard, but I say there's wisdom.

5)DD: Do you have any music that helps you get ready on gameday?

Barrett: I'm a big gospel music guy. Kirk Franklin. John P. Kee. All those guys.

6)DD: Who are your biggest influences, coaching-wise.

Barrett: Wow. It goes back to my youth. My high school coach Nate Collins was big. He's still like a father-figure for me. We stay in contact. Mike Gottfried my college coach, once he came through the University of Cincinnati, was a big influence on me as far as learning how to be a quarterback. From a pro standpoint, the guys up in Canada really had a big influence. Being a quarterback, you're always going to be a student of the game, and Wally Buono, the all-time winningest coach in the CFL, gave me my first opportunity to become a coach.

7)DD: Any players on the Texans that you could see becoming coaches?

Barrett: There's a few of them. Probably (center) Nick Martin's a guy that I look at. He's a student of the game. Center has to make all the calls. (RB) Lamar (Miller) talks about having aspirations to do that as well. He's a good influence with the young guys. (CB Johnathan Joseph) J-Joe. Older vet. Been around. Those are just a few, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of other guys in that locker room.

8)DD: What's on a perfect hamburger?

Barrett: Lettuce. Tomatoes. Fried onions. Ketchup. Mustard and mayo.

9)DD: What do you eat for breakfast?

Barrett: I change it up. Somedays I'm on a liquid fast. Once a week I'll do a liquid fast in the mornings and I don't eat until 6 in the afternoon. But for the most part, I go with oatmeal, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and banana.

Check out some of the best shots from Day 13 of training camp. Presented by Houston Methodist.

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