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12Q w/CB Keion Crossen | Drew's Dozen

Drew Dougherty went 1-on-1 with CB Keion Crossen. If you'd like to hear the full interview, please click HERE. Below is a condensed version of the conversation.

1) DD: What's with all the dancing in practice?
Crossen: The preparation, the work you put in during the offseason, just to see it flourish, see your teammates we've been working out with we've all been working, this is an uncommon time. How do you adjust? How do you adapt? We talk about in team meetings and you do that with persistence, consistency and just doing your job every day. That's what I try to do: bring energy to the team and just get guys going. We've got to bring our own energy this year. We've got to do what we got to do,. So, hey, I don't mind taking on that role.

2) DD: How did you get ready for the football aspect of 2020 over the offseason?
Crossen: In March I went down to Miami and trained a lot down there just to get a different environment. I worked some speed work down there with XPE. Then I came back in April and I pretty much stayed here and worked out with our team strength staff, Mike Eubanks and those guys, just putting to work every day. I actually invested this year in a nutritionist, so I picked up probably about twelve solid pounds of muscle.

3) DD: How much more optimism is there for you this year?
Crossen I'm sure I can do a lot. I'm curious to see. I know my play's got better. I'm versatile. Now on defense, I'm able to sustain and go in different positions.

4) DD: What's it been like so far in camp, going against this wide receiver corps?
Crossen: Oh, man. We got a great receiver corps. Those guys come out every day, work hard, they push us. They make their routes all look the same. You can tell that they've been put in work. A lot of competitors over there. That's what we are all about: smart, tough, dependable baby.

5) DD: How has the transition been going from Brad Sealy to Tracy Smith, at special teams coordinator?
Crossen: You can't really tell a difference. Tracy played a huge role in the special teams game, and he's got a lot of respect from the guys. We know that he knows what he's talking about and we're going to go and get after it this year. We've got a lot of trust and belief in him as he does in us.

6) DD: Bill O'Brien said that you talk a lot of trash to him. What sort of trash are you talking to the head coach?
Crossen: I'm a competitor. I just try to challenge him. That's why we get along so well.

7) DD: Which of your teammates, though, are the best trash talkers in your estimation?
Crossen: I got to put Bradley Roby on there. He can give it to you, especially when you're not expecting it. I've actually heard Cooks a lot more. He's actually starting to bring out his personality a little bit.

8) DD: Who's the best non-Texnas trash talker you've ever encountered?
Crossen: Julian Edelman. That guy talks a lot.

9) DD: He certainly has backed it up, though
Crossen: Yeah, for sure.

10) DD: How did you how did you hold up during the quarantine? What sort of stuff were you doing non football wise with all that time off?
Crossen: I like to fish. I like to go to the beach. Obviously, that was shut down for awhile. I'm an outdoorsy person, but also I like to bowl, to skate.

11) DD: You're an ordained minister. Were you able to perform any weddings or sermons lately?
Crossen: I did a few. I did one for Easter. I went back to my alma mater, Western Carolina.

12) DD: Someone told me that you want to be on camera a lot more. Is that true?
Crossen: There's a lot of things that people probably don't know about me. I'm an energy guy. It's important for people to actually see our personality.

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