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Hall of Fame

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From His Peers

Former Texans Head Coach Bill O'Brien

Former Texans Head Coach Bill O'Brien

"Andre just personally meant a lot to me. He was a true professional. He worked very hard. Very smart, very detailed guy. Team guy. Players had a tremendous amount of respect for him. I remember when he came back into the team meeting room when he had held out for a little bit in the minicamp there, I think they gave him a standing ovation. I mean, it was incredible, just the respect that the players had for him. I had respect for him just from where I had been in New England. I can remember Bill Belichick standing up in a team meeting before 2009 when we played them out here, New England, just reading off his stats and what he's meant to this organization and the respect that he has around the league."

Former Texans and Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak

Former Texans and Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak

"Congratulations, what a tremendous honor for you and your family. You're a tremendous player and a tremendous person for the Texans. You taught them what a great player was. You taught a young organization what a great player was and what a great teammate was. More importantly, what a great person you were as well. You had tremendous accomplishments throughout your career. You're a Hall of Fame football player and a Hall of Fame person."

Former NFL WR and Hall of Famer Michael Irvin

Former NFL WR and Hall of Famer Michael Irvin

"His ability raised up other people to make them play great. What made him so difficult for everybody to cover is that he was that pinnacle, the perfect matchup. He was a big receiver that had the speed and he was incredible. Fast enough to get on top of you and beat you with the deep ball, but he was big enough and crafty enough to run every day down routes and beat you that way. He was a matchup nightmare for anybody."

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Best of Andre Johnson

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