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12 Questions with RB Rex Burkhead | Drew's Dozen

1) DD: You won a state title as a freshman with the Plano HS basketball team. What's your hoops background?
Burkhead: Love the game. It was my first love. I grew up around the time the first "Space Jam" came out. So I had a lot of basketball desire in my heart. We had a great team that freshman year.

2) DD: So does that make you a Michael Jordan guy if you were a fan of "Space Jam"?
Burkhead: Yeah. Being a 90s baby, I'm definitely a Jordan guy.

3) DD: But you grew up in the DFW area. Were you also a Dirk Nowitzki fan?
Burkhead: Oh yeah. Nowitzki, Stevie Nash, both of those guys around the Dallas area, of course, are legends.

4) DD: In reading up on you, did you really tackle an 8-year old in a football game, when you were just four years old?
Burkhead: It was a practice, actually. My older brother's practice. I wasn't old enough to play, but I always wanted to suit up and go out to practice, like I'm going to play. My dad was a coach and I stood right by him. All of a sudden a guy broke through the line and for whatever reason, I just decided to go and tackle him because no one else did. I figured I might as well do it myself. Of course, my dad had to discipline me, but he had a grin on his face, too, like 'That's my boy there'.

5) DD: Was having a big brother one of the first things that kind of made you a better athlete?
Burkhead: Yeah, absolutely. I always played pickup games with my brother and his friends in basketball, football and baseball. It didn't matter. Having that older competition around made me a little bit more mature and toughened me up a little bit. My brother was always holding me accountable and never let me have a big head. At the same time, he knew the talent I had and he was just going to do whatever he could to keep me on the right path.

6) DD: For what trait do you most like getting complimented?
Burkhead: Being a good teammate.

7) DD: Speaking of teammates, which Texans teammate pumps you up the most?
Burkhead: Oh, man. Mark's got a lot of energy. Mark Ingram. Phillip Lindsay's got a lot of energy. Those two guys get after it. They love going out there and playing every single day.

8) DD: What teammate calms you down?
Burkhead: All the QB's are very even-keeled. Tyrod Taylor, Davis Mills, Jeff Driskel. It doesn't matter if it's a good play, a bad play, they always have the same mindset. Let's move on to the next play.

9) DD: Which teammates would you want with you on a long road trip?
Burkhead: Derek Rivers, he's my guy. I've played with him quite a few years. Also, all the running backs. They talk. It's a good, good group.

10) DD: What was your favorite part of living in Nebraska?
Burkhead: The people were great. Very passionate fans, of course, always supported us. Just the atmosphere on gameday was unbelievable. You walk out there and it's like a professional team in their state. There is no other NFL, NBA team. There is Nebraska Cornhuskers, Nebraska football. It's just a truly special atmosphere.

11) DD: Let's rank the Rexes: Rex Burkhead, Rex Ryan, Rex Grossman, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Rex from the Toy Story movies.
Burkhead: My boy is a big fan of "Toy Story" so, let's go with Rex from "Toy Story" first. My dad actually knows Rex Ryan from when he was at Eastern Kentucky. My dad played there. So there's some family history there, I guess. So put him second. When I was a kid I rooted for Grossman because we had the same name. Then, the dinosaur is pretty awesome. I'll rank myself fifth.

12) DD: How long have you had the beard and how much longer do you think you'll have it?
Burkhead: I've had it for a while. It's probably longest it's been in a while since the winter last year. I plan on keeping it here for a good amount or as long as my wife lets me, I guess.

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