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12 questions with Offensive Coordinator Pep Hamilton | Drew's Dozen

1) DD: Let's rank the Peps. Pep Hamilton, pep rallies, pep bands, Pep Boys and 'pep in your step'.
HAMILTON: Funny enough, when I was in high school one summer, I worked at Pep Boys. So I'll rank it right at the top.

2) DD: Wow. The stories that must've come from that experience, eh?
HAMILTON: I worked at the customer service desk back in the parts section, and folks would come in. I'd say "Welcome to Pep Boys. My name is Pep."

3) DD: Did you get some looks?
HAMILTON: They didn't believe it. My name tag had 'Pep' on it as well.

4) DD: So, where do you rank? Where do they rank? How's it shake out?
HAMILTON: Pep Boys, number one. I forgot the others.

5) DD: Since you worked at Pep Boys in customer service, what's the most random car part that you can name right now?
HAMILTON: Man, that's tough. Cars have changed a lot since since way back when. I don't know if they still have timing belts on cars or not. But I knew it was pretty much the death penalty if your timing belt went out on your car.

6) DD: Are you a car guy?
HAMILTON: I'm not.

7) DD: I know you're a bike guy. You ride a bicycle around the stadium and the practice fields. How did that all start?
HAMILTON: When we worked at Stanford, we lived on campus. Coincidentally, the kids' school, the grocery store, mall, everything was on campus. We decided we didn't need to worry about riding around campus in the car. So we invested in a bike. That bike is still a great resource considering it's a ten minute walk from our offices over here to the practice field.

8) DD: What's the main accessory you made sure this bike had?
HAMILTON: Oh, you saw the baskets. Yeah, the baskets. The baskets fit groceries. Now, you know, that's where I house my cleats, my whistle, clipboard, all the above to get ready for practice.

9) DD: Can you describe your cleats?
HAMILTON: Wow. At times as coaches, we decide to try and demonstrate. So we want to make sure we're prepared and have the right footwear to demonstrate drops, throws, routes, all the above.

10) DD: The perfect pizza has what on it?
HAMILTON: All veggies.

11) DD: Guacamole, salsa or queso?
HAMILTON: Guacamole. I'm lactose intolerant. So, no queso.

12) DD: What is your go-to dish that you cook?
HAMILTON: I don't know if I have a go-to that I cook. Thank goodness I have a great wife and she handles that. And handles it well.

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