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12 Questions with DL Derek Rivers | Drew's Dozen

1) DD: Is North Carolina barbecue better than other barbecues?
Rivers: Oh, they are different. But I'm a big Carolina fan. I like that vinegar base. That's how I like my barbecue.

2) DD: (Points to a toddler running around Rivers) You got a little guy here helping you out. Is this your intern?
Rivers: Yeah. This is my guy. He keeps me on my toes. Makes sure I'm saying all the right things.

3) DD: Not bad. How old is he?
Rivers: Two. 

4) DD: I saw you working after practice with defensive lineman Maliek Collins. You're not one of the only guys that's worked with him. What are you doing afterwards when you're doing stuff like that?
Rivers: Oh, man. Just getting better. Trying to learn your teammates a lot of times. Obviously is a lot about technique, but honestly, when you know your guys and know how they play, you play much better as a D-line. So obviously me and Maliek are trying to get that teamwork, trying to get that eye-to-eye to the point where we don't even have to say anything, we just know how each other plays. You're just in unity.

5) DD: What was this opportunity for you here?
Rivers: I was excited to be back here with a couple of familiar faces, some family, friends.

6) DD: As a player, what's better about you now versus this time last year?
Rivers: Confidence. Lovie's defense is awesome. It makes you play with athleticism, play with confidence.

7) DD: On another note, what's with all the short shorts in this camp?
Rivers: It's hot, I guess. That's the thing these days. You look at basketball, everybody's got short shorts. So I guess that's the new trend.

8) DD: You're not going that far, are you?
Rivers: Man, yesterday I accidentally grabbed some too-small shorts, but no, I'm not going that far.

9) DD: You're from Kinston, NC and so is Jerry Stackhouse. Where do you rank in the athletes coming from Kinston originally?
Rivers: Man, there's some good dudes. Even guys that haven't made the League. We got Brandon Ingram, Reggie Bullock, a couple of guys. I'm probably low on the totem pole. I'll go with Top-15.

10) DD: You're very modest. Come on, you're in the NFL.
Rivers: Yes, I'm still going Top 15. There's some dudes, man. There's some guys over there that can still paly ball.

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