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12Q w/WR Chad Hansen | Drew's Dozen

Drew Dougherty of Texans TV covered football and off-the-field topics with WR Chad Hansen. You can listen to the entire conversation HERE, and read a condensed version of it below.

1) DD: How have you made the most of all the extra reps you've gotten early on in Texas training camp?
Hansen: Coach OB always preaches, "Make the most of every opportunity you've got." I've been lucky enough to get some great opportunities with the ones this camp. So I'm just trying to make the most of it every day.

2) DD: What have you learned about yourself getting those chances with the first-team offense?
Hansen: I've learned I love to compete, going ones versus ones. You always got the best DB's. It's always fun trying new stuff, seeing what works and what doesn't work, watching, the other receivers and picking their brains. We've got a lot of vets in the room, so it's fun to try to figure that out.

3) DD: What's different about you, this year as opposed to last? Is it simply that you're getting these chances, or have you gotten better in certain areas, or is it a combo of the two?
Hansen: I've been able to work on some things that I knew that I needed to to work on to get better, to get faster, to get more athletic, to be injury free. All that stuff. I spent a lot of time working during the off-time. I'm happy I'm getting these opportunities to show what I can do.

4) DD: Were you back home in Southern California during the pandemic?
Hansen: I split time. I was living at home for a while in Ventura County. Then I moved down to a spot in Orange County with (Texans tight end) Kahale (Warring). We worked out there with some quarterbacks. I tried to try to stay ready. It definitely was a cool environment, no doubt.

5) DD: I know you were able to work out with Deshaun Watson and you all did so safely. What was that like and how beneficial do you think that's been for you?
Hansen: It was awesome because last year I came in at the end of training camp. I didn't really get any reps with him last year because I was on the practice squad. I was doing a lot of stuff with AJ McCarron. So being able to get with Deshaun this summer and offseason was huge for me just to gain that trust, get those reps. Trust is huge between a receiver and quarterback. So that's that's really the biggest thing. Deshaun is so smart. He can see the defense better than anybody I've been with. Just being around him, listening to him talk about coverages, about these different routes. So when you get into a game, when you get into a play, it's just easy because you know how he's seen it and you know he's always going to make the right decision. You just have to be there for him to trust you to be in that spot, to get you the ball.

6) DD: What's it like when you go through a drill like he did today with the ones and you head back to the sideline and then they yell, 'Hey, Chad, we need you back out here' and you go through with the twos as well. That's got to make you feel good right?
Hansen: Yeah. It is tough, though. It's a grind because the sun's beating down on you, that humidity. But it's always good to get reps. Someone in my position, I'm always hungry for reps. I'm never going to complain about getting too many, or being tired. I love it all.

7) DD: That came on the heels of you catching some punts and returning punts. How comfortable with that are you? What's your background as far as returning punts throughout your football career?
Hansen: I was trying to find a way to get on the field last year during training camp. So I saw I saw an opportunity to catch punts in practice last year. So they saw me do that. They saw that I could catch punts. So they put me back there during a couple games and I did pretty well. I think they're just going to try me out everywhere. That's great for me. The more you can do, the better your chances are. You want the ball in your hands and as a partner.

8) DD: All right, let's circle back. What was Kahale Warring like as a roommate?
Hansen: He's hilarious. He's got stuff going on all the time. He's got stories. It's never a dull moment with him. It's really funny to to keep up with him.

9) DD: He's a good basketball player. I know you like hoops, too. Did you guys ever play?
Hansen: Yeah. We'd go out to the court and shoot around a little bit. It's kind of crazy to see someone that big be able to throw down some dunks. There's some video of him going 360, between the legs, it's kind of wild.

10) DD: What shows did you binge this offseason?
Hansen: I'm a big 'The Office' fan. So I've watched that before, but I definitely watched that once, maybe twice through again. It's always on. If I'm doing something, it's kind of like a mindless show. I can put it on in the background and do my thing.

11) DD: Who is the Dwight Schrute of the Houston Texans?
Hansen: I don't know if it's a good thing to be called the Dwight Schrute of the Houston Texans.

DD: Let me help you out: who has the most Dwight Schrute tendencies? A few of your teammates have actually said, Max Scharping. Could you go with that?
Hansen: I could see that. But, Max is the nicest guy ever.

12) DD: Growing up in Southern California, were you a surfer?
Hansen: We went to the beach a lot. I didn't ever really get big into surfing actually until this past offseason. It was fun to pick up a new hobby in the offseason. I trained in the morning and then went out for an evening surf. Kahale surfed with me too. We picked it up pretty quickly. It was a lot of fun.

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